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5 - Just Hanging Out

The whir and click of the chain and gears as she glided in echoed off of the terrace’s floor above her. She set her bike on its kickstand and unlocked her door un bungee-ing and shifting the various goods she had into the foyer vestibule zone.

“Hey guys! I’m back.” She called through her ceiling and heard the clomping of feet rush to the door and then peek over the edge of the railing.

“So glad you made it back alright, Pen. Take your time alright. We are just chilling.” Tony said immediately.

“But don’t take too long. I want to get some sleep tonight. I have a shoot tomorrow.” Syn followed, her words echoing off of the building opposite all their doors.

“Got ya. Just a quick shower to freshen up and toss a few beers into the fridge, you know? It was a long bike ride and Cheap Street was so crowded.”

“Take your time! Just give a yell.” Antono ended the convo and Penelope loaded the final bag of goods inside and began to put it all away while peeling off her grody shorts that were partially stained with cum inside and out. She had been through the ringer on her trip to Cheap Street today. Something was in the air or maybe it was just that time of summer. Maybe she had just been ordering online too much and forgot what it was like to be in public. She stripped, tossing it all into special laundry nets or directly into the washer dryer while walking around feeling how sweaty and nasty she was. The place was hot and humid, but it didn’t stink of raw cum which was a first in a long time. She kicked on the AC while loading up the beers and putting everything away.

The shower was nice and she did it quickly, opting to not have a quickie since she got off half a dozen times at the shops and didn’t want to keep her friends waiting. The pizza would be here in like ten minutes or something. She stood before the full length mirror in her living area on the inside of her closet door going through her clothes and wondering what to wear. She pretty much only had fluffy towel shorts apparently and they kind of reminded her of some kind of microfiber diaper suddenly and frowned.

She pulled out a new pair of the everdry futapants and slipped on an M which was snug, but fit nicely. Surprisingly nice. They felt tight at first, but breathed more than she anticipated and while stretching and posing testing different angles she found that her bulge was also being supported and didn’t even rub unnecessarily. It did stick out a ton, though. Her friends were cool with that kind of thing though and didn’t seem to mind.

She had a pair of skorts she liked with lemons all over them which were modest enough and would detract from most of the obvious protrusions so long as she didn’t get a flagrant erection. And matched it with another tank top and a small button down that didn’t go past her belly button, or button at all for that matter because of her chest. Maybe Lily could have worn it, but even that would have been a real button bursting stretch.

Beers were chilled, time was good, room was cool, bulge wasn’t horrendous, and tits were somewhat modestly covered as well. Party time.

“Alright you guys. Sorry for the wait, come on-” The sound of clomping was almost instant and she followed the footsteps all the way down the length of the terrace and back to her own door. “Down.” And she opened the door and they were standing there, pizza, bottles, and a bag of goodies in hand. “Sorry for the wait you guys, come on in!” They barged right in and immediately began to inspect the place looking around like it was a totally new world, which for them it was. This was the first time to see most of the floor and much of the shelving for them since the incident.

“Damn, girl. We were wondering what you were doing all day, but now I get it.” Syn said nodding appreciatively checking it out. “Didn’t know you read manga.”

“Beautiful! It’s much cleaner than my apartment. Fantastic work, Pen. I am impressed.” Tony said and they grabbed a chair and plopped the food and drinks on the table. Penelope closed and locked the door behind them, grabbed some brews, and followed them in handing out beers.

“Thanks a lot you guys, I am trying to turn over a new leaf and have been, uh, spreading my wings so to speak.” Images of Shay and Lily draining her of and filling her with cum flashed through her mind as she stood in the doorway to the living area seeing her friends getting comfortable. “Let me grab a few snacks and we can get this thing going.”

After cracking open a few plastic bags of seaweed chips, soy sauce flavored fried noodle chunks, and a small plate of cheese and meat cubes with crackers and setting them down on the table around the open pizza box they were off to the races. Conversation about how things were going in everyday life, laughs, and good-natured jabbing at each other commenced as tunes played on the media suite and slices disappeared being replaced with empty cans. It was the first authentic good time she had with friends in ages.

Even with the piling cans, crumbs and crusts, and plastic junk piling up the place still looked pristine. Penelope smiled and nodded while taking a sip of Hopnectar leaning back in the floor chair before catching the pair of them staring at her over the lip of the beer can. She raised her eyebrows while swallowing the no-longer-bitter gulp. Synthia even smiled in her own way, arms and legs spread out across the two seater enjoying the air conditioning, her normally pale skin rosy from the first few rounds. To her left, across the table from Penelope, Antonio sat on a comfortable swivel chair with his hands on his knees cradling a beer with a bashful look on his face swaying back and forth.

