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Now you are my patron and you get a number of bonuses according to your tier level. Mostly I do quite lengthy animations which can take a lot of time to create. It is important to understand that the creation of such works can not guarantee their release every month. Every time I try to improve the quality of my animations and this also entails an increase in the time of their creation. But I also try to find ways to simplify the workflow. So I try to keep a delicate balance.


To view all my animations, use the tag filter.

  • You can find the finished animation in the "Animations" tag. For more detailed sorting, you can use the tags "Movies" for long animations and "Short animation" for short animations.

  • The preliminary parts of my animations that demonstrate an excerpt from the future animation are in the tags " WIP animation"(10$ tier)

  • VR versions of my old animations in the VR tag.(how unexpected).

Having found the desired post with animation, it will contain links to download it.

If the link doesn't work or you can't find something don't hesitate to contact me. In general write to me on any questions I will answer you. I do not answer immediately, but I try to do it in a timely manner. Sometimes it happens that my animation deleted from their storage places it is normal and alas from this is not going anywhere. I try to fix it if possible.

I also do short reports ($5 tier) a few times a month. These are reports in which I briefly summarize the latest information.

Once a month on the 25-29th, I do the "Status Update" post. In which I talk about the events taking place, about my plans and the progress of the actual animation. In a more generalized format.

CHARACTER OFFER FOR ANIMATIONS Sometimes(Very rarely(When I don't have ideas for projects)) I will post posts in which you can offer heroines for animations. If the model of the proposed heroine is available, and it will function. I, after voting people, start doing animation. There are also genres and heroines that I may not like, and because of this I can abandon the proposed animation or heroine. Thanks for the support. I am very grateful!

 Thanks for the support. I am very grateful! 

Added: 2024-06


Now you are my patron and you get a number of bonuses according to your tier level. Mostly I do quite lengthy animations which can take a lot of time to create. It is important to understand that the creation of such works can not guarantee their release every month. Every time I try to improve the quality of my animations and this also entails an increase in the time of their creation.


To view all my animations, use the tag filter.

  • You can find the finished animation in the "Animations" tag. For more detailed sorting, you can use the tags "Movies" for long animations and "Short animation" for short animations.

  • The preliminary parts of my animations that demonstrate an excerpt from the future animation are in the tags " WIP animation"

  • VR versions of my old animations in the VR tag.(how unexpected).

Having found the desired post with animation, it will contain links to download it. There are some animations that only contain the password. This is due to the fact that they were deleted. This posts will contain a link to the instructions for downloading them. When you copy a password, be careful and copy it without spaces. Once a month on the 25-29th, I do the "Status Update" post. In which I talk about the events taking place, about my plans and the progress of the actual animation.

CHARACTER OFFER FOR ANIMATIONS Sometimes(Very rarely(When I don't have ideas for projects)) I will post posts in which you can offer heroines for animations. If the model of the proposed heroine is available, and it will function. I, after voting people, start doing animation. There are also genres and heroines that I may not like, and because of this I can abandon the proposed animation or heroine. Thanks for the support. I am very grateful!

 Thanks for the support. I am very grateful! 

Added: 2023-10
Now you are my patron and you get a number of bonuses according to your tier level.
Mostly I do quite lengthy animations which can take a lot of time to create. It is important to understand that the creation of such works can not guarantee their release every month. Every time I try to improve the quality of my animations and this also entails an increase in the time of their creation.


To view all my animations, use the tag filter.

  • You can find the finished animation in the "Animations" tag. For more detailed sorting, you can use the tags "Movies" for long animations and "Short animation" for short animations.
  • The preliminary parts of my animations that demonstrate an excerpt from the future animation are in the tags " WIP animation"
  • VR versions of my old animations in the VR tag.(how unexpected).
Having found the desired post with animation, it will contain links to download it.
There are some animations that only contain the password. This is due to the fact that they were deleted. This posts will contain a link to the instructions for downloading them. When you copy a password, be careful and copy it without spaces.
Once a month on the 25-29th, I do the "Status Update" post. In which I talk about the events taking place, about my plans and the progress of the actual animation.

Sometimes(Very rarely(When I don't have ideas for projects)) I will post posts in which you can offer heroines for animations. If the model of the proposed heroine is available, and it will function. I, after voting people, start doing animation. There are also genres and heroines that I may not like, and because of this I can abandon the proposed animation or heroine.
Thanks for the support. I am very grateful!

 Thanks for the support. I am very grateful! 
Added: 2023-01