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(This has been copy and pasted from reddit in its original form to preserve it here and ideally cut back on disorganization of my back catalogue.)


DAY THREE (Green Pill Day 2)

The dreams happened again, more intense and more lucid. Images of the women he saw day to day became clearer and the sexual fantasies were more sensational and real despite being a dream. Each time he climaxed in the dream it felt real and after going through sexual fantasies with girls at work, from his past, celebrities, he landed on that strange doctor again remembering that he needed to see her soon. Just as he worked his way to climax everything went dark and he woke up. He immediately climaxed following where he was in the dream and thick heavy ropes of semen sprayed into his face, along his neck, and splashed into a pool of cum on his chest and stomach. He didn’t care though since waking up to an orgasm that strong almost paralyzed his body as countless orgasmic spasms pushed semen out of his throbbing cock. It was a bigger mess than before and he figured that he came multiple times during the night when he came to and realized that he was laying in a damp hot puddle of it.

This is ridiculous! That pill was super effective to the point where this might be a problem. He leaned up panting and felt the hot sticky mess slide down his front and off of his face splatting down into his lap and wet sheets making loud drips. That was when his balls against his legs and the sheets, sticky and slippery with cum. He flicked on the light and saw his cock beginning to calm down slightly and moved it aside to glimpse his nut sack. His sack was almost taught with how big his testicles have grown in such a short time. They almost looked the size of plums and felt so big and full as he reached down and played with one in his hand. It was so hot to the touch. He wiped his face and chest with what dry parts of his sheet were left and bundled them up into a ball to do laundry before grabbing the large jug of water beside his bed. The thirst was incredible. He reached over and grabbed his ‘cum diary’ as he began thinking of it and wiped a small splotch of cum away from the open page before noting what happened. He had to get up in about 20 or 30 minutes anyway so he started in laundry and got ready for his day, rubbing one or two more out in the shower down the drain to prevent whatever was happening at night from occurring during the day, beginning to fear the amount of jizz his cock produced.

The sensation of walking felt brand new given that he had a set of small hot plums rubbing against his legs all day and there was a semi noticeable bulge in his pants if he even got slightly aroused, which was in general most of the day. He did his best to hide it throughout the day.

There was a meeting scheduled and a little bit before, he decided to head to the water cooler. The heat and dry air in the office had him thirsty and he was making more frequent trips than usual and a few of his co-workers were happy to see him. Going for cup after cup, a girl walked up, Trish, a kind of mousy librarian type of girl who was quiet but fairly kind. She never seemed interested in him, but made small talk at times. He kind of got the vibe that she was not really into guys or really doing anything with anyone from the way she talked to him.

“Pretty thirsty hm? Save some for the dolphins.” She mentioned casually walking up with a slight smirk. Her average frame and thick glasses were pleasant and her voice was a little deep for a girl. He filled up one more cup and stepped aside a little smiling.

“Yeah, the dolphins right, heh. Sorry, this office air just dries my throat out sometimes and combined with the recent heat, I have just been thirsty. I need to bring a thermos to work or something.”

She nodded in understanding. “I am the same way. I don’t like using the fridge because Stacy and Jim are always stealing people’s food, right?” She made small talk and they chatted for a few minutes up until the meeting was set to start. They went together and sat through the meeting. The boss talked as usual about this and that, but whether it was him making things up or not, while she walked around the room he felt like she was paying more attention to him. She paused behind his chair more and looked at him a lot and he could swear that she took a few glances at his crotch. Who could know since basically his genitals were on the forefront of his mind non-stop besides the few times he could smell her perfume as she walked by as he glanced at her curves along with the other men. He needed to head to the bathroom as soon as possible since he felt precum starting to dampen in his boxers. This meeting couldn’t have ended soon enough.

