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My dear patron. How are you?

Last weekend I felt the first hint of fall proper this year. Goodness, it was such a breath of fresh air. I have been able to sleep at night with the windows open instead of the air conditioner or dehumidifier blasting. As much as I love a perfectly controlled atmosphere, I appreciate the ups and downs of a chilly evening which calls for heavier blankets. Fall into winter is the best time of year, hands down.

 Speaking of transitioning into seasons marking the end of times, so too are we now here at the end of a long road. Years in the making! Experimental Medicine. I have teased teasing it for weeks if not months now. For that, I apologize on one hand, but on the other, I have been stretching my writing muscles and wading into multiple new directions. Most of which I am enjoying immensely.

 I have not finished this final chapter and want to end it on a few notes, but ending it is kind of scary to me.  The polls I put up a while back gave me a lot of food for thought approaching the conclusion of the story and I largely have the ending blocked out. I just need to get it there and cross the finish line.

In the meantime, I will be dropping hints and teasers of this story for you to enjoy. It is shaping up to be the longest and most in-depth chapter of the whole story. The whole novel, believe it or not.

I have plans on editing the story in depth and releasing it a chapter at a time in the not-too-distant future. You will be sure to get sneak peeks of that.  But I will most likely be working on a sequel or something else by then.

Anyway!  Enjoy this lovely morsel and look forward to more and more and more to come.

Ta ta~


Day 10

The dream of milk and sweet taste in my mouth was comforting. I felt like I finally got a well deserved rest after when felt like over a week of constant sex and orgasm. I hadn’t had a moment where I wasn’t thinking about my cock and balls for as long as I could remember. The dream of milk was a nice respite and knowing that the Doctor Cuunis was going to take care of me was a true relief.  I personally hoped I could keep some of my length. Like ten or eleven inches maybe. That was still doable right? I could still have a normal sex life and be able to enjoy my day to day with a dick that big right?

The feeling of floating through this sunset sky of milky clouds began to slip away from me and I started to fall face forward slowly but surely. Like I was being held by the arms and legs and slowly approaching the world from above. It still felt nice to be floating down and I could feel the weight of my massive hanging cock and balls swinging in the wind beneath me. There was clicking and the pulling of straps. It seemed like my parachute harness was being attached to me in mid air. Glad I got it on time. I felt gravity pulling on me harder and stronger. Tugging on my cock and balls as the air cushioned me and bore those weights for me. Massaging me. It felt good. Such accomodating clouds that wrapped around my body and comforted me.

Last came the thing that bit me. Right on the tip of my penis. It felt like a bite at first, but was actually a slow suck as this slippery cloud mouth enveloped the top foot or so of my soft flopping snake. My eyes hurt from the wind and I began to blink them and the shining sunset sky fell away into a much darker sky. Where the sun was in my dream was now replaced with a steady orange light aimed right at me. It wasn’t blinding, but I couldn’t adjust my eyes properly to see my surroundings. It was dark. I was in that brick room that the Doctor brought me to last I remember.

I was above the ground a good one or two feet at almost a forty five degree angle to the floor. My arms and legs were strapped in and there was a tight belt around my waist as well. And my head was within a kind of padded border to prevent me from moving it too much and I couldn’t see too far in my periphery either. I could look down and up and that was about it. Below me, kneeling, Doctor Cuunis was affixing some soft rubbery cup-like sleeve to the tip of my penis. It felt pretty good but sucked really hard so that it almost hurt while my dick was soft.

“What is that?” I said weakly and she jumped back a bit.

“You scared the bajeezers out of me.” She said breathing hard, adjusted her glasses standing up and put a hand to her chest. “Whew… Well good morning to you, too!” She reached down, still wearing a lab coat, short black pencil skirt stretching down mid-length over her thick thighs with black socks pulled up past her knees. She wore a turquoise sweater that was stretched out to it’s limit over her large breasts. She had the pumps on under the sweater as before and they were sucking with their quiet ‘whrr’ing sounds. She picked up the tip of my dick and help it up like the tip of a meter-long length of thick rope inspecting the sucker on the end of it.

