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We are recapping WCW Halloween Havoc 98 tonight.  Send in a question or comment that you have about this show!



What is one thing you would change about dying WCW to try and save it?


Truth time, I’ve never seen a single WCW match. Overall, what should be the first match to watch?

Joey Cage

Why is it that no one ever says that they were a huge WCW fan, I always just hear “I always loved WWE and was never a fan of WCW” how did they beat them 83 Weeks in a row?🤔🤷🏻‍♂️


How on Steroid was Hogan at this time from scale of 1-10


Can Eric Cut a 10 Second Anti Hogan Promo As Beefy Joe


How this wasn't the end of the streak. DDP amazing in this match & was the one that came up with the main spots including the missed spear. Apparently Goldberg injured himself & when he hits it later, hits it harder than he was meant too.


Was WCW trying anything it could at this point to try and compete with the Austin VS McMahon storyline that WWE was doing at this time ? I feel WWE had more long term story telling in this era.


Does it look like WCW has a smaller ring to y’all too?

Brock Landers

Is this Jericho your favorite version of him? If not which one is?


How awful were WCW ppv's during the Monday Night War's run? The only thing that had them winning were the stories. The actual matches were shit. In 1997 the WCW title was only defended 4 times at a PPV!!! 4 Times!!! No question... Just rant.


Das wunderkin Alex wright do you believe he could’ve been a star if he didn’t have such a crappy gimmick?


Is an episode of wcw nitro at its worst better than current wwe?


Not WCW related but what did you guys think of borat 2


Have the WWWW team considered doing Wrestlemania 1? Currently watching it - Make sure you have the “who are you” button lubed up before if you do!


Where’s the Halloween havoc 98 bonus podcast? Interested in the breakdown


Is this up already ?