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Greetings my dear Patron,

Was the weekend pleasing for you?

I managed quite a nice one myself. I will also admit that part of that was because I got so many responses to the poll I put up. Spoiler alert, I opened this poll to all the free members as well since I like casting as wide a net as possible (within reason) when asking these kinds of questions.

Glad to hear that my proposal isn't causing the sirens to go off and the klaxons to spin in desperation. I have a lot of varied interests and I think writing stories with different kinds of fetishes and other tasty content helps us all hone the spiritual knife as we search for ourselves. Or at least the part of ourselves that gets turned on.

Incoming rant!

It's a big question isn't it? Why do I like this or that? Why am I into these things? Why do I write thousands of words weekly, in some cases daily, about tits and cocks? Cause I love them of course. To the very core of my being, apparently! Italics as well! Haha.

What I am trying to say is that I think writing is kind of therapeutic for me when I work on new material. One of the reasons I got into writing smut and (to a much lesser extent drawing it.) was because I couldn't really find the perfect flavor of what I was into while searching around the internet. And with each story I feel like I am kind of chipping away at a statue searching for and creating something that resembles whatever my ideal vision of the delicious smut is.

Very flowery imagery to describe writing the word bulge 1,000 times like it's some kind of vision quest.

Anyway. Lost my train of thought when I stepped away from the computer just then. Thanks for responding to the poll and look forward to more EM this week. I need to do some calculations, but I might be releasing the full chapter this or next week. And for regulars you know that means a huge chunk of story to enjoy. The latest chapter is roughly 23,000 words and I have been dropping teasers of 3~5k words at a time.  Let's be generous and toss the big one later this week.

Have a nice week coming up and look forward to more experimental medicine.

Ta ta~




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