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"You see what, it's not funny anymore. I once had some Primordial sicko do this kind of sh*t to me. I am getting tired of it." I spoke nonchalantly to whoever had the audacity to establish a telepathic link with me.

"So who are you? State what you want!" I acted calmly but inside my mind, I was thinking about all the possibilities, trying to draw out the identity of the unknown entity.

The voice said that the Precursors were their children, right? And it congratulated me for wiping them out of existence, er, I mean eating them.

If that wasn't crazy, then what was?

Also, their voice sounded like Quintessa while at the same time, it gave the illusion that many voices were talking at the same time, eerily overlapping each other.

"Insolence, your mouth is surely sharp, spacefarer. You should show respect to the Overseer, the architect of the Precursors! Bow!" The voice bellowed inside my mind with a force that could easily break the mental walls of any inferior existence.

It's a pity they forgot that I wasn't exactly normal as my psychic shield blocked any harmful attacks and intrusions on my inner mind.

"How can this be? You have already come into contact with one of the quintessential forces of the universe! I can't believe a mere creature from a backwater galaxy has evolved to this level!" The voice claiming to be the Overseer exclaimed wildly.

"A perfect species. Perfection made incarnate!"

I yawned loudly. Honestly, I was heavily surprised by the introduction of this so-called Architect.

I didn't fully believe it. Let's make it female since she sounds like one, and put her words on an equal scale of 50% lies and 50% truth.

The lore of the Pacific Rim Universe wasn't that deep compared to realities like the Halo Universe or StarCraft. It was just plain simple since it was centered around cool giant robots fighting off giant monsters from the Pacific Ocean.

There was nothing to the Precursors except for their identities as masters of the Kaijus. Much wasn't known about them, including their true origins and ultimate goals.

If the Precursors could create the Kaijus, then who created them in turn?

There was a time I asked myself such a question and it seemed the answer could be found through the Overseer.

"You like to make simple things more complex than they are," I said, slightly intrigued by its eccentric way of speaking.

"That's because we are one yet many at the same time. We are a crystallization of both the consciousness and knowledge spanning trillions of years. A galactic collective conscious mind." The Overseer explained vividly.

That immediately caught my attention.

"A hivemind, in simpler terms," I murmured silently.

"Yes, you could also say that."

"So why aren't you angry about the loss of your little fledglings? Well, I murdered them so… should a mother get angry and sad when she meets the culprit behind her little ones' death?" I asked with my eyes squinted in suspicion.

"Ahem, I was at first but the Overseer operates under cold logic. I created the Precursors to partake in colonizing the nearby star systems and bring them under my banner." The Overseer was silent for a moment before speaking.

"I think you meant to say eliminate the original inhabitants to extinction, right?" I grinned.

"That's how it has always been. The Overseer knows no mercy and pity for inferiority and fragility." The Overseer replied with apathy.

"Anyway, it was within my mental calculations that they would fail. These humans remind me of their evolved brethren, the Originators. They surely exceeded my expectations but their extinction day was nigh."

I listened carefully, absorbing the information that I knew nothing of.

The Originators? The Overseer? Where the f*ck did they come from?

That knowledge couldn't help me at the moment.

I was just a guy trying to stay alive and grow stronger like any other generic character in both fiction and nonfiction. I was a "simple monster" with a mindless goal of evolution. Everyone wanted to evolve but they lacked the opportunity.

"So what do you get from me? You can't be telling me all that just because you want me to add you to my harem, right?" I said with a bland expression.



"Y-You are as vulgar as ever. If we weren't bound by the current war in our Galaxy, I would have immediately opened up a [Warp Gate] right in front of your face and taught you a lesson!"

"Well, that's terrifying. I thought a hivemind system was supposed to be stagnated in one place, immobile and just there to issue commands and directives to those below." I spoke out my thoughts aloud as I used my hind leg to scratch my back. I felt itchy all of a sudden and all the itches needed to be scratched.

"That's how a devolved mind would think." The Overseer replied in a mocking voice.

'Tsk, so you are mocking me. Let me humor you, b*tch!' I cooked up a devious thought.

[Sound Mimicry] finally found its destined use.

"Insolence, your mouth is surely sharp, bitch!" I copied the Overseer's voice including its accent, articulation, tone of expression, and everything up to the very last minute detail.


"You dare! You dare imitate the high-order, insignificant peon. Ugh, I really want to slice you up, run you through tortuous experiments, feed you to my dogs and, and…!" The Overseer started acting up in extreme anger.

'What a drama queen!' I thought in amusement.

"And what? You haven't finished talking. Go on." I picked my ears nonchalantly.


"You monster!!"

"Just you wait! When the war is over I will come for you and you will know what true fear is. How many worlds have fallen due to my infinite wrath? How many races have I slaughtered? You will know that you have messed up with forces beyond your comprehension!"

"You should be worshiping me!"

'Sigh, and there it is. The problem with most higher life forms - An ever-growing god complex.'

"We are incompatible, it seems. We can't work together if that's what you want. If you wanted to control me, that outrightly qualifies as a big 'NO'. You are a conqueror while I am a foodie. It's useless if you think I am going to listen to any more of your sh*t!"



And I cut off the [Hive Mind Connection] we shared.



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