As he got up to head to the bathroom after the meeting broke for lunch he was halfway out the door when he heard the boss call his name. “Can I see you for a minute?” She waited back at the end of the room looking over documents while the others filed out. Trish walked by and raised an eyebrow at him and whispered a little playfully like a student in a classroom: “oohhhh… you are in trouble!!” She snickered a little as she left the room.

His boss began to speak, leaning back in the leather chair pushing some papers away. He stood there at attention with his hands behind his back trying to be professional. The boss never really even paid attention to him and he pretty much just flew under the radar, so he was a little worried. That, and that precum in his boxers was oozing more and he felt a very light trickle beginning to leak down his leg soaking into his underwear.

“I am really sorry to take your time before lunch, but this should be short.” She started professionally, taking her glasses off and rubbing her eyes before stretching back with a sigh of exhaustion. Leaning back, the cloth between her buttons on her satin black dress shirt stretched apart slightly enough so that he could just glimpse the peach color of her bra and glimpses of cleavage before he looked back at her eyes when she opened them. He was frankly surprised that the shirt didn’t explode under the pressure. He felt the bulge in his pants beginning to swell slowly as he tried to do anything besides think about her sexy body combined with how powerful she was in the company.

“I have noticed recently that you have one of the best customer service records in our company and was wondering why you don’t really speak up more at the meetings besides when you are asked?” She inquired leaning forward clasping her hands together which inadvertently emphasized her bosom as she leaned forward on the desk waiting for an answer. She stole a healthy glance at his growing package as he looked up thinking about how he would respond to this question.

“I have… been, you know, just not trying to make too many waves around here and just get my job done I supposed.” She must think I am some kind of pervert or something since there is no way she can’t see this bulge. Its unprofessional. He worried and just kept looking her in the eyes hoping she wouldn’t notice. She did, but didn’t seem to take offense to it.

“Well, it seems like you know what you are doing and I can imagine that you have a lot of pent up stress over it*…”* She glanced at his clearly pent up area with her glasses in hand and smiled, waving her hand at him laughing a little. “Don’t worry about it. I know the boys all stare, it keeps good workers here and… attentive… at meetings. I have had this issue since I was in junior high.” She gestured lightly to her chest when speaking about her ‘issue’. He gulped and went to respond.

“I… uhm.. well you are quite.. Beautiful and er, healthy? I mean, Of course I respect you very much and your leadership is-” He tried to backtrack thinking he overstepped his bounds and felt his cock snaking unceremoniously down the leg of his pants as the sticky trickle of semen leaked slowly down his upper thigh the more he thought about her body and how embarrassed he felt. I think I need to switch to tighty whities or something because this is…

“Listen, you don’t need to explain anything and I suppose I should be flattered?” She laughed. “You barely use any of your time off, so please take a day or two for yourself and we can take care of things while you are relaxing. As a sign of appreciation, we can call it.” She took a deep breath in like she could smell incense or something. “Did you get a haircut or something? You seem different…” She pulled lightly on her collar letting some heat out from under her shirt.

“Not too recently. Maybe it is the heat, it has been really hot lately? Also, you have been working really hard too. Stay hydrated. That is what I do.” He tried to regain composure.

Hydrated hmm? Maybe. Anyway, please enjoy lunch and take the rest of today off and we will see you in a day or two. Thanks again.” She smiled nodding to him before adding, “Oh and… take care of that before you come to work will you?” He blushed and grabbed a notebook to cover himself up as he backed out of the office, thanked her, and walked as quickly to the restroom as possible. She watched him the whole way out and thought to herself that he must have something wild going on in those pants of his as she bit her lip before sighing thinking about how stressed she was the last few weeks.

