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What the hell is a Bone Yard match?


Was asuka spraying green mist the Coronavirus all along


Using wrestlers(or not)how would you guys book the end of the coronavirus

Mike Dawes

Did u guys see what show The New Day picked in the best TV show bracket ? #YUCK it was Dragon Ball Z . What a waste of time


Do you think that they are pre taping Wrestlemania so they can digitally add in a crowd?


so we’re supposed to care about Black Vs Lashley more than the US Title?


Wht happens first? Josh wins a WWWW Predictions title? Or Josh receives head? #Nolittleceaserupgrade


Will this wrestlemania have the worst buildup and payoff?


Did you guys actually watch the whole show? If so, we need to pay more for your services.


Which wrestling move is now most taboo with the coronavirus situation? Asuka’s Green Mist and The Mandible Claw have to be near the top. Any other offenders?


Yeah it was terrible. I love the podcast, but that was brutal. Wwww did it way better.


PFB Quarantined with...Vince McMahon, Lars Sullivan, Michael Cole (who’s youtubing a Roman reigns entrance compilation)


You would think that with the end. of the world approaching. WWE would finally try to. get better BUT NOOOOo they are actually get worse.


Will there be pumped in crowd noise at Wrestlemania? If they do it when there are fans, why wouldn’t they do it when there aren’t?


Tell josh that Little Caesars has extended their free delivery service for another week


Who would you rather fight? One Andre the giant sized Shayne baszler or ten shayna baszler sized andres?


How does AJ Styles add a stipulation to a match after the contract has already been signed?

JJ, Not the Jet Plane

What’s your favorite promo for a ppv match that you can remember? Mine is tied between CM Punk/Lesnar SummerSlam 2013 and Cena/Wyatt WM30 w/ Eminem’s “Legacy”


There’s so many things wrong with WWE... if you had the power to change ONE thing, what would it be ?


Do y’all know for sure if any wwe talent listen to this amazing podcast? Or is it just speculation for now?

Jason Dearham

Now that some matches are being filmed ahead of time and can be edited, will they use cables to help Goldberg hoist Reigns up for the Jackhammer? Or Cena does "You Can't See Me" to become invisible to counter Fiend's teleportation powers?


Is Vince just burying Ricochet and Cedric Alexander for shits and giggles now?


Fill in the blank, black vs Lashley, who gives a flying...


Can Shawn Michaels explain what a boneyard match is?


What if anything did angel Garza say to Charlie after the interview was over? or are we to believe that wwe talent only talk to each other when cameras the are rolling or on twitter? and doesn't garazas wife watch raw? guess not!


Can we start a drinking game for when they say wrestlermania too big for 1 night ?


I was watchin an old ufc fight with cain Velazquez and he talks fluent english. WWE made this man pretend he couldn't speak english