“You look happy, Pen.” Tony said with a smile. Syn nodded slowly, reaching forward to take up her can.

“You do. It’s nice.” Syn leaned back while sipping. Penelope blushed at the kind words.

“You guys have always tried to get me out of my shell and have never given up on me. I don’t understand why. I don’t get it, but I am so thankful for it and happy to know you two.” Pen said as two dewdrops began to glisten on the corners of her eyes. Tony wasted no time and stood up pulling Syn from the couch and they flanked her.

“That’s it. Bring it in. Come on. This is long overdue. Here comes the big hug. That’s right.” He said in kind calming tones while the three of them hugged it out for a long time. Penelope let out a few gentle sobs, but got it together fairly quickly as the two of them embraced her. After a good minute or two of hugging, the song in the background changed and it was a subconscious cue to let it go.

“Thank you guys. Thank you.” Penelope sniffed and grabbed some tissue and wiped her eyes and nose. She let out a big sigh and laughed a bit reaching for her can and jiggled it, noticing it was empty. She stood up, smiling. “Anybody want another?” Her hands were in a friendly shrug and the two of them were blinking and glancing down. Pen tilted her head and followed their eyes and hers shot open immediately. That intimate tender moment, the beers, the physical proximity, who knows what, had her bulging enough that it was quite obvious despite the skirt.

“It’s totally cool. Sorry for staring, Penelope.” Synthia said cooly. “I’ll take another if you have one.”

“Yeah, it’s lovely. Don’t worry. Happens to me all the time, too.” Tony said. “I’ll take one, or we can open that bottle if you want. We pooled our UBI and got the good stuff, Pen.”

“Ooh, let’s do that. Save the rest for yourself, girl. It’s about that time of the night anyway, right?” Syn added now that the prospect of graduating to hard liquor presented itself. “Besides, if I drink too many more Hopnectars, I feel like I will end up like that girl in the ads.” She made a gesture with her nearly empty can of her chest swelling out huge. “I love looking at it, but I don’t want to break up this line.” She stretched out reaching high and turned a hip to the side showing off the full length looking like an aerodynamic missile with gentle curves.

“Thanks, guys. Sorry about that. It’s ah… You know.” She managed to say while slowly making her way to the kitchenette.

Syn showed off her outfit in that pose, a not quite translucent dark dark red morphsuit made of a plasticy shiny material that was nearly black. When she stretched out like she was you could see hints and outlines of what she wore beneath. The pose became an actual stretch as she closed her eyes feeling it in her muscles since she had been sitting for most of the night. Penelope just studied her form and Tony studied Penelope’s as the edges of the Futawear continued to stretch and bulge and peek out from beneath the skirt. Pen blinked and smiled when one of Syn’s eyes opened looking right in her direction and the words ‘cups’ formed on the lips, painted bright white to contrast her dark black eye makeup.

Penelope finally turned, crossed into the kitchen area and began to search for cups that would be worthy of the bottle they brought with them. She was focused on the cabinets and rifling through with her back to her guests. Syn fell back into the chair and her boyfriend immediately began to whisper in her direction.

“That thing is so freaking big. Bigger than most of yours, baby.” Tony said. This comment had a bit of a stinging effect, but couldn’t be denied. She took a bitter sip and they watched Penelope standing on her tippy-toes, skirt lifting up enough to show off her still swelling bulge, held back only by the virtue of those new snug, but very stretchy everdry Futapanties. They could see near the bottom of her butt cheeks where the head continued to fight down, flexing against the fabric.

“Do you think what people are saying around the net is true?” Syn returned in an equally silent whisper.

“I hope so. For both our sakes. You think she will be down?” Tony shifted in his seat a bit to get closer while cleaning up the table a bit gathering cans together.

“Just play it cool alright. She has always had her eyes on me and this might be our best chance. Nothing wrong with testing the theory. Let’s get a few drinks in her.” Syn said just as Penelope found the glasses and knelt down to open her fridge to grab some ice. She paused, hand still in the ice bin, as two more big round bulges slowly pressed out from. She let out a quiet ‘eep’ and gave herself a little check leaning on the ball of one foot, turned around smiling at the two of them a bit nervously holding up the condensating glasses. From where they sat, just below eye-level with her waistline, her bulge was perfectly outlined and almost half of it was below the hem of her skirt.

