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You remember my talk about how detached I am from the reality around me and humanity, right?

If you remember then good and if you don't, it doesn't really matter.

Now that I have become literally a monster in the flesh, I feel extremely disconnected from my human lineage.

I bear no sense of belonging and trust in humans due to my cynical outlook.

I was also deeply aware of my own prejudiced thoughts and I didn't think that there would be a probability of my views being altered or leaning toward the positive light.

'They are coming closer and closer.' I concentrated my eyes through the fog to monitor the movements of my visitors.

'Six armed men and a heavily weaponized helicopter.' I grinned.

They clearly didn't have any good intentions.

'If I am not wrong, those should be the mercs hired by Claire Wyden to contain, er, more like to kill me and extract a sample of the Weaponized Pathogen-R.'

If I were still human, this would have been the moment where I would be mockingly laughing at Claire's naivety and the mercs's confidence due to experience and modern-day weaponry.

Keke, how am I supposed to respond to creatures that are after my life?

Should I give them a warm welcome or…?

The wild was my domain and a perfect camouflage for my hunting game.

But I knew that it would be hard to completely hide myself with my current conspicuous large size. Those in the helicopter had an aerial advantage and could easily spot me among the trees if I unnecessarily moved about. The trees were also considerably spaced out making it a walk in the park to track me.

I carefully watched as the chopper landed a few hundred meters away from where I was and the mercs began moving out in a kind of military formation.

My ears twitched as I picked up the sound waves from their conversations.

"Target spotted around this region! Let's move out!" The Merc leader gestured forward over the loud sounds of the relentless rotors.

"Are you sure we can bring Wolfie down?"

"Killed some of 'em during a covert mission in Siberia."

"What about a 30-foot long one, haha?"

"It doesn't matter. Have some confidence boys. Wolf meat does taste like shit."

"Alright, cap."

"Let's round up Wolfie quickly."

The mercs then started entering the forest while analyzing their surroundings for my tracks.

I swear I could hear and smell their confidence from miles away.

Even if they tried to hide it from one's sight, the fear… oh the fear, I could almost taste it in the air.

The mercs didn't know that they had already made a mistake by thinking that I could easily be taken down like a random wolf.

'Wolf meat, huh?' A fire blazed within my predatory eyes.

'It is a good day to die.'

I began to patiently circle them, making sure to make as little noise as possible.

"I can't find any more tracks."

"It's a dead end."

"Doesn't it seem quite… intentionally?"

"There is no way. It's impossible for a wolf, even a big one, to think like this. Wouldn't that make it seem like a human?"

"Don't let your guard down when we are blindly inside its territory?"

"Roger that."

I watched with a deep focus, stalking them and calculating my way to strike first.

'They are widely spaced out, making it easy for me to hunt individual targets.'

The silence of the forest and the fog drifting across the trees made the atmosphere seem eerie and full of suspense.

I locked on an anxious merc who was nervously pointing his gun in each direction.

The distance was around 100 meters but I intended to shorten that distance in an instant.

Concentrating all my power on my leg muscles, I performed a powerful jump and in one leap, I was flying in the air before perfectly impacting my 13.8 metric tons of weight on the anxious merc.



The sound of bones being painfully crushed and a body being crushed into a gross thick meat paste thundered in the air like music from hell.

The other mercs immediately responded as they started to furiously fire their guns at me.

I could feel the little rounds of bullets trying to penetrate my enhanced skin defenses but they failed miserably and ricocheted to the ground.

I raised my paw and brutally decapitated the head of the merc who was near me with my sharp claw, only to leave a fountain of red juices splattering all over the rocky ground.

'Someone is aiming at my balls.' I reacted almost instantly as I eyed the merc thinking that he was doing the right thing.

"Fuck you!"

The fear of death. The fear of the unknown gripped the heart of the merc as he started to nervously step back as he crazily sprayed mighty bullets at me like a madman.

'See you in hell.' I moved fast and ruthlessly clamped on his neck and shoulder before ripping him apart and swallowing him whole.

The human blood trickled down my throat like warm cola and I didn't find the taste of human meat that… shitty.

Contrary to the revulsion I thought I would have due to devouring human meat, my bestial instincts urged me to consume wantonly, invalidating any form of psychological wall that may prevent me from satisfying my almost bottomless stomach.

I could feel the aggressive impulses trying to break free from my control and cloud my mind but I was stronger as I calmly walked toward the two last men standing.

The bullets of one of the men ran out and a hopeless look of despair surfaced on his scared face.

His legs gave in as he fell on his butt like a toddler trying to stand on his own, only to fail.

"Don't come near me, you demonic monster!"

"Go away! Leave me alone!"


"Wolfie, am I not your friend?"

"Don't you remember me? Please spare me!!"

"I don't wanna die!"

Tears and snot flowed all over his face as his robust body incessantly trembled, making him look pathetic and disgraceful.

'Pathetic.' I growled near his face before biting his head, I didn't want to hear any of his pitiful cries.

They were hella annoying to my ears.

'Oh?' From the corners of my eyes, I saw the adrenaline-pumped merc leader running away from me as he tried to hitch a ride from the chopper over the comms.

My predatory instincts kicked and I felt pleasure from hunting a desperate fleeing prey.

'Think you can escape me.' I effortlessly overtook him and blocked his path of retreat.



'Annoying pest.' I turned my attention to the chopper constantly shooting at me and it hurt like hell.

The bullets from the chopper were on a whole different level than the ones used by the mercs.

They could make me feel pain but they still couldn't make me bleed and only caused shallow injuries on my skin.

The mechanical noise from the rotating blades of the chopper was painfully annoying as it circled me continuously while raining me with high calibre bullets.

How would you react when a fly constantly buzzes around your ear?

The answer was pretty simple. You just had to swat it.

The chopper was within my range, a silly mistake on the unsuspecting pilot's part.

I focused on my back muscles and aimed several porcupine quills on the chopper.



One quill damaged the engine while several others impaled the pilot on all sides and ended his life.

I calmly watched in slow motion as the chopper lost control and crashed into the rocky mountains before exploding into lively fireworks.

'Oi, you are still alive?' I eyeballed the last human who had already given up on his survival.

"You aren't a wolf!" The last man standing calmly stated while tightly holding a sharp hunting knife in his right hand.

It honestly reminded me of John Rambo.

A disturbing wolfish grin formed on my bloody mouth as my razor-sharp teeth glared hungrily at him.

"You are the bloody devil-!" He tried to attack me in a last attempt but I chewed his head off.


I then glanced at the corpse, specifically at a gadget that recorded live videos and was directly connected to the communication systems of Energyne.

'Itadakimasu.' I showed my animalistic grin on the cam to give the chills to those on the other side by sending an intelligible message.

'I wish I could see their expressions.'

*Static noises*

I broke the camera.



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