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Dear Patron, again I must thank you for your responses to the poll and appreciate your insights and comments as well. The results of the poll lead me in this general direction:

Male MC, Hetero Interactions, Focus on growing dicks, balls, and breasts, Set in modern day (TBD), and written in....

I wrote a rant on it and everything and I am still at this impasse. Pretty much a dead heat between all four options. What is one to do? I shall give it a shot and bounce around all the styles. It will be focused from MC's POV, but there may be head hopping at times. I will also include 3rd person elements. After a few episodes of this fun stuff goes on perhaps a few opinions will be voiced about it and I can lean in one direction or the other, or perhaps just keep on the path.


Friendly guide in case you checked out this post before looking at the poll:

( A ) Represents the method of the growth. Whatever is causing it, and will be fleshed out (ayy) later on in further polls.

( B ) Represents your 'starting size'. Just imagine small/medium/large, or whatever you'd like. Obviously, it will only get bigger (Unless there is some strange twist down the line...)

( C ) Represents the MC's general personality. I just want a starting point and certainly there will be changes down the line, but if I have a baseline emotional background to work with it will help me fill in blanks and make small choices leading up to bigger ones which I will leave up to you!

( D ) Will be the current occupation and most likely where a lot of this story takes place. At least initially. Upon writing that sentence I feel like most of my stories revolve around working and romancing people there so (Having not written the poll yet) I will make sure to add an option for  not focusing on work. Or maybe working from home and it's a total 'phone in' position so they can be more free. It will help me decide what the MC wears and where his main interactions will take place.


Episode 1 - How Hard it is to Wake Up.

I think it’s bigger. It feels harder. It feels good. Yeah, this is better than normal, right? Your thoughts flew a mile a minute. You had your doubts there would be any results at all, but ever since ( A ) you get the feeling that your erections have been getting harder. Your balls feel fuller too, like there is a light pressure from inside of them. Even if not, you have noticed them in your pants bumping against your thighs more than usual, and when going up and down stairs they seem to have a bit more bounce. You can’t put your finger on it, but you like it.

Granted, you have grown up like most boys have and went through an awkward but personally fulfilling and (mostly) satisfying youth bringing you to adulthood. You have had a few young loves and gained your share of experience with women coming into your own during and after high school. But you realized that all the girls reacted to your ( B ) penis in a way you didn’t quite understand. Some liked it, some poked fun, and others would try their best not to bring it up, but it was clear as day to you how they felt. Well, in reality, how you felt. All you knew and still know is that you want it to grow. You want it bigger, and you want to get new reactions from those girls and new girls as well. You have a lot more love to give and ever since (A), this is a new opportunity.

You have always been, as far as you can remember, a pretty ( C ) kind of person. It has served you well and protected you from most trouble. Not everyone was into it, but you made it work and it was who you are. But not who you wanted to be forever. Not by a long shot. Being bigger was going to give you the confidence to become a newer, better person. And although recently you haven’t had remarkable luck with the ladies, it's just a minor setback, a slump after the incident from your previous workplace. After a one-night stand with one of the girls there, word got around about your ( B ) and nobody there was into that. On one hand, they were rude and thoughtless and shared your private details like gossip, but on the other hand, could they be blamed? Perhaps, but you didn’t stick around to find out. Maybe someday you will go back there and show them how wrong they were.

So it has been a nice few months getting used to your new position. It is a bit of a change compared to the old one, but you are starting to enjoy your ( D ) position. Regardless, this morning wood wasn’t going to take care of itself and you didn’t want to show up to work with a raging (For you at least) erection since it would just throw you off and it would be a waste to not take advantage of how hard and horny you were. You throw the covers to the side kick off your pajamas and reach down imagining the possibilities with a smile on your face. Even just touching yourself feels new and sensitive as the borderline uncomfortable pressure of how engorged you feel compared to normal adds stings of pleasure elevating a morning session steps above what was becoming a mere compulsion to cum.

Things are going to change… I can feel it. Ohhh.

To be continued.


Please see the accompanying poll HERE to cast your vote for how things will go and for deeper insight on what the letters in the parenthesis represent.



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