“G-Got em’,” She said with her awkward smile, stepping into the room and setting them on the table. She grabbed the cans that Tony had offered up and began to put them in the recycling chute. Recyclables were all sucked into a chute which went to a communal processing station underground near the trash collection area. Only burnable and raw garbage needed to be hauled by hand these days.

“Looks like we went through a whole case at least.” Tony said. “Hopnectar is so smooth. Good choice, Pen. But I have a feeling this will be a treat, too.” The bottle was sitting on the table, more than a foot tall and quite wide at the base. The plasti-glass shimmered with blues and whites like a winter lake and simple holograms of white foxes running along snowy banks with silver fish splashing out of the waters before them played unobstructedly.

“White Fox, baby. The good stuff.” Syn said, smiling and sliding the glasses over towards Tony giving him a stern look. “Don’t spill a drop, baby.” He nodded in response and smiled while uncorking it as Penelope sat down. She was shifting around and clearly flustered with her position because of her hardon being pinched and held tight by the futapanties. Syn leaned over and whispered in her direction while Tony began to pour the first glass.

“Seriously. Just make yourself comfortable. This is your home. Tony will have questions since he is such an obsessed weirdo about Futanari, but it's admiration. You know. It uh, they, look painful.” Syn was so smooth with how she said it and had Penelope’s full attention.

“You sure?” The apprehensive Futa said looking to a smiling and Nodding Syn and then over to Tony who was already blushing looking up from the glasses which were coincidentally along the same eye line as her bulge.

“Absolutely, Pen. Nothing I haven’t seen before. You do you, girl.” He gulped and finished pouring the second glass, really taking care to not spill a drop. Penelope had those dew drops threaten to well up again but she managed to let out a sigh of relief.

“Seriously, you two are the best. I picked up these new Futapanties at Cheap Street and they are so tight it's killing me right now. I know you have both seen me, but didn’t know if it would be too distracting to anything, and so many Tradboys and Tradgirls get kind of weird around Futa, but you two are different. Give me a minute, this skirt was a bad idea.” Penelope got up and opened the closet and pulled down her panties and skirt, not quite covering herself and both Syn and Tony stared with their mouths agape as her cock and balls hung down. The sound of splashing liquid snapped them out of it and Syn reprimanded her boy for spilling, well, filling the third glass to overfull and commended him to lick it off the table. He did gladly, while the pair of them continued to watch on as Penelope slipped into a pair of big fluffy pink pumpkin shorts. She bent forward to pull them up and the flat tight line of her lips were on display for an instant and the pair of watchers both felt their heart aflutter. Pen turned around and they were both staring, Tony on the table licking up the expensive clear liquor among crumbs and fragments of chips.

“You are beautiful, Penelope.” Syn said in a passionate voice cutting off their friend before she could ask why they kept on staring. “And your body is beautiful, too.”

“Trads have been so cruel to Futa and it’s not fair. I personally admire them, I admire you.” Antonio said, taking one final lick cleaning the pool of liquor on the table and smacking his lips once appreciating it. “...Sorry for spilling.”

Penelope didn’t really know what to do besides wave Tony’s apology away. She went back to the table and sat down cross legged leaning back in the floor chair and stretching, the single buttoned button of her shirt popped open and she laughed mid-stretch.

“I swear I can’t wear anything anymore these days except pajamas it feels like.” She took off the button down and threw it towards the closet next to the skirt and panties. “But it just feels like I am wrapped up in belts and bandages or something.” Her Trad companions nodded while listening slowly, pushing a cup in her direction. “Thankfully, that emotional moment and hug didn’t push me over the edge so I will be able to hold off another hour or two. Thanks for understanding though.”

They picked up their cups and held them up to clink glasses. ‘Cheers!’ They all shared and took gentle tentative sips of the potent spirits. The taste of fresh herbs like juniper and mint that ended with a warm honey spice finish closer to rum. It was dangerous and they liked it on ice.

“Hold off an hour or two?” Tony said tilting his head and taking one more sip before setting the glass on the table. Syn was shaking her head.

“Yeah, until I have to, uh, you know. Clear things out. It’s a biological condition for Futanari. Most people know about it.” Penelope said, explaining gingerly. She was in a good mood.

