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Settling in: Moving Out


Joseph Fera

YAY, main rotation back! I like all your stuff but DR and MHA are my favorites, probably because of how far along they are and the fact that i'm fairly aware of these series.

El Lando

Thank you for this! Also, there were several instances where One for All and Alll for One, and OfA and AfO, sets swapped.

David Hedges

The MCs PDST reactions feel cartoonish to me. Not saying they aren't realistic, but that is just how it feels to me. And having him freak out three times a day over extremely minor stuff for a couple dozen chapters already is getting tiresome as well besides just straining my SoB. And to be clear, it isn't that the idea of PDST isn't appropriate, but it just doesn't feel like it is written well. I've read a couple stories witb characters with similar issues before, and I never felt this way. Not sure why, but it just feels off, like a caricature, to me. They feel wrong or off somehow.


Edits And don’t know -> And I don't know Lab partner -> lab partner


🤔I can't recall why spirits are seen as creepy in this AU, and what did those spirit sages do to Denki and Mina to trigger their defenses

Joseph Fera

i fucking love your interpretation of Mei, because i can actually SEE her being like that! Give me a gun and firing point and I shall kill fake gods!

PublicLee Speaking

Spirits work on a different rule set, and an angry spirit, unless you've got someone that can go toe-to-toe with them, will fuck you up, and Denki (and Mina) brushed off the Sages more subtle attempts at pacification (control) as if they weren't there, ergo they have to be HELLA strong.

Mr Mouse

TFTC; Can't wait for next chapter and the non-verbal, 'You know, somehow, "I told you so" just doesn't quite say it' headed Aizawa's way

daniel koval

First of all, Mei is now my favorite person. Let all fear the rifle! Secondly the PTSD scenes are a bit over blown, that’s not how it works really, this reads like Hollywood PTSD. Things that are similar trigger memories and the person gets stuck in the memories/moments. You do NOT touch someone having an episode, gently talk to them and bring them back to the here and now. Touch/grabbing is only in extreme circumstances and even then you have to keep talking to them the whole time. The idea is to ground them in the present not in the memories. Still I appreciate the chapter and want to see more, glad you are back to the MHA verse!

Joseph Fera

... am I the only one who wants Mina to slap him, and then he apologizes to Denki in...dogiza(?), the posture that is basically the most severe version of 'I fucked up and beg your forgiveness' in Japan?

Steven Stiring

Mei is pure awesome we need more scenes with her. This was a good transition chapter back to the MHA universe. The talk with the parents was very touching but yeah Mei just stole the show at the end.


does this Lee have all this company training or was this him as a fresh clone I can't remember

Mr Mouse

Class B Lee, with a faulty wipe; So, all of his training was subconscious, except for the occasional flashback, and tidbit of information that he remembered, without remembering how he knows it I think


Mei saw a issue and immediately found a way to fix it. Through the power of gains and science she creates the workouts from kenchi the strongest disciple with robots and shock therapy.

Mr Mouse

Hey Lee, you mentioned this was going to be a double rotation of your main three; Does that mean 123,123 or 11,22,33?

Alexander Murray

Mei stole the show, hands down. How to deal with a false god? Build a better gun. Also, the fact she not only began working out (with mad science), but also began training to use said better gun, that raises her up a whole lot. And the fact she’s now straight up wearing jewelry that denki gave her, though denki might not realize that fact, that is damned funny.