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Here it is!  This is the first chapter and it was based on an image I had found cruising around the internet and was extremely inspired by. It is a picture of a thin futanari chick carrying two huge bags of tissues dotted with spent condoms and surrounded by various comments, explanations, and information about the scene. How the bags were so heavy because they were filled with sodden paper essentially. And just the overall casual atmosphere and the fact she wasn't some crazy tit and cock monster, but a regular person trying to live their life and deal with something so mundane as garbage day.

That is the kind of stuff that gets my gears moving and I had this idea in my head for a few months now. Had a document all prepared up, image posted at the top for inspiration. It just sat there for a while until I finally got the time to crack out a few thousand words and really have enjoyed where it went.  I might be taking it too far, but I have ideas and wonder if it will be well received or not. I have more than a few of those open documents with story threads waiting to blossom.

So for the time being I will be posting a bit of this up here and there while I jump back to conclude experimental medicine. I need to cool down between writing that since it is reaching critical mass and it is going to be a big climax for sure. This futa project is really interesting and I am finding that the words are flowing quite free which means, at least to me, that I am on to something. It will be slow burn on one hand, but dotted with plenty of 'fanservice'.  

Since I am doing so much 'world building' I will start up a poll asking if you want to know about the gears behind the machine and how it works, or if you'd prefer to let it unfold and get a chance to see what the 'rules' are for yourself before explicitly being told what I am intending.

It will all come up in the story over time, but who knows. There are plenty of people out there that like to know how things work and enjoy a story more because of that knowledge rather than wondering how this or that can even be. Maybe this whole paragraph is a silly hypothetical that didn't even need typing.

Anyway, please enjoy 'The Lazy Futa' (Wow what a name.) Chapter one: 'Trash Day'.



1 - Trash Day

Why is this thing always impossible to tie shut?’ She thought as her thin arms and tanned fingers struggled with the crinkling translucent plastic to gain enough purchase to knot the load shut. ‘Unfs’ and ‘uffs’ huffed out of her open mouth as she fought the sack and pressed down hard compressing the air out of it sending a cloud of that fresh moist stink right into her own face. She breathed it in deeply while tying the knot off and her head spun lightly from the smell of her own still wet cum-soaked tissues forming the top layer of this bag’s contents. She braced her bare feet against the base of the trashcan while pulling on the knot with both hands like she was yanking a giant radish from the ground as it slowly sucked free and a bead of sweat formed on her head. ‘These damn things are always so freaking heavy, I don’t get it.’ Finally, the bag came free and she dropped the bag with a crinkly plastic thump on the floor mat taking stock of the frosted vessel filled with nothing but tissues of a lemony-pearl color.

Glancing at the calendar on the wall of the main living area of the small apartment she lived in she calculated it had been roughly two weeks or so since the last trash day she decided to participate in. Summer was on the horizon and when it got hot while she was out coming back to a room that was basically a sauna flavored with that aroma was nothing but trouble for her productivity. And productivity was something she was in dire dire need of increasing. The room around her looked like a bomb had hit it with food wrappers, empty styrofoam noodle cups, plastic bento boxes with remnants of delicious sauces, magazines, toys, tissue boxes, cans, bottles both plastic and glass, and too many knick-knacks and other bric a brac forming a complete layer over all surfaces. She yawned with her whole body stretching her lithe arms up into the air and turning back and forth working it out down through her long creamy legs. ‘Ahn that felt good.’ She was so sore all the time and always felt too drained to do anything except that and clapped her hands together.

“This time will be different. I can do it!” She said aloud to the empty room pumping both fists once in determination. One more scan of the space and she sighed as doubts crept in but she shook her head sending them away while reaching down to hoist the bag up again. In both hands, she held it between her legs, spread out wide, and waddled towards the kitchen area to deposit it next to the other three full bags. On the bottom of each of them there was a kind of semi-solid wax puck that took the shape of the trash can they had settled and harden in with tissue paper suspended inside of it like ghosts in beige amber. Dotted among all the tissues, trash bags looking like huge scoops of vanilla ice cream, were colorful sprinkles ranging in size. There were little red and green golf ball-sized bulbs tied off with flaring ends that made them look like radishes among the white. There were also big swollen purple and pink baseballs of the stuff still liquid inside their tied-off latex bubbles. That was why they were heavy. Just looking at them reminded her how they got so full as if some tissue held more memories than others and she bit her lip as her fluffy light blue cotton and terry short shorts with white stripes began to bulge.

