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(This has been copy and pasted from reddit in its original form to preserve it here and ideally cut back on disorganization of my back catalogue.)

DAY 4 (Green Pill day 3, Blue Pill Day 2)

The orgasm was intense and he felt the jizz streaming from his cock as the first long stream began flowing out. The first jet lasted almost 3 seconds of continual pleasure. Stream after stream flowed into the condom on his dick and he felt first the tip, and then gradually the shaft become submerged in a hot bath of spunk, triggering another orgasm right after. He had no idea how long he came, but it must have been more than a few minutes by the time he was able to open his eyes again he surveyed the situation. At first glance, he didn’t think the condom came off and saw that there was a huge bulge in his boxer briefs that looked like there was almost a softball sized lump sloshing around. He wasn’t far from the truth. Sliding the briefs off, his balls were the size of plump plums and the condom was filled to capacity with a load the size of a healthy orange sloshing around on the tip of his dick, slowly oozing out the last few pangs of sex from his dick. He pulled off the condom carefully and held it up, it was heavy like a water balloon squeezing it with the other hand, hot and soft. The amount he came was staggering as he looked down at his cock, still hard at the sight of that load.

He had the day off and decided after that morning’s discovery, he was going to fill a condom to its limit. He began to drink water and masturbate and edge himself to climax to prompt the biggest ejaculation that he could muster. After two or three hours of edging, he slipped on a condom and allowed himself to cum. It began to flow with such force that the condom almost shot off but he held it continuing to pumping his dick slowly as the condom filled up quickly. First blast filled it to the size of a golf ball, the second stream pushed it past the size of a plum, the third filled it to orange size as his orgasm built up stronger and stronger. He continued to cum for almost a minute until the bulb of the condom hung off his chair dangling with a huge load of semen filled to the size of a small grapefruit. The smell of cum was intoxicating as he pulled the condom off and tied it closed marveling at the massive balloon of pearlescent creamy jizz he held in his hands. He licked the opening of the condom and the thick nectar made his eyes roll back into his head. What the hell is going on with me? It is like I am cumming some kind of hypnotizing potion, I have never licked my own cum before…

Lost in thought, he put this balloon with the one from this morning. He started a small collection laying them on the table near his computer. His life was becoming nothing more than an existence made to ejaculate endless amounts of cum… and he liked it.

Taking a few breaks to eat lunch, dinner, and to bathe, almost clog the drain in the process, he got ready for bed after admiring the literal collection of almost a dozen cum-filled condoms varying in size from sizes of baseballs to softballs, but none came close to the edging from the morning. A feeling of satisfaction waved over him as he admired his work. He thought he might bring this collection to the doctor tomorrow after work. He packed them in a box and got them ready for the trip tomorrow.

Another condom prepared, intense erotic dreams, and waking up to see that bulb filled full was almost like a gift his body gave to himself. He topped it off with another quick rub out and tied it off adding it to the collection.

The day was mostly uneventful, but he felt eyes on him from the ladies in the office a lot more. Every time he stopped by the water cooler to drink, which was fairly often, Trish or another girl would also show up like clockwork and begin chatting. After lunch, and his mid day fap in the bathroom is when things started to get a little strange…

The water cooler visits began to feel like press conferences as the girls began to get closer and closer to the point where he was getting nervous, but it felt good to have all the attention. Eventually the boss showed up wondering what the commotion was and broke up the gaggle of girls and get people back on task.

“What the hell is going on over here, girls? Oh, and you too, huh?” She said surprised to see him. She breathed in deeply before continuing. “Taking drink breaks is ok, but this is ridiculous. Please get back to work.” She was stern but friendly.

“Sorry about that, I didn’t want to be impolite to my co-workers and…” He said. But she didn’t bother letting him finish.

“Please see me in my office in a few minutes. We need to talk.” She poked his chest and walked off.

