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My Dear Patron, Hello to you.

Another 2200+ words of tasty experimental medicine. As I go over it and am editing and dolling it up a little bit to share here in teasers it has been enjoyable to get back to writing this story.  Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that.

In all seriousness though I am starting to realize that there is a different vibe to this story than a lot of the other stuff I am writing and have written.  I remember why it appealed to me so much when I started it. For me it got to a point where it was like eating the same delicious meal every time and you have had enough. I wonder if every writer goes through the same thing with their stories. If someone out there writes and doesn't, then please share the secret!

Regardless, coming back to it has been great and it is fun to get back to these characters. Poor MC is all chained up while Michelle sucks him dry for some nefarious purpose. (Curse that wretched hyperbusty doctor. Mwah hah hah. Self-insertion is something I will proudly claim. It's why first-person stories are so popular right? It's the same for you, too?)

Will the author, as time goes on, make sure that her precious insert character comes out on top? Or will MC be able to win the day? Or perhaps another middle way? No matter what happens there will be plenty of sexy growth and intimate goodness. Looke forward to it.

In any case, please enjoy the next part of chapter ten. So much more to come! (Ayy).



 It was a normal lobby that you'd see in any kind of clinic. A couple of shelves of medicines in paper bags hid the back room behind the main service counter off to the left. Wrapping the walls and windows adjacent to the entrance were soft pleather waiting chairs interspersed with low tables with magazines. There were a few shelves lined with more advertisements and cardboard standees than actual product in the back part of the open space. Unmarked doors, presumably to exam rooms or offices or storage closets or something dotted the walls. It was actually pretty clean as I'd expect from a clinic. A hint of something like bleach actually hung in the air like they just cleaned the whole place up and my mind went to dark places. I crossed my arms under my bust in concern and to help carry the weight more comfortably while looking the place up and down with suspicion. After a slow swivel around my eyes hooked on Trish as she helped Valentina into the room.

“So it looks like your friends have a little bit of macromastia as well.” She gestured to her own front, huge breasts down to to her waist nearly as big as Val’s. “Is this what you're here for? Because I don't know if I can…” She spoke in some fake innocent voice that I wasn’t buying and I cut her off right then and there. We didn’t have time for this.

“Please don't play dumb with me because we all know what's going on here. That guy and his giant god cock are cumming out some kind of tit-growing potion that turns people sex-crazy. There was an absolute orgy at my place of business because of it and these girls, and myself, have been affected by that guys miraculous semen.” Michelle just stood there with her hands behind her back listening respectfully like she was being scolded. Her pinkish red lips were a straight line across her small face and she looked up more and more each time I took a step closer to her. “As you can see some of us have indulged a bit more than others to the point where Valentina here can no longer get around on her own. I am hoping that she won’t be like that forever, but we have no idea, you know? And I just want to know where one of my best workers has disappeared off to. He's due into work and we just want to make sure he's safe and I'm fairly certain he came here. Am I wrong ?”

I was in her face, shrugging aggressively with my hands flung out to either side looking into her eyes. Our breasts were pressed against eachother we were so close and she just stood there squinting and wincing in response to my anger. My chest was heaving and I was out of breath after that tirade. The doctor looked into my eyes for a bit and then her mouth opened a bit as she cautiously looked around at the three of us. She looked like she was thinking of what to say for a while and I brought my hands to my hips and started tapping the toe of my heel which sent a loud clicking sound to echo in the nearly silent empty clinic lobby.

“Listen he's kind of like my boyfriend so I just want to make sure he's okay and bring him home. You know, we we can take care of him so if you can just please let us know where he is then everything will be all right.” Trish moved in besides me wearing her sweatpants and shirt ensemble filling the pants out like cream in a piping bag. The huge rounds mounds under the sweatshirt resembling giant overstuffed puffs themselves. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was rough. It hadn’t been an easy few days by any stretch of the imagination. “Nobody's angry and everything's okay, okay? Please don't worry about my boss here, because she's just a little stressed out after everything that happened at the office. That orgy was no joke.” Trish said in as friendly a voice as she could while straightening her back up trying to not look like a hunched over titty monster. She did look like a hunched over titty monster but it was unbelievable that the doctor could even stand up straight considering her breasts were as big if not bigger. Valentina wheeled herself forward to flank the Doctor from the other side effectively forming a barricade around her against the counter where she stood.

“Honestly I… I had a little bit too much to drink of his delicious come but I couldn't stop. It's just. It's so good and I just I want to keep drinking it and I don't care how big I get honestly. I just need more of that stuff. If you know where he is then you have to tell me. Please!” Valentina said in a strung out voice like some kind of junkie that needed her fix. “It's already been a few days and I think I have the shakes or something.” She held up her hands and they were visibly shaking a little bit. The doctor’s eye brow raised at that and she dook in a deep breath which filled her chest enough to push me back a step then let it out another exasperated sigh. She held up her hands like she was in a stick up and gently pushed the air between us all and we gave her some space.