“What happens if you don’t? Tradguys can typically go for a month or so and then they end up waking up with a mess in their sheets. Same thing for you?” Tony said, shooing Syn’s attitude away. Penelope laughed and nodded her head.

“Kind of. But I feel like it is a bit more, sudden I guess.” Penelope said and reached for her cup.

“Sorry about all these questions, like I said, he’s obsessed.” Syn tried to smooth it over, but Penelope didn’t care.

“It’s fine. If I am not offending you guys, I never talk about myself so ask me whatever you want. I want to be a better friend to you guys and if you want to know this kind of stuff, then I will share what I can with you.” Penelope said and Synthia smiled and took a sip glancing over to Tony who was already looking at her and then back to Pen. “But yeah, it’s more sudden. Like, if I hadn’t gotten off in like four or five hours, maybe six, that hug from before might have been enough to make me, well. Cum.” Their reaction to the statement was one of absolute surprise.

“That soon? Only six hours?” Tony was blown away.

“I used to be able to sleep the whole night through, but I have to go to bed with a condom on or else it’s a big mess. Frankly, I surprise myself some mornings.” Penelope had a bit of pride mixed in with the low key embarrassment of talking about this stuff getting such big reactions. Synthia and Tony shared looks of surprise here and there, but were otherwise enthralled with every detail. While plenty of this information was apparently ‘common knowledge’, many people were skeptical about the data and with actual proper research only happening within the past few decades, it wasn’t as widespread as people figured.  The mystery surrounding the Futanari, not as intersex humans, but a whole new species or evolution, was on the forefront of many people’s minds. And unfortunately there was enough discrimination fueled from lack of understanding for the Futanari’s condition that Futa and Trad human partnerships were rare outside of official contexts. Society was overall as accommodating as possible, but the worst of both species ended up getting the most attention and the sexual nature of the Futanari’s condition made everything a touchy subject in some ways.

Penelope let the floodgates open and started gushing thanks to her friends for being there for her. She shared about all the pressures she was feeling about everyday life and her struggles as a Futanari. Synthia and Antonio kept asking, pouring drinks, and sharing their reactions and own experiences as the night went on.

“So is puberty the same? Like, I kind of grew, you know, down there and stuff in my younger years. How about you?” Tony was the main asker of questions and just read Synthia’s reactions and went with the flow of conversation keeping Penelope talking and sharing. It was enlightening.

“I think when I was around that age, maybe a bit younger, I had my main growth spurt, but I wasn’t anywhere near this size.” She reached down and grabbed the thick meat in her shorts, shaking it around casually. Her other hand took a big squishy grab of her left breast teasing a nipple in the process. “But in university after highschool I had another one. I don’t know if it is the same for all Futa.” Pen explained finally letting herself go, staving off the urge to go further.

“A second puberty?” Synthia raised an eyebrow.

“I have met more than a few Futanari who have never heard of such a thing, though. So I don’t think it relates to all of us.  I also kind of think it has something to do with, well, one of my partners back then.” Penelope kind of hinted at a continuation which Tony was on the edge of his seat about.

“Well, what is it? This is exciting, Pen.” He said with real enthusiasm. She played around a bit saying it was silly and wasn’t real and stuff, but ultimately Synthia expressed interest in the idea and she explained her situation.

“So, well. Basically the idea is that if you and your partner are on, like, the same vibe, that if you exchange fluids and stuff. Well. You kind of exchange that feeling and end up, well, changing.” Penelope had a tough time putting it into words.

“So you and another Futa ‘exchanged fluids’ and next thing you know your tits and dick are huge?” Synthia said in a deadpan tone. “That’s pretty hot, Pen.”

“Pretty hot? That is the hottest thing I have ever heard. If I could lick and kiss and suck one I cared about and become something that they want to see, and I want to be, it would be romantic.” Tony added swooning and taking another sip ruminating on the concept. Penelope also leaned back after taking another sip and set the glass on the table to lounge a bit. She had been inching closer and closer to full hardness, but somehow managed to hold it off. Syn and Tony would glance at the rapidly evolving condition in her pumpkin pants, the long thick snake occasionally flexing and showing off where it had spread to, giving them both a clearer picture in their heads of what was going on.

