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Fall Term Starts - Your Scroll Cannot Be Completed As Dialed



That is also my kink and I hope to see it in one of your stories. Maybe arcane? Well done on getting into cinders mindset. Really enjoyed seeing her trying to keep it together even though things are going super right and super wrong all around her. And Juanne x Pyrrha are awesome to read as always. Enjoyed the death of communication that occurred after the fact there

Joseph Fera

...I need to be up for work in 3 hours... ... ... fuck it I can do a paperwork day.

Joseph Fera

...and now i must wait to feed my addiction anew.


Don't really get how Aura works as a contraceptive, can you explain that?


What's the age of majority in remnant? I guess chronologically Ruby is too young for him but by that logic, isn't Pyrrha? There's only a two year age gap between them right? 🤔


Nice chapter, Cinders self importance is funny


Almost feeling sorry for Cinder here. She's gone full Nietzsche fangirl to the point that she can't grasp why someone would want a loving partner over a combative Übermensch. The mental image is of her sitting by her scroll, in full Fire Goth regalia and makeup, thinking to herself "he's gonna call me. Any moment now. Just gotta wait a bit longer..." It's kinda low-key heartbreaking.

Steven Stiring

I believe that this is the third graphic sex scene in the entire story. Considering the form that you started this on that is downright prudish. A great story and a fun chapter, my favorite part was the absolute smugness Pyrrha oozed when they saw the result of their love making.


Mentioning Nietzsche and Übermensch just had my mind go to the stormfront in the boys show as a superfan and i started laughing. Take a like good sir.


Edits delightful vicious -> delightfully ferventl -> fervently

PublicLee Speaking

Age of majority is actually likely 15, given its deathworld status, but Jauncifer's mentality comes from a literally different world.


I don't know if I should comment this, but it seems fair to point out that I personally didn't much enjoy how Cinder was portrayed but reading the other comments it's a me thing, I think it's just I tend to love your writing and something about that scene feels off to me but I also don't have any suggestions to improve it so feel free to ignore this in it's entirety just thought I'd try to put in my 2 cents in case other people were of the same mindset