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Is being reckless considered bad? The universal answer was “No”.

However, the answer was entirely subjective when the same question was presented to multiple individuals.

Without a doubt, reckless behavior may stem from situational occurrences that an individual may have control over or completely have nothing.

Zhao Wei considered himself reckless by trying to perform such risky experimentation.

He understood that he was taking a shortcut opened through inspiration and a gamble - an untrodden path that had yet to be ventured.

‘The same old risks and benefits sharing the sides of the same coin.’ Zhao Wei mused as his mind raced with different thoughts. He tried to come up with the most efficient solution to counter the risk of plummeting to death.

In the face of such a possible outcome of perishing eternally in the worst possible scenario, Zhao Wei remained in a tranquil state, the expressionless silver of his eyes giving off the idea that it was not yet the time.

Having died once via the unknown entity's magnanimity, there was no way Zhao Wei was going to get himself killed by his own hand.

His captivating red lips tugged at the ends as the mighty wind whipped his face in a frenzy and scattered his long black hair in almost all directions.

Zhao Wei could perceive the forces of gravity, friction, and air resistance acting on his falling body. The heat, the wind, and even the situation made Zhao Wei think of Icarus.

But he wasn't Icarus, he was a survivor.

He may be ignorant sometimes but that didn't mean he couldn't control his fate to some degree.

When someone was calm during a crisis, it was easy to think things through without unnecessarily panicking.

First, Zhao Wei used his own True Force to shield his descent against the friction and air resistance.

An ultra-thin film of celestial golden-colored energy surrounded his body like a protective layer against outside forces.

“I have never tried expelling massive amounts of energy through my acupoints, especially the Yongquan acupoints. The rate at which I am expending my True Force is high and if it goes down to zero, then I will truly be a goner.” Zhao Wei analyzed the uncontrolled output of his True Force and overall expenditure.

“I have wasted so much energy. It's a pity the inner strength of the Consolidated Realm can't substitute the True Force of the Ascended Realm.”

“Focus.” Zhao Wei calculated the distance between himself and the deathbound ground.

From his calculations, he had about 10 seconds left before he would hit the ground.

Within that time frame, it was enough for him to save himself.

“Control. It's all about control. True Force is domineering and volatile compared to Inner Strength. And since I have recently achieved a breakthrough, I haven't gotten the chance to perfectly control its flow.”

Time was merciless but Zhao Wei had a very high level of temporal resolution as he began to interact with the world in slow motion.

Seconds or milliseconds were no longer relevant as he used microseconds to come up with a way to tame his True Force, control its output through the Yongquan acupoint, and also facilitate a smoother overall circulation through every inch of his body.

It was tasking but not hard.

It didn't take long before Zhao Wei began to expertly quell the volatility of True Force. It was previously like a stubborn crying child but currently, Zhao Wei has made it to be an obedient child that will never leave his umbrella of control.

“Reduce the output of True Force through the Yongquan acupoint. Maximize on short but release to facilitate an injury-free landing.” Zhao Wei’s mind was like a computer as he ran a flight simulation model of himself.

The energy output through his Yongquan acupoint became smaller and smaller as Zhao Wei tried to use little force to achieve the most favorable effect.

1 second.

From an outside point of view, Zhao Wei looked like someone who was surely going to splatter his brain matter all over the ground because of how hopeless his situation seemed. He was about 5 meters away from hitting the ground.

Contrary to expectations, Zhao Wei didn't go through such an outcome.

When his calm but handsome face was just mere inches off the ground, Zhao Wei's body abruptly stopped in midair as his arms spread over his head like someone about to swim.

“Phew, that was close. Like really close.” Zhao Wei exhaled soundly as his face morphed into a crazy smile.

“Is this what they call mere inches away from death haha?” Zhao Wei laughed without restraint at the craziness and recklessness he had just gone through.

Zhao Wei could feel his heart thumping loudly against his chest and the aftereffects of the dwindling adrenaline.

Without thinking, Zhao Wei turned his body to face the sky before allowing himself to fall on the soft soil beside his courtyard garden.

The soil was special and it wasn't under the usual category of soils known in his previous world.

Zhao Wei felt as if he had returned to his childhood days as the soil fragments dirtied his clothes and beautiful long hair.

“Is this what it meant to enjoy life and indulge in stupid things? Live the moment, hmm.” Zhao Wei sighed as he relaxedly immersed himself in his surroundings.

The fluttering of butterfly wings, the chirping of birds, the inaudible stampede of the busy ants, the incessant buzz of nectar bees, the elements in the air…

Zhao Wei could hear and feel the nature around him at an unimaginably close level. His senses had become extremely ridiculous as he continued to advance in cultivation.

Unbeknownst to Zhao Wei, the techniques with nature attributes which he had perfected and revised ever since he began his cultivation journey, began to covertly flow towards his Dantian in the form of elements they each represented.

[Flowing Stream] represented the element of water and unpredictability.

[Freezing Ice Spear Technique] represented the ice elemental laws and it seemed to exist independently of the element of water though they shared the same essence.

Water and Ice were part of the same reversible Dao so both [Flowing Stream] and [Freezing Ice Spear Technique] joined together to form one singular essence.

[Instantaneous Lightning Movement] represented the Dao of Lightning.

[Overworld Thunder Cry] was a technique of the sound path.

[Relentless Tornado Kicks] represented the wind elemental essence.

[Solar Finger] and [Eyes of the Sun] had the essence of the yang/fire laws. (Eyes of the sun = Heat Vision)

[Hell Shadow Death Scythe] incorporated the Dao of Shadows, the Dao of Assassination, and the Dao of Killing. The core essence was the shadow elements. [Phantom Steps] and [Hell Shadow Death Scythe] were essentially on the same path.

[Primeval Azure Wood Art] carried the elements of wood.

[Primordial Stellar Energy Body Refining Art] surprisingly represented Zhao Wei's Fate via the Dao of Stars, Dao of Body Refinement, and Dao of the Unknown.

Zhao Wei had yet to understand that his self-created body cultivation technique had already coalesced a special intent and it was guiding the foundational elements in his Dantian.

The essences of the Five Elements(Fire, Water, Wood, Wind, and Metal) formed a circle in his Dantian, seemingly restraining each other.

The essences of Shadow, Sound Path, and Illusion floated above the five elemental circle and they seemed to disdain all the elements below them.

Above all elements was the Primordial Stellar Intent that lorded over all the elements that Zhao Wei had cultivated so far.

An aura of mystery permeated every inch of Zhao Wei's Dantian as these foundational elements were going to pave the way to an untrodden path of Fortune and reality-breaking powers!

What mattered most was the foundation that had been unconsciously made when he was still a low-level cultivator!



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