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Greetings my dear Patron.

I hope the weather has been treating you well enough. It has been blazing where I am and there have been more than a few storms kicking up and around. I'm thankful when rains and winds cool things down, but everything is in extremes it feels like. Can't just get a little rain here and there, it has got to be this huge downpour or multiple days of it and such. Ay yi yi.

I have also been seeing family and friends a bit recently which has kept me busy in my free time and on weekends. Thankful for the interactions and events, but even taking time off has been busy.

I have been wondering what to do with the cyoa storyline and am wondering where to begin it! I will make a poll for it soon.

Please enjoy the next installment of lazy futa! After the fun with Shay, there is still plenty of fun to be had my darlings!

4 - Shopping

Shay strode out back into the aisle and looked around for his buddies feeling good and looking good. Maybe there was something to that strange stuff he was saying about Muscle milk. His buddies weren’t far and he walked up and chatted with them leaving Penelope in the dust, but they came over pushing a small cart with the two cases of beer on it bearing the little tape-flags indicating it had been paid for.

“Here you go, miss.” One of Shay’s friends said sporting a long thick sock almost as big as she was dangling down her shorts. She smiled and Penelope responded by taking the cart.


“This is Penelope, who knows we might start seeing her around a bit more. She’s alright.” Shay said, standing between Pen and the three other people hanging out nearby. “This is Skye, Nimby, and Red.” Gesturing the crew that he was with originally before he successfully picked her up.

“That six pack is looking a bit like a keg now. You give this dude a meal to remember or something, there, Penelope?” Nimby, another masculine-presenting Futa said, patting Shay’s stomach with the back of their hand. Penelope blushed and Shay gave a punch on their arm.

“It’s nice to meet you all, but I have to get going soon. Thanks for the beers and…” She looked over to Shay and smiled.

“The government paid for it. With four of us we could buy out half of this place if we wanted.” They all laughed. “Catch you round, slugger,” and winked. They turned around while Penelope gave a little bow with her head, hands on the cart turning to walk the opposite direction. She heard them laughing and carrying on and commenting on the nickname ‘slugger’ and no doubt dishing details while they continued to shop.

Snacks. What time is it? Ahn goodness that was so good. I feel like my mind is clear for the first time in ages. She cruised along the aisles not needing to dodge many people until she began to approach the main thoroughfare. This large path was like walking the length of an airport, a small highway dotted with automatic walkways letting people pushing carts off at different intervals. There were vending units, rest areas, small carts of goods, small live performances, and decorative fountains and other interesting things to catch your attention. The largest and most intense of the AR displays also took up this space thanks to the primarily open space above allowing for huge shapes and holograms to spread out big long messages.

While riding down one of the long automatic walkways, patrons were conveyed underneath of a huge holographic woman who was on all fours over them wearing nothing but a light blue shimmering bra and matching panty shorts. She looked hot and drops of digital sweat fell around the patrons splashing between people. “When I have urges that can’t wait.” The giant bulge looming above them all like an ominously huge swelling mass. Some people were mesmerized at the sight above them as the growing cock expanded meters at a time above them. “And I don’t have time to make it where I am supposed to get off.” The giant woman began to rub her erection more intensely through the shiny and smooth looking panty shorts twisting in pleasure showing off the brand on the waistband. “I can just get off anywhere. Anytime.” She continued and proceeded to have a huge orgasm, the gigantic holographic shaft easily four or five meters long was pulsing and pushing out a lot of semen and the bulge where her balls were also rose and fell with each pump as her cries of pleasure echoed through the main atrium space. A large spot on the side of her panty-shorts darkened and spread as the panty-shorts soaked it up effortlessly. “As many times as I desire.” She came again and again while people carried on phone calls, perused products comparing prices, fed their children a quick snack, and generally went on with what they were doing. “And despite it all.” The panty-shorts must have been drenched since they had completely changed color from their light pale blue into a dark navy one from the countless orgasms. “I’m still dry, baby.” She pulled down the side of the panty-shorts and wiped a finger down it showing it to the crowd, completely dry.” A handful of people ‘ooh’d and aah’d’ at the revelation and nodded. “Everdry Futawear.”