Oh dear… I just got off of taking some time off and now I am already causing trouble… He sighed and went back to his desk for a minute and headed to the bosses office after. It was a fairly subtle office with tinted glass windows blocking the view inside and a few potted plants in the corners of the room surrounding her desk. The desk was large and there were a couple chairs in front of it and she sat behind her desk. Wearing a white satin button down shirt with her hands on the desk waiting. She gestured for him to sit down smiling breathing deeply as the door shut behind him closing her eyes. Breathing in, the outline of her bra, obviously turquoise through the semi-sheer fabric, showed clearly as her buttons strained and bosom overflowed slightly.

She gestured for him to sit down as she steepled her fingers looking at him blinking slowly.
Why do I feel like I am in big trouble here… causing trouble in the workplace…
She took in a deep breath and looked at me with eyes that were thinking intensely.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice. You seem to be gaining popularity around here and it is causing some trouble for the workflow as you can gather…” She spoke softly but steadily.

“I am really sorry about that. Every time I go to the water cooler people just … bump into me and start chatting and…”

“They bump into you?” She cut him off with a slightly playful sharpness to her tone as she leaned back breathing deeply again causing her bosom to heave against her shirt. He could swear he almost heard fabric or thread beginning to tear… He gulped and glanced nervously at her chest and felt his dick slowly begin to engorge. He had switched to briefs hoping that it would keep everything contained and it did to a point… but…

“Yeah, you know, like, I just go to get a drink and next thing I know I turn around after my 3rd cup of water and there are people waiting in line, really it’s my fault and…”

“So you're very thirsty, often it seems. Why don’t you just bring in a water bottle or something if you need to drink that much? I am fine with that as long as you don’t damage the equipment.”
She continued to breathe in and out occasionally shaking her head like she was getting drowsy. She reached up to her collared shirt and pulled it a little to vent some heat stretching her slender neck in the process and shaking her hair a bit. Each breath she took showed her bosom heaving against the bra showing a tight line across her chest with the cups overflowing and straining against the fabric in a very slow rhythm as she spoke. He was doing his best to focus on her eyes, but continued to glance down at her breasts like a total skeeze.. It was kind of hot in there, he felt his heart pumping too, quite quickly…Respond idiot!

“ I.. yeah! That is a great idea. I will bring in a water bottle and just… fill it up in the rest room or something or bring a small supply. I promise that I won’t damage the equipment. I am so sorr-”
She unabashedly looked him up and down leaning forward slightly on her desk, resting slightly on her arm touching the knuckle of her closed right hand to her lips. She scanned him as he was blinking like a fool clearly flustered. What a silly boy he… Not as much of a boy as he seems… she clocked the bulge in his crotch, it looked like he stuffed a pair of balled up socks down there… That can’t be real… she caught herself glancing just a little too long and met his gaze as he mentioned equipment and cut him off again, the overapologetic fool he was being.

“ Of course. All our.. Equipment..” SHe raised her eyebrows slightly adding emphasis.. “Is extremely fragile. We must take utmost care to keep it all in proper working condition..” She breathed deep again. What is this aroma I keep smelling… its not quite a cologne… it was driving her crazy but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She looked down at his package again, and could see that whatever was happening in his pants didn’t look comfortable judging by the look on his face as she flicked her gaze back to him and continued.

“How is your equipment by the way? Any troubleshooting that needs taken care of? Perhaps a few updates or new programs that you can download? Make it go faster?
She is totally looking at my dick… the thought only aroused him more as she was speaking about his computer… it was an authentic worry, but he had another. My dick is seriously getting pinched… and it was. Swelling more and more, he took a quick assessment of his situation as she took another deep breathe closing her eyes for a second or two in the process as she went on about updates. He felt like he was almost sitting on his balls which were pressed tightly between his thighs and the shaft of his penis leaking precum still was beginning to untuck and slowly unfurl against his left leg managing to fight it was way out of the briefs which failed to keep it in check. He looked up again nervously attempting to maintain his cool despite the hard truth he was up against.