She blinked rapidly shaking her head ignoring her urge for the moment and looked at the clock revealing that is was only seven in the morning. She still had two hours before her apartment building’s trash was collected and knew she could get it done and maybe even get one in, but she needed to make more progress. Bending at the knees to make some space she resituated herself, tucking her thickening problem between her legs, stood up tall suppressing the problem and grabbed a few more trash bags from the kitchen. She spent the next half an hour clearing surfaces of trash starting high, tossing anything that didn’t have liquid or other messy sticky stuff right on to the ground with the rest of it. She could soon see the tops of shelves where she had trinkets, manga, and boxes with games again for the first time in a while. It was all still a terrible dusty mess, but first thing was first, the trash.

She ended up filling about two or three full bags of all the food trash, plastics, and gross stuff. She found another half dozen spent rubbers in the process and more than a few hardened tissues as well, but she got it all. At least everything she could see. There was another bag or two filled with recyclables and she was blown away at how much energy drink and beer she drank by the sheer amount of cans collected. ‘I wonder if this is ok for my body. I have always been a pretty healthy person though.’ She thought while hauling the rest of the bags through the little kitchen to the small foyer space where all her shoes were in a big jumbled pile.

“Eight-twenty-seven.” She whispered under her breath while smiling at a job well done wiping her brow of sweat. She hadn’t woken up before nine a clock in weeks let a lone waking up and doing actual cleaning and work. This was a huge step for her and she felt it. It turned her on and a world of possibilities opened up in her mind as she began to imagine all the things she could do with her motivation and free time she would have. Maybe she would take up whittling or go travel. She could work a part time job and save up a little extra money and have pride in the work she actually did for once and ‘Oh shit’. Looking down from her reverie she realized it must have slipped from between her butt cheeks through her right pant leg and stood out in full glory. One ball after another slipped from where she tucked them inside of herself each one giving her a little spark of pleasure as her moist nutsack hung down her left pantleg. She reached down instinctively and upon grabbing the meaty rod with her gentle touch she let go as if it was burning hot, which it nearly was. It quivered and nodded up and down as blood flooded it to desperate fullness to the point where she couldn’t ignore the ten inches of thick pulsing meat.

She glanced up and it was still only 8:35, just twenty minutes before the trash collectors came. And it always came late anyway, only once in like ten times would it even show up beforehand. ‘What are the chances?’ She could do a quick one. It wouldn’t take ten minutes. ‘I could get away with a quick one. I deserve it for holding off all morning.’ She looked over at the huge trash pile standing in the kitchen/foyer that so small there was barely enough room for two people while doing some mental gymnastics and nodded grabbing her hardon with her right hand and starting to pump it while opening the door just besides the small stove that led to the bathroom.

She was immediately face to face with a young girl with golden brown hair and bangs framing a feminine face whose mouth was open, it’s saliva-slick tongue pressed against her pink lower lip almost hanging out. She had big olive green eyes, a pale complexion, and had an exhausted, but wild look on her face which took long blinks and breathed hard as the pace picked up. She looked thin perhaps even a little malnourished, which she kind of was and after cleaning up a month of trash showing her diet to consist of energy drinks, beer, junk food, and the occasional curry rice or noodles she had confirmed it. Despite the thinness of her overall shape, a faded navy blue tank top hung by spaghetti straps and stretched over two large round breasts more than a handful for herself and most likely any larger person as well. Her chest bounced up and down in quick short bumps like a pair of soft squishy cantaloupes in the back of a truck on the way to market. And she was on her way judging by the intensity of the young bachelorette in her twenties clutching the side of the sink and staring through the mirror at that all consuming source of pleasure she couldn’t stop touching like it was coded into her DNA.

