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Hey there, dear Patron!

 22,000(!) delicious words and the beginning of the end for our beloved main character. This chapter sees a change in perspective a few times throughout, as our poor MC comes in and out of consciousness strapped into the ride of his life. What would it be like to be strapped into such a machine for hours or days or weeks on end? Couldn't tell you from experience, but I try to describe how I see that situation going as we dig into this chapter.

 Chapter 11 might be the penultimate chapter since the next one will be the climax I am guessing and then one more for falling action and epilogue after that. Might get lumped in, might not. I will have to make that choice when I am at that point.. Please mind the tags on this story since I am adding a few new elements to the story, fetish-wise at least. I don't think there is anything too polarizing, but we are wading into the deeper waters with this chapter and the next one will be even more so. So, hopefully, enjoy it!

Without further adieu!


Chapter 11

He fell asleep. He needs the sleep. I need more of that precious semen. He won’t be able to produce if he isn’t rested. Obviously, but he is built of better stuff than this right? Three days and he’s through? The other ones lasted over a week. Ugh. He will be fine. Don’t burn him out. This will be the great work. Finally, the ticket I need to break free from all of this. I wanted his help to haul this cum-drunk cow onto the restraining platform, but now I have to do it myself. This milk might be the key. It has proven quite useful so far and the results are better than ever across the board.’ There was a buzz in the doctor’s lab coat, my lab coat, but I ignored it for the time being. If I didn’t get Patient V into her restraints and attached to a milking machine she would end up making more of a mess than even he had.

“Have you had enough?” I cast down at her. ‘Poor girl. Fell in too deep. Understandable, but you have to know your limits or you end up like this. I’ll be in the same boat unless I get busy. And busy I got. While my breasts were still only the size of very large round pumpkins and I was mobile I had to secure both the patients and get production back on track or the opportunity would slip away. It wasn’t easy to move around and pull huge racks down here in this stinking dungeon while carrying a huge rack of my own the whole time. Sweat bead down as I hustled around and wheeled the rack closer to Val where she could most easily be scooped up and mounted in the ring. “Can you hear me Valentina? Have you had enough yet?”

The girl was reaching too far forward and resting her body from the waist down completely on her breasts stretching as far as she could reaching ahead for one final patch of congealed semen on the ground. But her full stomach went past the halfway point of her balance and she ended up doing a front flip, her breasts only shifting in place a little bit to compensate for it and ended up with her face and shoulders shunted deep into her own cleavage essentially crushing her.

‘Are you kidding me right now. I don’t have time for this…’ I strode over, heels clicking against the cement floor and knelt down. The feeling of my calves pushing into my thick thighs and fat round butt felt good. This was actually right in my sweet spot, given how big I had gotten in the past, but after the other night’s binge and now the multiple mishaps here, I wasn’t going to be this big for much longer. It was annoying more than anything, but it felt good.

I had learned how to anticipate the growth and savor it and avoid it. I could feel it coming on each time like wrapping up in a big soft blanket during wintertime and the added weight and warmth just added reassurance to you. Not just that, but it also made my so horny I had to get off no matter what. On one hand it was also like eating ice cream straight out of the bucket and knowing that if you had one more spoonful you’d get a stomachache. Sometimes you say ‘oh well’ to conventional thought and just keep going to savor another delicious spoonful like poor Valentina here. She was going to be wrapped in that blanket with a stomach ache for the foreseeable future. Not me. I know how to cure stomach aches and know exactly when to put down the spoon. But having delicious sweet ice cream shot into my mouth from across the room…

I grumbled while settling onto the balls of my feet and getting my balance. ‘Soon enough I will enjoy myself. Now let’s save this silly girl from suffocating herself under her own breasts. Reaching forward against the huge breasts I began to push them apart from each other a little bit at a time like trying to dislodge two large boulders forming a path between them. A path for air. Val’s legs kicked and she struggled, but after a few more seconds of effort, my own big sensitive bosoms getting in the way all the while, I heard a deep breath taken from within the cavernous cleavage and knew she was going to survive. Craning my neck around to let some light in the cavern, I could barely make out the sparkle of an eye looking up at me from within it.

“Thanks doctor. I’m… I’m sorry.” Val’s voice came meekly from within the entrapment and her legs settled down knees up. I just smiled at her.

“Let's get you back upright, shall we? I am going to need your help to get you into the rack so work with me will you?” I said to her as nicely as I could considering how irritated and horny I was. ‘I took off the pumps when I had to answer the door, but the fuller my breasts get less I can concentrate on anything with them sloshing around. I need to get this taken care of or the both of us are going to be spraying milk all over the place.’

Standing back up with a bit of a groan, they already felt heavier, damnit. The main ring was mounted to the caster wheel system and was very well greased and oiled to handle great weights. I locked and unlocked a few axes and maneuvered the large metal dishes like a forklift operator and slid them up as close as possible to the giant pair of tits on the ground. With Val’s help we managed to roll and slide each of her breasts onto a dish also freeing the rest of her body in the process. It was slow and methodical work, but before long she was sitting in the saddle and uprighted. She was topless, poor girl could only wear bed sheets at this point, but her ass still fit into a stretchy red dress which looked more like a mini skirt stretched around her huge butt. It was soaked in some places, stained in others, and hard and crispy in others. ‘When was the last time she bathed? In clean water that is. I smiled at the thought while going about my work.

With a few final adjustments in anticipation of her constant growth, the dishes were loosened so that they’d slowly move to accommodate the new size along well greased rails. For the first time in over a week no doubt, she could sit down comfortably without having the burden of her massive breasts born on her. Valentina's nipples were already dripping white liquid in tiny little trickles during this operation and there wasn't much the Valentina could do to fight what was happening to her and she didn't even seem to mind that much as she was placed into her new chair.

“That feels so much better. I had no idea the kind of pressure and strain it was putting on my back and shoulders. I was just so focused on the pulling on my chest and how badly they were crushing my legs.” She leaned back a bit, breasts pulling gently with the motion, and rolled her shoulders around stretching them out with great relief. The milk began to trickle more as she loosened up and stretched out. A new kind of clarity started to come over her now that everything in her world wasn’t focusing on how big and heavy her breasts were. I finished locking the rack in place to make sure she didn’t go anywhere with a few final ratcheting clicks and stepped before her.

"So I'm guessing if you drank four or so full orgasms worth of his seed you're going to be growing for another few days before we can see your size decrease a little bit." I said now that I had her attention and she was too full to fight. I studied the dishes propping up her massive breasts and nestled my fist under my lower lip wondering if this system would be able to handle it if they got too much bigger. “I wonder if this thing is going to hold” I mumbled under my breath.

“I think I can feel it. Ahnn” Valentina moaned softly now that she was in a relaxed position as beads of milk swelled on the tips of her nipples. “It’s so warm…” She whispered while reaching forward, extending her arms enough to reach a finger and touch her own nipples. Droplets of milk waited on her fingers and she stared at them before smelling them and then licking cautiously and not disliking it. “Is this milk? My milk?”

“That’s right. Very good, Valentina. This is the first step to recovery. Normally it’s one step forward and two steps backward as they say, but in your case it will be quite a few steps backward with this one small step ahead.” I explained to the poor immobile girl and kept myself busy preparing the next part of the process. She kept reaching forward and tickling her own nipples, tweaking them, and bringing her hand back for another taste which she began to relish. ‘The next addiction if I don’t get her locked in. Poor, poor girl.’

I wheeled out the milking apparatus, a device modified only slightly from the ones that milked cows. After the hoses and pumps were all connected to one of the larger vats, maybe about half the size of the one he was hooked up to, I picked up the tubes. Each of the large plastic tubes with rubber rings sucked neatly onto an engorged nipple with a pneumatic sucking kiss. She squeaked and let out a light moan as the pumps attached to her and suction began. I stood besides the controls for the pumps and smiled at her waiting for her to look at me before I did.

“Ready?” I smiled and she blinked and nodded slowly. I licked my lips and took a deep breath then flicked the switch and relished in her grunting cry as the machine started to suck each nipple in 1 to 2 second intervals. I watched the piping and hoses tense up and flex then loosen as the machine took a ‘breath’ between each long thirsty suck. I knew from experience how sensitive I was and how pleasurable it was if it had been a while since being hooked up to this thing. But the first time, that was an experience I can remember vividly. I felt myself get a little hot just thinking about the aftermath of that first failed experiment. Or was it just too successful. Shaking my head I walked beside her and rubbed her hair while fixing the restraints around her calves and arms.

“Why are you? Why my arms? And my legs, too?” She had a pleading look in her eye as she said it.

“Trust me.” I looked down to my own heavy full breasts which had started to leak a bit as well. “I know how sensitive it must feel and how good it feels to express and let it all out. That release of pressure after feeling so full for so long.” She was listening as I expected she would. I put a hand up again one of the massive breasts like I was patting the side of a large animal, hot and alive. “The desire to pull those milkers off is going to be irresistible, but we need to keep milking you, especially after you drank so much of his semen. You have seen what it's capable of!” I scolded her.

“I can’t help it. I just. I have to have it. More of it.” She was ashamed of herself. I brushed her hair again and continued to rub my hand around the large breast. I quietly shushed my precious subject.

“I know, dear. And I have also seen what happens when people just like you push themselves beyond their limits. Too much, too soon. The human body has limits and exceeding them too quickly will have disastrous consequences that nobody wants to think about. Especially not you.” I whispered very close to her face. I could see a tear begin to well in the corner of her eye. “I don’t want to scare you, but you need to trust me. You understand that right? This is for your own good.” I waited within centimeters of her face and wiped the tear from her eye.

“I understand. Thank you for your help. I knew that this was a good idea.” She said weakly, but smiled nodding her head. “I think I am pretty tired. Can I sleep now?” I brushed her hair again and patted the cleavage just in front of her face.

“These are as soft a set of pillows as anyone could ask for. Rest well and I will be back soon. You will both need it.” Were the words I left them with as I checked the desk monitors satisfied, then walked down the dark hallway leaving them to their own devices. ‘More than just his potent serum-laced semen, I will also be getting a huge shipment of milk out of the deal too. This is a big bonus. It might be exactly what I need…’ The smile stretching across my face as I walked felt good. Only when the distracting bouncing of all the fat on my body was accompanied by an increasing spritz of milk wetting the front of my legs. I grumbled and sighed as I entered 8-1-6-8-0-0-8-5 into the panel unlocking the door to my lab, taking one look at the trail of milk behind me and pulling off my coat letting the door shut behind me.

I let out a sigh of relief now that the day was done. I needed a bath, but there was much to do before I would allow myself the privilege. The cart which held the pump and portable tank which the milker tubes led to was already ready and had been charging all day. I flicked the power on and the tubes were sucking desperately at the end of my nipples pulling healthy tubefulls of milk from me immediately. The feeling of the pressure as my nipples were sucked into the tubes and pulled back and forth felt good no matter how annoying it got. ‘If I don’t nip this in the bud I will end up like her…’ I wheeled the cart beside me and went behind the plastic curtain separating the laboratory from my temporary living quarters. There was a tall wide mirror that always greeted me reminding me how far things had gotten. I looked like a cow with breasts hanging down to my waist and they had been getting fuller every day, almost every hour. I’m going to need to keep the pumps on overnight…’ I sighed. It was always so difficult to get to sleep when I was being milked. My dress and stockings were ruined and I kicked off my black flats walking over to the bed to change.

The rest of the space behind the plastic curtain was just the bed I sat on, a simple bookshelf that was also my night stand with a few books and personal effects. I also had a fairly large shower stall with a washer/dryer besides it. I allowed myself a single breath and to lay back just letting the pumps suck away for a minute or two before my thoughts began to slip to dirty places. ‘There will be time enough for all that later on. Get to work.’ I peeled off my dress and stockings and got back up. After drying off and getting the laundry going I buttoned on a new lab coat. Only the milk-filled lines that ran from the bottom of my coat came out and otherwise it was just a big shelf of cloth hanging from the hungry pumps on the end of my nipples.