The hologram returned to ‘static mode’ since such displays going constantly would cost Everdry a fortune so you would only see that once or twice a day at that intensity. It was a floating billboard now flickering between a handful of images paired with the information detailing how much the product could soak, what it could soak, and so on. By the time she snapped out of it and looked back down she was nearing the end of the people mover with a playful hop. She surprisingly wasn’t completely erect to her satisfaction and hummed while going along on her way towards the prepackaged foods and snacks. Familiar territory.

While scanning the snack areas letting that orgasm show fade into the back of her mind she began to think about Tony and Synthia, her neighbors. She went up and down the aisles, grabbing her normal fare, and a few extra things to try and make the night a bit more special. Going for the artisanal chip instead of the value one. Getting two fancy dips instead of the bargain bucket of the classic stuff. It didn’t take long and she was feeling the pressure and checked the clock. It wasn’t too bad, about six-twenty. She wheeled her cart back out to the main highway and hopped on a moving platform back where she came from. While watching the people and aisles pass by she saw the ‘Futa Section’, where many specialty products, like the previously advertised Everdry underwear, were. Her head began to  bounce back and forth on her shoulders while she did some mental calculations trying to look away from the section. She hopped off the walkway and could turn off now to check the stuff out or keep going forward onto the next automatic walkway to proceed to checkout and parking.

Before she could protest against herself she was already headed in that direction. There were quite a few Futanari milling in the area, many showing themselves off with pride. Penelope loved this part of Cheap Street because there were so many cool things and they all felt like they were for her. She cruised around the clothing area and was actually really interested in the everdry panty-shorts. They looked comfortable whether they could handle a real load of cum or not, but she kind of wanted to try and see how long she could wear them before they were bulging with the morning’s unburdening. Also good to sleep in as well. If she fell asleep before taking care of herself she would sometimes wake up with a mess on her hands, stomach, neck, and face.

The clothing area had a huge kiosk dedicated to the under garments in a variety of colors and patterns. Like most Futanari undergarments, they had two main sizes used for measuring the lower half - waist size, like traditional human clothing and package size, a new form of measurement which described the general cubic area a futanari’s genitals took up. Someone wearing a 100cm/Small would have a large waist and small package that would typically accommodate almost all trad males and many Futanari. Whereas a 70cm/Large would be ideal for someone with an extra small waist and a soft package that took up roughly the space of a grapefruit. There were larger sizes, it actually went past XXL, but you’d need to go to a specialty shop and typically Futanari of that size were behind bars having fallen prey to ISM long before.

Regardless of sizes, they were all general measurements since most of it was stretchy anyway. Penelope Preferred bottoms in the 75/M range. She had a few larges since they were accommodating and depending on the brand mediums sometimes felt tight on her. Being between sizes for a Futanari was always a difficult proposition. They had her size though and she grabbed a few mediums and a few larges as well in a few colors. They were mostly light pastel colors besides black and white. She also picked up a few bras as well since the fabric felt super smooth and didn’t have any visible seams either. If these things work it will be amazing.

She went on down the other aisles window shopping for something she didn’t know what yet. Just going up and down the aisles and imagining this and that was fun enough. She ended up picking up some special tissues, a box of condoms, a few interesting silicone jerk-off sleeves, and an interesting novelty garment that looked like a brassiere, but was actually meant for testicles. It made her laugh out loud and she couldn’t help herself.

“Don’t knock it until you try it.” A voice nearby called to her, startling her out of her personal space. She looked over and there was another feminine futanari wearing a low flowing dress. Penelope raised her eyebrows and tilted her head a little bit.

“I’m sorry? This ‘ball-bra’?” She said, reading the label on the thing. The Futa talking to her nodded her way.

