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Hey uh, been a while huh? Just wanted to write a post to accompany the release of my newest video (found here: https://youtu.be/OG8mMSscaC0) to talk about what’s going on with me and also explain some of the restructuring I've done to the pledge tiers on my patreon. I'll also be making this post public so anyone new coming over to the page can get a taste of the kind of stuff I post here plus it serves as an explanation for where I've been.

So despite the fact that I'd gone radio silent over the last two years I never stopped working on the next video and hopefully the end product reflects the effort I put into it. Granted, there was a brief period where I'd sorta given up on it partially because of the monumental amount of work that would be necessary to finish it but also because of some personal struggles that i’d rather not go into. regardless the video is out and I'd like to think I did my best. It was a fucking nightmare to finish it but i hope it was worth the wait.

Moving forward I do have a couple ideas for my next video with the main one I want to pursue revolving around Environmental Storytelling in Zombie games. I’ve always been a whore for zombie games no matter how shit they are and one of the most fascinating elements to me is the way they utilize environments to convey a message. There’s a lot of zombie games that do it really well but more surprisingly are the many good examples I've seen from otherwise terrible video games that I'd really like to talk about. In terms of scope, this video would only be around 20 minutes in length (initially this is how long i planned for the arcade racing vid to be, lmao) and to significantly cut down on the 3D workload i planned to have the whole video set within a single barricaded house because it just feels very appropriate for the topic. That being said, I still haven’t quite found a “hook” for the video so I'm still working on that and hopefully it’ll come together soon.

Lastly I want to mention how I've changed pledges on my patreon. Previously i used to offer a behind the scenes video to accompany a main channel release on a higher $15 tier but since making that behind the scenes vid is also a lot of effort and i don’t really like the idea of locking useful information behind a paywall, i’ve decided to just make 2 functionally identical tiers (both $1 and $5 respectively) that grant people access to any behind the scenes information I share on this Patreon. While the $5 tier exists it is the same as the $1 tier, it just exists for people who are feeling especially generous. I feel this is a lot more fair to everyone that decides to pledge as they’ll all be receiving the same updates and information but it also means that I'm not over promising on rewards that I'm not certain I can deliver on. I may think of new tiers in the future once I find a reward I can reliably deliver on but for now this is how it is.

Oh and for patrons both new and old, I only ever made one Behind the Scenes vid for my old “Reload Animations” video from 3 years back. That video was hosted on someother site (I forget which) but I eventually took it down. I'm thinking i’ll re-upload it to my second channel if that’s something people want then link it on here so you can watch it. The information is a little bit outdated and there’s some new software i’ve picked up since, but it still serves as a nice companion piece to the reloads video and maybe it could be helpful to someone.

Anyway I think that’s just about everything I wanted to say. Your support means the world to me and I'm incredibly grateful for every person that’s stuck around to see this video finally get released. Here’s hoping the next one doesn’t take 3 years to finish. To close this off I’ll leave you with some behind the scenes screenshots of some of the more complicated scenes I made for the Arcade Racing video, there were a lot of them :).




I’ve now watched your new video. Twice. Your editing style and sense of timing is infectious and absolutely worthy of comparison to the likes of Edgar Wright, Wes Anderson and even a touch of DANIELS (EEAAO/Swiss Army Man). I doubt you’ll see this but genuinely thank you. I’ve always wanted to get into content but worried about how long it would take me to make the projects I care about. But with this example I think I need to get started.

Dhruv Aggarwal

Hey there! Just wanna give you a heads up that it appears your Behind the Scenes video has been locked under a Patreon tier that no longer exists. I know you mentioned in your video it was originally a 15$ tier benefit and that you planned on making it available for any Patreon supporter, but I do get if that's something you change your mind on. However, I would like the ability to see that post in some way, as it appears to be impossible right now under any available tier. Thank you so much, your work is an inspiration to me :D


you do everything in fucking BLENDER?!


Also you're the only person i bothered to subscribe on patreon to. Your editing style is absolute and the newest upload is a blessing upon us- cars and music is legit all im interested in and this man drops a 1hr 20 minute video of intense greatness. keep it up man you are KILLING it!