I pushed through the plastic sheeting and was back in my lab. Large industrial refrigerators and freezers lined the walls where counterspace wasn’t holding devices for analyzing, mixing, storing, and observing the various liquids and medicines I was working on. Opening a fridge the cold air hardened my nipples and I could feel the pressure get tighter and almost sting as the machines emotionlessly did their work. Countless lines of samples in cups of varying sizes dating back years prior. Multiple subject names and dates, but I pulled out the most recent one and set it on the counter. After a night of hard work I had what I had been trying to make for such a long time. I watched the mixer spinning, multiple vials filled with pearlescent white liquid that after being combined with the right elements and additives became a dark red. The pearlescence became clear and the serum looked similar to the red pill, but had tints of purple in it resembling the color of beets or almost black cherries. The process to put the correct amount into pill form was simple after transferring the test tubes to the injectors where pill casings would be pressed. It wasn’t a full blown industrial operation, but with enough serum I could easily make hundreds of pills in a single day.

The light of the dark red pills illuminated by the bright light beneath the clear dish where they collected was the last thing I remember before I took one between my fingers and popped it in my mouth. ‘Finally. At long last…’ A smile crossed my face and there was a beeping from the pump. ‘Already?’ I looked down at my chest and it had actually gotten bigger and fuller in the hours I was working. I sighed and went to put my elbows on the table so I could give myself a full double facepalm, but my tits were in the way. I took a shower and went to sleep trying to focus on the positives. The big positive to be…

Time passed by quicker in the milking room, as the doctor called it. Valentina and I slipped by and we fell into a strange routine of light chat during endless milking, brief resting periods where we would be cleaned up and take short meals, and then back to being milked again. Valentina’s breasts increased milk flow almost immediately and steadied at around one liter from each breast each hour. When I came to the next day, I think it was day, I was still hanging in the rack and must not have even noticed that the doctor had been pumping me again. My rock hard cock was being sucked at a very low pace, maybe a one or a two. Liter after liter was being pumped slowly of my own milk. It was nice to have somebody to talk to after being down there for so long but Valentina's conversation started to dry up very soon as being pumped for milk started to take over much of her mental bandwidth and she began to have orgasms every hour or two. Michelle finally made an appearance and just smiled and nodded at me setting the machine attached to me up to intensity level 3 and it took all of my concentration to even utter sentences and keep a semblance of actual conversation going as my entire body was being sapped of its life and it took all my concentration to stay hydrated enough to keep up with the amount that was being processed through me. After I had come a dozen or so more times over the course of a couple hours I had guessed, the tank was roughly halfway full finally.

The doctor’s breasts had grown to nearly the size of Val’s when he was carted down here for a day and she was using the double-decked cart that held her milk pumping equipment and tanks as a mobile platform for her breasts. She was a bit more clever and wouldn’t accept immobility like Valentina had been subjected to. But whether from constant pumping or perhaps some other mysterious medicine maybe only she knew about, she was wearing sweaters again before long and was roughly as large as she was when I first met her in the clinic. ‘How many days had even passed that she could grow and shrink so quickly?’ Seeing her wearing the thick red turtleneck sweater I first remember her in was nostalgic despite how stretched out it looked. They were still the size of pumpkins and wobbled every time she moved, but she wasn’t using the pumps non stop like the last few days.

Valentina on the other hand, had swollen larger and larger despite being milked as relentlessly as the doctor had been milking herself. Michelle had to change the plastic milking suckers two times to accommodate how large her nipples had grown over the time she was down there. Large nipples thick and around like D batteries had gotten longer and thicker until they were the width and almost same length as thin energy drink cans when the pumps sucked them hard enough. It was unreal to see a nipple that big and the sheer amount of liquid pumping through the hoses was impressive.They had been huge like bean bags, but soft, squishy, and pliant when she arrived. Now that she was producing milk though, they filled up and became more and more engorged. Beach balls weren’t even close. It was more like a pair of those inflatable balls that people use as chairs in a modern office. Balanced on top of the huge metallic dishes that they used to flow over on all sides, now they were balanced atop them and the pressure looked like it hurt. It looked like she couldn’t be milked enough to keep up with it and all she could do to ignore the pain, from what little I gleaned between cries and moans, was to rub against one of the rounded support columns between her legs and get herself off. She was moaning constantly after a while back and forth between pain and pleasure until finally she peaked in response to drinking so much of my cum at once maybe thirty or forty orgasms ago. I was just thankful for a little more peace and to not have to watch her in such pain.

Myself, I had begun to notice that the sleeve on my dick pumping me relentlessly felt looser and looser and was bumping into the clear rubbery sucker on the tip of my head as well and my balls were starting to get smaller too. They had gone from massive basketballs filled with cum down to more ‘reasonable’ softballs that gave me hope of wearing pants again. I lost track of all time and only had the various sizes of our bodies to use as some kind of timekeeping method. All I could think about was when that vat would finally be full and I'd be free to go. I was finally not growing anymore and there was hope I could rejoin society in the back of my head. But one day, Dr. Cuunis came back doing her regular rounds and adjusting the sizes, tightness, and location of the various brace restraints, plates holding up massive breasts and more recently, huge butt cheeks as well. She would also perform inspection on and replace milk hoses and transfer them onto new empty vats and tanks and then haul the full ones away using hand trucks.

She would offer a few words of praise typically but more and more often she would look at me with disappointment. Valentina had been spraying milk continuously for maybe days at this point and was the apple of the doctor’s eye, but as I shrunk down to more normal sizes and came less volume despite having orgasms at a higher rate she was clearing becoming agitated. As the days went on though and I was certain that she wasn’t happy with me, Valentina’s breasts also shrinking down to sizes more akin to how big they were when she was first wheeled in.

“I have to admit that your initial production was quite impressive and the research that your constant samples have been used for are making great breakthroughs.” She said to me one day after giving Valentina some medicine. Valentina had been fed red pills two times now and I was nervous about that and tried to remember the red pills I took and if they were different or not.  “But I need you to take a look at this chart here.” The doctor could see I was ‘busy’ and sighed, rolling her eyes. She turned up the machine much higher and within the next minute I had two hard orgasms in rapid succession forcing me to huff through gritted teeth. She turned off the machine finally letting me rest for the first time and who knows how long. She noted how loose the sleeve was, hanging off of me beaten and battered like a second skin. “Like I said, I need you to look at this now that I have your attention.”

A line graph was being held in front of me and my vision was doubled. I blinked hard a few times to refocus my eyes and I couldn’t read the small text, but there was a red line going down steadily and I knew what it was talking about.

“Well, isn’t that a good thing? I should be getting smaller and cumming less, right? That’s good!” I looked up with hope in my eyes towards her expressionless gaze. The straight line her lips made told me that it wasn’t a good thing.

“I'm afraid you have a long way to go my friend and we're going to have to give you a little boost. A bit more stimulus. Stimulus that you are familiar with before we bring you totally back to normalcy. Open up, darling.” She produced from her pocket a small cup with three pills in it -  one green, one blue, and one red. And she held up the green pill. My face contorted into a mix of sadness, confusion, and unease while she smiled with teeth that looked razor sharp in that moment. Her face became a facsimile of a pouty lover and she shook her head with eyebrows scrunched up and whispered cutely, “No?” She put the pill back into the cup and pulled up her sweater. She was wearing a stretched out beige bra that looked like it had been through the ringer; it was nearly transparent under the weights. I could also see that she had large circular pads taped on with medical tape over each nipple and they looked heavy and sodden in their own right.

“I know I haven’t been able to produce enough milk for you, and keep all of hers for my research as well. But that will all change if you can cooperate with me on this. You are already past the halfway mark. Don’t give up now. Please?”

"Another red pill? I thought the goal of this rehabilitation was to bring me back down to a normal size. Won't taking pills just make me bigger and come more? I thought that this was…” I began to protest but she held up a finger and shushed me.

"I know. I know darling. And we are in the process of that rehabilitation but as part of the contract that you signed. That you already agreed to. You’ve already agreed that you're going to cooperate with this research and that means I'm going to need a little bit more from you. Which means you will be taking these three pills, but please be rest assured that you will go back to normal after that. It just means we're going to have to extend this rehabilitation for one more week. It shouldn't be a big deal so please don't worry. And besides you have lovely Valentina here to keep you company.” She said peeling off one of the soaked nipple pads leaving a pinkish ‘X’ across her nipples where the tape was. She held the wet wad of absorbent gauze and brought it to my nose. “Just to wash the pills down with, right? And then you can have as much of her milk as you’d like. You two have missed each other haven’t you?” My cock had become totally soft finally being able to take a break but her words and the intoxicating aroma of her breast milk was like smelling salts that woke up parts of my brain which I couldn’t understand. My cock got hard again filling the sleeve which had scrunched down as I had gotten softer and stretched out again.

“I… Can’t I? This… This isn’t…” I stammered unable to express in clear language that I felt like I didn’t really have a choice.

“Looks like someone made a decision. Let’s wet that whistle before we toss these little beauties down the hatch.” Her smile was infectious and her voice was mesmerizing as she held up her full round breasts, and the nipple dripped milk towards my lips. I had grown tired of water and missed having her milk. I had blamed my production going down partially on that.  What was another week right? And I latched up and sucked hungrily. My god, how good it tasted. Even better than before somehow. My eyes rolled into my head and I could feel my penis get even harder as I pulled and pulled desperately for more of her sweet milk. “Someone is hungry. Let’s just… OK. Good. Swallow those down and… Good…” She said while slipping the pills in easily between my desperate need for milk and satiation and before I knew it I had taken three pills which over the course of a week changed my life. At the same time.

“I hope you know what you’re doing, Michelle. Because I am a bit nervous.” I said in a shaky voice. She smiled and nodded with a hand on the controller.

“If there is one thing you need to understand about me, darling. It is that I know exactly what I am doing at all times. Just make sure you get plenty of milk. They say milk builds strong bones.” She quipped and without any indication she ramped the speed and intensity of the machine up from one to two, then to three, and finally up to four and I was almost immediately blinded by my pleasure as the break was over and my heart began to beat fast with the build up to the next orgasm. But god if that milk didn’t taste heavenly.

“Now it’s your turn, Valentina my dear. Time for today’s medicine. You ready?” She said looking down at her chart. Valentina’s facial reaction was mixed between having her nipples sucked to utter rawness and concentration on her desire to get off, unable to stop rubbing herself off against the rack she was strapped into.

“Have you been giving her the same medicine you’ve been giving me?” I managed to say among yelps and groans as the machine stole any and all of my attention. The doctor stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder, light flashing off of the lenses on her red frames.

“This isn’t exactly the same, but similar enough. It will help with milk production and also should be quite pleasurable. Isn’t that right?” She explained with a stern expression before turning back to Valentina and brushing a lock of curly red hair from her forehead behind her ear. Her patient nodded and opened her mouth, tongue sticking out. Michelle held the pill above her open mouth and continued. “She might grow a little bit more again since her breasts have lost considerable mass. It is a sign of successful treatment. But now, like you, since we have the situation under control we can give just a little boost to meet the quotas we are looking for and then you will be released after that. All for science of course and fully in accord with our agreements.” The pill slipped from her fingers into the waiting mouth and Valentina swallowed it eagerly.

“Can I please have more of his…?” Val said and Michelle pressed her finger to her lips shaking her head smiling while the toe of her red flats unclicked the wheel locks on the large rack.