“Especially if you like running or riding a bike, I swear this ‘novelty item’ has given me more support than half of these companies claiming to provide adequate support. I bet half the people designing that junk are trad males who have never ridden a bike in their lives, let alone with as much meat as the average Futa has to deal with.” She went on her rant while leaning in and grabbing a couple more.

“I had no idea they were that good. They are so silly, but kind of cute at the same time. Maybe it is this gal on the package with the garter belts and lacy bra wearing the wedding veil. Seeing the balls all snuggly and soft in there, it just looked like fun.” Penelope commented with a smile looking up at her partner.

“You aren’t wrong at all. When you put them on you will see what I am saying. You might never go back.” She smiled and unceremoniously pulled up the hem of her dress to show off a set of big balls, bigger than Penelope’s, snug in a peach colored ball-bra with her small soft cock wiggling around as she bounced up and down a bit to show the support. “I was blessed with these little boulders, but got tired of squishing them every step and sitting on them all the time. This is the perfect solution.”  Penelope was taken aback at how open she was. Had Futa always been this open? I don’t remember it being like this… She nodded thoughtfully and smiled.

“Wow! That’s great!” Penelope said and held up one more ball bra, a red one, and put it in her basket. “Thanks.  Have a nice day.” And after a few more pleasantries she skirted off to the side and went to another aisle where there were lotions, creams, and other bath stuff. She couldn’t get the image of that ball bra out of her mind while she scanned across the products. Shrinking creams, growing creams, moisturizers, additives that increase erection and semen counts, everything you could imagine. She grabbed some of her normal moisturizing creams and lotions while glancing over to the growth cream section where more than a few trad males were checking out the goods. They had beards and were much hairier than a typical masc Futa which gave them away. When the eyeline of one of the guys met Penelope’s they glanced down quickly at her shorts and back up to her eyes and smiled before shyly looking back down at the creams hurriedly grabbing a bottle and skittering off.

Penelope looked down at herself and saw she was bulging a bit. Looks like Shay got me going more than I thought. Still not soft yet… Should I…? She looked up and all but one of the trad males had scampered off. She picked up one of the growth creams which boasted ludicrous claims about gains in record times. Formulated for Futanari in mind, but touted being effective on traditional humans as well. The guy next to her smiled and nodded. There were tiny little animations of futanari and even a few traditional males laying back, stretching, and showing off big bulges while making claims about growth. One more racy brand even went as far as to have an animation of a Futa sitting there with a solid cock, taking a pill and rubbing cream up and down their rod, and within seconds it swelled up inch after inch until it was a full foot long. ‘All in one month.’

“That one doesn’t work. Tried it for a few months.” He said in a low voice. Penelope put it back.

“That’s too bad. I wonder if any of them do?” She countered politely.

“Doubtful, but it doesn’t hurt to try.” He said with a weak laugh picking up another. They exchanged a farewell greeting and Penelope was on her way when her pocket suite buzzed in her clutch. She blinked rapidly and the message popped up on her AR contact lens. It was Tony.

‘How is shopping going?’ The text displayed floating up. She spoke under her breath and her words were dictated onto the screen flawlessly.

‘Almost finished. On my way home soon. Sorry, I lost track of time.’

‘Perfectly cool! We got the bottle chilling and were wondering when to call for pizza. Another hour sounds about right?’ He responded and added some pizza emojis that jumped around and steamed before her face.

‘Perfect. I am heading to checkout now. See you soon. Thanks again for the tire, by the way.’ She added an emoji of a cyclist going off a ramp looking cool.

‘Anything for you, Pen. Ride safe and careful going through that park. You know how it is.’

‘I do. That lady was out there again when I rode by. I will go the long way back, I think. She creeps me out.’ Emoji of a person making a disgusted face.

‘Smart play. Toodles.’ Then a picture of Tony making a big peace sign sticking out his tongue leaning back against Synthia who was sitting on the chair behind him facing the monitor with a blank expression on her face. She was looking down at the camera like she had been tricked into it. Penelope could almost hear the slap from over here on Cheap Street.

