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Playing with Fire


Tyric Gaias

I’m… not sure how I feel about this chapter.


Very nice to see our boy cut loose, even if it's in a bit of a darker way. After all this is being a harem type ability , it's nice to see more than just one woman getting down with our MC. Plus, you ain't going to really count cuz that wasn't really going anywhere fast. So I am looking forward to some of the other members of RWBY jumping Juancifer. My back's early on Weiss finally snapping when Juane does one nice thing too far that you just jumped on them.


I feel like I just wandered into a different story. Just… a lot to process with this one.


I just don't see how the mc would do this. He has been so traumatized from ppl having fake relationships with him that the thought of him doing it to someone else feels really out of character. This is my fav series so please don't misunderstand. It just feels really out of character for him. I don't know how to complain without sounding like I hate everything D:


*System message* You have gained +1 uncontrollable psychotic minion, have a nice day!

PublicLee Speaking

Oh, don't worry, next chapter he's gonna talk to Pyrrha about this because he's REALLY not okay with what he just did, which also reaffirms his belief that relying on Company anything is a TERRIBLE idea. Pyrrha, meanwhile, will be sympathetic, but a less than positive influence.

pomegranate horsie (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-03 02:21:05 >whups yeah that about sums it up don’t you think Poor Cinder, she’ll never find another man who will emotionally and physically abuse her to that many orgasms again. (watch out, that bitch is *broken*, yo!)
2023-01-08 22:37:15 >whups yeah that about sums it up don’t you think Poor Cinder, she’ll never find another man who will emotionally and physically abuse her to that many orgasms again. (watch out, that bitch is *broken*, yo!)

>whups yeah that about sums it up don’t you think Poor Cinder, she’ll never find another man who will emotionally and physically abuse her to that many orgasms again. (watch out, that bitch is *broken*, yo!)

David Hedges

This just feels really OoC for the MC. It seems like exactly the sort of thing he would never do under almost any circumstance and exactly the sort of thing he has been having lots of drama and angst about through the story so far. So having him do this now, especially when hr refused to do it to Yang, just feels like a moralality idiot ball for some sort of plot development you want to force. Maybe you have some sort of thought process where it makes perfect sense in character for the MC to do this, but as the reader this just came out of nowhere and feels really OoC. If it isn't OoC you really need to better communicate why the MC is okay with doing this now and not before.

David Hedges

While I couldn't really enjoy the chapter because of how OoC the MC felt this chapter, the lemon itself was well written.

Mickal Ross

I look forward to reading the fallout of his actions. I can only imagine that reevaluating how the Company pushes people down a particular path is going to take precedence for him and Pyrrha, even though she is compromised