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Greetings my dear Patron~

The end of the week is within sight and I am ready for it. That is how I am feeling right about now. But I have been making big progress on a number of projects in my life and have been feeling extremely productive lately. I have secret techniques which I will share with you that have been very useful for me to do what I enjoy doing when I am in a situation I'd less prefer to be in.

My job has me in meetings multiple times a day in some instances and to put it nicely, more than a few of them feel like a waste of my time. Time that I could better serve the company in some other capacity if they'd only listen. But you know how companies can be, and no doubt how boring some meetings can be. This isn't a huge breakthrough, but I am a good note-taker these days. Taking notes has its own obvious benefits, but it also means if you are writing something down, nobody questions it and assumes you are a diligent worker/listener.

 And they aren't wrong. I am extremely diligent, but instead of taking notes on whatever is happening in the meeting, almost all of which is common knowledge to someone with my experience, I am day dreaming about smut. I know! I (purposefully) write my notes in such messy shorthand that even if someone was to glance at my notepad they couldn't read anything. Have one or two really clear phrases or key words that obviously pertain to the meeting and they don't scan for the details which are talking about the power trip Lucy is going on and how much the poor doctor will suffer for her sins in the first novel.

 They see a large heading that basically says something like 'FINISH THOSE TPS REPORTS!' in black pen with a circle around it. But they don't bother to look at the light pencil novella filling the rest of the page describing Valentina going off the deep end in her new position in the company. Or Trish's for that matter either. They just read the big bold text if/when/while they steal glances at my notepad and are none the wiser.  By the time I get back to my PC I already have chapters upon chapters outlined and ready to be fleshed out.

 This is a fancy way of me saying, the next book in what I have deemed the Dr. Cuunis Trilogy (How fancy and exciting.) is going to be fucking rocking. At least the current base premise of the story seems sound and will open a lot of doors to different flavors of fetish while still having a main theme and thread that goes along with the ideas in the first book. Ideally I will also be answering some of the requests and hopes you have implied in your responses to my polls as well. We shall see, won't we?

 So that brings us to today! Another chapter of Robin Wood for my generous onlookers. Getting to the meat of the matter now. I sincerely hope you like it. I will share more pics I generated of Lin, or a Lin-esque character next week.  I still need to work out how I will end this story, but like where it is going so far. This is a bit more of a fly by the seat of my pants kind of story. The original premise wasn't extremely thought through, but characters and situations are coming up that are appealing and arousing and exciting to me, so its been enjoyable. My creative -

Literally just got yanked into a meeting in the middle of writing this rant and inspired by it, managed to knock out the rest of the main plot for Robin Wood. It is already in the 20k words ball park so it will be a bit of a task to edit down. For me though, I basically edit up and just add much more flavor as I tighten up what I already have. I can't help myself apparently. I want to release this as a standalone story eventually though. Such is life.

Anyway, that was a nice rant. My apologies to anyone who actually bothered reading through it! Hah. Please enjoy the latest chapter and look forward to more good stuff on the horizon. I'd like to just write all day everyday I feel and the inspiration keeps pouring in thankfully. I have easily 20 or 30 more decent story ideas I want to explore going forward, but don't want to keep splitting apart between projects and leaving countless cliffhangers out there to rot. (Sorry CYOA story... I will pick you back up one day.)

Ta ta~



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