She blinked and the messaging flipped away from her view leaving her at the end of the aisle of creams looking towards the main walking area. She felt her thighs rubbing against her untucking meat as one of her balls forced its way slowly sliding out of her vagina dragging pings of pleasure with it and adding a slickness to the whole operation down there. She gulped as she mounted the people mover and began to look around for a relief station. Her thoughts immediately went back to Shay vacuuming down three loads in the space of ten minutes, the cute, full balls of that random girl nestled in the sexy ball bra, and smacked her lips still tasting the cum there. She began to swell in her shorts as her other nut squished out sending a spark of weakness among her knees for a moment and she blinked long pursing her lips and taking a breath.

What the hell? I just came like four times… Her arousal was being marred by irritation since this never, well rarely. Ok, alright. Not TOO often happened to her. I have always been able to make it in and out without any trouble before. Thoughts whirled around her head and taking the occasional glance down to see her waist band slowly pushed away from her gaunt tummy slowly revealing a nest of swelling cock and balls informing her that she had a minute or two at best. Quick scans around showed her the sign she looked for, next to the symbols for blue and red restrooms was a similar symbol with a purple figure, combining half of each of the traditional human symbols and she raced in that direction.

Passing a group of people looking around at some clothes she whizzed by and heard their chuckles and murmurs and concern in her wake. She parked her cart up in the designated area and it sat there next to the others waiting for their users to return after getting the relief they needed. This PRS was pretty much the same layout as the other, it had another stall and a few more catchers to accommodate the more centralized location. Three of the six catchers were occupied by futanari getting down to business and four of the five stalls were likewise being used, various moans, slaps, and sucks emanating from beyond. She saw the catchers were being used so that she’d have to go between two others and wanted to avoid that and tried the stall. It was poor form and kind of selfish to use a stall solo, but it wasn’t against the rules.

When she opened the door she realized why it was open. There was a traditional male there laying back, spread eagle, completely nude sporting a diamond-hard sex-inch erection, nearly completely covered in semen. He seemed like he was asleep and someone, maybe himself, took the liberty of scrawling demoralizing phrases all over his body with arrows indicating what hole belonged to who and more than a few tally markers.

“Finally, thank god. I have been waiting for like fifteen minutes. Please-” He began to lift his legs up and Penelope closed her eyes, additionally covered them, and apologized profusely before turning around and shutting the door behind her heading towards one of the catchers between two other Futanari. On the left, beside the wall, was a taller masc-presenting futa wearing casual clothes. On the right, more towards the middle of the stalls, was a shorter feminine futa clearly working with something big and using two hands. There was a conservative slab of plastic that separated each catcher, but inquisitive eyes could easily peer over. She didn’t care any more and hung her clutch on the luggage hook and pulled out her nearly rock hard erection.

What the fuck? She shook her head while simultaneously bringing her erection to full hardness. It felt thick in her hands. Thicker than usual. That seriously didn’t turn me on, did it? She made a disgusted face contemplating the tradmale who set up shop there hoping for a good time and clearly had received one more than a dozen times. And people blame futanari for this crazy stuff.

“Unbelievable right?” The guyfuta next to her scoffed under his breath in Penelope’s direction before grunting and the sound of long wet splats, almost ten of them, shot into the catchers shallow pool of water with chunky splashes. Pen looked over at the guy and they shared a slightly sympathetic look before he hit the flusher and went to wash himself off. She took a breath, sighed, and got back to work. Her balls were jostling around and her rod felt good as always as orgasm teased her from a distance. The femfuta besides her was starting to moan a bit loudly and wasn’t far either. What was it like to be under five feet tall but have to deal with something that big?

