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Hey everyone, as mentioned in my previous post I've re-uploaded the Behind the Scenes Video for my Art In Reload Animations video from 3 years ago. The video is unlisted on my second channel and should hopefully be viewable to everyone here through this link (https://youtu.be/wEEjs9IZTGU). 

Like I said previously, the information might be a little outdated and doesn't 100% reflect my workflow currently but it's still very close and hopefully there's some useful information in there. 

Just wanted to leave a little update at the bottom here mentioning that I'm feeling a little burnt out after finishing the Arcade Racing vid after how much effort it took to complete but I'll do my best to get over it and continue working on my next vid. Thank you all again for your support and thank you to all the new patrons that've come here from my most recent vid. I very much appreciate it : )

Again, here's the link for the Behind the Scenes Video: https://youtu.be/wEEjs9IZTGU





Don't overwork yourself my man, these videos take time (as you've proven haha)


Hey, Don't overwork yourself because we all want you to go able to upload again. ( well, maybe we could work on the half-decade thing a bit, but that's it. xD ) no really. Take a little break before you jump into your next project. And yes, your videos are worth the wait. You are the first YouTuber whom I came back to, to see if you had released a new video every few months. Anyways take care :)