“I honestly hadn’t thought about it too deeply until I went out today. Even before you two asked about it, bringing it up again. I, uhm, met two Futa today who kind of said the same thing to me. It reminded me of my college days when this thing doubled in size.” She reached down massaging and gently stroked herself through the shorts. “And these things nearly tripled.” She let go of her swelling boner and began to rub her chest kneading with purpose, squeezing and tweaking and pressing them which seemed to pump her erection up to nearly full hardness. It was starting to push the shorts up, the hem starting to show signs of separating from her thin waist.

“So did the people you met today just bring up swapping fluids and stuff in casual conversation?” Synthia said, trying to get a few more details. Pen was lost in her moment and her eyes were closed as she continued to fondle herself. Tony was shifting around in his seat to make room for his own growing problems watching this unfold, barely able to keep his tongue in his mouth.

“It was in the PRS. Things can get a little sexy in there. I got trapped by the Hopnectar girl’s growing tits again and this Futa walked up to me, hitting on me, and I just kind of went with him.” Penelope said, remembering the moment.

“And then?” Tony said in a whisper.

“Well he was into body building and loved showing off his muscles and joked that drinking cum was his muscle milk.” Penelope dropped a hand down to tend to her erection which had been avoided and ignored for nearly three hours already.

“And did he get what he wanted? Muscle milk? From you?” Syn asked in a similarly quiet voice. Penelope laughed.

“Yeah, like three times or something. Damn he knew what he was doing.” Penelope said, pulling her cock out and starting to jerk off in earnest. Eyes still closed enjoying the moment.

“Why didn’t that guy just drink his own semen? Doesn’t that work?” Tony asked, eyes wide and checking to see if Synthia was seeing what he was. Her pole was so big and hard and looked even bigger and thicker than they remembered it when they found her in her apartment after the accident. Pen shook her head.

“I have a feeling that is how Futanari got ISM. That is seriously my biggest fear these days.” Penelope finally opened her eyes, shaken from the moment and just noticed her own hand still stroking herself, precum beading up on the tip. The pair of her friends both sitting there and watching her clearly turned on judging by the looks on their faces and the fact they had crept up closer than before, sitting on the edges of their seats and leaning on the table to get a closer look.

“Don’t stop Penelope. We want to watch you, if that’s OK with you.” Synthia said in her unshakable cool voice. She reached up ner her neck and unzipped it slightly showing off the hint of a collar bone. “We can help you if you want. But only if you want. Watching is more than enough. But only if you are comfortable.” She was such a mystery and even Antonio was doing his best to not appear so lecherous despite the modest boner in his own shorts. Penelope slowed until Synthia got her back in the mood. “So you said you met a second person? Who talked about growing a bigger penis and breasts?”

“Yeah, Lily. She was cute and had the biggest dick I had ever seen in person.” Penelope was artfully guided back to her sensual mood.

“Bigger than yours?” Tony said unable to process that.

“Much bigger. But she complimented me all the same and had a fetish for breasts saying mine were so big and how nice they would be if they were even bigger.”

“You do have nice big breasts, Penelope. Do you imagine them being bigger than they are now sometimes?” Synthia’s voice kind of fell into an interesting timbre. “Don’t worry about us, just close your eyes and enjoy yourself. Do you want to put a condom on before you get close?”

“Yeah, I just cleaned the place and the last thing I need is to cover the walls in cum again.” She said and opened her eyes and reached around looking at a large box near the media suite. She began to stand up when Synthia stopped her.

“Don’t stand up, just keep going. Tony will get it. We can put it on. Is that OK with you?” She said in her calm and even voice. Penelope looked over to Tony who smiled, then to Synthia, whose gaze penetrated her, eyes unblinking. “He will be gentle, don’t worry. He knows his way about cocks as big as yours.” Penelope looked over to Tony and he was kneeling besides her holding a large rubber already out of the wrapper. She looked back to Synthia. “Is it OK if he does it?” Penelope nodded at the words and looked down to the hands carefully and gently, putting the rubber on the tip of her head.

“May I. Uhm. Hold it? To put the condom on of course.” Tony said in a very hushed and nervous voice.

“Go ahead. Thanks, Antonio.” Penelope said and leaned back in the chair reaching up to grab her own breasts and squeeze them while she was being tended to.

“Good. That’s right. I asked you a question, Penelope. Do you remember it?” The voice continued. “Do you imagine them bigger?”

“I do. They are already so big, but I feel like I could go a bit more. Maybe a bit more. I love how they feel. Heavy, but not too heavy. I want them to be heavier. Bigger. Rounder.” She said massaging herself and squeezing and teasing. Her nipples were hard and sticking out.