In Penelope’s peripheral vision she could see the thing was up to her small chest going wild with two hands. She couldn’t help herself and stole a glance and the girl was already watching her, looking up at Penelope with a pleading look, her long blond hair shaking back and forth around her waist atop the white one piece with blue designs pulled up over her huge tool. There are so many varieties. We are all so different. Wait, why is this chick staring at me? Penelope was still busy jerking herself and her other hand reached down to play with a ball and tickle herself with a pinky and ring finger to move things along.

“Thirsty?” The girl next to her whispered slowing down her masturbation so the slapping and moaning died to a minimum. Penelope did a fake double take like she wasn’t already watching her and mouthed in a silent whisper ‘me?’ The short blonde nodded and slowly aimed the thick long rod in her direction, its head almost reaching the full height of the privacy barrier. “It’s good. I only eat fruit so it will taste like pineapple juice. I promise.” She leaned down while Penelope hesitated and began to lick and suck her own cock head with ease. ‘Mmmm’ She cooed and looked up, raising her eyebrows.

“I… I don’t know if I should…” Penelope said, still masturbating the whole time. Her neighbor turned and glanced over the barrier and looked at her penis and smiled.

“You know they say you are what you eat. Have you heard that before?” She said still slowly keeping her orgasm just far enough at bay to making a mess on them both. She gave her rod a little slap and glanced down at Pen’s dick which looked a bit small in comparison despite being on the larger side of most Futanari. This girl had a huge penis though. “The more of myself I drink, the deeper I imagine it going in my throat, and I guess I am just going through a natural growth spurt. Second or Third Puberty they call it, right?” Penelope had heard the terms before, but often times they were associated with ISM.

“I know what you are talking about, but, like. What?” Penelope was at a loss and didn’t know that there was apparently some new custom of just jizzing into strangers’ mouths. But the bead of precum on the pulsing tip of this chick's big cock looked appealing and she kept stealing glances at it.

“If I keep going at this rate I will be more cock than woman before long. Why not share the wealth, right?” She smiled. “And your lips look so soft… Won’t you?” She thrust up a little bit tempting Penelope further who was focused on the dick aimed at her face now.

“I, well…” She leaned down slowly and kissed the tip of the appendage and the heat of it surprised her. The smell of fruit and taste of juice was there as promised, completely unbelievable. If my cum tasted this good I might drink it too. She mused while working her tongue a bit and sliding more of the large head into her mouth.

“Thank you. Please enjoy it.” The girl whispered and began to jerk herself off with increasing intensity and in under a minute of sensual sucking kisses and desperate stroking a flood of thick sticky pineapple juice filled her mouth and opened her throat. She had to swallow quickly to keep up as her cheeks began to bulge out. Her new ‘friend’ let out deep trilling sighs of pleasure as spurt after spurt continued to travel the full length of her seemingly oversized penis, paralyzed with pleasure. It was so much. She hadn’t drunk this much liquid, let alone semen, since her university days, but her old skills came back and she managed to drink most of it up, only a messy stream of clearish white mess dribbling down her lips and chin hanging in one or two stretching stringy ropes.

As her neighbor’s orgasm began to fade and Penelope was mostly doing clean up, she had enough sense to feel herself on the edge of orgasm and came herself. One long hard jet of thick cum painted the back of the catcher followed by a dozen shorter spurts wracked her own body with pleasure and she didn’t even let the cumming cock out of her own mouth. It was too delicious to let go to waste. Once the bulk of her own orgasm had been spent she turned facing her neighbor and reached around the barrier to add a third hand to the meat’s length and join in the rhythm.

“So you were thirsty, then. We are both lucky today. Thank you, kind lady.” The short blonde whispered in her cute squeaky voice as they jerked the massive cock. “You feel good. Can I squeeze your breasts?” She asked and Penelope nodded, mouth full of hard dick. The girl used her rod like a leash and guided them both towards the middle of the PRS and over to one of the stalls which had opened since they began their impromptu escapade and went in. Penelope had the wherewithal to grab her clutch before being pulled too far, but was otherwise lost in the flavor and feeling of drinking so much tasty cum.

