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She came super close with that tiebreaker a couple of months ago, so let's bring her back! 😏

Let's hear your ideas for what you'd like to see!


Andrew Blount

Definitely hopping in tight rope bondage being led by a leash to a tight collar. And ballgag X3


Since she's a water type trainer, what about some mermaid-taping? Tape up her legs like a mermaid tail and hands like fins, like this: https://www.deviantart.com/nicklaw-arts/art/Blue-Mermaid-835100855


That's pretty creative! Don't think I've ever seen that before. And welcome back btw!


You’ve said a couple times before that you’d love to draw some underwater bondage again, so I think a water type trainer like her would be perfect for that! So how about tying her up head to toe, putting a big ball and chain on around her ankles, giving her a big OTN that pins her hair underneath, and then adding in some water Also would love to see her in that red swimsuit from the anime (specifically the one she’s in in the picture you attached to this post)


Thanks :D took some time but I was finally able to get back in it ^^

Andrew Blount

Uw! Just thought of this. How about her tied up on a pool floaty chair in a pool X3


Ah another idea for this, you could combine what Sharjo suggested for bindings with the underwater bondage idea, just put a ball and chain around Nessa's tape "tail" That would also go super well with her and the bindings!


I love water peril, but I'm a little worried it might go against Patreon's rules :(


Iirc Shio recently did some underwater bondage on their Patreon, if you want maybe you could check with them and see if it'd be an issue? No biggie either way though! If you can't do that underwater stuff then I'd like to suggest at least keeping the ball and chain and big OTN parts of my suggestion


As always a big thick layered OTN gag. Because that's why I love ye, Jamjam. I'm also gonna throw my hat in with the ball and chain bondage. Maybe put her next to a pool edge while she's standing up looking angry at whoever mightve put her there? With plenty enough rope and chain for that atheltic body. Swimmers are fit, don't ya know.

brock jax

hopping,toe tied and maybe a jamified version


I don't know how this would work with the classic Jam style gags, but I see all these suggestions for underwater bondage, and I'm wondering... what if we somehow paired a nice good gag with a snorkel, or a rebreather or something else? The logistics and positioning are a little weird, so it might not work, but I think it would be neat (and gas-mask adjacent gag/face coverings are hot for me, so...biased) If that won't work, how about "tied to a pool lounge float"? One of those inflatable beds, floating in the middle of the water, with Nessa strapped down to it and gagged? Maybe in danger of tipping over, for some peril?


Suspended off and under the edge of a pier while her female captor plays with the dangling booba


Hogtie or shibari of some sort

Sen Trillion

Could maybe have a grass type or some other Pokemon using vines, webs, or something else they have restraining her. Could even have a normal Jam gag with the implications that Team Rocket or someone is working with the Pokemon to kidnap her.


I request this every time but a blindfold?