A slick trickle welled up on the tip and flung off in a sticky strand as her pacing and intensity ramped up again. She could see her balls swelling slightly as pressure began to build towards climax, that sweet sweet feeling which seemed to drive her at the core of her being. ‘Ahn, Ahn, Ahn.’  She breathed harder and took in one final deep breath and the last thing she was was a long streaming coil of pearl gush against the window between the reflection and herself marring the image. Looking down instantly she watched each thick pump splash against the mirror, the plastic wall it hung on, and unfortunately all over her tooth brush, comb, soap, and other various toiletries that ended up in the line of fire as cum covered it all. ‘Who cares, oh god that was so good.’ She breathed while wringing the last spurts free from her balls and was impressed with how good that felt and how much she came. ‘So that is holding off for two hours? This is a right mess’  She thought the latter part with a big smile not even concerned for her stuff, but began to panic as the thick gloopy mess started creeping towards the drain of the sink. ‘If I have to call a plumber down here again I won’t be able to eat next month, oh shit oh shit…’ She turned on the water and hoped it would get warm in time while searching under the sink’s little cabinet where she kept the cleaning solutions. Her still hard cock was dripping everywhere, but it wasn’t a big deal. This was a unit bath and basically was a sealed waterproof box so she could clean it up easily later on and intended to after she threw out her trash.

“Oh shit. My trash! What time is-” She started to scramble holding some powdered soap and poured it down the drain that hot water was running down scalding the back of her hand in the process and tossed to soap quickly. It banked again the back wall to her left, then the side wall and fell right into the open toilet and began fizzing immediately. Her eyes went wide and her jaw fell open as she adjusted the controls of the water which were totally covered in cum and were slippery enough now that she couldn’t do it easily. She stepped back to look at the clock and it was 8:47. She hastily scooped and shoveled a few cupped handfuls of her spunk into the sink and made sure it washed down. She fished out the soap from the toilet and poured some of the fizz into the sink after it. After a few minutes of that and sure she got most of the cum down the drain and it wasn’t backed up, and cleaned up her softening rod enough to shove back in her shorts. She went through her kitchen to her living area in two steps and opened up a closet that she kept a few things hanging in rifling through them.

“Here it is!” She said aloud pulling a burgundy duster throwing it on and tying it hastily after tucking herself back together. The feeling of her own hot thickness between her cheeks excited her, but she had to make it to the trash area or else it would be delivered right back at her door covered in stickers shaming her. It happened to everyone since the trash rules were pretty strict, but she didn’t want to make a scene considering what she was throwing away. ‘This will be fine. This is fine. I got it’ She glanced at the clock, took one last look at herself in the mirror through the doorway from the kitchen and had no luck. She stared over the major cum splatter on the mirror and her hair looked decent enough and she didn’t have any makeup on, but whatever, it was Thursday morning. ‘Who cares?’

She opened the door to the outside snapping up her keys and throwing them in her robe pocket while quickly kneeling to unfold the small collapsible push cart she used on trash day. No way she was carrying those heavy bags down the length of her apartment building. She’d collapse from overexertion. She caught a glimpse from her doorstep through the kitchen to the clock on the wall in her living space and saw she only had a few minutes left and could hear the sound of the trash truck in the distance over the sound of heaving and grunting and plastic bags crashing about. Finally set, she locked the door, took a breath, and began to wheel the nearly ten bags of trash towards the parking lot. ‘Why do I have to live all the way on the far corner? Don’t they know trash day is always so tough for me?’ She blew her hair out of her face as a light breeze from the last vestiges of spring played around her and finally made it to the parking lot.

“Penelope! Good morning!” A voice with deepish pitch called from above her sounding higher because it was excited.

“Hey Tone! It’s trash day, right?” She said while pushing the cart towards the two men unloading bags from the collection area into the truck. She focused her attention on them when one saw her walking up with a cart. “Morning boys! Am I on time?” She said as one of the upper bags slid off onto the ground and she scrambled to get it back on the cart walking across the parking lot. The trash guy looked at his wrist, there was no watch on it, at the truck, and then back at her blowing her bangs out of her face again.

“You’re fine, Miss. Bring that over here. We’ll handle it.” The sturdy fella wearing sunglasses that she addressed said in his scuffed grey jumpsuit. He was taller than her by a good foot or so and he looked down at her, sun behind him casting a glare in her eyes.

“Thank you!” She smiled and began to lift bags to the collection area, but she was shooed away in a friendly manner as he started to hoist them up two at a time into the truck. His partner, an equally burly character with hair tied into a top knot shaved on the sides, arms of the overalls rolled up almost to the shoulder, muscles glistening with sweat, walked over and grabbed two of the bags filled with those precarious pucks and was taken aback by the weight of the things at first then lifted one up to eye level and winked back at her. She must have been even taller than the guy she worked with.