“ Oh, sure, I should be up to date, but I can always check. I am pretty good about keeping up to date about drivers and program updates. I will make a thorough check when I get back to my cubicle, I promise.” He smiled weakly blinking quickly as a bead of sweat began to slowly glide down his forehead. He felt the hot helmet of his cock slowly trace a thin sticky ribbon across the bottom and side of his thigh as it finished its escape of his underpants.

Dear god that is no balled up sock in his pants.. That.. is… she breathed in… the real thing… she could smell it now. It was like… musky almonds with a sweetness she couldn’t place, but she had been with men before and it was semen. How she could smell it after he walked into the room was ridiculous but now it was unmistakable. It was him! She took in a very deep breath closing her eyes and it was like taking a long puff of some kind of intoxicating vapor to her, she felt her nipples harden and put both hands palms down on the desk standing up, biting her lip slightly. She leaned her hips forward so that the edge of the table was barely within reach of the growing heat hidden within her skirt.

“ Well, now. It seems like you are distracting checking out my equipment then hmm? “ Her sudden turnabout and with eyebrows raised she tilted her head and took a healthy, obvious glance at his throbbing dick. It was almost halfway down his thigh and thicker than a plump sausage with an obvious wet spot growing darker as it slowly continued to pulse gently against the fabric of his pants. “ Do you see anything.. That needs further inspection?” She reached up a hand to fix her hair and brushed against her bosom seductively, he nipples poking through the bra and the fabric…

Dear god she is so sexy… I am completely fucked here… what do I say? “Well, um… your...equipment is…” Her boobs keep rising and falling… damn I am just so hard and horny right now… “Well, its.. You know, really good.”

“And…?” She lowered her hand from her hair slowly and undid a button.

“Well. I mean, they’re amazing, er.. YOU’RE amazing. But… I can’t be certain unless…” His cock was hard as it's ever been and pulling away from his leg tenting his pants as he remained seated, flabbergasted at this turn of events.

He is mine… “Unless what? You take a closer look?” She undid another, he cleavage clearly visible as her breasts pushed out against the shirt, the tops of her areola just barely visible through her white shirt peeking out of the top of her bra. The next button down under a lot of pressure hovering just barely above the cloth bridging between the cups of her bra. Oh look at him… look at THAT. It has been a little while with work being like it is…. This might just be perfect…

Oh shit… this is happening! He gulped and nodded. “Well, you’re the boss! And… uh.. My job is the satisfaction of others… so… if there is anything that I can…” He felt the pressure starting to build up in his balls… as she began to walk over to his chair.
She leaned forward over him pushing him back slightly and then put her hands on the arms of his chair hanging her plump bulging breasts in front of him as they threatened to spill out of her bra and top, cleavage for days right in his face. Go on and do it boy….

“Well, there are two …. BIG issues that could use a little inspection…. If you weren’t too busy, that is…” She slowly undid the next button right in front of his eyes as her bosom bounced in reaction to being freed from one more barrier under as much pressure as he had always assumed...and dreamed about… She paused for a second and looked him in the eye mouthing the words silently.. “NOW.”

He reached up and grabbed handfuls of breast kneading her soft hot titties as she threw her head back and undid the rest of her shirt throwing it across the room. Her pathetic DD cup bra from years ago clearly only a tool to emphasize her chest practically exploded off her chest as she unhooked it and draped across his shoulders and neck, not skipping a beat he began to suck on them furiously. Her fair skin yielded , reddish pink nipples, hard as diamonds which he flicked hungrily with his tongue as he breathed hard attempting to not be suffocated by the facefulls of tit he was dealing with. She continued breathing hard and slowly moaning quietly whispering

 “...yes…. ….just like that…. ...more…. “ as he went from one breast to the other.
She slowly stepped forward and sat down on his lap with one leg over each of the arms of the chair grasping his head and shoulders pulling his head into her chest. Her panties were revealed plainly, a darker turquoise than the bra...for some reason... as she lowered her tight butt onto the hot rod that was the unspoken elephant(‘s trunk) in the room. SHe wiggled her ass so that it was right between her butt cheeks and grinded slowly against his shaft as he continued to suck and tease her breasts. Even through his pants and her panties the feeling was incredible and the moist heat which was teasing his shaft and cock head was intense. That, and the fact that he hadn’t been with a woman in months and months...has it been a year? And, especially the one at the caliber of his boss as she continued to wriggle her big round breasts slowly swaying in his face and bobbing up and down….