“There is no satisfying you, is there?” The doctor wheeled the woman still being milked over towards me. Her eyes began to glitter with hope as she neared me. Michelle turned down my milker and it felt like I was vibrating in the aftershock of riding on a bumpy road for hours and hours. She pulled off the slimy sticky rubber cup and finally released the bright red tip of my penis from its confines. She slowly maneuvered the rack closer and closer and Valentina's open mouth with tongue hanging out reached as far as it could just get a taste. Cruelly, the doctor left her tongue just centimeters away from her prize and proceeded to examine me and the machine surrounding my dick.

Valentina began to rock violently to build enough momentum to slide the rack closer. I felt a few desperate licks and finally after great effort her lips could get some suction and I felt the weight of her and the rack pulling as she slowly sucked more and more of me into her mouth. While she was finally in a position to lick and clean me up which she did voraciously, Michelle had unhook the sleeve and replaced it with another after applying another generous coating of lubrication. Before she brought me to orgasm, the Doctor pushed Valentina away and her lips reminded me of a Japanese carp as her prize slipped further and further away. The sleeve was reapplied and the machine was soon back in operation at a low speed.

“Until volume improves, we will have to increase stimulation to keep on schedule.” She said while ramping the intensity up as far Val had slipped it without thinking for that brief moment. But within minutes I found myself unloading another mind-bending orgasm just as she replaced the rubber sucker on the tip. I just barely made out the first heavy spurt shooting into the cup before it latched on creating a vacuum. She smiled. “Quite effective for level six. This thing is better than I give it credit for.” She patted the side of the machine. Each time she pushed the intensity up a level I would have orgasms every five or ten minutes for the first hour and she stood there and timed the first few and took some notes.

“It’s so sensitive. How long have I been down here? Please…!” I pleaded between heavy sustained growling moans forced from my throat during orgasms.

“I have a present for you. I found a way to give you something while still getting what I want as well.” She said completely ignoring my words. There was a small hose that forked off of one of the thicker gauge rubber pipes coming from Valentina’s nipples attached to some overhead wires being used as makeshift brackets. The clips holding the little hose were on little metal rings running along the wires like a curtain and she brought it over to me. Valentina’s milk. “I am afraid that my breasts have finally, thank science, started drying up. So I have no milk for you, but instead I want you to enjoy Valentina’s. I think you’ll like it just as much as mine.” She lowered the hose near my mouth and I began to drink immediately. I had to close my eyes. It tasted so good. The sweetest warm milk brought me to a special place. I felt warmth spread through my body even more so than when I had drank the doctor’s.

“That’s not fair!” Valentina pleaded seeing me lavish in her creamy gift. “Where’s my hose?” She was shaking in her rack again, but it had been locked and her desperation was in vain. Michelle smiled at her and then at me and nodded satisfied.

“I will be back. Do your best, you two.” And with that she clicked off down the hallway. And the pair of us were left to our own devices again. All I remember was drinking that milk like my life depended on it and only when I had to take a break to burp or cry out from a particularly powerful orgasm among the dozens I had, did I even let the tube slip from my lips. Valentina had given up on sliding over to me and resumed her ritual of masturbating against the support column. After a handful of her orgasms which came at a rate of about one to my three or four, she was wet to the point of dripping down from the seat she was strapped into. Mostly liquid, but there were also some oozy droplets that seemed less watery mixed in.

The floor under her rack was already pooling with feminine lubricant when I noticed how swollen she was. I had thought it was just from all the rubbing against the smooth clean metal, but her clitoris seemed really big. At least an inch or two and it was so pronounced that I couldn't believe my eyes. While grinding against the thick metal pole splitting her lips apart she was able to buck her hips up just enough to barely touch a dangling leather strap with the very tip of her clit. I started to watch more closely and saw she began to focus less on the grinding and more on stimulating her clitoris with that strap. During that time as well after drinking milk for hours, maybe days, my balls had swollen up considerably and could feel their weight resting on the metal dishes. Every few hours when Michelle came back for an adjustment she would make sure they were hanging and the strain on my skin stung, but when they finally touched the cold metal and the weight came off it was a great relief.

I could feel the effects of all three of those insane pills working at the same time and the sleeve  was getting tighter and bunching up less and less while it stroked me. The already high intensity felt that much more powerful because of how tight it was. I had thickened up considerably and was back to the size I was before the treatment had started working. She said three feet then, but I had no concept of size any more and it didn't even matter because I was just being milked endlessly for my seed. I must have orgasmed over two or three hundred times in the duration that I had been there. Valentina was catching up as well. When I watched her in the brief moment of clarity after each orgasm I saw that her clitoris was getting longer and thicker. It was unusual and unique but arousing at the same time. She was enjoying it quite a bit and noticed that her orgasms caused it to quiver and pulse. Her tongue would hang out of her mouth as her eyes rolled up in her head savoring the feeling. She was wet to the point of dripping and the sound of her splashing around in her seat sounded uncomfortable, but she clearly didn’t care. In the wake of some of those orgasms it seemed like there was more juice than before and it wasn't all just coming from her aching wanting pussy. By the time I put some thoughts together they were immediately smashed into sparkles of pleasure as the next orgasm stole my consciousness.

Michelle had commented on Valentina's new growth with much interest especially as things progressed and she seemed very interested in the possibilities there. So before long she didn't make Valentina fight for her orgasms anymore and ended up fixing a much smaller tube with a small sleeve similar to mine to Valentina's growing girl penis. She was thankful for that and soon had orgasms almost at nearly the same rate that I was. Her breasts on the other hand again reached their peak in growth getting about as large as they were before at the point of being just on the edge of overstretching and then began to wane again. I had passed the maximum size I was before and only seemed to be getting thicker and longer. I got a break for a couple hours while she adjusted the chassis of the machine to accommodate my size and she had removed the dishes holding my testicles since they were so large and full they could rest on the floor. Each of them were the size of small beach balls and I was losing my sense of humanity while down there just seeing myself. Thank goodness that seemed to be the limit since the growth stalled around there.

I was being subjected to intensity six of the machine attached to me and orgasming every five or ten minutes without fail. Upon provocation Michelle pointed to the tank behind me and it was ¾ the way full. I had ejaculated over 700 liters since I had been there. I had also become a literal cock monster in the process. What had I done? My thoughts were ground into dust in the wake of her smiling when she turned the machine on me up to intensity seven. I recalled sounds of the doctor running down the hall and up stairs. Then there was the sound of the door opening above and the conversation echoing through the vents. Was it my boss again? Was Trish here? Blackness overtook me as I passed out from exhaustion and pure unstoppable pleasure.

I swear if she makes me wait another minute longer I am going to kick down the door.’ I was mad and it showed on my face as I looked over my shoulder at Trish and she shrunk away from me shaking her head in a sorry state. She could finally wear office clothes again, but it hadn’t been a good week. Her chest was as big as mine was and I even gave her one of my bras now that she could wear them again. Wearing my old worn out DDD cup bras made me feel inadequate after weeks of having the biggest sexiest tits and ass of my life. The withdrawal from his delicious flavor and that feeling pushed my nerves to the limit. My hands were on my hips and I stared down at the ground, my blond hair framing the still impressive, but mundane largeness of my chest with cleavage peeking through my unbuttoned white blouse down to my black heels clicking impatiently on the asphalt.

“She’s here. She has to be. Don’t worry boss.” Trish said behind me sensing my extreme agitation and her hand touched my shoulder. I reached up and put mine on hers and looked up at her. I must have looked like I was half crazy, half about to cry, and all ready to end up like Valentina if I had the chance again. I couldn’t help but glance down at the miraculous chest on my subordinate. She was wearing a buttoned down blouse with an orange cardigan over it that looked like a pair of pumpkins were being smuggled in it. Her plaid skirt was stretched out enough to just cover the bottom of her fat butt cheeks which fed down into a pair of thick thighs. I used to think I had some nice legs too, and they weren’t bad, but once you have had something and it is taken away… I slammed the door again.

“Open up! It’s been a week!” I shouted at the glass. I caught a glimpse of my reflection as one of the street lights in the background illuminated it against the glass of the door in the dying light of the early evening. There were bags under my eyes that concealer and foundation weren’t covering. I was a wreck. My hair showed signs of damage from not having the mental capacity to keep up with my routines as well. Finally we heard the door slam and footsteps approach the door. The same two-fingered peek split the blinds prior to her eyes going wide with fright, and then opening up anyway. We knew too much as is. She opened the door meekly just enough to peek half her face into view.

“How can I help you?” She said in a little voice and it might as well have been a match thrown into the powder keg that was my emotional state. I could feel the blood boiling in my veins and used every last ounce of my self control to not strangle her.

“Don’t give me that. You said after a week we’d be able to see Valentina again. What's the holdup? Also that research facility was completely uncooperative and we don't even know where he is and he's been gone for over two weeks. What happened to him? We have a right to know!” I said in a cold voice as I approached the doctor. I pressed my hand on the door with shaking anger and pushed my way in even against her protestation. She pushed back trying to prevent me from entering but I caught a whiff of something from inside the clinic. My nipples went rock hard in an instant. My breasts weren't nearly as large as they were a week ago but they were still quite sizable and it felt like everything turned me on when I thought about him.

I couldn't keep him out of my mind and all of this back and forth searching for him was driving me crazy. It was him I smelled. Once you knew that aroma, that taste, that feeling, you’d never forget. And this doctor with her cool calm demeanor just kept deflecting everything we asked and explaining everything away and always bringing up that stupid contract. There's a clause that says this. They signed something that said we can do that. And no matter what we wanted we weren't listed as emergency contacts, blah blah blah! All of this red tape and she was completely protected from it and he was definitely missing. Or maybe he had been here all along.

"I know he's here. I could smell him and his freaking god semen the second you cracked open that door. Let us in right now or so help me…” She had bigger tits, but was smaller than me and kickboxing had been paying off. I planted my feet and felt the door give a bit against her.

“The second you opened that door it was like a wave of hot air musky with his sexual scent that's meant for just us." Trish said in a longing voice and Michelle kind of winced at the comment between grimacing at me. My face must have been menacing and we were both starting to growl and yelp in frustration until she finally gave up.

“Fine! Fine. Just… Get in here and I can give you an update on what's happening with them. You won’t be able to see them right now but I can at least tell you how the progress is going on their rehabilitation. How does that sound?" The doctor said in a huff, but was already regaining her composure quickly. She pulled a small hair pin and straightened her hair replacing it in one swift movement. When she let go of the door to do her hair it slammed open from my unyielding pressure on it and I smiled with gritted teeth still catching my breath. Trish bounced in my wake following as we walked inside to the still vacant and unused clinic lobby where clearly nothing had changed since the last time we were there.

The doctor pulled out a clipboard that had a bunch of line graphs on it and handed one to me and one to Trish. One was about milk and the amount of milk being pumped and general measurements of sizes that seem to indicate that Valentina size was indeed going down and she was producing a lot of milk in the process. Likewise the other clipboard had measurements of his length and girth and the amount that he was producing with each ejaculation and the number went down down down down and then it went up drastically and had finally plateaued and judging by the date was on the downward turn again. The thought of seeing a penis that size and being in the line of fire of liters of cum made me wet and I bit my lip reaching down to my skirt without even realizing it.

"As you can see he had a little bit of a relapse which is why it's taking so long for him. But Valentina is making good progress and should be fit to be released in, say, a few more days. We have to see if progress continues at this rate or if something else happens. If she has a relapse like he did then we may have to keep her for longer. We just have to see. This is all experimental and each person reacts differently." She said it with such a cool demeanor and I was infuriated on top of being desperately horny now, too. All I could do is think about him and when I was at home I would just masturbate and hope that he was doing well. The longer I was in that clinic lobby the more I was sure I could smell him as well. I was sweating and felt like I needed to get off right then and there. The place stank of his cum, I was sure of it. I glanced over at Trish and she had a hand on one of her breasts with her eyes closed about to get on with things regardless of her environment. He had to be here somewhere and all this BS about some other research rehabilitation facility was a lie and I knew it for sure I had to confront her.