“And your nipples? Will they get bigger too? More sensitive? Do you think about them as well?” The voice seemed to echo around her and her imagination lit up the darkness from behind her closed eyes into an image of herself. She looked down at her own body and could imagine it all.

“They do. I get bigger. They are so heavy. Uhn. That feels good.” She felt the hands putting the condom on continue to jerk her off. The stroking would take a break and she would feel her balls get squeezed and gently pulled and prodded. Her nipples felt amazing as she began to twist them through her shirt between her fingers while she was stroked with care.

“And the girl you met today, Lily, right?” The voice questioned. Penelope nodded and affirmed gently. “How did you feel when you saw her big dick?”

“I hadn’t seen one that big in person. It turned me on. And the way she came, so much cum. And it tasted so sweet.” Penelope licked her lips remembering and one of her hands went down to touch herself. “She could suck herself. It must feel so good.”

“She said you could be as big as her. Is that something you want? To be as big as her? Cum as much as her? To suck yourself off?” Penelope could only nod as she let out sighing moans while her fingers worked herself and Tony continued to jerk her at a slow even pace. “Are you close already?” Penelope nodded slowly. “Will whoever drinks the semen you are about to fill this condom with grow in the ways you want to grow?” The voice was persistent. “Is that what you want to happen?”

“That would be, ahn, amazing.” Penelope said, reaching down to jerk herself off and Tony pulled his hands back and the pair of them sat and watched as she built herself up to a double climax.

“Then cum. Let all those feelings out through your orgasm and fill that condom and soak your fingers with that intention. Cum, Penelope. Cum now.” Synthia said and Peneleope did as instructed and her legs began to shudder a bit as her balls, full from over three hours of inactivity, pumped a strong stream of cum that pushed and stretched the bulb of the condom almost a foot from her tip. It was followed quickly by three more long hard spurts that continued to batter the tip into the air until the weight of the initial burst was too much and the heavy sack hung down against her shaft, still pumping relentlessly.

Tone and Syn were amazed and had never seen anything like it in real life let alone this close. Penelope was biting her lip stroking at different speeds and stopping altogether like it was some secret pattern that would make her cum more. It was working. There was a large softball sized bubble of pearly spunk swirling around in the icy light blue latex with each additional forceful gush of cum. Penelope’s fingers pulled free and her hand fell loose both to either side. Her chest was heaving from the orgasm and as it calmed down Tony and Syn just knelt beside her in silence staring at the huge load dangling from the tip of her straight erect rod.

“We should probably…right?” Tony reached forward to take the condom off and Syn had him wait.

“Are you alright Penelope? Do you need help? Can we take this condom off of you?” Syn’s voice was calm and nice as she put a hand on her friend’s shoulder. Penelope began snoring lightly and fell totally limp everywhere except her rock hard erection. Tony looked up and gestured if it was OK or not and Syn gave him the nod and he began to peel the rubber off carefully.

“Do anything you want. Thanks guys.” Penelope said, suddenly sending the both of them rigid with fear, but then her snoring began with a bit more earnestly as the beers and liquor caught up with her. Tony made quick work tying off the rubber and held it like a slippery liquid cantaloupe in two hands.

“Anything we want?” Tony’s eyebrows raised and he looked down at the full erection. Syn wanted to make a disapproving glare, but was thinking the same thing. The first time they were careful and winced each time Penelope made a sound or shifted in her seat, but by the third full condom and after they were having fun with it and realized that Penelope must have been totally passed out, orgasms or not.

After about an hour of constant jerking, licking, sucking, and a few tentative tries at penetration but deciding against it the sun was coming up and they were surrounded by almost a dozen full condoms. They laid back breathing hard, arms and hands tired and cramped, unable to keep it up.

“They really can go forever can’t they? It’s unbelievable.” Tony said holding up one condom that was filled with only a tiny bit of cum, the volume of about two or three thimbles. “Compared to what I managed even after all this stimulation.” They both surveyed the colorful ball pool in progress strewn across the floor. “She is a real miracle.” Synthia nodded and yawned in response to his reflection.

“But will it work? We have to come clean when everyone wakes up. I didn’t expect everything to go so well. I am canceling my stream today. Ugh.” Syn and Tony fell asleep in each other's arms while the finally limp Penelope collapsed into the floor completely sprawled out, snoring, picking up with renewed vigor.


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