All that buildup and the fact that he missed his mid morning …’break’ had put him over the edge. He soft asscheeks practically giving him a ‘butt job’ as he continued to suck was enough and he let a titty pop out of his mouth a string of spittle connecting his lips to her quivering nipple as he leaned back and felt the swelling in his balls begin to quake in his pants.

There is no way he is coming already… She thought to herself as she slowed her grinding on top of his throbbing knob as it began to pulsate with a soft pressure against her perineum. He was closing his eyes tightly and gritting his teeth with an expression that can only be described as painful build up tension being released. He is totally out of it… “Hey, are you…”

That is when the first strong burst of cum flooded the inside of his pantleg shot with a strong enough force for it to splash against his knee and begin to plash down over his calf and shin. The first burst was intense and she felt his cock throbbing pushing against her sensitive areas and growing wetter and wetter as his pants became soaked. It felt like she was sitting on top of some kind of thick meaty hose which was pulsing out hot liquid like in cartoons in large bursts which she felt directly since with each burst his cock pressed against her harder and harder and she began to grind back and forth again, pulling her legs in and now grinding her vagina against his pulsating dick.

He was lost in the pleasure utterly as the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth heaving ropes of ejaculate were pumped along the inside of his thick shaft, her slight and quiet moaning and gentle squeals of surprise with each release, punctuated by the wet plops of jizz shooting against his legs and pants and spilling all over his shoes and the floor in big heavy streaming droplets. It sounded like someone had slowly emptied a bowl of thick stew onto the ground it was so much.

What the hell even is this guy? She was grinding more and more and steadily approached climax as well, the smell of his pungent musky seed clouding the space around them both and intoxicating her causing her to sweat a little and she bit her lip slightly and felt a surge of her own wetness begin to give way. She held his head against her breasts and came harder than she had in years… from only hot dogging this goofballs crazy firehose dick and getting her breasts sucked on. It felt so amazing What… is happening? Her thighs and buttocks began to shake as she added her own juices to the increasing wetness that was the left side of his lower body. She was rocked by pleasure so hard that one of her high heels fell off her feet and landed with a wet sticky splat on the floor.

After a few minutes, they were both breathing heavily on each other passionately, and sweating in the aftermath of what just happened. The waves of pleasure and spurts of semen had subsided for the most part and his cock felt like it has gotten soft. They both laughed and she leaned in his ear and whispered, “That was amazing…” And she slid back putting her unheeled foot down and immediately landed in what could only be described as a thick pool of hot spunk which had spilled from his pantleg in a radius of about 6” surrounding his brown, now completely white, shoes. She pulled the other leg off, and fixed her skirt looking down at the rediculous mess on her executive carpet. THe pearlescent white was in stark contrast against the dark greys and blacks that made up the color of the flooring.

Holy shit. That was the hardest I have cum since I started this crazy experimental medicine and it was amazing…. He looked her up and down and she stood there with a tired, pleasured, and surprised look of disbelief as she looked at the puddle of cum on the floor. Her skirt, wrinkled and damp was all she was wearing as her glistening breasts stood proudly on her chest going up and down with her breath slowly as she regained composure. She knelt down and scooped up a heathy glob of results of his orgasm on two fingers and gave it a deep sniff then looked up to him.