Seeing, touching, sucking such a big penis for the first time in such a long time. Penelope was made to lay on her back on the saddle, set up in a kind of lounging position and her partner hopped up crawling up the saddle and setting Penelope’s rod hot dogged between her cute little butt cheeks. She reached forward with her small hands and grabbed big handfuls of Penelope’s large soft breasts. She had pulled her head free from Penelope’s greedy sucking mouth while clambering up to this position and her dick was pressed flat against Pen’s stomach, drops of precum dabbing into her tank top.

“You are so well balanced, miss.” The blonde said. “A nice penis and such marvelous boobs, too. I’m jealous.” She looked down at her own nearly flat chest and pouted.

“I’m Penelope.” Laying on her back as her breasts were kneaded and squished and pawed with curiosity, care, and longing. It felt good and her nipples were already hard and pointing up through the bra and thin tank top.

“It’s so nice to meet you, Penelope. I’m Lily.” She smiled without relenting and dove her face between the large breasts rubbing her face back and forth breathing in deeply. Penelope felt the heat from the big boner on her stomach, but was content to let Lily play with her breasts. She felt a bit dizzy and full after drinking so much cum. It must have been almost half a liter. Lily finally relented and reached for the bottom of the tank top and looked up with an innocent and questioning face.

“Enjoy. Just make sure I get another drink from that fountain of yours. You taste amazing.” Penelope said and smiled seeing the delight of the girl on top of her slowly pulling up the tank top revealing Pen’s big breasts which heaved when she breathed in bulging over the bra cups slightly.

Lily’s eyes looked like they were filled with stars when she removed the barrier and her cock felt hotter and harder on Penelope’s chest. The tip of the thing was just beneath the little front clasp of the bra, a clear stringy trail from wherever it dabbed cloth or skin following it. She got closer while touching and playing with the hard nubs poking through the simple lightly padded bra outlined with lacy frills. Her face went back down as she squished the melons, much more than handfuls for her little grippers and breathed in the scent of her laundry detergent and the creamy skin forming her cleavage.

Penelope felt her own erection and wondered how hard it looked on the back side of Lily. She couldn’t help but to begin moving her hips up and down feeling the small smooth cheeks teasing her. Her breasts were being given more attention than she had given them herself in years as Lily's fingers peeled a bra cup exposing a hard pink nipple. She didn’t wait for an invitation and began to suck and lick slowly scooting forward bringing her cock ever so closer to Pen’s mouth which was waiting for a second meal. What am I doing? Her hips kept moving and she could feel the trickle of precum ticking her shaft and a wetness between her thighs at the same time.

Lily had leaned forward a bit sticking her butt in the air a bit to get a better angle on the nipple and when readjusting her position Penelope’s rock hard dick dragged across Lily’s backside and sat propped up held in place by the cloth of her long one piece. Wetness spread across the dress fed from two directions and Lily snapped out of her breast fever for a moment to pull up her dress.

“Sorry, this is a nice dress. I don’t want to get it covered in cum and stuff. Hope you don’t mind.” She said while pulling the dress off exposing her upper half, nearly totally flat with two little eraser nibs of pearly light pink sticking out on her creamy white skin. Penelope noticed that she was kind of pear shaped when spread over her lap, and was very slight everywhere except that unreal penis of hers which angled up while she disrobed wearing nothing but a pair of Futa panties which had a hole for her shaft and balls to hang through. People would argue the logic of such a garment, but the hole was positioned such that it angled a Futa’s package downward so when wearing dresses or skirts you didn’t overtly see a bulge swaying or break the line of the dress. Besides, she would need a specialty shop to shove that thing in any kind of underwear. She was well within XL territory

“You are really cute.” Penelope sat there watching her undress, fold the garment up, and gently toss it off to the side on a table which looked kind of clean. “And still really hard. Do you like boobs that much?” She reached up and gave her breasts a squeeze and a few playful bounces.

