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"Phew, that was terrifying." I released a sigh of relief after I blocked the hive mind bitch.

Even though such entities were supposed to be genderless from my understanding, I presumed the Overseer must have leaned much toward the yin side of things.

I had a feeling that the short altercation I had with the Overseer already had me written boldly in her death note.

Or maybe I was just overthinking things and she was just pissed off by stubbornness?

I was a natural cynic so I had already categorized the Overseer as an entity that deemed herself superior and all other beings must be subservient to her. And by chance, I kinda dislike being controlled or anything to do with serving others.

"Call me stereotypical but I think… I just think that all hive mind entities are as~, I mean they are bad people who do bad things all in the name of domination which is, in fact, a cliched cool thing." I mumbled to myself while floating in the air, occasionally doing some flips when my eyes looked zoned out.

"And the Overseer talked about a [Warp Gate], I will be damned then. That's FTL travel personified and she can arrive in this verse's variant Milky Way within minutes, er, maybe even seconds. I think it's better if I don't downplay her capabilities." As I was thinking, I flew to find one of the abandoned Kaiju facilities.

After sifting through the memories of a certain Precursor, I got to learn about a tech gadget known as [Spatio-Temporal Ionic Localizer]. The [Spatio-Temporal Ionic Localizer] or STIL device was capable of establishing a channel between two different dimensions. But it wasn't as simple as that. The energy needed to fully materialize and stabilize the space channel was a lot.

In Uprising Wars, several kaiju-controlled drones teamed up to ultimately recreate the Breaches and that's why three Kaijus managed to escape. In "Pacific Rim The Black", micro-breaches were spawning like nobody's business in Australian lands.

Honestly, I didn't understand much after "The Uprising" and the animated version, though satisfactory, didn't elaborate on many plot points.

After a few seconds of flying, I smoothly land on my hind legs, standing like a bipedal being, like a ginormous werewolf.

I discovered this form instinctually after Phase III evolution. The bipedal form made me look taller and ripped in the physical sense.

After obtaining the STIL device, I placed it in one of my hands. The device looked like a railgun, its outer design almost similar to the orbital cannons in Titanfall.

I didn't activate it immediately and gazed at the black body over the horizon.

An audible gulp escaped my lips.

What kind of materials and elements made up that thing?

What kind of molecular reactions were happening inside of it?

Just how unique is it?

Since I have an advantageous biological ore processor, then can't I just take a piece of the pie or maybe the whole damn pie for myself?

What I knew is that the circular celestial object wasn't a blackhole or else I wouldn't have been alive or the whole Anteverse in that matter.

My first hypothetical thoughts had lingered around the concept of Dyson Spheres but now that I am actively smelling such strong radiation emissions from it, I feel that I should treat it as something else entirely.

I flew close to the surface of their artificial sun. Its surface temperature was equivalent to the actual sun, if not more. I wasn't that surprised that the Precursors were also masters of nuclear fusion reactions.

Anyway, the extremely high temperatures from Anteverse's sun felt like a sauna to me as I circled the black body.

Feeling that I had inspected it enough, I decided to do what I wanted.

A deep low buzz of energy accumulating rang through the air as I immediately shot an ultra-thin [Deep Star Plasma Beam] at the black body. (Imagine Godzilla Earth and Shin-chan's atomic breaths)

At first, it showed resistance toward my attack that burned with the same temperatures of a star's core during the red giant phase but when I increased the intensity, I managed to drill a hole through it.

I cut through the black body and managed to excavate tons of the special ores which I then stored in my stomach.

My stomach was currently big enough to store even kilotons of substances inside for as long as I wanted.

I could effortlessly regurgitate them whenever I wanted to use them.

After that, I moved away from the sun and flew toward the place where the Breach once was.

There was nothing there since the humans had destroyed it but that was going to change soon enough.

The good thing about the [Spatio-Temporal Ionic Localizer] is that it could also be controlled through a psionic link.

I could control it with my mind to begin the operation.

My situation was similar to characters like Gojo Satoru and Aizen who were too strong for the Jujutsu Society and Soul Society respectively.

And there was also Trihexa and the list goes on.

After the activation of STIL, a small rift in space-time began to gradually form but not enough to allow my passage.

It was my cue to provide the energy needed to widen the Breach.

I shot intense amounts of my beam attacks at the rift in space and slowly by slowly, the Breach began to widen and stabilize until it was huge enough to allow my passage.

I felt out of energy after finishing the operation but wasn't that worried since my energy recovery rate was extremely good.

Hours of rest were going to be enough for me but that didn't mean I was going to take a rest in the Anteverse.

"Let's see how Earth is doing. How much time has passed?" I grinned lightly before entering the Breach and disappeared.


In an alien galaxy, almost infinite miles away from the Pacific Rim Universe,

A lone, enormous interstellar starship could be seen deep in space.

It looked like something straight out of a sci-fi game or movie.

The civilization connected with the starship was certainly highly advanced by thousands of years more than the earthlings.

Inside the ship, in the main operating room, a being obscured by darkness pressed a few alien characters on a virtual keyboard. The being's hands looked almost human-like, slender, and unnaturally white like snow.

From all angles, their hands were the only body parts that could be made out.

"Fufu, if I can't have you easily, then it's better to up my game and make you despair until you come to me of your own volition!"

"If it were not for the current Aeonic blood wars between the three hegemonic races, I would have really liked to put a collar on your neck myself."

A sweet feminine voice echoed in the darkness.

"Now then, let the game begin!"

"Now what are you going to do, pet?"



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