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 Greetings my dear Patron!

Having a nice week? I certainly hope so.

The past two weeks have been all about releasing and tying a bow on the complete draft of Experimental Medicine. That has been exciting and all the while I am also editing and polishing the thing in its entirety to release on Amazon. Also! I am still typing away at Robin Wood, which has been my current muse when not chipping away at EM.

I was debating taking a week 'off' and just put up polls, but realized that this was not going to be that week! So enjoy another chapter of Robin Wood.  Finally getting into the good stuff. I will admit I am being a lot less wordy than before. Hopefully, it still has a similar impact all the same for you my reader.

Today's rant will just be a short one before I go off on a big old tangent about this and that. Thanks as always for reading and for your generous support and kind words.




Matt Carey

I enjoyed this chapter a lot and even with the less words it still got the point across very well


I appreciate that a ton. I am working on tightening up my overly verbose style. This story still has a handful more chapters. I hope you enjoy where it's going!