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"Hey perv, zip it in there!"

I think this is kind of a WIP? I've been fiddling around with it for a bit and have some ideas for other stuff I still want to do, like backlighting her and/or adding a bit of boob jiggle. If you guys like this I might come back to it. Gotta concentrate on BL3 for now though.

Third image is an AI-interpolated version made with Dain-App. It doesn't quite work... but I actually kinda like that crusty texture tbh.

Edit: Updated the colors/shading. Better? 🤔

Edit 2: OMG she had 6 fingers! I wish someone had said something. Sorry, it's fixed now. 




Mmm, forced to squirm and struggle in the dark only to have her tease me with freedom by opening the door, only to keep me trapped longer. Yummy!


This is so cool! Your POV stuff really gets the imagination going, like “did she put me here or did she just find me like this?”, “what’s she going to do with me and how long will I be stuck like this?”, etc. The possibilities are endless! I’d love to see this updated, but I’m super hyped about BL3 too! [Edit] Wow the updated colors and shading really make it pop! Her smirk makes me think she’s got something seriously kinky planned for me <3

Trevor Bond

I can see why you like the effect in the second one, it's kinda unique!


I would love to be stuck in her closet, tightly bound and gagged~ More POV femdom animations from you would be so lovely <3


Ooo she looks very menacing with this lighting. What does she have planned in store for us? Mmph :x

Fernando Carmona jr

Pretty cool that, once and a while, you post your animated gif projects. The work must be more tasking though.


“Mmmmph. Mmm mmmph!”


Nice. Your Femdon POV work is as amazing as always


xD 6finger xou should make a tag for that


Forget futa alts and Jamified variants. From today onwards we're requesting Six-finger edits!!! 🤪