"You listen well Missy." I tossed the clipboard aside and stood up striding up to her face looking down into her eyes through those evil red glasses. She blinked slowly and looked up and put that slightly smug expression on her face. I snapped and grabbed her by her lab coat, punching into her big soft breasts in the process. My tightly balled fists wrung around the cloth and I was lifting her to her tippy toes. I felt my knuckles brushing against her nipples which got harder and bigger and she looked up at me and smiled.

"I understand how you feel. And I know that you want to see him and want to taste him to regain some of what you lost, but it's going to take a little bit more time until he's ready." She said the words very slowly, breathily and hotly into my face. The air that came out of her mouth and nose wound around me and intoxicated me in that moment. ‘What the heck is going on? Who the heck is this lady and what the heck was she doing? What is she doing with Valentina, my secretary and what is she doing with the employee whose dick I just wanted to suck. The new expensive underwear I had bought made me feel like a young girl playing with her mommy’s bras. My old ones were fitting fine again and she just spit that in my face.

I growled under my breath and started breathing faster, filled with rage at this whole situation giving her a shake and feeling how warm and squishy her tits were under the knit sweater. She couldn’t have been wearing a bra, like she could with boobs that huge. I barely felt her hand reaching around my waist and taking a gentle rub of my ass. Her other hand was snaking up my side and around the curve of my breast until it slipped under my hair and caressed the back of my head. ‘What…What are you doing?’ I thought I said. She slowly pulled me in for a deep kiss. Her tongue worked circles around mine and ran across my teeth. It was almost as satisfying as having the taste of his seed on my tongue but it was different. I tried to fight at first and push her away but only succeeded in grabbing big soft handfuls of her warm breasts and the comfy wooly knit sweater that she had on. She moaned while still kissing me deeply, holding my head locked against hers and I couldn’t help but kiss her back. All of her breath went directly into my lungs and in and around my nose and mouth and I played my will trying to push her away more.

My fingers only relished her soft flesh more and I proceeded to fondle her with more intensity. My thumbs had found her nipples and I began to twiddle them gently as her hands began to explore my ass and reach up to grab a big handful of my own breast. Trish had sunk into the chair with one finger in her mouth and the other and the other down the front of her slacks. A muted look of surprise and confusion played across her face. The doctor’s hand reached down behind my back again squeezing and pawing against my butt pulling me closer until both of our skirts were touching. ‘What the fuck is that?’ Through the thin fabric of my pencil skirt I felt something touching my thigh. It was hot and long and getting harder. I had been deep in her passionate embrace loving every second of this until this came like a shock to my system. My eyes bolted open instantly and I pulled my tongue out of her throat and hers from mine stepping back to take a breath of fresh air. I was huffing deeply and each untainted gulp of fresh air felt like a breeze blowing away the strange fog that had come over me.

"I know that he's unavoidably detained right now but maybe there's something that I can do to help you get through this trying time, Lucy." She said while straightening up her lab coat and brushing herself off. Trish saw my reaction and sat up a bit more alertly stuttering and staring at the same thing I was. Either she had a dildo going at all times or… or…

“B…Boss, is that…?” Trish whimpered, pulling her hand from the front of her pants and stood up to a position just behind me. The doctor saw us staring at her and just put her hands on her hips letting us take it all in. Whatever was under the doctor's skirt was getting longer and thicker and bulging out from under that fabric after the deep passionate embrace that we shared.

“What… What are you? What have you done? Do you have… There's no way, is there?” I said, completely unsure of how to handle this situation as a trickle of wetness dripped down the inside of my thigh. I looked over to Trish who was licking her lips and her hand was back over her breast idly flicking one of her nipples through the large shirt she wore. I put a hand over her chest and slowly backed towards the door pointing a finger at the doctor. She was walking towards us slowly, the unmistakable hardon under her skirt quivering with a wet spot already spreading from the tip.

“Going so soon? I want to help you through these trying times.” Her voice was like poisonous silk wrapping around my neck and typing me up all over my body.

“ We'll be back. Just know that! A…And we're going to find them both and we're going to get them out of here. Mark my words you. You mad scientist!" I cried. ‘Damn that was lame.’ And then the both of us left in a huff. We got into my car and looked at each other shaking our heads wondering what exactly was going on with our friends and with this crazy doctor who also seemed in on all this experimentation. I slammed the gas burning rubber and zoomed away and  begin to make our plans for the next time we would go there. For the last time, hopefully.

The doctor smiled while looking through the blinds and locking the door. ‘Maybe next time.’ She thought, reaching down and touching the sticky dark patch on her skirt where her cock strained against the fabric. ‘I’d think she’d be a bit more open minded after all she’s seen…’ The doctor frowned, turning around and walking to pick up the clipboards and took one final look around the clinic floor before heading back downstairs to the milking room and her laboratory. ‘I need to get off. This thing is driving me nuts…’

I don't know exactly how much time passed but Valentina was already on her second tube upgrade which looked almost a foot long at a glance and she had filled more than half of it easily with her new throbbing girl dick. I could see the obvious slit on the very tip of it and each time the doctor took the tube off to take measurements it looked more and more like a man’s penis. Valnetina was also ejaculating in earnest now although it was only a small dribble here and there. It was becoming more and more voluminous as the hours went by and for somebody who apparently had just grown a dick, it was impressive. I, on the other hand, had plateaued in size and was again in the process of being drained utterly. Frankly I was thankful for it since I felt almost as long as I was tall.

The doctor had been around more often and was very curious about Valentina’s progress. Valentina didn’t talk very much any more to me and mostly made moaning and panting noises when not screaming in orgasmic delight. Valentina mostly nodded or shook her head violently when anyone talked to her so that much communication was possible. Michelle took quite a liking to her and their interactions began to get more intimate as I became ignored more and more. I felt like a piece of furniture that nobody bothered to sit on anymore. The only time she even addressed me was when she would look at my clipboard, look at me, and then the equipment, and then over to the tank behind me. She’d comment that I wasn’t producing nearly enough and things were taking too long. She would mutter under her breath that we might need to use more pills to improve things and even held them up to my lips sometimes. The last thing I wanted was that. I didn’t think I could take anymore of all this, but I couldn’t do anything anyway. My head was largely immobile because of the rack. I was tired of being used as some bull for semen and orgasm and ejaculation became my default state of consciousness.

I would plead that she reconsider her plans for me. I’d talk about wanting to go out into the world again and just when I feared she would feed me another red pill, she pulled it back with a smile and dropped it into the waiting throat of Valentina who swallowed it greedily. I could see something strange was going on between the two of them. The doctor ignored me, refusing to even engage with me beyond her teasing. When I began to protest, she'd just put one hand on her hip and then just tweak the intensity knob on the machine, milking me, draining me utterly to the point that I couldn’t form sentences after that.

At first, she would just stand there and look at my cock, and then at Valentina. Not the same calculating observative studying, but more of a longing mesmerizing stare. Each day the bulge under her skirt seemed bigger and thicker. She would rub herself through the fabric and then began to unabashedly pull up her skirt and touch herself through her stockings in front of us both. Valentina, having been barred from my cum, wanted any cock she could get. Michelle would get closer and closer to Valentina while slowly stroking with one hand and pressing a hand into one of the huge breasts. She got more confident and her desire to tease Val as much as she teased me must have grown. She climbed atop the rack securing Valentina and snuggled her big butt roughly above the cleavage between her gigantic tits. The pressure as she slowly let more and more weight off of her feet and onto the huge cushions cause milk to spray in quantities multiple times the normal rate. When she kicked up her feet, putting them on Valentina’s shoulders and leaned back stretching, completely supported by them, I came harder than I had in nearly fifty orgasm.

“It doesn’t hurt does it?” She cooed while kicking off a shoe and scratching the back of Val’s mussed hair with a stocking-laden toe. Val shook her head staring straight up the Doctor’s skirt. The doctor spread her thighs hiking the material up and revealing the translucent stockings which showed off her impressive dick. Her legs locked over the restrained Valentina’s shoulders and she pulled herself forward slowly sliding down the top of her bosom like a children’s slide. The nearly hard fully-formed penis pushed through her stockings in Valentina’s face. Valentina would struggle to reach forward with her head and lick it through the cloth desperate for a taste of cum.

I didn’t think about things beyond the surface level very much since I had been distracted to say the least. But this was a breaking point for all three of us and the doctor’s teasing of Valentina had reached its boiling point. Both those ladies clearly needed release. Less of the ‘mechanical’ release and more of the passionate kind. Seeing the thing completely, balls and all, made me realize that Michelle was capable of anything. I had no idea it was possible, but seeing Valentina use her teeth to tear a hole in the stockings as the doctor stretched, arching her back atop breasts large enough to lay across, my mind was broken.

Finally, the whole thing broke free of its confinement and the doctor’s cock rose to full hardness prompting a nut sack from inside of her vagina to pop out a ball at a time. She just laughed and smiled breathing and humming as her subject licked and sucked the egg-sized testicles which rested over her leaking vagina pooling womanly juices in the cleavage beneath her. Valentina was in heaven finally able to get her mouth on any meat after what must have felt like an eternity of being denied. Doctor Cuunis reached up to her own breasts and began to fondle herself fully enjoying what I guessed was the first blow job of her life. How she managed to grow a dick and balls almost twice the size of Valentina’s in the same amount of time perplexed me, but also turned me on. Ashamedly, my production went up notably enough that the doctor insisted on wheeling me as close as possible when she performed ‘feeding time’ for Valentina.

It affected Valentina in more ways than one. She produced more milk without the aid of the medicine since she was getting more stimulation and the whole experience I figured. Perhaps those red pills she was being fed on the regular were what caused her to grow that dick in the first place. Before long she also sprouted a small scrotum just above her vagina underneath her clitoris-penis with two balls that swelled more and more each day. I couldn’t believe it, but it was right there before my eyes. Valentina finally got her true wish and was soon sucking off the doctor multiple times an hour. I didn’t know if the doctor ejaculated or not since I hadn’t seen a single drop of cum spilled from the lips of her test subject. If Valentina was any indicator she was and it must have been a lot, although nowhere near where I was in terms of pure volume.

“Almost there, my dear.” The Doctor said was leaning against a huge breast looking in my direction over a clipboard. She only wore her lab coat anymore strutting around like a queen in her court. Her breasts were still large and prominent, but she hadn’t shown signs of lactating for a while. Her chest wasn’t growing except short-term swellings which followed her other growth spurts. She seemed perpetually hard and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of it. Off of her. It was so big I started to get the feeling I was understanding what it was like to be in my presence back when I was growing for the first time. When she caught me staring she would just laugh to grab it by the base and swing it around in my direction launching sticky strings of cum in all directions.

She had joked about having me sub in for Valentina every so often to give the poor girl’s jaw and throat a break, but hadn’t fulfilled her threats yet. I don't know how I feel about that, but was mostly just exhausted. While Valentina and the Doctor both enjoyed watching their cocks get longer and thicker, mine continually shrank down more and more. I was still too big to have a normal life, but I imagined I could wear a pair of sweatpants even with balls as massive as mine still were.

“We are past the 900 liter mark and you should finally fill it up in a few more days. Didn’t even take you a month. I am impressed.” ‘A month!?’ She nodded looking over her glasses. Her cock was flexing constantly as if she was doing kegels every moment she could. It must have been almost a foot long. I don’t imagine it could have fit into the tube that Valentina was still hooked up to, although she was going to outgrow that sooner rather than later from the looks of it, too.

