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Which of these was the best rivalry of the ruthless aggression era JBL v Cena, Undertaker v Orton, or Eddie Guerrero v Rey Mysterio

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

A year ago we had Roman in dog food matches, the Fiend could take 20 curb stomps in Hell In a cell and still kick out, & NXT dominated Survivor Series. Thoughts on where we are now?


Push, Fire, Bury Buried Stables: The Nexus, Retribution, The Dark Order


who is the tribal chief in WWWW ?


Why do you think it is that Superstars have great matches in NXT, but mediocre matches on the main roster?

Mike Dawes

Why does Bianca have to be blue now ? How childish is the everything has to be the same color as the show !!!! Did stone cold have a bright red vest ?? No

Joey Cage

Admit it guys, you miss the Saudi Arabia shows😂😂 the recap it’s self not the whole show

Tyrone Grizz

Anybody notice The Graphic for “A Moment of Bliss” had Randy’s current head photoshopped on 2017 Randy’s body??

Steve “The Don” Vellante

Could you do a movie recap of MacGruber? May not be a wrestling movie but it has more wrestlers than the longest yard, including some funny Chris Jericho dialogue.


Why do we keep watching this 💩


Has anyone ever been buried as badly and as quickly as Retribution?


I’m starting to get the feeling like I’m dumb for hoping Retribution would PUSH Ali to at least an upper mid card and not the complete opposite. Fire, Bury, Screwjob: T-bag, Slappity Jackity, or Cuck?

Gary Pendleton

WWE’s next TV contract should be with Nickelodeon. Actually watched raw live with my 7 year old and he loved the 24 hour title/tag team match with the Luchas Also he was in awe of the way retribution looked. AEW needs to move to Monday’s. No question here just sharing my disappointment


Not a question really but wanted to thank you guys. Last 2years have been rough for my family and I. Even spent a year homeless. But my son, Sebastian who turns 16 on Sunday, and I discovered your podcast and listening every week has become one of our favorite things to do together. He loves your impressions, especially Ric Flair, and when you occasionally read one of his questions. Thanks for the entertainment and thanks for watching the shows so we don't have to.


Does your brother dom watch wrestling or just performing devastating finishing moves on you and when shorty G said I quit did the sound affects from bray Wyatts firefly funhouse of the kids going yayyyyy and awwww when he said gable


So Retribution, Keith Lee and Matt Riddle get called up, and then they get burried. Is it worth having anybody called up from NXT and which one of these three is going to bounce back.


Wasn't Nia and Shayna drafted to smack down in draft and now raw captain?plus Vince has power to control crowd noise and finally turns Roman heel


So with the way the storyline is going, who do you think will be the eventual person to take the belt off Roman Reigns?


Glad to see you doing the Havoc recap where the streak should have ended. In regards to redoing an all-time draft, some ideas: * You guys vs 3 Fans (Top Tier Membership) * The Four of you doing wrestlers since the 90s * Making the best show possible if those wrestlers were in their prime * Drafting with guidelines. Need to take a min of 2 Women / 2 Legit Tag Teams to put strategy into your drafts. Keep up the great work!


How would you book this stable Mach Man Mr. Perfect Roddy Piper Rick Rude Who holds the WWF/IC/Tag Team titles? Who do they feud with ? How do they break up?


I feel like these are the back to back two worst PPV themes of the year, Meh in a Cell and Jackoff Series. Can you guys come up with a better idea for some theme PPVs? Two funny and two realistic. Go.


Monday Night Raw? More like Monday Night Arkham RAWsylum am I right? Did you see what I did there

El Juanisimo

On November 22 2010 miz cashed in orton. Would you guys have that happen again on the 10 year anniversary and then the fiend take it off of miz ?


Are you excited for the brand new Bray Wyatt v Randy Orton feud?


We've had wrestling dentists, a baseball player, garbage man and even a clown. What other jobs would you like to see gimmicked into a wrestler?


With so many big pay offs happening without fans (Bliss/Fiend, Roman heel turn, Banks over Bailey, Drew’s entire first reign): 1) What kind of big pay offs do you hope WWE pulls the trigger on when fans are back? and 2) What colossal fuckup(s) are going to happen instead?


I noticed on Twitter usa network is promoting classic wwe moments i.e., stone cold, rock. If wwe reset the clock at like 96 and just started playing all those raws in succession,do you think they'd draw more viewers? I'd prlly watch again.

Adam Hughes

( Borat) After Bliss Dyna Brooke looks like 2nd best prostitute is all WWE raw universe. Was Waa Wee Waa very nice


Since WWE loves to break records of guys that are no longer with the company, is RETRIBUTION about to break Curt Hawkins losing streak ??


Retribution...what’s the point?

Jason Dearham

So, do u think Edge will beat Orton for the Title then immediately after Miz comes out and cashes in? Great way to get Nuclear heat on Miz.


Do you think Miz will cash in after Reigns and Ortin match at Survivor series?