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Cultural Mismatches



“So you are their hounds,” Mel noted distastefully. “Oh, The Company isn’t the only one doing so, not by a long shot" I think your missing a paragraph, Mei asks a question but Lee answers an entirely different one.

Mr Mouse

The implication I got was that he's responding to the 'their' part of the sentence, i.e. not just their hounds but the hounds of many multiversal organisations But I could be wrong


"[L] held her hands above the woodchip she’d placed in front of herself, pushing down with her left hand while struggling to lift her right, the bit of timber slowly growing into a miniature tree, miniscule roots forming to lift itself up, as tiny branches extended upwards." Speaking as a bonsai enthusiast, I kinda low-key hate this woman now. Do you have any idea how long it takes just to develop convincingly tapered branches???


Edits with out vision -> with our vision would emotionally depersoned -> depersonalize