I tried to respond to her, but the thing had been on intensity six, or maybe seven for I don’t know how long anymore. Weeks apparently. And I couldn’t form sentences and words. She smiled and laughed, shaking her head while holding up a hand, pen between her fingers.

“No need to comment. At this pace you will do just fine. Once the supply is secure then we move onto the next phase of the operation. If that goes well, then perhaps we will be able to let you go and your rehabilitation will be complete!” The smile accompanying the words was saccharine and I don’t know if I believed it. “Besides, Val here is a much more willing subject and if she follows in my footsteps… She might be able to provide more than you before long.” She absent-mindedly twisted the intensity knob for Valentina forcing her to orgasm and glancing over at a monitor where detailed readouts of her production came in real time. “Almost 100 milliliters. Not bad for a girl.” She broke into cackling laughter laced with ‘OH HO HO’s’ and then returned Val’s intensity to normal, wiping a tear from her eye before walking before me.

She paused the machine to make adjustments since my size had gone down so much in the last few days. The clear rubber cup was peeled off and the braces were unclamped so that the current sleeve would be disposed of. I had gone through dozens of them, lubrication or not. My pulsing erection laid on top of the stainless steel table while she switched it all out. It felt cold as my constantly flexing cock beat the top in rhythm like a bass drum. She set all the equipment aside on a prep table covered in gauze to dry a bit and slapped her own cock into the table side by side with mine. I couldn’t believe it. Not that she had a cock of course, since she had been showing it off proudly for days and days now, but the size of the thing.

I realized I was barely twice her size at this point, maybe not even twice the size. She said that thanks to all of the research from Val and I she developed a formula that focused on semen production so although my dick was shrinking as per normal after the main effects wore off my testicles were still fat and shrinking much more slowly. They were bigger than basketballs at my peak and hung down far enough to rest on the floor, but when production went down and she didn’t like it, she made a few adjustments. After feeding that pill to me within hours, or days I guess, they were still as large as volleyballs, but I was producing almost a full liter each time I came. She sighed and looked up to me while putting on some latex gloves.

“Almost there in this respect as well.” She said massaging our cocks and humping forward on the table until my tip was pressed just next to the base of her cock. Hers looked so gentle and friendly and cute compared to the beaten and battered pinkish red baguette of a cock I was left with after weeks of non-stop forced masturbation. “Still quite impressive for being less than half of what you used to be. I am pretty sure I will overtake you in a few days. Certainly by the time you manage to fill up the last fifty or so liters I need.”

She had a special set of calipers that she used which had a rubber ‘C’ on one of the prongs that clipped over the base of my shaft and flat end on the end. She could extend and distend it to get accurate readings of pipes, or baguettes, or, cocks I guessed. She did this almost every day and I had grown tired of it, especially since she just smiled and laughed at me losing centimeter after centimeter while she grew as much if not more each time. I had finally recovered my wits enough after being freed from the milking machine to actually interact with her. My dick’s constant flexing finally slowly and the engorged bulging veins running along it relaxed and receded giving me hope that I wouldn’t be left with a gnarled caveman club for a cock after proper time to recover.

“What is going to happen to me when you finally get the thousand liters you want so badly? Will I be free to go? What about her?” I said through labored breaths with a voice so shaky I pitied myself. Valentina was smiling and moaning because of ejaculation brought on from any number of pumps that were working her over. She would cum from having her breasts milked recently, from having her dick milked, and when she milked the doctor’s dick as well. She was lost in a world of pleasure. She didn’t know it and was totally gone it seemed like, but I had always felt like we were still in this thing together.

“Well, it seems like your boss and girlfriend have finally given up on you so that makes things a bit easier. But I do plan on letting you go eventually. I just need to see how well things go with the delivery and if I can replicate your results.” She continued to work the calipers while rubbing hers and then my cock gently and comparing them or perhaps just played with them on the table. “I’ve already made other breakthroughs as you can see with Valentina and I, but it’s not the same. Not yet. I will figure out why that is. It’s a hormone balance thing, but I need to figure out the finer points, you know? For the time being once you are obsolete I will make sure you find your way back home and you will have at least a foot of hard thick cock and big fat balls for the rest of your life. That was what you wanted right?” She explained while measuring me and then herself in turn. “Look at that. Fifty-five centimeters. Not in the two-foot club anymore are you?” She made a pouty face and then smiled with her tongue between her teeth as she held the device, still locked in the position of my own length, over her own thick cock.

She held the measuring device over her own cock and fixed it there. The c-shaped rubber gripper was kind of loose since she wasn't nearly as thick as me but I saw that there were only a handful of inches in the gap between where her tip was and the end of the caliper. She looked up at me with such a devious grin and nodded without saying a word, slowly pushing down the tip of the measuring device and reading out the measurement.

"Well, well, well… Just thirty-five centimeters behind you. At least in length. I'll need to work on my next dose and make sure that I’m bigger than you by next time we play this little game.” She put the calipers aside while still playing with the two huge slabs of meat on the metal table.

“I can’t believe you have… You grew… this… dick so big in such a short time. Coming from nothing… Is this why you experiment on people like me and keep us down here? What all of this is for?” I asked, finally having caught my breath. She shook her head.

“It is much more simple than that. You came to me and I offered you a life-changing opportunity that gave you everything you wanted and more. The only cost to you is the time and semen I need from you now. This is for science. For the betterment of humanity. For you. And, for me.” She said boldly while stepping back from the table letting her meat stick droop forward, still semi-erect sticking out from under her skirt. A single droplet of precum stretched into a string while she recorded a few notes. “To speed this process along I have a feeling I'm going to have to take you up to intensity level 7 or further for the foreseeable future.” She said it so casually that I didn’t know if she was just mumbling under her breath or just speaking in her scientific observer voice. After being off of the machine for nearly fifteen minutes now I was only just starting to get feeling back in my penis and it had stopped flexing and finally relaxed. The familiar burning of my pelvic muscles came flaring up again. The prospect of being forced to even more extreme heights of stimulation felt like a nightmare waiting to come true.

“Are… Is that necessary?” I spoke up and she scoffed while giving me a glance over her glasses.

“If you don't want to walk around with two feet of thick cock in your pants and balls as big as tits drooling precum non stop, then your cooperation will be needed. Not to mention the fact that you would be in constant evasion from cock-hungry women who you won’t even be able to have sex with, well, without the aid of some of my medicines that is.” Her description of that future, which was really just my not too distant past, was the reason I was here. I had gone too far and was losing control of myself. She was right, but recently the way she acted felt more and more impersonal. I had thought she cared deeply for me, but was starting to get the feeling I was more of a test subject than a regular patient. “Don’t worry. Just let me know if you want to go smaller than 12 inches long. I don't know how much I can affect your final thickness as easily and readily as length, but I'm sure you'll be happy with whatever you get right?"

"I, yeah, well, yes. That’s what I wanted so, uhm, thank you." That was the best response I could utter. She nodded her head and smiled.

“It’s my pleasure, dear.” She said after clicking her pen and replacing it in the lab coat pocket and absent-mindedly stroking herself gently while doing a walk around my restraints. She rolled out the cart with the milking machine on it and checked out my water and milk lines making sure they were still in effective condition. “Make sure you stay hydrated because I have a feeling that the next day or two are going to take a lot out of you. Literally and figuratively.” She patted the milk and water hoses confirming they were secure and within reach of my mouth. Finally she carefully slid the machine towards me, a fresh, lubed sleeve enveloping me with care. The machine was turned on the lowest setting and my tired penis was brought to hardness again after the paltry break, but one I needed desperately. When she was satisfied that my erection was full she held up the tube used to suck the semen from me with a brand new sucker tip glistening with lubrication. “Enjoy the final sprint. You are almost there, I promise.” She said with an evil smile. The sucker was placed on the tip of my head forming a perfect seal and she began to stroke herself harder.

“Does that feel good? You should give this thing a try.” I said while I was only being teased by the lower intensity. She was getting into her masturbation session and reached the hand not pulling her thick girl-cock towards the controller for the machine.

“Trust me, I have been enjoying myself with and without the help of machines like this. Don’t worry about me.” She said cooling down and stroking more slowly while the speed and tightness of the slippery sleeve increased slowly causing me to grimace. “You should worry about yourself and stay hydrated. You should take a drink. A big one.” She turned up the intensity and I did as she bid gulping down milk and water like my life depended on it. Valentina’s milk was intoxicating and I felt the warmth spread through my body immediately. “Good…” The doctor said and slowly ramped up the intensity until the whole rack was shaking violently with the sheer violence that the machine inflicted pleasure on me. After my first few orgasms I remember seeing the doctor cumming onto the floor in front of me and laughing and then turning the intensity up one more time causing me to faint from the stimulation. After that there were only flashes of recognition and faint memories of what happened next.

There was moaning and screaming once and a while which broke me out of the trance I was thrust into. I’d open my squinting eyes enough to let light in and could make out the shape of the doctor sitting on top of Valentina’s massive chest bucking back and forth. Valentina would just hum and gag to get her fix which Michelle was all too eager to give. The doctor got in the habit of turning the lights out while she was gone more and more and we were just left there with the sounds of multiple machines sucking our collective parts dry. When the lights came on accompanied by a cackling laugh or a clapping to get our attention I could remember parts of that. Michelle had grown huge and now had balls nearly as big as mine. She would have such an attitude and just swing her huge cock around that had to be more than a foot long and getting so thick. She would say something demeaning like ‘Feeding time!’ and I heard the squeaking of Valentina’s rack as she shook in her restraints in excitement.

The doctor was too large to get blowjobs from her patient anymore and decided to move onto something more her size, Val’s giant breasts. After the first couple titty-fucks she got she took quite a liking to them and would show up more often than before, always with a painfully hard erection and big full softballs of cum bouncing from one thigh to the other as she walked up so proud of herself. Val could only react like a pet waiting to get a treat and when the doctor finally unloaded. The doctor would gasp and squeal as penile orgasm rocked her to her core as she clutched onto Val’s breasts to keep herself from falling off of the rack. The tip of her dick didn’t quite peek through the expanse of cleavage, but there was enough force for her cum to shoot and bubble through like a spring filling into a pool. Valentina would do all she could to lick up the bounty left for her as the doctor dismounted and cleaned herself off breathing heavily. She would just giggle after squeezing out one last stringy glob of cum onto her fingers and wipe it across face between my nose and lips.

There were voices from the vent again. Had my boss come back to save us? The other voice was deeper than usual, a man perhaps. It gave me hope,but at the same time, I knew the doctor would let me go soon. The tank was nearly full. Rehabilitation was almost done.

“We will have to move you two for a little bit.” The doctor said in a hurry. The only reason I even realized she was talking was because the milking machine on me had finally stopped. I blinked my eyes straining to look around and saw Valentina likewise was free from pumping apparatuses. I struggled to drink water and milk while I was conscious before the tubes were pulled from my mouth and my rack was being wheeled down the hall. There was a trail of milk and I was still dripping and still pumping the last overexerted spurts from the aftershock orgasms onto the floor as my cock went lifeless swinging and wobbling going over tiles down the hall.

We were wheeled into a large side area and haphazardly. Valentina and I were facing each other. Outside in the hallway I could hear the doctor walking followed by a pair of heavy bootsteps. From constant milking, her breasts had shrunken somewhat and were back to the size they were when she was first wheeled down here. Maybe they just looked smaller since they weren’t being held up on pedestals anymore. She could look over them and her eyes met mine as clarity seemed to seep back into her.