“Okay, okay. That's fine. Well he was here, but he had to be moved to a special facility as I'm sure you could guess since his case was quite extreme and he had to be put under special supervision so that he could get the help he needs.” She fixed her glasses with a single middle finger while brushing her hair behind her ear with another during the explanation. She continued to pour words from her mouth aiming them clearly in all three of their direction taking time to rest her calm eyes on each of them in turn. “He was a volunteer in a program testing a new medication and the effects were a little bit more extreme than we had hypothesized. I'm really sorry that your organization and you three got wrapped up in this so much.” The sincerity and air of calmness about her was unsettling to the point she seemed like she wasn't even that surprised to see us. It frankly aggravated me that she acting so cool about all this. Fixing her dumb red glasses and flipping around that shiny black hair like nothing mattered.

“So where is he then? We'll go and see him right now and check on him. We need to know that he's okay.” My commanding voice was irrefutable and I wasn’t going to abide some e-mail canned response of a lame excuse like that. I had dealt with this kind of thing so many times in business and her delaying tactics were just to buy time to come up with more lies to get us back out of the door.

“Alright.” She took a pert breath and puckered her lips in irritation for a moment while recentering herself. Her eyes were closed for much of her next utterance with hands held up defensively. “I understand your urgency and your desire to see your employee and I have to tell you first that he did volunteer for this and part of the contract that he signed did state that if he needed outpatient assistance and treatment that we would offer it for him to the best of our ability. And that's what we're doing right now.” Her words ended andd she opened her eyes and met my flaming gaze with her own ice-cold stare down.

She’s good.’ Was all I could think despite the agony that came with admitting it. A palpable moment passed while fire and ice clashed from our staring contest. She smiled. I frowned intensely.

“Let me give you the number and address of the institution where he is being treated and you should be able to find out more details about his case.” With a gentle head nod, she slid out sideways from behind our barricade of breasts surrounding her and went behind the counter. Producing a business card, she wrote down a number and an address on the back of it hastily and then came back around nearer to the door than the counter holding it out to me with two hands reverently. “Here's a number that you can call and here's an address that you can visit. If you go there they may let you in to see him, but I can't guarantee that because this is a very sensitive matter and there are many non-disclosure agreements surrounding this trial run of the medication that we're working on. There's really no guarantee that you can get in there. But if you explain your situation and let them know that you're coworkers or significant others then maybe they can do something for you. I don't know. I just work here at the branch and did my part so I don't know much more than that.” She bowed her head slightly so that I could see the top of her head showing off an aggrivatingly perfect part in her hair that looked like an upside down ‘T’ where it met her bangs.

I took the card and looked at the address and number on it examining both sides of the card for any more detail. Everything she said seemed to make sense but I couldn't trust what she was saying. Or how she was saying it. Or her mannerisms. Everything was off by just one or two notches and I knew just bylooking at her huge breasts she wanted the same thing that we wanted and she had it. Him and his precious, precious semen. She was drinking it all for herself and she wasn’t willing to share, all four of the super busty women thought in slightly different variations. And all four of them were right.

To either side of me a girl sidled up close to inspect the card and we exchanged thoughts without words and our glances went from the card back to the doctor to the card and back to her again. She rose from her overwrought bow, huge medicineball tits hanging down against that lab coat. Had we been bested? Was this it? I felt thirsty for only one thing and she was keeping it behind bars and those big fat full milk bags of hers were just waving that fact in all of our faces. My scowl lost some of its muster as she gave a big closed mouth smile and raised her eyebrows as high as she could tilting her head.

“Well why don't we give him a call and maybe if we check out that address we can go see him just like she said.” The words spilled from Trish’s naive lips like honey. She always trusted anything anybody would say to her, the fool. She was a good worker and I appreciated her jovial attitude around the office, but when it came to cold brass tax she couldn't step toe to toe with the real negotiators like me. Valentina just nodded her head and licked her lips. I wasn’t going down without a fight. Fuck that.

“So how about you Dr Michelle Cuunis. Have you always had breasts that big or have you also been drinking more than your fair share of the gift that he has to give. You just want him all for yourself don't you?” My tone didn’t invite a rebuttal. I was no dummy and I knew that she must have been lying to us, but if if anything she said was true then we wouldn't be able to do anything. Especially about that contract stuff.

“I don't know how comfortable I am answering such private questions about myself to someone I only just met. Right now. After you pounded on the door to my closed clinic for fifteen minutes.” Her expression and tone was like a handful of salty sand thrown right into our faces. “But I can assure you that he's safe and he's being taken care of and getting the treatment that he needs. Please contact that number and go ahead and visit that rehabilitation facility if you feel that you have to. But please know that when he's better, and when he's ready to rejoin society again, that he will be in touch with you as soon as possible. Just like before.” She began to take steps towards the door and ushered us to follow along with her while she kept talking. “I am risking my NDA in telling you this, but I can tell you three care very deeply for him and his absence is affecting you all greatly. But, he didn't list any emergency contact when he filled out all of his paperwork so at the moment I'm not able to divulge any of the specific details of his current situation. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.”


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