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Allo, it's your old friend Chain Bear here again. I've got a couple of script posts still to update (it's been hecking busy this month!)

But also I'm just letting you know that alongside the usual videos on my channel I'm working on a couple of documentary/video essay things. One is about disability in motorsports and that's still in the research stage and should be super interesting.

The other, which is in pre-production stage at the moment is about Women in Motorsport and we're about to start doing some filming on that. That probably won't be ready to release til 2020 (and still working on whether there's scope for it beyond YouTube) but I'll post little updates and photos from shooting on here in the $5 tier and maybe some short video updates from location where possible.

Thanks again for your support - should be an interesting project!



This sounds f****** great.


Love the idea of Women in Motorsports!