“Hi.” She said in not much more than a whisper. She was in the large ring, upper arms held in the soft restraints leaving her forearms some mobility. She looked plump, like she had gone on a vacation and had a feast every day. Her cheeks, neck, and arms were all thick, but of course her breasts were still massive and full. Milk sprayed from them in three or four sprinkling streams from each nipple onto the floor between us. The room was some side lab wil plain tile flooring and plastic curtains over every wall to hide the obscured bare concrete and brickwork behind them. The large dishes that held her breasts were removed once the doctor began to help herself so often so the weight rested on her torso. She was in a slightly reclined position and her breasts rested off to each side and her legs were spread. She was casually bucking her hips slowly realizing she could enjoy the thrill of a titfuck completely on her own.

“Are you ok, Valentina?” I asked. One of her restrained hands held up a finger and she finished quickly between her massive chest and then went limp, spent. She let out a long breathy sigh as her balls and pelvic floor muscles were clinching as the orgasm washed over her.

“Ohh… Oh yes… Ah, that felt so good.” Her dazed orgasm face faded and she refocused her vision on me again. “You guys have it so good…” She smiled and shook her hips as her dick slipped free of her cleavage slick and shining with foamy sperm. It drooled from her weakening erection down her balls and dripping onto the floor.

“I mean, like. Are you OK? I am starting to worry if the doctor is ever going to let us go. We have been down here for like, weeks apparently. You have a penis for goodness sake!” I shook in my own restraints causing my soft coil of thick flesh and heavy balls to shake back and forth. She just smiled.

“I know. It’s… kind of crazy, but I can’t stop. I can’t say no to her, and I don’t know if I want to.” She had tears welling up in her eyes.

“We will be alright. Something is going to happen. I can feel it. I don’t think the doctor is a bad person, but she is misguided or something. She says our boss gave up, but I don’t know…” I trailed off.

“It reminds me of when we were all in her office. When us three were all playing with you.” She began. “The smells and feelings. I just get a taste and get this feeling like I am dizzy and horny and just don’t care about anything else except getting more.” She had eight or nine inches of semi hard cock that was wilting, but looked like it wasn’t going soft the more she thought about it. I gritted my teeth and looked at her and it, with concern. It controls me and makes me just want more. Just like with you.”

“Don’t give up. Try to stay as sharp as you can. Michelle is getting sloppy and getting drunk from her horniness just like we were. You need to stop taking those pills or else we will never be able to get out of here when we break free.” I was thinking as quickly as possible. “There have to be some more lab coats or sheets or something we can wrap ourselves in. I think I could help you walk if your chest got just a little bit smaller…”

“Walk? Sheets? Don’t be crazy. We are stuck here forever…” She wasn’t crying but one of the teardrops in her eye slipped down a cheek as she shook her head. “Forever…” She whispered. Her expression went from disappointment and hopelessness to anger slowly and she began to buck her hips again and lick the tops of her breasts.

“We won’t be down here forever, don’t be crazy. We will be…” I started to say but she wasn’t having it.

“If I am going to be down here until I die or wake up in a ditch somewhere, then I am going to enjoy myself while I still can. I hope you can too.” She sniffed and blinked the remaining tear down her other cheek while trying to thrust her semi-hardon between her cleavage to get off again. All the semen caked between her breasts sounded like a sticky mess and soon she was just grunting and panting her way towards another orgasm.

Her attitude made me think and I got lost in thought for a while before the footsteps walked away and before long Michelle had opened up the door to the room where we were being stowed. She arched her back stretching with both arms up, fingers interlocked. The snap buttons of her lab coat popped open effortlessly and she didn’t even notice or care. She gently took off the lab coat and placed it on a hanger nearby. She was wearing a clean sweater vest, this one black, and a matching black skirt down to about her knees. She finally took notice of her patients and saw Valentina in the middle of getting herself off.

“That is an idea right there. I can’t believe I hadn’t tried it sooner. Valentina, you are a clever girl.” Michelle commented seeing her patient desperately thrusting with as much force as she could given her confinement. The sticky slaps of her waist against the bottom of her breasts echoed in the quiet room and the doctor just watched. “I might need a few more inches, though. Or a few cup sizes perhaps. Hmm.” She said quietly so only I could hear her and she winked at me. “Looks like you’re first since she is busy. I’d hate to interrupt.” While I was being ferried back to the main chamber where we were being milked I took my chance.

"What's going on? Who came down here?" I said in as calm a tone as I could.

“I don't know if you noticed or not, but that gigantic vat of your semen is too heavy for me to pick up and carry out of here. So I had to go through one of my contacts in order to transport it all to the production facility where the experiment will proceed to the final stages. We were just talking about logistics, nothing more. Once all that is taken care of, it might be time for us to part ways." She said while wheeling me down the hall. It was all very matter-of-fact. When we got to the end she leaned in very close to me. “Is that something you’d like?” Her breath was hot and wet on my face like opening the door to a greenhouse filled with overwhelming aromas. She must have been taking a medicine similar to me when my pheromones went out of control because I was addicted to her. I felt myself straining my tongue forward trying to come out for a kiss. She stood there blowing a soft breeze at me from between her puckered lips. The pheromonal aura around her made me dizzy and lightheaded.

“Please… Doctor…” I strained, feeling my mouth water and my erection start to swell. It hurt feeling the blood slowly fill and harden the limp meat. I smiled, licking my lips and trying to purse them together since words were escaping me. She leaned in just out of reach before stepping back completely.

"The power that the pheromones have over other people. It's very difficult to fight through. Trust me I know what it's like. I almost lost myself completely when you were at your peak as well." She said in a sympathetic tone. “I went through all those full condoms you brought to me like a box of chocolates. I ended up like poor Valentina for a day or so there. But I am a bit more headstrong than that and managed. Close call though.” She said wistfully and explained it all while hooking me back up to the milker. She stretched again, twisting back and forth with one arm hooked in the other. She adjusted her top a bit and pulled her turtleneck to let off some steam before reaching down the front of her skirt and rooting around down there for something.

Like someone set loose a huge falling log trap her penis swung forward and down making its presence known immediately. For the first time in ages she didn’t have a raging erection, but I could see the thick outline of the thing pressing against the fabric and decompressing from being shoved into whatever she had that thing hidden in during her meeting. It swayed as she walked while moving around the machinery on carts setting me up and was nearly down to her knees. I could hear it slapping against her inner thighs and one time she bent down facing away from me and the cloth pinched and clung to the fat bulge of her huge nutsack causing me to gulp. I wasn’t even sure I was bigger than her anymore, but I wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing or not.

“Well you still have a little bit more to go before you top off the vat and hit the goal amount. And I am sorry to admit, but we don’t have a lot of time until delivery day.” She said over her shoulder shifting this way and that. Her balls were pressing between her thighs and calves like she was smuggling some grapefruit down there. She finished the set up and pulled out a small case opening it up finally standing allowing me to break my gaze from her balls. She produced a red pill and the light shined against it making it glow between her fingers. “Last one. I promise.” She said and raised her eyebrows. I ran through a gamut of emotions. Sadness and wanting to cry, anger and struggle against my bindings, and then she put the pill on her tongue and sauntered towards me with a sexy look on her face. “How about now?” She said in an awkward way with her tongue sticking out getting closer and closer. Her breath was hot and I couldn’t resist. I nodded and opened my mouth and she leaned down like a mother bird feeding her baby and then we kissed for what felt like hours as her flavor permeated my mouth and tongue and spread all through my body. My lips were numb with pleasure and my erection was rock hard and I felt the water and milk tubes in their familiar position.

“M…M… Mi…” I babbled incoherently as she turned on the machine smiling, tongue still hanging out of her mouth with a string of spittle dripping to the floor. One hand was on her breast and the other rubbing the front of her skirt which showed her getting thicker, longer, and harder..

“Drink up and finish what we started, my dear. Almost there. See you on the other side.” She held up the controller and slowly ramped the intensity as high as it would go. I tried to catch one of the drink tubes shaking around and drank deeply after a few tries and bit down making sure it didn’t flip away as the first orgasm was sucked from me with more force than ever before. I blacked out and have no recollection of anything after that, only remembering the taste of her on my lips mixed with fresh water and creamy milk.

The footsteps of the doctor going down the hall rang out with hope. What did he know? Such a downer. Valentina continued to thrust and work her hips between her breasts desperately. Come on. Come on. Come on baby… Oh yeah. Here it comes… She came hard, again, between her tits and pumped more sticky ropes into her cleavage like a patissier filling cream puffs with hot passion custard. It’s so hot. It feels so good. I wish I could see it. I want to taste it. What do I taste like? She let her face rest forward on her breasts as her orgasm subsided.

“Having fun are we?” The doctor’s sweet voice danced from outside the door in the hallway. “Oh yes we are! I know the feeling. The second this thing was big enough to play with. Actually play with, I mean. I couldn’t stop.” The doctor reached down and shook around her bulge under her skirt as Val looked up entering recovery after her orgasm.

“I can’t stop. It’s like, I have to think about it all the time. I have to feel that feeling. All the time.” That was the only way I could describe it. The two heavy weights on my chest made me feel like I couldn’t move even when I was just in the wheelchair. Being in the rack for days now took most of the weight off of me, but ever since the doctor finally let me suck her off and use my breasts it has felt more like a burden. I was sticky all over. It felt like someone poured sugar syrup all over me and let me dry into something like the floor of a movie theater. The countless times that she has come in my breasts has just become a slowly melting slime that has dribbled down my stomach and waist.

I’ve been wet for days and dripping non stop as the cum, that life giving semen I can’t get enough of, continually drips down between my lips. I have been getting off using my own breasts and it feels so amazing, but I need more. I need something to feel me up. That fullness is what I am missing, I think. I just started thrusting my hips again hoping that the next orgasm would be enough to satisfy me. Oh, she has another one! And this one is purple… I wonder what it does…

“Ready for today’s medicine? I have a special treat for you today.” She said, pulling a purple pill from a silver case filled with them and held one above my face, even as I kept pumping away. I nodded and stuck out my tongue. I couldn’t be more clear than that, right? She plopped it in my mouth and I swallowed it hungrily. “Good girl.” She placed the silver case on the desk and smiled looking back up at me. “Need something to wash it down with?” She asked me. I nodded and she climbed up the rack standing with her massive cock bulging nearly at eye level. Everytime she pulls up that skirt and lets that beast flop out, I feel like a water balloon of sex juice pops inside of me and splashes all over my legs.

“Please. Please.” Was all I could say. She slapped me in the face playfully with her bulging cock and I tried to kiss it. I had to pull my head back when she grabbed my nipples, sending off sparkles of pleasure. When I opened my eyes she had her hand on the bottom hem of her black skirt and finally she let it free. In the following seconds I watched it harden to fullness already glistening with a dot of precum on the tip. She held onto my nipples while her cock slid between my breasts bumping into my ribcage. I was fucking my own tits from below and she was coming from the front and pushing hard. The grip she had on my nipples was tight and it felt amazing. Nobody has teased them in days and I needed it. She felt thicker and hotter. She always felt thicker and hotter, but as her precum began to spill and slicken up the older sticky cum she increased her pace. When I thrust up as hard as I could I felt the bottom of her penis going the opposite way and it ground against my tip driving me wild. The slap of her balls against my breasts felt good and she had to have been close. I could smell how close she was and the precum was flowing enough that it loosened up all the congealed sperm in my cleavage and on my stomach which flowed down over my vagina like some kind of warm sex oatmeal.

The wet warmth only aided bringing me to climax and I thrust up feeling my only days-old balls empty their rapidly restoring contents as far up into the slippery mess between my tits as they could propel it.

“Oh that’s nice, Val. Good idea. Open wide, I’m gonna…” The doctor cooed, closing her eyes and finding a nice easy rhythm allowing her to enjoy the sensations fully. My fresh hot load freshly lubricated my breasts enough that it must have felt really good for her and she started breathing harder. My cock was still pushing out its final spurts when I had enough mental capacity to look down. The hot slippery head of her rod banged against my chest then slid up through the top of my cleavage like a game of whack a mole. Instinctively, I stuck out my tongue and leaned down trying to get as close as possible ready for her to unload. “Not long now. Just… a few… more… UGHN!” She thrust forward one last time on shaky legs and locked into position as far forward as she could push. My breasts were squished up against her thighs and stomach and her considerable chest hung low enough to rest atop mine while she came.