He entered the stall and pulled his cock out as fast as he could almost like he had to take a piss and barely made it on time. His hard cock throbbed and with barely a touch he started cumming and it felt like an explosion of pleasure from his body. Streaming jets of semen splashed into the toilet, and on it, and on the back wall, and on the floor. It was a mess, but he had not control. He barely lasted 4 hours before he involuntarily exploded with orgasmic glee. After almost a minute of just jet after jet of jizz his eyes opened and he saw what he had done. It took almost a whole roll of TP to clean it up and the whole stall stank of cum. He flushed the toilet for the 5th time and replaced the roll before he reconfirmed he could walk and left work headed for the mall. This was a situation he needed to speak with the doctor about.

He grabbed lunch and headed to see the doctor. When he arrived she was working busily and glanced up, noticed him, and then stood up to greet him. “You came back! I am glad to see you, shall we begin?”

He nodded quickly and she locked the door and they headed to the exam room.

“You seem to be in a hurry today. Is everything OK? Did you bring your notebook?” She asked in a concerned voice, but it slipped into pure calculated inquisition as he handed the notebook to her.

“I, just… the pill was extremely effective and I am just a little shaken at how effective it was.” He said in a very confessionary tone to the Dr. as she quickly studied over all the notes he took while simultaneously taking notes of her own quickly, occasionally glancing over to him as he continued. “I mean, it is the most arousing feeling ever and my orgasms are lasting almost a minute long and are almost paralyzing because of how good it feels. But, I have reached a point where I don’t seem to be capable of going more than 4 hours without involuntarily ejaculating against my own will and woke up both nights covering myself in semen.” He went on talking out loud as the Dr. continued to take notes adding in “Mmhm and I see” here and there. When she reached the last page with the splotches on it, she gave them a slight sniff before raising an eyebrow and finishing up her notes looking over to him.

“It appears that it was a bit more than a wet dream. More like a flood dream or something like that, heh.” She smiled at him, crossing her legs splitting her coat showing that she was wearing a short, tight, black skirt and black stockings. She leaned back a little bit and crossed her arms propping up her bosom as they continued talking.

“I would say so. I needed to change my sheets twice in the past two nights and I normally only do it once every other month! Is this normal?”

She listened and responded, “Well, the green pill is focused on modifying your body so that it produces more semen and it was successful. When was the last time that you urinated?”

“I guess it was yesterday maybe? Actually… I don’t know… and I have been drinking so much water.” He slowly began coming to the realization.

“I read your notes on how much water you have been drinking and how thirsty you have become. This is a natural progression and the second pill should help your situation a bit more with both thirst and your ability to endure more than 4 hours, but there may be… side effects.” She leaned forward and reached into her pocket putting a single blue pill onto the sliding table grabbing up her notebook and measurement tools. “I will need to take measurements, regardless of your intention of continuing in the testing program. Please drop your pants if you will?”

He did so, less embarrassing than the first time. Kicking his pants and boxers off sliding closer to the edge of the cushion he was sitting on. The doctor gently took a look at his penis and testicles becoming more familiar with them and doing a little bit more than just examining them.

“They have almost doubled in size, I am sure that you have noticed. They may get even bigger, has it been a problem? You didn’t seem to mention that in your notes.” She asked as she gently massaged them, squeezing his balls one a time playing with them as answered.

“Not a problem really, but they kind of make my pants bulge and the rubbing all day feels like they are being… massaged… and it feels really good.” He said slowly enjoying the massage.

“I see. So no problem so far then? They might get bigger you know. Although it doesn’t seem like it, your penis got a little bit bigger too, thicker actually, to accommodate the volume of semen being pumped out.” She lightly examined the shaft breathing hot on his dick bringing it to full attention with ease. She slide closer and her bosom started to brush against his knees. She was coming on to him. “Your potency has increased too. It must be attracting a lot of attention from the ladies?” She was staring at it longingly and snapped out of it a little bit and slid away to grab something.

“Well, actually, maybe they have? I just haven’t really noticed I guess. The boss called me in, and then the girl a few cubicles away…” He got a little gutsy. “Even you seemed to be a little bit more than professional a few moments ago…” He smiled at her as she brought over a large 500 ml beaker. This held as much liquid as a tall can of beverage. She regained professionalism quickly and held it up to him.

