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Send in any questions or comments you have about the PPV.



Besides the obvious Bryan win, what were you guys looking forward to most on this show?

Noah W

It’s sad to see how far Cesaro has fallen since winning the ATGMBR


Was it too soon bringing it back to NOLA 4 years later

Noah W

Also I’d say the streak ending is the most iconic moment in Wrestlemania history


If you could put one more legend in that segment with Austin, Rock, and Hogan, who would you choose?


What were all of your reactions to Brock taking the streak? We know how that guy in the white shirt felt front row lmao


If the Yes Movement never happened, what type of title reign would’ve Batista had and who would he had eventually dropped to title to?


Do you agree with Batista when he said he wasn’t happy with Bryan not selling when he was celebrating after the win? I personally think the moment was so great that it didn’t matter P.s. love the podcast, keep doing what makes you guys great


Not A Question But To See The Pop Cesaro Got At WRESTLEMANIA And To See Where His Career Has Gone Is Sad

Harpoon Fingerfuck

I stopped watching wrestling for the first time around 07-08. WM30 is what got me back into wrestling. What show, wrestler or moment made you guys eventually come back to wrestling?


What would WWE have to do to get a crowd reaction like when Daniel Bryan beat HHH and then won the title?


What was a more damaging loss to Cena at Wrestlemania ? Bray Wyatt at 30, or Rusev at 31 ?


This is a Top 3 mania for me so thanks guys for reviewing it. I dont have a question so I'll make it easy PUSH FIRE BURY HOGAN ROCK AUSTIN


What match you have changed the winner and what match would you have changed altogether?


If you could insert Punk and keep the rest of the card for WrestleMania 30 the same, who would be his opponent?


Who would you rather have beaten the Undertaker’s streak?


Based Only off how they looked during HHH’s entrance, who was the hottest escort alexa, charlotte , or sasha?


I don't personally believe it, but if you bought into the conspiracies that the streak was broken on accident, do you think anyone involved would ever admit it?


How many former lovers of Paige did you spot in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal?


Would you rather have a threesome with Nicole Bass and Alexa Bliss or a 4some with Awesome Kong, Mandy Rose, zelina Vega.


Do you think the ramp was that long to be handicap compliant for Hogan?


Yes, we all know BoneSaw’s ready, but I’d like to ask Shawm Michaels if Undertaker was ready?

Jason Dearham

Amazing recovery from a shoulder injury from Bryan, after the match he had no trouble doing the Yes chant and lifting the belt above his head!


Push fire bury WM 19, 30, 31

PCJ aka Pop Culture Junkie

Bit long sorry. With Vince changing the main event from orton vs batista to Bryan now winning the title, was this the beginning of Vince being to stubborn for his own good since ever since his focus has been to make Roman the guy regardless of the fans backlash?

Angelo Gaetano III

Do you think if he had the authority at that time that Triple H, like Goldmember, would have dipped his balls in gold and entered the arena bottomless....he would have? : )


A shout out to the guy who made the video packages for this mania. Monster and legacy have gotta rank up there as 2 of the best pre match vids in mania history? HBK/Taker and Austin/Rock aside


This is my first time asking a question on here. 😊 Why did Orton, and later Bryan, carry two belts as champion? I don’t remember that part. Thanks, guys, for all you do! Special thanks to Joe for pronouncing my name correctly last year when I became a patron.