I couldn’t quite reach my mouth around it but my tongue could touch the bottom of the glistening head as it hosed the back of my throat. I did all I could to juggle pushing my head forward and keeping my tongue out while trying to swallow as much of her hot seed as possible. Each long thick spurt filled my mouth to nearly full, but I had been getting really good at chugging and just letting the stuff go down my throat becoming little more than a receptacle for semen. The tip of my own penis, glans pressed against the thick hose-like pipe pumping all the cum into my mouth, felt like it was pulsating wildly.

Her hands were clutched against my breasts squishing them tight. She stared forward and up with her eyes closed softly and mouth agape, tongue wagging out. Her whole body was arched over mine and her drool fell down in drippy strings onto my cheeks. God she smelled and tasted so good. Her pheromones, mainlining her delicious semen, and the vibrations of her pulsating cock against the head of mine brought me to orgasm again. I flooded more of my own hot slimy mess around her, filling my cleavage to capacity. I drank and drank until her orgasm slowed to the point she pulled back and began to climb down. As inch after inch of her hard cock pulled free from my chest I felt all the cum pooled on my cleavage and between my breasts drain down through the empty space it left behind. When she pulled it free a thick goopy deluge of semen followed right after and poured down over my vagina coating my thighs and knees in the process.

“Oh goodness. That was a good one. You are something else, Val. I love having you around.” Michelle said as she stepped back and observed her work. The floor looked like someone spilled a gallon of translucent pancake batter and I was done for. Drinking that much of her cum at once after whatever amount of medicine she took plus whatever she gave me pushed me back into my happy place and I felt like I was floating. She pushed me down the hallway to get me back to the milking room and I saw him again. He was asleep, but the look on his face was one of pain and the sounds and motion of that jerking machine made me scared. His body would just pulse every minute or two as the hose sucked more of his cum nearly endlessly. Who are you to tell people to have fun? How long had he been hanging there since before you even showed up?

“Is… Is he OK?” I asked in a gentle voice that was a bit dizzy. The doctor locked me in place and smiled while she worked the milking tubes.

“Oh he is almost done with his treatment actually. And finally he is about to deliver the thousand liters I need from him. You are following right in his footsteps actually. Just another day or two and you guys might be walking out of here hand in hand if that is what you want…” She trailed off holding a milker in each hand like a pair of daggers. She slowly brought them down and my nipples jumped up to them forming suction. I winced and moaned as the trickles of milk that had finally slowed to nearly a stop over the past hour or two were brought back to full production in an instant. Oh gosh I was so full. The milk flowing through my nipples feels so good. The stinging tightness of the pumps spreading and expanding my nipples to pull milk through them. Oh, I missed it. Ah, it feels so good.

“Ahnn…” I moaned uncontrollably as I was milked and the tubes filled slowly with milk until it reached the hoses and a full connection was made. My milk was taken away and filled up the tanks nearby. He had been sucking the two hoses subconsciously and when I had been hooked back up and my milk flowed back over to him his sucking became furious. I saw the precious creamy fluid pulled from the hose over to him and he drank voraciously. I could see his ribs with how he was hanging and I guess he had lost weight. We really only drank milk down here and otherwise largely fasted. The doctor claimed it was to prevent adulteration to the milk and semen, but neither of us seemed to mind since we were too busy to think about anything else besides being milked and cumming.

“How is that purple pill working out for you? Feeling the effects yet?” She said while looking over the charts and nodding her head with deep satisfaction. “Doing quite well my dear! Numbers are up! Up! Up!” She said while tapping the clipboard on his head playfully then letting it dangle. She let another thing dangle as well as she pulled down her skirt unceremoniously and began to pull off her knit vest after that. She was completely naked, perhaps for the first time I had ever seen her. Her body was so small considering how massive her tits and cock were. Maybe it was that she just seemed larger than life all the time and was always looking down at me in the rack. But she wasn’t overly curvy although the effects of his cum had been wearing off recently. Maybe she had always been that busty? God you are soaking wet right now. Why does my stomach feel so funny? Bubbles in my belly gurgled and I didn’t know what it was from.

“My stomach… It feels funny.” I said, staring at the doctor who was only wearing her red glasses, hair tied up into a spiky bun. She was standing with her hands on her hips, breasts the size of big watermelons jutting out proudly just above her navel. She had conservatively round hips which seemed a bit big for her frame, but they had been much larger days before. Her cock hung down, semi-hard aiming at my knees. I glanced over at the machine jerking the life out of him and she seemed bigger for sure.

“That’s good. Your body is making the necessary adjustments so I can give you the proper reward for your endless cooperation.” She strutted over slowly and looked down between my legs nodding. “It’s begun already. It is surprisingly fast acting, but doesn’t last terribly long. You can always take more though of course.” My vagina started leaking feminine lubrication profusely to the point where I thought I was pissing myself. I didn’t even know where it was coming from, but it came out streaming and dripped on the ground audibly.

“Wh- What is this? What did you give me?” I said in a panic not understanding what was going on. She reached forward grabbing my nutsack gently and pulled it aside and tossed it over the top of my shaft to keep it out of the way. My balls hung THAT low? Oh god what is happening to me…

“It’s basically a muscle relaxer, but also has an element that increases elasticity as well. In layman’s terms, I am giving you the chance to have sex with penises that would otherwise cause permanent harm to most people. It isn’t perfect, but as long as we take it slow everything will be fine. Let me know if you want me to stop, OK?” She said with a genuine smile on her face. It was reassuring, but as she adjusted the leg rests and pushed my tits over either thigh to clear the way I felt more exposed than I had before. I was spread eagle before her, before that monster cock, and she just set me up like some plastic doll preparing me for the worst. Part of me ached desperately for this, but as she pressed against me, cock resting on my stomach, it went well past my belly button and nearly reached the lower start of my spread apart cleavage.

“There’s no way you can. That a pill can. Are you sure? Is this..?” I scrambled for any kind of way to slow her down but her eyes were focused on the slick wetness gushing from my pussy and reached up with both hands grabbing a hold of the sides of my breasts and stepping up on the rack. She leaned in close to my face with hers and after whispering in my face while massaging my breasts, her huge cock inadvertently poking into the bottom of my sticky dripping cleavage.

“I’m so sure my dear. This is an honor. You will get to be my first. This time at least.” She said into my lips as she kissed me. Her tongue was like a ribbon fluttering in the wind as it danced around inside my mouth. The taste of her saliva made my mouth numb with pleasure and I could barely keep up. She was spinning and rubbing all over the inside of my mouth and I couldn’t even put up a riposte and just focused on how good it felt. I felt more hot liquid pleasure spill from my far too long ignored juicy lips while I came to a full erection in the same moment. She was rubbing herself against me, unable to resist the softness of my breasts while we kissed. She let go of my breasts and reached up to my face cradling it as her sweet intoxicating taste spread like wildfire throughout me. I was certain I could tell her I’d loved her at that moment.

She lowered herself down and I felt two large soft orbs of meat on my rigid pole. She was still moving back and forth and I was overwhelmed by emotion and her gentle touch and just let go of what little resistance I had even tried to put up. The hot orbs were too small to be her butt and then I realized it was her full heavy balls that were massaging the top of my penis. It was too much for me to take as her tongue painted the inside of my mouth with her pigment of pleasure. Cum spurted across the room guided by the pressure her soft sack pressed down onto my spitting cock. I felt the pressure of the dripping wetness against the back of my own balls as I squirted a voluminous stream from my desperate pussy while feminine orgasm followed the penile one. My balls were pushed aside by the sheer force of the streaming fluid and the sound of it splashing against the floor in the room and against the metal of his rack echoed out. I shuddered and shook groaning against the pure bliss and she pulled her mouth away from me, tongue still out connecting a string of messy spittle between us. The lazy smile spreading across her face was one of satisfaction and I could feel her hot breath against my face. She lay there breathing hard licking her lips as my orgasms subsided and only the sound of dripping and breathing was left.

“Ready for the real thing?” She said while slowly climbing down the rack carefully, shoes splashing gently into spreading puddles of milk and semen being beneath the rack. The taste of her in my mouth was like being subjected to a powerful drug and I felt whatever remaining inhibitions I had melt away. A smile crossed my face and I giggled a little and got the shivers feeling milk begin to spray from me so much I could see the top of the stream from where I was suspended. It felt too good to just let it flow and relieve just a bit of the pressure that had been building for days and days. I was so wet and ready and wanted anything inside of me at that point. My body was ready and desperate as ever since being denied his cock, but my mind could barely make heads or tails of anything. The doctor was standing in front of me smiling and wrestling with that gigantic cock of hers. She had to press down on her erection with force to bring it level with my waist. It was so hard. My head was spinning and it felt like two conflicting storm systems crashed into one another and lightning came down everywhere inside of my skin and only now was the sun finally coming up with winds to blow the clouds away.

“The real… thing?” I said drunkenly when an almost burning hot sensation like a soft caramel apple pressed against my most sensitive place. I gasped and felt the pressure immediately. “I don’t think that…”

“You’re so hot and wet, Valentina. Don’t worry. Everything will be alright. The formula has been tested thoroughly.” She said moving her hips back and forth awkwardly while reaching forward to get her fingers in a position to spread me open. I felt her hands probing around and then, slowly, I felt a fullness I’d never imagined in my life. I wanted to cry out but my whole being was clenched tight against the slow intrusion going deeper inside of me. “This is incredible. I had no idea it could be so… so…” The doctor was talking to herself as she groped around and grabbed onto my thighs for leverage.

“I don’t think I can take any more. I feel like I am going to burst already. It's so thick and pushing against me.” I squealed, but as I said the words I was surprised to find that it didn’t actually hurt. My breath came and went in faster and faster gasps while I felt her wiggle herself back and forth to shove her cock inside of me as far as it would go. I had never really been with a man bigger than seven or eight inches, although I had played with toys as big as ten and even that was too much for me. But this was way bigger than that was. Maybe double the size, but I couldn’t even move and my hands reached for a part of the rack and clutched tightly against the bars.

“The head just made it in. There is a lot more to go. Ah, fuck that’s tight. I have confidence that you will be able to handle it. I’d stake my integrity as a scientist on it. Does it hurt?” She said while she pulled back a little bit and pushed forward again using the plentiful lube to make her penetration smoother. I just shook my head and bit my lip with a mask of absolute panic as she barely listened. “Good. That means it's working. You can take a bit more, get ready. Ahn.” She proceeded to slowly move forward and backward and increase the strength with each successive forward thrust.

After a dozen or so careful but increasingly hard jabs that felt like they were pushing me closer and closer to the point of splitting apart, I was still intact by some miracle. I kept trying to push my thighs and hips further apart to make space for how stretched I felt as the doctor’s pace increased.

“I’m OK. I think. Ah, god it’s so much.” I said wincingly expecting it to hurt, I recalled one of my earliest sexual experiences and the fear and concern about being filled up with…something else and that fullness and invasion. That feeling that gave way to pleasure spiked with pain as the doctor was right now.

“You are doing better than I thought, or maybe I am just not big enough to really test your limits.” She said starting to pull back further and thrusting deeper and deeper. The absolute limits of my physical body felt like they were being ignored and changed with each forceful penetration. “Almost there. God it feels good. I don’t know if I am going to be able to last. Oh damn! It’s getting tighter! What’s…”

I came hard again. So much pressure and tightness pushed from within me and Michelle’s cock was squeezed out like a banana from its peel in a cartoon followed by a gush of wetness and an accompanying squirt hosing down her stomach, cock, and thighs. I groaned as the pleasure of orgasm spread like the epicenter of an earthquake to the rest of my body. The lower half of her vest and front of her skirt were soaked and clung to her body.