“Judging by your descriptions, this beaker should be able to contain at least one orgasms-worth of ejaculate. I will leave you to it.” She went back to taking notes as he got started and stood up holding the glass near the head of his cock pumping it slowly. The Dr. glanced over her glasses at watched him working his shaft hoping to see it in action. Which she did. Not more than a few minutes later he began cumming into the glass and did his best to get it all inside the beaker. His cock pumped streams of jizz into the beaker. By a glance, it looks like that first blast or two was enough to fill it almost 100 ml alone, and the ones following succession of white ropey spasms filled it to almost the 300 ml mark and the spurts and dribbles as he stood there shaking and biting his lip filled it to just past the 350 ml mark, almost 12 ounces. Wringing out a final leak of cum he handed the beaker to the Doctor who pretended to not be paying attention.

The beaker was hot to the touch, heavy, and the smell emanating from it was intoxicating to her. The urge to drink it was very strong, but after that comment… she wouldn’t dare. Besides, the experiment.

“I see! Well, it was a bit too large at the moment, but perhaps after this afternoon and only an hour or two break this is still impressive. Nothing to sniff at!” She gestured to his clothing smiling lightly and began to take a couple samples of it into some test tubes and pill droppers, about 10 ml-worth. She set the rest of the massive load aside and spun around to speak to him.

“So will you continue along with the experiment? The blue pill will solve many of your current issues and most likely create a few new ones, but they should be things that we can solve together.”

“What will it do? Will I cum even more? Will my cock start to grow? What about those wet dreams? What-“ He continued asking more questions as he picked up the pill looking at it and she went on to explain.

“Well, your balls will certainly get bigger to accommodate the increased capacity for your semen production, which should ease up the thirst. You probably won’t urinate much more than once every few days from now on unless you drink an absurd amount of water, but you must keep drinking. This is key to the biological changes taking place. With these increased capacity, that should buy you more than 4 hours which might be enough to get through the night. If not, I have another solution for you. As for your shaft, I don’t know if there will be more growth, but I wouldn’t rule it out. Pardon me for a moment.” She got up and went out into the pharmacy. And came back with a couple boxes.

“Condoms? Is this for the wet dreams?” He asked inquisitively. She handed over the boxes and took a small glance at the beaker while sitting down with a bounce, crossing her legs again before looking at him and began explaining. He started listening to her speak about the situation and found himself slowly putting the pill into his mouth and swallowing it without even thinking.

“Well, maybe for more than just the dreams. I think that precum has grown to be a situation for you recently and that may continue. Just see how it works and let me know how things go. If you can come by tomorrow that would be ideal, but two days from now wouldn’t be bad either. Please keep up with the notebook and let me know how it goes. You can call the pharmacy if you need anything. OK?” She seemed a little concerned for me towards the end there. He thought. Maybe my ‘potency’ is increasing and having a serious effect on the women around me?

“Thank you, doctor. I hope that this is helping with the test. It is certainly bringing a lot of changes into my life! I will be back soon.” He smiled as he fastened his belt and adjusted himself.

“Can you let yourself out? I have a few more things I need to take care of before I re-open the shop.” She mentioned casually. “Please drive safe!” She stood up and shook his hand before seeing him out of the exam room. She watched him leave and close the door behind him before sitting back down at her desk and pushed the slides, notebooks, and tubes aside and reached for the beaker. Still warm. She thought to herself. She brought it to her nose almost like a warm cup of cocoa in winter breathing deeply in, feeling her body warm up with arousal. Her mouth watered and eyes glazed over a little bit as she brought the beaker of cum up to her lips and sipped it. Sipped again. And then began to drink it completely like a traveler who just found a canteen of water after being lost in the desert. Heart beating, panting, she barely had to reach down and place a finger on herself to trigger an intense orgasm feeling the hot wetness spread all over her legs shaking in pleasure.

