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Hi everyone! Finally i have the strength to make a small report. 

After the release of the first WIps animation I got very sick and almost 5 days could not come to the computer at all. I do not even remember when it was that I was at home first thing I woke up did not turn on the computer.  I just can didn't even get up. I had pneumonia. Still have small problems with the lungs. It's a good thing I had two Wips animations prepared. And instead of a short report, I posted the latest WIP HQ animation where we could see her ass in action. 

I rarely get sick at all, but in these 2 years I've broken all records and discovered a lot of new things about my health. Oh, well, the worst is over. There were some good things about being sick. I will talk about them below.

Right now I'm just working on another WIps animation. 

After the scene that you could see in the last Wips animation there were a few more episodes where the character in the same pose from above shakes all his advantages. 

These images are just pre-rendered files. Posibly no physics, no post-processing and other elements.

There we will still have all the angles we need. 

I brought to the end of the whole scene of the rider by marking it with a small orgasm. (I'll reduce her shaking a bit for the release).

After that, the characters switched places.  Harley Quinn wrapped her mighty thighs around the protagonist and pressed him against her and made him her puppet. Believe me, he can't escape from such a grip.

 He's gonna have to work hard. And not just with his pelvis. We're taking her for her Tits! :)

 I decided that I will no longer experiment with the physics options I already have good ways to animate all these touches so I'll do it the good old manual method. It will be much faster that way. Right now I'm on this scene and it's going to be in the next Wips animation. 

In this pose we'll look at her from above and I think in this pose she'll show off her toes and other delights from this angle. 

As I've been saying since the beginning of the year, I've been emotionally screwed up. There have been some emotional shifts in the negative side of me. Even I think they started much earlier.  A lot of apathy and negativity about my work got to me a little bit. That's why, as an example, I was so fixated on this HQ breast physics. Endlessly searching for a better version. In the middle of the month, there was a point where I hit rock bottom. And bottoms are easier to push off, so I pushed off. Now I began to rethink a lot and it's not about rethinking, but rather that I began not just to think, but finally to do.

 I've also started looking for ways to fix my biggest problem areas in animation. Namely to work on speeding up the workflow. The issue with rendering in general I almost solved. Now I'm tackling the issue of speeding up individual elements of the animation workflow. Since I make long animations in them there are quite long and complex in terms of animation scenes when the character leads a long monologue with a lot of gestures.  

All of my recent animations before the sex scene starts have a pretty long intro with a bunch of these elements in it. 

Therefore, the last few days I have become absorbed in the study of motion capture, including facial capture. I think most of my free from animation time I will devote to this element for about a month. I'll set myself such a time period. About the final suitability to talk about it is too early. The main purpose of this direction to simplify scenes outside of sex.  According to preliminary notes Motion capture is not much simplify the work as its result always requires a lot of cleaning animation. Although it can make scenes where the character moves in full height more natural. But scenes at close range with a smaller visual girth is better to do by hand.  But most importantly, I liked the technology with AI in the program Iclone, which adjusts the lips sync character to the uploaded voice message. When I make animation I record my voiceover for the character that would make the character's lips sync in advance. And actually I tested on the basis of my voiceover this technology and I liked the result. It can really save a lot of time for other elements of animation if you get to use it in Blender. Since they are different programs I am now busy that I will try to transfer the result of this technology in Blender on his character.  

Well, the scenes with sex is purely manual work. Since there is a lot of detail and there is nothing better than a good and high-quality manual animation. 

So I'm gonna go get my hands on her boobs! 

So that's how the report came out. On the 28th will be a monthly report where I will cover everything in more detail.. That's all for now. Thank you all. Love, kisses, hugs. And don't get sick!




Hopefully you will recover fully, and continue with your Mastercraft


I was kinda worried because i felt that it was a long time since i heard from you, this made my day! Not that "i've been sick" part and the "pneumonia" part, that sucks, but i am glad you are doing (soon-to-be) okay again, keep up the good work, you've done great so far and made ALOT of amazing work, there is no room for doubts and concerns, because we know you do your best and outmost in your work, for us, and yourself. Cant wait to see what more "cums" in the future and what you have in store for this one. Lots of love, hope you recover completly soon.❤️

Tess Tickles

I can't wait because HQ is my 2nd favorite comic book hero(Batman is my favorite)


Get well soon man,don't push yourself


Get well soon my guy! Health always comes first. Just one thing: In the first animated picture (doggy), her breasts bend at a very strange position. It kinda looks like she has bad implants. :)


Yes, this is not the final render yet. I will reduce the shaking in many scenes when to be release animation. There is even more of an effect here because of the reflection. On render, i need to see what it will be like.

Liminal Head 🙂

Get well soon man! Thank you for your hard work


Omg Dez. I’m sorry you got so sick. That’s awful. I wish you a speedy recovery. Your health is the most important. I hope you feel better soon!

Alex Stories

I am truly sorry if I hurt your feelings. You were the only creator of adult content I was paying for and I had to vent because of internal pain and guilt and you undervingly got the brunt of it. I truly meant when I said you were the best and your work is always done with respect. I just can't support financially anymore. Again, I apologize and I truly wish you the best for your life and future. You do you, I retract any and all jugement/critism as you are innocent and your work hurts no one.


Thank you for your support! A word of encouragement is always enough for me. No hard feelings :)


Nice. And all good, just thought I might mention it. Just like Tess Tickles, Harley is my 2nd favorite character after Batman and I am soooo looking forward to this. No pressure though. ;)