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Episode 4 - Night Moves

Greetings my dear Patron!

I caught a cold, fought a cold, and am recovering from a cold. Took the day off and slept all day yesterday. Sleep, medicine, and plenty of liquids and good food. That is the ticket every time. Still not 100%, but certainly on the mend.  Colds can drag out for weeks if you don't nip them in the bud. Just bite the bullet, save the media for another day and go to sleep early. You won't regret it.

Anyway, PSA about taking care of yourself aside, here are 1,000+ words of playful CYOA! Thanks for your support and belief in my naming conventions from the previous results. I am thankful for that. And again we had a bit of a tie, although the turnout felt a bit thin on the votes this time, gotta keep the wagon train rolling. I will leave this one up over the weekend so you hopefully have a bit more time to think about how you want things to go from here.

I added a 'Writer's note' after the 'previous decisions' area with a celebrity personality that I am kind of imagining or is similar to the image I have in my mind of Bev.  Please let me know what you think about having that kind of stimulus input while reading. I know it can be divisive. Like 'Since I saw the movies Frodo will ALWAYS be Elijah Wood in my head' kind of deal, but you don't care for that.  I respect the desire to have your own image and personally write my characters in vague ways besides a few clarifying features to make them stand out. Please let me know what you think about that with the final two choices in the poll. It is something I am playing with right now. Regardless of the drama surrounding the celebrity I am pointing at, her performance in 'The Mandalorian' just checked boxes for me, and I hope that doesn't impact your enjoyment of the material.

Anyway, enjoy the story and looking forward to seeing where things go!

Ta ta~



Previous Decisions: Leave naming to Michelle, Tie between ‘Have drinks with Bev, she notices your situation immediately’ and ‘Tell her you’ll catch up later, drive to the shrine concerned about your situation’. One vote for ‘Have drinks with Bev, she doesn’t notice your situation’ is the tiebreaker.

Writer's note: With the character Bev I am imagining kind of a Gina Carano-type of body with a few other modifications that will come through in the writing.


You mulled things over in your head while she laughed at her previous comment and stared at the job site. A hot breath escaped from your lips as you tried to maintain composure. You glanced over at her and she was shaking her head looking down almost crestfallen. She spoke up after another second of your silence while you gritted your teeth at the intense sensations overcoming you.

“You know what, Boss. Actually just for-”

“Let’s do it, Bev.” You blurted cutting off her words and drawing her eyes up to yours. “Sorry. I, ah. My. Well…” Your answer got her full attention and then your stuttering turned her interest into concern as she faced you grabbing your shoulders.

“You alright Boss? You look a bit flushed. Is it heat stroke? I thought I saw you drinking all day, but…” She turned you forward and was looking at you in the eyes. The cluster of curls had whipped over her shoulder she turned so quickly in your direction. She went from the matronly foreman into the loving caretaker in a single instant in your eyes and her features softened giving you a glimpse of a woman you hadn’t noticed before. Maybe one that was there all along.

“It’s kind of embarrassing, but I think this medicine I’m drinking is having side effects…” You started until her eyes lit up and her face had ‘Woah!’ written all over it.

“Woah there, Big guy!” She stepped back letting her hands off your shoulders and put them on her knees to inspect the unmistakable tent in your pants. She laughed with delight and even snorted a little. “Side effects? Is the medicine you’re taking Viagra or something?” She stood back up again, almost as tall as you were, and took off her hard hat. You blushed a little and shook your head.

“Well, it's kind of a long story, Bev.” You began to explain.

“Looks plenty long to me, Boss.” She winked. “Why don’t you let me hear all about it over drinks tonight, then.” She smiled while shaking her head.

“That, that sounds like a good idea.” You replied as she kept looking at your erection and then to you and back and forth for the remainder of your conversation. You got the deets for the location and said you’d meet up there shortly.

“Side effects… And here I thought these ol brown eyes of mine might have set your heart a flutter. Haw!” The jab she took at herself was erased with a wink and she headed towards her truck. “You better handle that before you walk in the door. People might get the wrong idea, boss.” She laughed and started her truck. You gathered up your things and by the time you got your truck started and the navi was set she had just rumbled off along the dirt road away from the site.

