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Hi all! The latest build of BL3 is now available to download on itch.io. You should be able to get it via the keys I already gave you, but let me know if you need help with anything.

New additions:

Context menus pop up when you apply gags or some types of bondage, or when you change an item's color.
Item colors can be changed by right-clicking on them. This should work for everything except clothes and rope - for now!
Cloth collars can be applied now via the gag context menu, or if you drop cloth onto Lily's neck.
Blindfolds can be added by dragging cloth over Lily's eyes.
Ballgags can now be added over mouth stuffing. Also, harness ballgag is now an option when putting the ballgag on. I wasn't sure whether to make this part of the context menu or just have it be a separate item like in BL2. What do you guys think?
Microfoam tape
and layered tape bondage. There are 3 tape bondage "styles" now: normal wrapping, crisscross wrapping, and mummification. The crisscross can only be applied over the normal wrap.
New tape gags that only show up over a cleave with the first level of stuffing. The difference is subtle, but none of the old tape gags looked quite right for this.

I think that's it for this month. A long post with more details should be up shortly!

As always, please try your best to find any bugs or drawing errors. Feedback and suggestions are highly encouraged! Don't be afraid to be a bit critical - if something isn't right, it helps me to know.

Thank you guys!



Hey Jam, just tried it our for myself and everything is looking good. One thing I did notice though is that when I try and blindfold Lilly and I have an OTM or OTN of a different color (so trying to blindfold her with an orange cloth, and the OTM/OTN is black), the blindfold will be the same color as the gag. Just thought you should know.


Loving it! Running through some variations and seems to be working smoothly (shorts can be put on while she's tied up and mute doesn't seem to do anything??) As for suggestions, any thoughts on being able to use the socks/panties as a gag? Maybe an option for more cloth collar layers, either triangle style, or so the collar is on top of the other layered gags? Cloth restraints? Great work keep it up! :D


Oh, thanks for noticing that! I think I know exactly what the issue is there. The cloth collars were doing that before too. That'll be fixed before the next update.


Double checked and it does stop the music, just not the other little sound effects. Not sure if that's a bug or intentional at the moment


Looking good so far! Probably the same issue as mentioned above, but when I add a blindfold it seems to take on the same color as the previously applied gag regardless of selection. I think the context menus work well, it's an improvement over BL2 method of having to click through every color to get the one you wanted in my opinion. Unrelated question, will there be an option to add tape over Lily's nipples? Or any sort of nipple clamp options?


OK, thanks! To answer your question, I will definitely be including the option to tape vibrators to them like in BL2, at a minimum. Adding tape/clamps should be relatively easy.


Nice :) if I might make a suggestion, nipple clamps with interactive bells might be a fun add. Regardless, it's looking great so far!