She held the thing up to my face to show me clearly what it was doing. I knew what it was doing since I felt it sucking on me with great force and taking ‘breaths’ after two or three seconds of sucking. I wasn’t even hard although it felt pretty good.

“This is what I like to call the sucker cup. It is kind of like one of those Japanese sex toys, but has been rigged with a perfect seal that goes to from this hose over to that processing unit and into that reception tank.” She said pointing at the objects in question. She shook her head and fixed her glasses realizing I couldn’t see where the hose went and grabbed a large bar-like handle near my shoulder and the whole rack I was on rotated slowly to the side and corrected my angle so I was vertical again.

There was a massive vat, like one used for brewing beer or in a milk factory or something on the far end of the thick hose that hung from my limp penis. I swallowed nervously and looked back at her. She was smiling at me from behind her red-rimmed glasses with similarly bright red lips. I felt a pang of arousal to mark the beginning of me getting hard.

“You think I can cum…” I pointed with my eyes and looked back at her. “THAT much?” It was massive. As big as a car or something.

“Oh that can hold up to 1,000 liters and I have a feeling that we will be able to fill it up in no time at all.” She said with a smile and got really close to my face. I could smell her breath and perfume. “I believe in you.” She tapped my own limp cock against my chest while she said it and then let it fall limp dangling again. She knelt down to check out my balls which were cradled in some kind of apparatus made of circular innertubes. There were three innertubes, like pool floats, that cradled each of my balls and pressed on them gently. They were smooth and soft and squished my balls in an enjoyable way. I felt more arousal that all these lengths had been gone for me.

“So, this is going to get me better right?” I asked after watching the process of my balls being squish-massaged and feeling the sucker on the end of my cock occasionally getting some wet interference as precum was pulled into the hose and taken away.

“Oh yes. That red pill was more effective than I thought. It is going to take a lot of stimulation to work it out of your system. That is what all this is.” She gestured widely at the room around her. I took a look from the vantage my new angle afforded me and saw a desk and some cabinets on one corner of the room opposite the large vat. Between them was a large vertical rack which had a variety of machines and tools and stuff hanging from it. Many of them had pneumatic pumps and varios pistons and other inputs for hoses and who knows what.

There were other sucker tubes and what looked like a machine that would be used to milk cows and a variety of stainless steel vats varying in size. There was also a large tangle of wires and electrodes for some kind of testing or shocking people or something. I had no idea and it all made me nervous.

I looked back at her and she was taking off her lab coat and threw it on the chair back and sat down. Her sucking pumps on both of her nipples bounced under her sweater as she did and she began to lift up the hem of her sweater when she paused to look up at me. Her eyes seemed more intense than usual and pierced me through. Again the feeling of arousal zapped through my loins like a gentle static shock as my balls were constantly massaged and squeezed. The hose on the end of my less pliable swinging penis let out a ‘THPLTHPLPPLP’ sound as the precum increased. She smiled at the sound and looked at me demanding my full attention.

“I am very glad you returned to me. I wasn’t very thrilled with the intensity of your return. I was hoping to avoid lactating again, but you seem to really like it. And you REALLY wanted it right then and there. I was a little scared honestly.” She said while unfixing the full bottles of milk from her nipples and pouring them into a smaller tank on her desk. She tried to work quickly and prevent spillage, but she was spraying readily and her nipples were large and swollen from the constant milking. I felt thirsty and the hose tip ‘thpthp’ed again. She smiled and turned off the pumps, setting it all up on a small table beside her work desk and proceeded to take her sweater off completely. The aftermarks of the pump funnels sucking on her were clear to see and the flesh of her nipples was a deep pink that seemed thankful for a taste of fresh air if that was what you could call the air in this place.

“I’m sorry about that. I honestly don’t even remember some of it. I’m…” I began and she put a finger to my lips shushing me.