“We aren’t done yet, darling.” She said while she reset quickly and began to pump herself back to where she had been, much more quickly and easily than before and went right back to pushing her way as far in as she could. My stomach felt weird again and looking down between my breasts, which were still spread apart, I could see the bulge of her cock nearing my belly button. I could see where the head met the shaft as my stomach bulged and had a moment of concern seeing she wasn’t even completely inside of me yet. She was looking down at her meat spreading me further and further apart, hands locked onto my thighs.

“How far can you go? Is there no limit to this? It’s almost up to my belly button… Look.” I said between gasps and grunts while she pushed another inch and another inch deeper inside. The doctor had a surprised face and reached one of her hands to the bulge between my pelvis and belly button feeling herself through me.

“That is curious. Let’s see shall we?” She raised her eye brows and began to cut loose and started fucking me with reckless abandon. “This is amazing Valentina. I am tempted to give you a turn on me after this if you are up for it. Ohh fuck. Ohh…. Yeahhh… Ugn…” She was giving it her all and I felt her impressive sack slapping against my ass as she went deeper and deeper until she finally ran out of meat to shove in me. She was inside of me completely, she had to be like twenty or more inches long and two or three inches thick judging by the bulge of her dick dancing around my belly button. The feeling of being pushed apart as it filled out my insides bumping against my other organs gave me unique sensations alongside the incomparable satisfaction of being fucker deeper and harder than ever before in my life.

“More! MORE! MOREEE!” I moaned. And she began to pick up the pace and intensity of her thrusting even more, pulling out a foot and a half of cock giving me milliseconds to breathe in again before she brought it back down on me harder and harder. Whatever space gave way when she pulled back was instantly reclaimed in the path of her indomitable sex. “HARDER!”

“Oh gah-ha-haad!” The doctor winced after another half a minute of utter elation and her previously unwavering pounding started to go wonky. The break from the pattern set me off and I came again both ways all over the place. I saw globby spurts of my own cum splatter against her face and chin then slide down her neck between her cleavage. My legs were soaked and it felt like someone put their thumb on the end of a hose as I squirted around her. She was unwilling to pull out or maybe I was keeping her inside as my orgasm pressed down on her from all directions. She squealed and groaned, hands slipping from the wetness of semen of feminine juices to gain purchase on my back. Still trying to move her hips in some semblance of fornication she pulled back enough to let out one last splash of my liquid to make space for her to push in one last time. She hit back, whatever that even meant to me anymore, and her body went taught above mine.

I didn’t think I could feel fuller than I had felt at that point but I was wrong as the first of her hot jetting streams of cum flooded my insides. There was nowhere for it to go judging by how tight and full I felt already, but I looked down at the bulge of her cock pressing out from beneath the skin of my belly and watched as the sizable lump where she pumped me with her life liquid. I threw my head back and put my hands on my stomach feeling each gush stretching me more and more. After each powerful wet stream I had thought I would break, but the elasticity of my skin was up to the task as the swelling beneath my fingers continued in rhythm with her unremitting ejaculation.

“It’s too much! I don’t think I can take any more!” I said weakly. My eyes were clenched tight, but it felt like my hands were rubbing the top of a large melon if that melon were my hot sum-flooded stretched-out insides. My cries fell on deaf ears and I just braced for the worst as pleasure and anxiety for my well-being turned into a brand new flavor of sexual invigoration.

“This…is…remarkable…” She said panting with strings of cum dripping from her cheeks and chin onto my stomach. The cold sticky cum almost sizzled when it hit my full belly. “You look like you are more than a few months pregnant. And you haven’t leaked a drop either!” The doctor reclaimed her wits enough to make such scientific commentary while still inside me as far as she could fit.

“What happened to me?” I cracked open an eye and looked down surveying the size of my stomach and she wasn’t far from the mark. She laughed aloud and gently slapped my stomach. I was restrained, but I leaned over to the side and felt the weight of my belly shift unsettling a single bubble causing it to slide in my stomach with an audible ‘glorp’.

“I couldn’t have anticipated this, but I think I like it. How does it feel? Good?” Her wild eyes were racing from my stomach to my tits and to my face. The smile she wore was slightly unsettling and she had me pinned in place so there was no contesting anything at this point.

“It… I’m so full and I feel like I am going to just explode, but it never comes so the stretch just keeps going and going. The whole time, since you are so big… and… because you came so much, I just feel full and satisfied. Like. Like it's the perfect size…” I trailed off looking down at my stomach. She was nodding with understanding and satisfaction at my answer. “But…”

“But what?” She asked suddenly.

 “I am kind of freaked out by how big my belly got and ugh it feels so full and good like I was force fed a feast and it's just sitting there heavy with satisfaction. But oh my god look at my gut… I have never been a particularly small girl, but this is a bit too much for me and. It just throws me off, you know?” I tried to explain it clearly and concisely.

“And how does this feel?” The doctor said and proceeded to gyrate her hips around stirring up my insides. The amount of cum ballooning up my insides must have given her leeway and it was like she was stirring me up with two feet of hard bloated sausage. The sound of bubbles being poked, split, and reforming with ‘blorps’ and ‘gloonps’ made me borderline queasy, but at the same time… “Oh yes! How about that!” She said, reacting to me ejaculating from my penis. I put my hands over my face shaking my head as my cock pumped out ropes into the air between us and landed mostly on my own chest and face.

“What do you want me to say? It’s like you're stirring up my guts, literally, like I feel almost queasy because you are brushing up against my actual stomach and stuff. But you are still so deep inside of me and it's like nothing I have ever felt so the slightest move of your cock feels like it could blow my brains out.” I sat there, plugged up and full of apparently a bucket of her cum and she just listened patiently.

“Well. I appreciate it. Your cooperation in these matters have been extremely informative and enlightening!” She adjusted her position slightly and I felt her shift inside of me. “By the way… do you want it?” She asked, gesturing with her eyes towards my full belly.

“Want…what?” I couldn’t even think straight and she was playing games with me.

“All the semen inside you. I think I might be able to scoot us over towards a laboratory desk and there is a fairly clean receptacle we could use. It feels like a fair reward for your help with all of this. WHat do you say, Valentina?” She was being so kind and her voice was almost chipper.

“I… Do I want?” I looked back down at my stomach and the voice of greed inside reminded me how much precious cum filled my guts. An image of all of it flooding out of me in a torrent onto the floor filled me with authentic fear and I blinked my eyes of the waking nightmare. I nodded quickly, realizing her question’s meaning now. “I… Yes! Yes, I do! Please. Thank you.” I said and she brushed her wet and sticky hand across my equally wet and mussed hair in appreciation.

“Good girl. Now let’s see if we can…” She said and kissed my forehead before carefully reaching a foot down to unlock the caster wheels and she gently used her tippy toe to slide us towards the desk while still remaining inside of me. I felt her slip out an inch or two, but she had more than enough thick still-hard slack to keep it all in. We parked up near the desk and she reached down with her foot hooking a big plastic bin under her toe and dragged it near enough to grab with a stretched hand. “This should be enough. I don’t think I came that much, but your belly does look pretty full. I can’t tell how much it spread inside of yourself. Brace yourself darling.”

She angled the crate so that it was roughly beneath where we were connected and slowly stepped back and down from the rack. She had one hand holding the crate and another steadying herself on my knee while I felt inch after meaty inch pull free from me instantly replaced by a huge shifting balloon of cum in my guts. I could only grunt gently and let out moans when her bulbous head rubbed against the tight walls of my pussy on its way out.

“AHHNN” She cried out as her penis finally pulled free with sucking wet pop letting her thick syrup from freely from the woman in the rack. It poured into the bucket in a wide heavy column like honey with a single plastic slap before spreading to the edges of the container.

“OHHHMMMNNNuuuggghhh” I moaned as she let loose and then continued to groan out as all of it poured from me. The huge bulge of my stomach went down slowly under my fingers until the restraints prevented me from reaching when half of the huge load had poured from me. I was partly relieved that I wasn’t going to spend the rest of my days looking like I was six months pregnant and felt a chill through my body as I was drained of all the doctor’s cum. There was no way for me to describe it other than pure and utter relief at finally being able to breathe again. I felt a tear on the corner of my eye while I caught my breath. I lost track of everything in that moment and just felt as my eyes rolled up into my head and I pushed hard one last time to force the last of it out of me into the container.

The room was quiet except for the sound of thick sticky goodness slowing to a drip in the private laboratory of doctor Michelle Cuunis. The sound of the machine milking him incessantly was the background beat to the foreground of constant whirring and pumping of the milkers on Valentina’s breasts.

“Impressive.” She said with her hands on her hips nodding with a satisfied grin at her messy work. Her black knit vest and skirt were stained white and covered with a wet and slowly congealing mess and her hair and face had also been splattered, but it didn’t look like she cared. Her hand reached down to the downward arching source of all of this mess, her huge penis. It was warm to the touch and her fingers ran along its length. ‘Bigger than him by now, no doubt. I wonder if I can modify the purple formula to work on other orifices… let him enjoy his own medicine…’

The smirk across your face as you thought such a devious plan made you question your mental state for a moment. The moment passed and I looked at the girl who was still dripping, but hung limp in her restraints and then over to the man in a similar state. ‘I need to clean these two up sooner rather than later…’ Leaning down you reached to pick up the container and it was heavy, but you could manage it. ‘This has to be at least two or three liters. Let’s take a look.’ Moving to a large shelf lined with a variety of glass and plastic beakers down the hallway a bit, you eyed up one near the bottom. It was more like a bucket than a beaker, but it was more compact than the pseudo-recycling bin you collected all this cum into. It could hold up to five liters, but you were sure that much wasn’t in the bottom of the container and pulled it out readying for the pour. The precious thick pudding lazily went down the corner of the bin into the graduated translucent bucket. Standing with your legs apart bent at the knees to keep steady your cock hung down getting softer and your balls still felt heavy and tugged at your pelvis each time they moved. It filled up quite quickly once the flow began.

I had heard that some men tend to ejaculate more with greater stimulation, but didn’t know it would be that much different.’ You thought seeing the bucket fill up past the two liter mark and approaching the third at a steady pace with little sign of slowing. “It felt different for sure! Hah.” You quipped under your breath then tilted the bin almost completely upside down to get the rest of it into a bucket. Since this was just feed for one of your subjects you didn’t really worry too much about following protocol and reached a hand in to scoop and scrape the sides of the bin like a spatula to get the final bit into the bucket. Licking your hands the taste of your own semen was delightful and you wondered if you could give yourself a titfuck and maybe even a blowjob at the same time. Before that thought ran away too far the final drip fell into the bucket. ‘More than four liters… Mother of…’

The bin dropped from your hand as you stared at your production. Carefully, you moved the bucket to a nearby table, the plastic of the container already warmed from the contents you poured into it. ‘With a little ingenuity I might be able to leave this present for her when she wakes up…’ You thought and grabbed a few metallic clamps and a dish and after another twenty minutes of work had the bucket secured carefully enough in front of Vals face that she could tip it to pour into her mouth using the limited reach of her arms in the restraints. ‘Plenty of protein for my rising star.’

Last, you wheeled up the third milking machine to make sure she was still producing at maximum capacity. With tender care and plenty of lube you slipped the sucker onto her and she roused slightly in response to the sudden sucking, but soon fell back to sleep. ‘They must be exhausted to be able to sleep through getting a neverending blow job.’ You thought as you stretched and yawned wanting nothing more than a shower and change of clothes feeling drained in as many ways as one could feel.


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