“Forgive me for being so forward, but are you even for real? Is it even possible for a man to ejaculate this much at a single time? And what is with this… intoxicating smell…??”
She looked at him for a moment expecting an answer but got distracted by the cum on her fingers and slowly licked and sucked it all into her mouth licking her lips. It tastes… so good… I… I need more.. To.. eat more..no..drink more of it. Oh god… She felt it slide down her throat like eating a spicy pepper feeling it go all the way into her stomach and spreading a warmth across her whole body, instantly sending a wave of sexual heat throughout herself. Oh my god… this...feels… so…

He wiped the sweat from his brow and took a deep breath.
“It’s… a condition I have that I am taking medication for currently… one of the reasons I am drinking so much water… I’m sorry about..this mess...” He looked down at the puddle on the floor as he stood up slowly. The wet heat of the mess that didn’t make it out of his pants slowly slid down his leg and deepened the growing pool of cum at his feet. She looked at it and her eyes glazed over a little bit...I… want it all… right.. Right n-... she snapped out of it looking up to him. “A.. condition? I hope its nothing too serious or life threatening. I want to hear more about this, but for now… follow me. “She smiled and waved for him to come over to a side room in her office showing him the way to what appeared to be a private washroom for the boss.

“ Don’t worry about it. After that “little” mess you made” she laughed shaking her head, “I have a feeling that we could both use a shower. This is my private washroom, and I would prefer to keep it that way. I will see what I can do about some clothes for you since… those are ruined to say the least.” The smile on her face as she prepared the shower area and showed him where the towels, etc. were betrayed how thrilled she was at the experience in general. From a simple joke about a boner one day, to spraying cum all over his bosses floor and ass, this medication had some intense sied effects to say the least and he was starting to like them more and more. He said a few pleasantries and continued apologizing until she basically shoved him in the shower.
“I will give you your privacy. Let me see about some clothes and that puddle in the main office area… Take your time.”

He nodded and smiled and began to undress as she left the room closing the door almost completely behind her. She watched through the crack in the door for a few moments to get a glimpse of his naked body slowly rubbing herself through her skirt seeing that tool exposed to the air. On his moderate frame, it was almost as thick as a red bull can and hanging halfway down the length of his thigh… So...thick, and meaty… My goodness that thing is a monster and I need it in me… on me… anything. He continued to survey the damage he did to his trousers and stretch his legs a little bit after being sat on by his boss. His thick pipe swung from thigh to thigh swinging with a soft slap as he took a few steps towards the sink. From behind his ballsack hung low between his thighs being squeezed slightly as his cock head and a ltitle of the shaft extended beyond it as he leaned on the counter before the mirror looking at himself. They must be the size of plums or oranges… no wonder he came so much. This is the find of the century…
He casually reached for a glass and began to down water, cup after cup almost chugging it with the intense thirst that he felt. He stood with his legs spread slightly to ease the pressure on his nuts with one hand on his hip and drank and drank. She could have sworn she saw them swelling slightly with each cup… What am I thinking… I need to clean up that mess.. And come to think of it, I am a little thirsty myself… She stole away quietly and left him to his business as she walked into the main area. The pool was the size of a large dinner plate and at least a centimeter or two deep in the center. She walked over, and then knelt down on her hands and knees taking a deep breath of the spooge, still slightly warm despite being exposed to the air for a few minutes. WIthout hesitation, she took another dip into the pool with two fingers like she was a kid stealing a taste of cake frosting before she blew the candles and sucked on her digits swallowing the semen hungrily. The wave of warmth again spread across her body. Another dip, and another… She felt hot and began to sweat a little as the warmth concentrated around her erogenous zones.. Her vagina and breasts felt hot… her clit and nipples felt like they were hard and pulsing with pleasure. The slightest touch send tingling waves of electricity through her and it was amazing

She looked at the remainder of the pool before her, the bit she already ate carved out of the slowly coagulating gelatinous meal before her, its raw sexual smell seemingly speaking directly to her primal urges and shea leaned down and reached her arms out scoooping as much of the semen as she could pulling it towards her as she thirstily began to cup handfulls of it into her mouth and throat as her eyes rolled in the back of her head and she began to experience one of the best orgasms in her life…. Yes… YES… YES!!!. This...feels…. Like… heaven…. Auuhhhghhhnnn.


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