“I know. That is one of the side effects. Arguably the worst one. I was lucky that you drank water like I said. Now that you are on the IV, you won’t have that trouble anymore. Don’t worry.” She softened her voice as she spoke to me. She was so close to my face and her breath was sweet like honey. I breathed in as deeply as I could and my penis began to stiffen into semi-erection. “Thankfully, we were both able to enjoy ourselves.” She whispered in my ear. “Before anything unforgivable happened.” My eyes were drowsy with her closeness. I had never been this close to her before. “Now drink.” She said in a commanding tone and tilted the rack forward so I was just above her breast. She held it up with two hands and brought the nipple to my lips and I as soon as I could taste her milk again I began to get hard and drank hungrily. She threw her head back and let me suckle her switching breasts after a time and then pulling away.

“Thank you. I love that. I… I love…” I said with milk around my mouth and dribbling down my chin onto the floor.

“No you don’t. Don’t be silly. You ARE finally hard though. Now we can begin the treatment.” She said with a smile and tilted her head. She remained topless for this part of the treatment as she grabbed up a large metal device from the rack. It was a strange cage of thin metal pipes filled with some kind of bright blue squishy rubber. Almost the same rubber as the thing on the tip of my cock still sucking away. She grabbed a large squeeze bottle of clear gel and began to squirt it along the length of my dick and massaged it in slowly covering it completely. Then she held up the rubbery sleeve and squeezed a ton of the gel inside of it, put the gel down, and brought the strange alien thing over towards me. She undid the hose on my tip and slid the sleeve down my length and reattached the hose.

It was slippery and bumpy and stretched and squelched everytime it moved. And most of all, it felt extremely good. I had been titty fucked countless times since all this began, but this was a new feeling or rather a feeling I had forgotten almost. She playfully slid the sleeve along the length of my cock a little bit and immediately the hose sucked up precum after the tiniest amount of stimulation. She smiled.

“That feels so good. Oh goodness.” Was all I could say as she teased me.

“You have no idea what pleasure is, my dear.” She said and looked over to the empty vat. When my eyes met hers she whispered. “Or pain.” And she proceeded to affix the rest of the machine around the slimy sleeve. It was a series of brackets and attachment points to the sleeve which were connected to pistons that were underslung in a housing where presumably more machinery or whatever made the thing move was. She brought over a small cart and hooked it to the floor so it wouldn’t move, adjusting the rack, cart, and angle of the sleeve holding machine very carefully. I didn’t need to be told twice what this thing was about to do and when she turned it on I had no idea what was in store for me.

“This is intensity level one. The lowest speed and pressure setting.” She said watching the machine slowly drag the sleeve back and forth loosely along my length. “I can adjust the speed and pressure independently if I wish, or you prefer.” She eyed me from over the rims of her glasses while playing with the speed dial and the increased speed quickly overwhelmed me forcing me to fight my braces and then turned it back down. She then modified the pressure slowly and I felt it squeezing around my length tighter and tighter milking and wringing the precum from my cock. I was breathing hard with eyes wide open looking at her almost breathlessly and she just smiled the same sinister smile. “It goes up to seven. And that was just three that I gave you a taste of.”

“I don’t think I could possibly handle that. That is too much.” I said, shaking my head as I already felt the precum pouring and my orgasm got closer. “I am about to cum already. This is amazing. How long will I be up here? Will I be going back to the bed when treatment is finished?” I asked genuinely curious.

“We will need to get an assessment of your situation first. That will require taking a few samples and calming down the overactive testosterone the red pill has you producing.” She explained while doing a few more checks of the restraints and various moving parts. “You need to ejaculate as much as possible as soon as possible or I fear these effects might be permanent. Do you want to live your life with a three-foot penis and balls the size of, well, basketballs?”

“No. Yeah, you’re right.” I said shaking my head no, obviously to her well-made point. She nodded like a teacher commending me for getting the right answer.

To be continued!


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