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Information Security for Immortals



I never considered how having smaller population and technically advancing so fast would affect something like that. It makes sense though. Even in our world sometimes it takes years to discover major vulnerabilities.


Oz is regretting his decision to leave his throne. That is a butterfly I didn't expect. One of the few decisions I actually liked post season 3 was making Oz's real name Ozma. The name of the rightful ruler of Oz, that the Wizard had usurped. Making that be the name Oz gave up on over the centuries had so much potential. The symbolism writes itself. But wasted potential is RWBY in a nutshell.

Zachary Brown

Yeah, good to see the lack of digital information security highlighted. Before the Black Queen virus, pretty sure that Ozpin didnt even know hacking networks was possible.


I admit my hack-fu is quite weak, so I ended up just smiling and nodding along through most of the chapter, while the main thrust of this chapter did come through, I REALLY hope the next chapter comes out fairly soon. Going from “OMFG KILL ALL THE THINGS!!!” To “and this is why your computers suck….” Is more than a little jarring. And left me a little bit unsatisfied. I think I was hoping for an after action wrap up on the expedition.


This is the type of whiplash out of context characters should cause. This is great. Now, all we need is an actual white hat hacker to give suggestions of how to fix it to make the whiplash a spine break for the plot. Does Atlas have any of those? If they don't, then they might have to hire the friendly local dragon slaver to help. The question is if he should request payment in gold or women. /s Seriously, though, I hope they have to hire him to get the security up to snuff.