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Ok it is clear at this point that there is no consensus on this. So my decision is: where I think the scene can have nice AI voice, I do it with voice as a baseline version. Then I do an extra scene file where I remove all the sound files (luckily it is a very quick process) and triggers calling for them can't play them. So you can always choose if you want to play voiced scene or just text scene. I just wish I could toggle it within the scene.

As for next release - I'm pushing full production on the train scene, I have come up with new stories since then and I feel like this one should be done (because for some of the stories this one might be a prequel). It is a mostly voyeuristic scene with dialogue and character building, will take place over several days inside the train where you are commuting with your stepmother and will learn her slutty side. Each "day" would me morning segment, some daytime segments, evening segment, nightly segment. First couple of days you will probably spend playing quite passive but as the story progresses and gets spicier you will have more and more agency. I plan to release Day 1 section (setting up characters dialogue) of the scene as a free teaser on hub, basic version will feature the rest of the scene and extended version of the scene will feature "dream sequences", where you can choose to wake up during the night and play the nightly section, or not wake up and have very very horny dreams. They are mostly about straight up sex.

Because of the humongous amount of work the scene needs, there might be little delays, maybe not first days of month but the "teens", but we will see. It is primarily due to very huge amount of scripting and therefore it will need a lot of play-testing. If you are subscribed and are willing to help me play-test it - message me, I think you will be doing everyone a great favor - less bugs, less delay risk.

There is a lot of work to be done, it features more content that any of my other scenes by far, but I am very grateful for your support and I want to spend a little bit more time with VAM this time doing something more ambitious that I sincerely hope you all will enjoy!


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