“I love breasts and yours are the biggest I have gotten my hands on in a long time. They are so soft and smell so good. I love them.” Her cock flexed and slapped against Penelope’s stomach with wet smacks like a dog wagging its tail. She leaned forward, pressure from the rod pushing into her stomach and ribs again, and whispered while putting her hand on Pen’s. “But your cock will be the biggest one I have sat on in my life if you want to.” She was slowly undoing the clasp on the bra while backing up and shaking her behind searching for the hard tip to wedge it into her vagina.

“I’d like that a lot. And, if you want, you can fuck my tits at the same time. What do you say?” Penelop countered pulling the bra off and sitting up on her elbows in the process. Lily’s hardon was shunted forward and found its way between Penelope’s hanging breasts. Lily was in heaven while Penelope reached forward, grabbing her cock and guiding it to the goal.

“I can’t believe how firm they are. They don’t sag that much. How do you keep them so perky?” Lily leaned in more and reached up squeezing the breasts causing her cock to slap a couple more times. “They are so big, oh my gosh Peneleope.”

“There are plenty of futa with much bigger, you don’t need to flatter me.” She countered while slowly slathering Lily’s sauce on her head and preparing to penetrate another Futanari for the first time in years.

“Yeah right. You talking about those psychopathic Futa living on Pearl Ocean? They don’t count. Go ahead.” She eased down onto the cock poised and ready to pleasure her, both hands still gripped on the breasts before her squishing and playing the whole time. Her fingers occasionally twanged a nipple or pressed it in like a button only to have it pop out again still hard.

“It’s been a while, so bear with me. I might cum really soon.” Penelope said while she helped the petite blonde down on her shaft. Before Lily’s stifled moan started to build, her cock shot straight forward flexed to its limit as she was stimulated vaginally. It pumped up and throbbed right in Penelope’s face and she didn’t need an invitation and began sucking. It caught Lily off guard who slid down the length of the rod stopping about halfway and her eyes rolled up in her head.

“It’s so… Biiiggg.” Lily coughed out as if each thick inch pressed the words from inside of her until Penelope hit the back. Lily fell forward and knocked Penelope to her back, still impaled upon half of the ten inches inside of her spreading her apart.

“You’re… So… Tight… Unff” Penelope said as the cockhead slipped from her lips and fell between her breasts. Lily was paralyzed and didn’t seem to be able to move so Penelope took the initiative and wanted to give and get in the same instant. She pressed her breasts around the fat, now veiny hard on spilling a drop of thick precum just out of reach of her tongue. With a slow and steady hip motion she pulled down, releasing a few inches from Lily, and thrust in again pushing her and that big dick of hers closer to her own lips. A little bit more of that and mommy gets another afternoon snack.

And a few thrusts later Lily’s throbbing cockhead was well within Penelope’s mouth and she was happily sucking, giving a titty fuck, and fucking the small blonde cock monster crouched above her. She was on the doorstep of orgasm and looked up at Lily with a concerned expression telling her what was about to happen. Lily’s eyes were pinched shut tightly, but managed to open them when Penelope’s thrusting got funky and quickly nodded her assent.

“Fill… Fill me up. Go ahead.” And as soon as she said it, Penelope gave a few final thrusts without inhibition and concern and gushed inside of her, balls desperate to push out cum despite having ejaculated just a few minutes before. Lily’s tight pussy took it and began to leak and spurt the excess semen almost immediately and as hot sticky wetness filled her until her feminine orgasm clenched tight on the cock inside of her. The cum had nowhere to go but ‘up’, proverbially, and she felt her tummy rise being filled with hot cum. Simultaneously, Penelope’s soft breasts embraced her own massive cock and she let loose an orgasm of unreal proportions.

Penelope’s mouth was already in place ready for it, but she wasn’t as ready as she thought as pulses shot full mouthfuls of jizz into her cheeks and down her throat. It spurred her own orgasm to higher heights and she felt a renewed vigor in her spasms while fighting to drink all of the fruity blessing, but simply couldn’t. She coughed and got up on her elbows again sneezing and snarfing out cum through her nose as Lily’s unstoppable penis popped free and continued to spit rope after rope on her face and across her tits.

