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If one thing Zhao Wei had to admit that was clever and thoughtful, was the mysterious sealing array.

He didn't know what mechanisms it operated under and it was his first time experiencing what it meant to be trapped inside an array mechanism.

Heck, it was his first time seeing an array after reading so much about them.

His inner spirit of learning was simply stirred up beyond reason!

Zhao Wei's interest in the auxiliary branches of cultivation had never dwindled as he got closer and closer to one of his goals.

His eyes might be capable of seeing through most things but what happens if the unseen don't want to be seen?

After a nanosecond of analysis, Zhao Wei had come to terms that he couldn't crack the code or simpler terms the core of the complex array.

The array had no nodes or core to stabilize the whole thing!

It was kind of formless while at the same time, complete with no flaws.

It was like it was under some sort of hidden rules that the current Zhao Wei couldn't decipher despite his high comprehension abilities.

As if seeing through his thoughts, Old Man Chu's eyes twinkled as he shared some information to lessen a little bit of Zhao Wei's doubts.

"From your gaze, I can guess that you are trying to find how the sealing array works. It's simple yet complex but can easily be broken at the same time."

"What are you saying? I have an inkling that it operates under a rule that you incorporated as for how you did that, makes me think that you aren't as simple as you let on. Are you by chance an array master or something?" Zhao Wei calmly asked as two gauntlets began to gradually form on his hands.

'There are basically two answers to my question. The old timer is both an array master and a martial artist or the array was set up through other means or outside help. My suspicions lie in the first answer. Anyway, it matters not.' Zhao Wei thought while the ground below his feet cracked in a web-like fashion, breaking into rubbles and the next moment… he disappeared!

Instead of being passive and wait for Old Man Chu to attack him, Zhao Wei thought it was better to attack first and by using a verbal diversion, it made it even better when the enemy was still distracted.

Choices are always made in a battle, they may be good or bad but one most important thing is to have the resolve to adapt and come up with countermeasures for mistakes.

As one who couldn't see the future, Zhao Wei knew that not all his choices and decisions were going to be 100% accurate. He was a man in flesh and as the saying goes, to err is human.

Time seemed to slow down a notch as Zhao Wei's left hook aimed for the old man's chin.

Just when the punch was about to connect, Old Man Chu took a step back at the last moment. His step was bizarre as if he wasn't moving in the first place. Casual and concise!

"You are too impatient, my boy!" Old Man Chu chuckled.

Zhao Wei didn't talk and performed another fist attack.

But every time he did that, Old Man would squeeze past his range at the very last moment… as if mocking him.

His movements were fluid, oozing with simplicity but within that simplicity, laid a deep profundity.

Zhao Wei smiled and didn't get frustrated.

"Fluid and still, relaxed and moving as one wills so, ol' fossils it seems you have deep insights in martial arts. Just like water…"

'But what if I was faster?' Zhao Wei flexed his inner strength outwards and one by one, golden-coloured body suppression bangles began to drop on the ground. There were around four of them which altogether weighed 10 tons.

"I see. So you were holding back. Interesting." Old Man Chu still didn't try to use his spear.

When Zhao Wei moved this time around, he was like a flash of red and blue lightning as his blurred form attacked from almost all directions.

Zhao Wei used his newfound physical strength to try to decimate the old man once and for all.

Old man Chu didn't dodge and met all of his attacks with utter calmness, his frail hands effortlessly clashing with Zhao Wei's thick fists.

How was Old Man Chu able to achieve such incredible feats?

'What is this? Haha, it seems I am not special when it comes to innate realization. This old timer's knowledge of martial arts is deep and nearly flawless.' Zhao Wei thought with a battle-crazed grin forming on his face.

'He can negate physical attacks.' Zhao Wei found himself flying after Old Man Chu used some of the force from his attack to throw off his posture.

Luckily, Zhao Wei didn't lose his balance as he smoothly landed at a fair distance from Old Man Chu.

That short exchange was just a test of sorts.

'He has impeccable control over his whole body and can utilize the hardness and softness to the limits. Heck, he can even do a reversal. This person isn't supposed to be affiliated with those bandits. What does he gain from associating with them?'

"Your body is almost godly and perfected. The body technique you are using seems to be extremely special as if it was tailor-made just for you. I can see immense potential, hoho!" Old Man Chu cackled.

'Why the hell does he like to laugh all the time? Is he crazy or something? For him to guess about the uniqueness of [Primordial Stellar Energy Body Refining Art] proves that his affinity with martial arts is pretty high.' Zhao Wei analyzed with a look of interest in his eyes as he raised his foot to take a step forward.


Zhao Wei was already inside Old Man Chu's space, his body made smaller in an unnatural low stance and his centre of gravity effectively lowered as he prepared for a super compacted attack with his two fists. He perfectly combined the essence of <Tornado Release> with his fist attack.

Old Man Chu's eyes widened. "Sh*t!"


An overpowering force of the wind swept away everything, ranging from the pebbles on the ground to the surrounding extremely tall trees within a 50-metre radius.

Like a raging tornado, nothing was spared as a cloud of dust blocked the sight of the resultant destruction.

Zhao Wei grinned, not because he knew he had won already but because he could still see the unscathed form of Old Man Chu within the dust.


"That was some dangerous move, boy. You could have crushed my poor bones." Old Man Chu feigned weakness as he released fake coughs from his aged mouth.

[Freezing Ice Spear Technique]

"Survive this then, old timer!" Zhao Wei raised his right hand and gradually, icy blue spears emitting smoky frost began to form in the air.

<Absolute Spear Sense>

"May death be with you!" And with those words, numerous ice spears with piercing edges descended onto Old Man Chu like a rain of divine punishment from the heavens.



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