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Another ton of options for you to play with! How lucky! I am giving you most of the weekend to pick your poison so I have some time to dream up the next steps before I smack keys the following week.

 If we can get these polls to turnaround at a good enough rate then I might be able to make one or two updates a week (Potentially wishful thinking so don't hold me to it.) But the intro was only 500 words which is a matter of tens of minutes for me after I am done outlining.  

I think that most of the decisions will be fairly straightforward though.  If we get to a point where there are a couple that are neck and neck, I will do my best to combine them. Granted there will be a couple of tricky combinations, but who knows. That is the beauty of this fun and random exercise.

 Once we get into what MC does all day and how the growth has been applied we will be able to start to add context and detail about the more fun stuff. And also who he interacts with and ultimately who may or may not be a candidate for more salacious interactions.  WIth head hopping on the menu, I am debating having the driver's wheel get passed around *Once and a while* to keep perspectives fresh. We shall see.

I am going to try and limit options that I don't want to write about in the polls, but I may also add a few joke or 'less that good ending' style options as well in case people want to see wrenches thrown into the gears from time to time. THe options will become less detailed (Hopefully, barring I don't try and ask you to micromanage every facet of the tale) and more like vague directions.

Maybe if this gains some traction I will just kick off the opening to a story and focus on that, but I figured for the first one I would try my (perhaps) overly conscientious desire to hear the nitty gritty upon starting.  There will be a bit more nitty gritty to come, but maybe it will give you some insight on how I think and write. Besides, if I don't know the kind of clothes you wear, how can I describe your massive cock and balls shredding through them? Are we talking denim being pulled to its limit with rivets and seams bursting? Are we talking some kind of beach shorts with schlongs stretching mesh netting out through the pantlegs before being torn asunder unraveling meat that is working on ripping through the shorts themselves next? Are we talking some kind of plastic science/hazard suit or aquatic/space suit, sealed tight, and you can't unzip/unlatch the suit and free yourself because an orgasm is being enjoyed too fully and each gush of cum from an orgasm brings you one step closer to drowning in your own spunk? (That is pretty hot actually. Might do a little one off of a scuba diver meets 'The Abyss' kind of deal (Dating myself with that ancient reference. Now I am imagining Bruce Willis taking the mask off after having learned to breathe in his own cum again. Welcome to my mind. It's like that meme with the bird and the chocolate fountain, but cum and Bruce Willis. Ohh baby. Someone stop me. Please. Not a 'Mask' Reference. Why can't I stop. That's enough. We were talking about clothing.)

Could be anything right? The clothes make the man, they say. And clothes are my favorite toy to play with in a lot of these stories. I prefer images where clothing is on to nude ones, and I feel like my writing reflects it as well. Most of the action happens while the clothing is on and once they come off it is primarily a swift ramp up to climax. I guess you could say I prefer the foreplay to the 'main event'. The longing and wanting and glances and beating hearts as opposed to just boners and tits breaking out of fabric, swelling to the size of vehicles and a square block covered in cum and milk before you know it! Not that there is anything wrong with that! (How can they even embrace in that situation? They would need to expand into and over each other perfectly. Not to mention the - Anyway!)

SO yeah. I love watching the polls and seeing where people's opinions lay. My dear Patron, know that even if your choice 'doesn't win', I am watching and see the choices and desires and am filing them in my mind as things to add into stories, even tangentially. I had a chat with a Patron and they mentioned something off hand and now I try to take the extra time to add a bit more flavor and texture (Ayy - Maybe only they will get that one.) to when that particular thing comes up. Whereas it would have just been a throwaway detail before hearing that it was what they liked.

So your votes on the poll tip me off even if they aren't the 'popular' opinion. One reason I am writing this Futa story is because I have wanted to write Futa for ages now, but didn't feel like it would get as much TLC as pure hetero interaction like EM brings to the table. It also deals with gender fuckery which is not everyone's cup of tea/a straight up deal breaker. To be honest, I feel like I have lost a few Patrons because of it which is a bummer, but I get it. This CYOA thing will probably end up being a nice lifeline to let you fulfill your desires on a more 'right away' kind of timeline as opposed to my typical 'Yeah I will write that after I spend a month writing futa which is turning me on like crazy and I can't even make it home without finishing myself off when I dictate this stuff into my phone during the drive. (True story, Dear Patron. I am a person of many talents.)

But yeah. Another chapter or two of Lazy Futa and I will start to toss out teasers for Experimental Medicine's Conclusion. I want to do rewrites of it as well which should tantalize you and encourage you to enjoy the ride all over again with actual editing, more detail, and more logical continuity (Hopefully!).  It is already 20k words. And I feel like the ending isn't even halfway there. I must be crazy, but that story is really approaching a boiling point which will offer insight into a new future for multiple characters. If there is a desire for further exploration of that world I have two, maybe three main branches I can play with and would be a nice playground to keep that 'universe' going. Some have more potential than others, though. Future thoughts.

Thanks for sticking with me my dear Patron. Your support and interactions are an absolute delight for me and make my day on the daily. Looking forward to seeing where the poll takes us over the weekend.

Ta ta~



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