Lost in thought she leaned back in the chair just thinking… That was only the first of three pills… and only after two days. I am much stronger than this, but it is irresistible… After taking the blue pill, he will be in a whole new world and those effects will start to take place… She felt her nipples harden and a warmth in her chest as she licked her lips and swallowed every drop from that beaker shaking her head still breathing hard from that orgasm. What have I done? She laughed to herself smiling and spun around in the chair looking forward to the next set of notes and whatever perfume of sex he would be generating by then….

DAY THREE EVENING (Green Pill Day 2, Blue Pill Day 1)

Jesus Christ… She totally wanted it and she is like the most tsundere seeming chick ever. Come to think of it, the boss was kind of acting strange, and even that lesbian girl at work was talking to me. What the hell is going on? Fuck I’m thirsty.

Cruising down the road he was headed home for the day and take the boss up on her offer to take a day or two off. Every bump on the road felt good the further he drove. Just the feeling of those plums bouncing and rubbing against his legs and the seat started to get him going and he wasn’t even home yet. He pulled off and stopped at a quick mart and grabbed a few liters of water and some cheap food for dinner feeling like a couple lazy days might be in order. Maybe push this situation of his to the limit and set some kind of record. Maybe pay the internet back and create the ultimate content in the realm of huge cum shots…

It was by the second or third load in the first hour he emptied into the trash can that he felt the actual amount of semen might have been a little less. But it didn’t stop how good it felt. The webcam was taking video and showing him pour load after load into the trash can. Between faps he watched as the trash can slowly filled up, old tissues floating like melting marshmallows in hot vanilla chocolate. After a couple hours of non-stop masturbation his trashcan looked like it was filled almost halfway to the top and the smell emanating from it was potent. Regardless, it was time for bed… According to the amount of videos he took, he came 23 times between 4 pm and 10:30. He uploaded a few choice .gifs and clips and hoped that the internet was thankful for them.

He looked at the box of condoms and was planning on sleeping in tomorrow so he decided to slip one on before bed. After spending some of the afternoon washing and drying his sheets, it was a pain in the ass so if possible he wanted to avoid another mess. The condom was a little loose fitting on his soft cock, but it looked like it had an extra-large bulb for semen. After seeing the beaker fill up and ultimately the trash can as well, he began to get intrigued by seeing the actual amount of semen he produced. He just hoped that the rubber didn’t fall off in the middle of the night. He situated it inside of a kind of loose fitting pair of boxer briefs hoping for the best.

The dreams, again. More exciting and more arousing than ever. More real. Images of the women around him, encircling him. Standing there in a hazy grey dream realm with his engorged balls fuller than ever, cock limp and dripping like a leaky faucet with oozing thick semen drops splattering on the ground. The women drop to their knees, all in lingerie crawling towards his feet. They begin to lick the thick drops of semen on the misty ground at his feet their eyes rolling in their head moaning with desire. The sight of their sexy bodies quivering with arousal was enough to get him hard. His cock slowly grew thicker and thicker, harder and harder, rising slowly to full attention. The precum droplets began to flow in a semi-constant stream, the feeling incredible. His boss was laying underneath the droplets letting them fall into her mouth and on her breasts as she began to finger herself writhing on the ground. The Dr. and his co-worker Trish were pressed against each other, Trish licking his bosses body drinking the cum like a ferocious animal while the doctors huge breasts got closer and closer to his hard cock. They all wanted it, needed it, like it was their only form of sustenance available. The doctor took one ball in each hand and began to play with them as her pursed lips met the tip of his penis and began to start sucking the semen from it. His penis quivering with anticipation as she slowly began to take the length of his rod into her mouth. It wouldn’t be long now as she started working her tongue, and the feeling was indescribable as his balls began to pulse and pump cum like a fire hose. Everything went black and he woke up.


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