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What's gonna happen next, I wonder...? 😷




I happen to disagree. I think having you muffled with a biiiig stuffed gag at all times would be fantastic. And despite the protests, I happen to think you agree with me~

Sen Trillion

I think we could very easily prove that statement wrong 😏


I'm so addicted to being GAGGED and it just keeps getting more and more intense over time. At this rate my ultimate fate of being shut up at all times seems like it's going to happen eventually whether I want it or not... 🤐


Gagged? All the time?? But what abou-OOMPH?!?


Sure you can GAG SLUT. But don’t worry…I’m sure we can find a few other Patrons here to whimper and moan alongside you-I’ve got enough stressballs to fill a DOZEN big mouths…


And plenty of microfoam to seal those big mouths SHUT. You’re FIRST Jam. Anyone else?


Well clearly she can't be gagged next. She just said she can't be.


Surely there’s not about to be a huge ball of socks being shoved into that bimbo mouth of yours. Surely it’s not about to be sealed in with layers and layers of cloth and tape. Surely we’ll be able to hear more than pervy moans from that gagged gagged mouth of yours. Surely you can’t be kept a dumb quiet gag slave yet another time. Surely, right?


Oh such a shame, we had all these dirty laundries just laying around and no mouth to stuff them into


👋 I’ve been told I can be a bit loud and mouthy, hopefully there’s enough leftover packing to fill this big mouth up!


This might sound crazy, but I think… I think the captors will listen, they’ll understand that a person can’t be gagged at all times. Yep, totally what’ll happen, no doubt in my mind


Well I'm sure you won't be kept gagged literally ALL the time. Maybe if you're an extra good captive you can have some little breaks, but in the meantime you need to open wide for these socks!!


Oh my god... this is amazing... @_@


Really like the way the face is drawn on this one, very expressive and the lip shape and shine is particularly well done. Too bad for you that face is about to be buried under a mountain of tape and fabric. Also I appreciate you continuing the sweater theme even though we are entering the summer heat, that pink turtleneck is quite nice.


😳 need to see what happens next