Immediately you unbuttoned and unzipped your pants and wrestled with your underwear quickly pulling out your cock and balls. ‘Holy shit!’ It was like watching a porn or something and pretending what you were looking at was yours. But this time it actually was. Now that it wasn’t being suffocated the desperate purplish red rod slowly calmed to a more neutral color, but the pressure coming from within was unbearable. As you pulled out your balls they felt full near to bursting and just them pulling against the fabric of your pants sent tingles out like radar pings.

“Oh damn, this is. This is…” You said in a near panic staring at your cock. It looked longer and thicker than before. It used to be as big as a thin glue stick and now it was looking more like the heavy-duty 40g variety. Your balls which were the size of cute robin’s eggs had already plumped up to the size of fat ripe grapes. You glanced up and could still see Bev’s tail lights bumping down the road close to making the turn onto asphalt. ‘This won’t take long.’ A montage of smiles, winks, kind words, dirty jokes, and heaving breasts being held back by the straps of denim overalls had you at the brink in less than a minute. ‘Oh no… where do I?’

From outside the cabin of the vehicle, it must have looked like a pilot flying under extreme duress reaching wildly around for the solution to their problem. The best you could do was the sweat rag you had used for most of the day. You threw the rag over the top of your nearly bursting tip and finally let go and the pleasure flooded forth. Quick powerful bursts splatted against the rag and backsplash streamed down the sides of your cock. Quickly, you pulled the loose ends of the towel down to try and mitigate staining your pants before it became a bigger problem as the orgasm’s intensity waned.

Your chest was heaving from how good that felt and you had to blink in rapid succession to restore your clarity. A few more wipes and the ordeal, pleasurable as it had been, was finished. Balling up the rag you tossed it aside and started to head down the road to give yourself a chance to get soft. The bumpy road jostled your balls around and you could feel the new length and weight of your cock swinging back and forth slowly softening. By the time you made the turn onto the asphalt road in the direction of the drinking hole, it was nearly limp. You made it to the bar in good time and even managed to use some of the time at a red light to arrange most of yourself back in your pants.

The night air coming in through the windows of the place was cool, but the leftover heat of the day still lingered. You had taken off your tie and undone a few buttons to let the steam of the day and the excitement in the truck dissipate. Bev had sat down and pulled the straps off of her overalls and tied them into a makeshift belt around her waist. The white sports top she had on actually showed off some of her abs which were toned and tight. Without the overalls covering the thin shirt you could clearly see the outline and shaded darkness of the black bra she wore beneath it. And the unmistakable line of her cleavage as well.

She wasn't cursed (blessed?) with porn start tits the size of pumpkins, but had a healthy set of breasts not quite the size of her head. With overalls and a hard hat she just seemed burly, but with the overalls down, breasts out, and curls out from under the hard hat she was a big girl in all the right places. Her hair was still tied up but the curls seemed looser and more fluffy than when she was at the job site earlier. More than a few had escaped being pulled back and hung down framing her smiling face.

“So some mysterious, like, mountain sage gave you tea that makes your dick hard?” Bev recapped the previous fifteen or twenty minutes of explanation. You nodded your head while slowly giving it a tilt in the process.

“It was for recovery at first and then these side effects came about and well…” You laughed at yourself for what you were saying. “I can’t even believe I am telling you all of this right now.” You shook your head, looking down at both your hands cradling the half-drunk beer. Looking back up was Bev’s smiling face. You were both on your third drink and neither of you was even close to being buzzed. That just came with the territory of the job.

“Well, now I won’t have to write you up for harassment at least.” She winked and laughed a bit. “Not that I would write up the boss for something as silly as a boner on the job.” And with a few more light-hearted jabs conversation went on and the conversation went in multiple directions.

 Which direction do you want things to go towards?



Only a few hours left to go! Don't forget you (should) be able to pick multiple options. Looking forward to the results!