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Best Woman Wrestler of All-Time Bracket



Lita, and Trish in the same group? Well there goes my final 2.


Becky losing to Chyna is criminal. Becky was better on the mic and better at wrestling. Using this logic Goldberg is a better wrestler than Dolph Ziggler.


I completely disagree. Chyna was a once in a lifetime female wrestler. Becky had 1 hot year.


Chyna was a freak show but that's what made her special but by no means was she a great wrestler. Let's play this game....I'm a big NFL fan so if you asked me who is a better running back...Terrell Davis or Frank Gore? Well Frank Gore has been ok for a decade but Terrell Davis was the greatest for 3 years. I'll take Davis Everytime. Becky's greatest was far better than Chyna's.


SPOILER Alert*** You guys are so funny, Not that long ago you guys were picking on Sasha Banks saying it’s “botch time” now you say she is the greatest of all time? in my opinion Sasha Banks is the most over rated female of all time. The best woman’s wrestler of all time is the bathroom because that’s where most people go when they come on the screen.


AJ Lee


Spoiler alert Michelle McCool out the 1st round? “You see, that’s just unacceptable. You see that’s a bunch of bull. Nah, that’s a bunch of bullshit!!!” 😂


I would put AJ Lee as the winner over Sasha. She has full career and worked the WWE system better than Sasha. She made a wrestling good.


SPOILER ALERT: Zelina over Tegan Knox?? OMG. Come on y’all! I mean, Marina Shafir has technically wrestled more than Vega, and she wasn’t even on the bracket!


Spoiler Alert! Becky shouldve won over Chyna. She has better mic skills, personality, and wrestling moves. Chyna was popular because of her built but not as an overall "professional wrestler". Becky could have been a hard match-up for Banks in the final 4.


Watched this today.. Indeed Sasha is the best Womans wrestler and what an absolute loss to wwe letting her go.. I think the Womens division will never recover even with Bayley and Charlotte Flair coming back without Sasha