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What’s the first rule of Raw Underground?


Push, Fire, Bury Movie Remakes with WWE Wrestlers: Fight Club, Show Girls, Reservoir Dogs


In 2002, Vince McMahon said he would inject the WW(f)E with a lethal dose of POISON. Is this poison finally taking effect. Is that's what's going on right now?


Joe if you got to meet Shawn Michaels would you tell him it was you that ripped out his hair? Also did that happen at a house show or a show we could look for on the network?


This might be the best episode with you guys #NoLie

Alex Verduzco

Soooo is Otis still mr. Money in the bank or are we just gunna pretend that never happened like the smackdown hacker..


Should Dominic make his official debut at Summerslam Eddie Guerrero style for his entrance?


Has Shane o mac a role to play in wwe recovery and if so what do ye think it is. Love the podcast . Ye are the only reason I'm watching wwe right now


Push/Fire/Bury, How to return or debut edition... walking out with no music, having it announced on social media before the show, unmasking


What would sacrifice to be The Fiend during the segment with Alexa Bliss? 😂


If you could each make one change in WWE right now what would it be?


Whatever are opinions are about this episode of Raw, I think that we can all be in agreement that at least things happened, right?


PFB people you get to fuck up in Raw Underground: Taz, Shane, Trump


Do you think the internet is partially responsible for ruining wrestling? For example it's almost impossible to have surprise appearances, injuries let you know who is being written off, most major title changes are obvious, etc.


Do we hate Vince McMahon the character or Vince McMahon the actual person?


Anybody else wish The Fiend stuck his hand down Demi Burnett’s throat? Can’t stand her voice.


Push fire bury things we are glad never happened edition.. Stone Cold stays in WCW, Undertaker jumps ship during the wars and joins WCW, and HBK stayed retired from his 1998 retirement.


How do we think the alexa bliss angle is going to play out?


So think the conversation with Hurt Business went down like this, MVP: guys we've had bad luck tonight and pretty much got our asses handed to us by jobbers. Let's get out of our wrestling attire and put on our best suits and go to the WWE Fight Club." Seriously, I think Vince just watched Never Back Down and thought this is such good shit!


With Nia being pulled off tv again, is there any hope at all we never have to be punished again with her dumpster fire in-ring skills or promos and she finally gets released?


What’s the most underwhelming meet and greet you’ve had with a wwe super star? When I was a kid, they advertised that WWE SUPERSTARS WILL BE HERE LIVE at a big shopping Centre to promote an Australian house show. There were rumors it was going to be Rey or the hardy boys...turns out to be Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch. I was so disappointed as a kid.

Harpoon Fingerfuck

Who are some people you think could put on a good ‘underground’ match?

allen dick

On the Raw “6 feet” Underground show, weren’t the strippers....I mean dancers, just the jobbers of the stripper industry?


Dream Wrestlemania Title Match * Sasha vs Lita * Sasha vs Charlotte vs Becky vs Bayley * Auska vs Kairi vs Io

Jason Dearham

Until Sasha is officially declared a Raw Superstar, should we refer to her as the Wildcard Champion?? P.S. At least Alexa didn't cry like a little bitch with The Fiend, "Alright"


Why? Just Why?


If you had to pick one, One Year of Nia Jaxx as Raw Womens champ? One year of having MVP as Universal champ? Or Goldberg makes a full time comeback?


Do you guys remember when WWE RAW was good? DO YOU? Because this shit sucks all kinds of ass! Thank god for your podcast and this recap is seriously the one I have looked forward to most since I joined!!


Which retired WWE star would you pick to fight in the Underground?


Not really a question just want to say love your work. I haven't watched raw or smackdown in at least a year because of the time difference between Australia and the US I'm always at work when it's on. For at least the last year I've been listening to your podcast and after hearing your weekly recaps realise I haven't really missed a thing.

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

WWE STUDIOS IS REMAKING A CLASSIC SPORTS FILM. What film would you choose & who are your leading men/women?


What the fuck was RAW? So excited to hear what you guys have to say about it. I personally think Vince realized he made four times the money he thought he was going to and came on a piece of paper and called it the RAW script.


Fuck, marry, kill. Nia Jax, tamina, or awesome Kong.


Seth Rollins’ stable tries attacking someone and commentator Samoa joe stands up to them? (Hit again button)


Why do people say ratings will increase with fans? Isn't it gonna be the same shitty storytelling? Also does no fans mean no home field advantage in other sports?


Rank em the rock as a heel, the rock as a baby face or the rock as a actor

Matthew Hutcheson

Been listening to old brackets and every time I listen to Joe say “I’m drunk on... cock” and his reactions to Owens over Guevara and the Gargano bit.. I roll over laughing. The first 15 minutes of that bracket is gold. Appreciate everything you guys do, you make terrible wrestling bearable!

Superficial Blackberry

Why was aksana not included in the best female wrestler bracket she was the best on the mic by far