Lily wasn’t present for that and between being filled up to the brim, her dual orgasm taking control of her utterly. She just squealed trying to not make a lot of noise as slowly the cock deep inside of her finally began to relent while her own did the same. She opened her eyes and looked down at Penelope’s face and tits, absolutely glazed over with semen. She threw both hands up to her mouth in a cute gesture of surprise while Pen finally reached up and scraped a thick layer of the stuff from her eyes and nose into her mouth, downing it in one gulp then looking up.

“That was fucking hot.” She whispered, trying to look down at her tits and finding only a pair of cum mountains. Still pegged, Lily leaned forward and began to lick up all the cum, her cum, from Penelope’s breasts and transferred it to her mouth sharing a wet sloppy kiss again and again until it was all gone.

“Haven’t had a dual orgasm that good in ages. You are a miracle worker. I have to get your number, Miss Penelope.” She slowly crawled forward removing herself from the still hard thing impaling her and it finally released with a pop and was swiftly followed by a slow wet gush of cum that spilled all over Penelope’s stomach and pelvis. She slowly and carefully dismounted the saddle and squatted over the small sink basin on the side of the stall pressing her stomach and forcing out more cum with each press.

“I didn’t know I had it in me.” Pen sat up and blinked her eyes happy to see her hardon finally losing some steam and went to the sink besides Lily. They cleaned up, washing down their bodies and genitals with the ample towels, cloths, and sponges available and doing their best to squeegee all excess fluid into the floor drains or sinks.

After another ten or so minutes, they were in the process of getting dressed and Penelope was locked onto that huge cock, still eight or nine very thick inches completely soft hanging down to the knees of her slight frame.

“How do you manage it? And, forgive me for asking, but where are your balls?” Penelope said it with authentic curiosity. If people could shove a cock in their neighbor’s face asking if they were thirsty or not, this shouldn’t be too far off the mark, should it? Lily was sliding on her Futapanties, slipping the soft shaft through the stretchy opening while she responded.

“By masturbating pretty much all day and only wearing dresses. I tried pants for a while, but they ended up just shredding the second I got really aroused.” She lifted her shaft and showed off her tight-lipped vagina, her nutsack totally missing. “I have kind of a condition. But it turns out this is a lot more common among Futanari than previously thought. I have an ‘internal scrotum’, they call it. Where a tradfem would have fallopian tubes and ovaries, I apparently have testicles and vas deferens. And since there is so much space in there they just grew to the size of oranges apparently.” She explained it like it wasn’t the first time and was kind of proud of it.

“Hence the mega cumshots. Goodness. I couldn’t imagine having balls that big. I haven’t let mine swell up past the size of eggs in years and years. But I will admit it felt great.” Penelope said truly inspired by it.

“If I don’t get off often enough it starts off like cramps and weird pressure on my stomach and becomes shooting pains all over as my balls fill up. Apparently there is a chance of some serious problems if I ignore my urges too long. Having an actual scrotum is a blessing Penelope. Although I don’t mind shooting such big loads. Trash day though…”

“Trust me. I know all about it.” And they shared a laugh together. “So you only eat fruit and stuff?” And the two of them shared a light chat while getting dressed, left the PRS together, Lily showed Penelope the kinds of things she ate to replicate the fruity flavor in her semen, they swapped contact information and went their separate ways. Although she was a little worse for wear, Penelope looked mostly together and her items were all automatically scanned deducting relevant items from her UBI stipends and budgets while what wasn’t covered would be billed to her credit card to be sorted later.

Although two cases of beer, a few cases of noodles, and lots of fruit, vitamins, powders, and all the other fun stuff she grabbed on the way was a bit of a load, she had enough bungee cords to handle it. She just took it nice and slow on the way home and got there in good time.


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