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GRoEM: Chapters overall

  • Chapter 1: 8,600 words - Intro to MC, desire for more, his office, doctor. Green Pill. 0
  • Ch2: 800 words – 'This stuff works!' Waking up, balls swelling, getting off at work, before bed, etc. 0
  • CH3: 4500 words – Flirtations with Trish, Meeting with Boss, can't last 4 hours, Blue Pill. Doctor chugs his sample. 1
  • CH4: 650 words – Spends the day unloading into condoms all day. Saves them in a box. 2
  • CH5: 12,000 Words (Ayy) – Back to work. Spicy scene with Boss & Shower. Doctor binges on whole box of 'samples'. 3
  • CH6: 4,000 – Recovery, Chores, Encounter with woman at the grocery store/in the car. 0
  • CH7: 16,000 – Preparing for date night. Scene at the Tailor, Flo's. Date with Trish 1
  • CH8: 21,000 (Hitting stride?) - Wakes up at, milked at Trish's. Effects stabilizing, visits the doctor. She's huge. Red pill, Milk, madness. 2
  • CH9: 20,000 (Dang!) - Boss rescues MC. Brings to office. Cums into the vents. Office-wide orgy. Ends up in the Doctor's special 'lab'. 1
  • CH10: 15,000 – New 'life' in the lab. Girls try to rescue him. No luck. Valentina ends up joining him. 0
  • CH11: 22,000 – Valentina lactation. Doctor grows new 'toys'. Boss & Trish still failing to rescue them. 1
  • CH12: 20,000 – Climax. Break in. Rescue. Absolute craziness. Orgasm into a coma. 0
  • CH13: 4,800 – Aftermath weeks/months later. 0
  • 2024-02-22
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'GRoEM: Chapters overall', 'choices': [{'text': 'Chapter 1: 8,600 words - Intro to MC, desire for more, his office, doctor. Green Pill.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "Ch2: 800 words – 'This stuff works!' Waking up, balls swelling, getting off at work, before bed, etc.", 'votes': 0}, {'text': "CH3: 4500 words – Flirtations with Trish, Meeting with Boss, can't last 4 hours, Blue Pill. Doctor chugs his sample.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'CH4: 650 words – Spends the day unloading into condoms all day. Saves them in a box.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': "CH5: 12,000 Words (Ayy) – Back to work. Spicy scene with Boss & Shower. Doctor binges on whole box of 'samples'. ", 'votes': 3}, {'text': 'CH6: 4,000 – Recovery, Chores, Encounter with woman at the grocery store/in the car.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': "CH7: 16,000 – Preparing for date night. Scene at the Tailor, Flo's. Date with Trish", 'votes': 1}, {'text': "CH8: 21,000 (Hitting stride?) - Wakes up at, milked at Trish's. Effects stabilizing, visits the doctor. She's huge. Red pill, Milk, madness.", 'votes': 2}, {'text': "CH9: 20,000 (Dang!) - Boss rescues MC. Brings to office. Cums into the vents. Office-wide orgy. Ends up in the Doctor's special 'lab'.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': "CH10: 15,000 – New 'life' in the lab. Girls try to rescue him. No luck. Valentina ends up joining him.", 'votes': 0}, {'text': "CH11: 22,000 – Valentina lactation. Doctor grows new 'toys'. Boss & Trish still failing to rescue them.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'CH12: 20,000 – Climax. Break in. Rescue. Absolute craziness. Orgasm into a coma.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'CH13: 4,800 – Aftermath weeks/months later. ', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 22, 13, 10, 55, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 11}


'General Reflections on Experimental Medicine' 'GRoEM' "Gro Em" lol. That is nice.

Anyway, here comes the gamut of tests, almost like the doctor is right here with you. Didn't you know there would be a test when you started reading this mess half a decade ago? Well this is how we learn.

Your first test, should you choose to accept it, is to please share with me what chapters of the story you liked the best! I will try to summarize/jog your memory on the general contents of each of the chapters in the answers. Feel free to pick as many as you'd like.

(Please vote for your favorite chapters)  Below is a moment of personal reflection. Read at your own risk (Of boredom. Ayy.)

Just shy of 150,000 words. At least in this rough format. Tremendous! Longer than the Hobbit! Longer than 20,000 leagues under the sea! Just about the same length as 50 shades of Grey. (That one intrigued me.)

What a journey.

This story has been one of the early defining moments and responses from readers on reddit and in direct messages ultimately inspired me to start this patreon and also take the time to finish it. It is far from a career by any means, but I am putting in the effort to take (what once was) a frivolous hobby I got off to and pushing it in that direction. It has been really exciting. To be frank, I am in the same camp as many in that my daily job doesn't bring me as much satisfaction as I'd like it to. Just how things are when they become monotonous or you have co-workers and bosses who aren't very adaptable or open to changes.  So writing has been an absolute boon for me mentally and emotionally.

I want to thank you my dear Patrons of course, and also to the multitude of readers who have clicked thumbs-ups, likes, and especially those who have commented over the years on my stories. All of it has helped and supported me.

As I continue to re-write, edit, polish, and release this story in parts and ultimately as a standalone novel I hope that it will only improve and deepen the enjoyment readers get from it going forward.

Thanks as always for your interest in my work and know that your votes on these polls and comments and feedback are important to me. I changed the ending of this book, or at least modified it largely in part to the results of a poll that many of you voted in.

Seeing the word counts bouncing up and down and all around for those first few chapters and then seeing them clonk into tasty 15~20k hekkin' chonkers was interesting for me. I wanted to write a novel and I did. I pray in the editing process I can cut some of those chapters down a bit!  I feel I got a bit too gratuitous at times. Anyway. I am getting onto a tangent from my tangent.

Thanks as always and happy voting.




After a week or so it looks like the favorites are the first sex scene with the boss in her office / Dr. Binging on samples. I have to admit that is one of my favorites too. I am doing rewrites on that for the Amazon release and fleshed out so much of the day before having MC interact with and get egged on by people on the internet. He is taking video and stuff. It is almost too hot to not share. I will actually share a snippet of that here so you can all see some of the differences. Call it DLC or something if you'd like. Other than that epic chapter, looks like waking up at Trish's after the date and escape to the doctor who also has been going overboard and the ensuing situation there is another hot one. Lastly, it seems the descent into madness in the dungeon lab is also quite popular. I can see nobody is interested in the scene with the tailor, Flo! That was kind of an experiment on my part and that is the reaction I was kind of expecting. I figured the date with Trish was going to get a little love though, but that's fine. All this feedback is appreciated very much. I will try to cut down some of this extra business and keep chapters tighter going forward. I think I am making that happen a bit more with Robin Wood. Thanks for reading and look forward to more writing to come. ~Michelle