“Someone’s been busy. We will take care of this, young lady.” The voice was more feminine than she expected and the smile that she shot under a similar pair of shades was lippy as she tossed the heavy load into the truck causing a loud clatter. Penelope was embarrassed by the comment and grew sheepish closing her shoulders, looking down, and grabbing the cart with a hand.

“It’s a… you know. Genetic condition.” She said quietly. The burly feminine type's smile went from lippy to toothy. Throwing the last one into the truck giving a thumbs up to her partner who proceeded to work on the main trash collection area again. The trash woman put her hands on her knees to get closer to Penelope’s eye level since she was so big. Easily six and a half feet tall.

“I know all about it, sweetheart.” The trash collector gripped her jumpsuit overalls and a bulge as clear as day ran down her inner thigh. “We don’t see these bags at this complex more than once every two or three weeks. Not bad for a gentle flower like you. I’d have figured you were nearly as tall as me.” She let out a laugh and despite her gruffness she was kind of sweet.
‘She’s like me…Well, much much bigger, but…’

“Well, thanks. I guess.” The was still bashful and twisting her toes against the flip flop loose under her foot back and forth. She looked back up at her larger counterpart who stood up tall.

“Don’t mention it, sweet cheeks. See you round maybe. I gotta get back to work. You should go take a shower, I could smell you the second you opened the door to your apartment. My mouth is still watering.” She said matter of factly and a little more discreetly than her previous utterances.

“Thanks, uhm…?” Penelope looked up with a light sparkle in her eye. She hadn’t been flirted with, like actually flirted with, in a long time. The least she could do was put a name to the face.


“I’m Penelope.” She smiled and Xenia nodded and smiled back. Xenia’s partner growled a playful jibe letting her know he was almost done and there would be some kind of consequences for him finishing the job while she was drooling over some chick in her pajamas and bathrobe.

“Catch you around Miss Penelope. Gotta go.” She said pulling down her shades to say it then turned around and reached down grabbing no less than six big full bags in one fell swoop chucking them in the truck. “All right All right. Give me a break here, the young lady needed a hand with…” Her words faded into the background of the truck beeping and shuffling of bags. Penelope watched Xenia’s arms bulge as she effortlessly tossed the bags and shared a laugh with her coworker. She smiled and then looked down blushing almost instantly and grabbed the cart turning around to head back.

“Well you made it on time! Good for you Pen!” Antonio said, still perched at the top of the stairway. “I just threw mine out myself. Trash day and all.” He tilted his head looking away like some goofball as he made small talk. The woman on the ground floor fixed her robe a bit and tied the rope tighter while looking up putting a hand over her eyes to shield the sun. Antonio, or ‘Tony’ as most people called him, was a short, tan skinned guy with a simple cropped cut of black hair and hints of a pencil moustache. He kind of looked sleepy and his lips flouted out a bit like a duck when he was lost in thought. He was pudgy, but not overweight, and had a girlfriend who didn’t live with him, but next door to him. He was the guy one floor above Penelope.

“Yeah it was down to the wire. Hope I haven’t been too loud recently. I’ve been using headphones more. Sorry about that again.” She sidestepped a bit to get out of the parking lot proper and nearer to a walkway where she wouldn’t be hit if a car came screaming into the lot. Antonio waved his hands  like it wasn’t a big deal

“All good, Penelope. I have noticed and it is very appreciated. Sorry to trouble you with that stuff.” He smiled and quickly continued into his next line of conversation seeing Penelope, with her hands still cupped over her eyes blocking the brilliant light shining down, nodding like the interaction was just about over. “So I was talking to Syn and she was wondering when we were going to hang out again?  You free tonight or tomorrow? We could bring a bottle and play some smash or something? You down?” His offer was genuine and she did like Synthia a lot. Those two didn’t seem like they would good for each other, but everytime she saw them together they were like peanut butter and jelly. It had been a while, like months and months, a while. And their last meaningful interaction besides posting memes in a shared chat group and daily greetings had been the incident where Antonio and Synthia knocked on her door complaining about the noise and the whole thing was embarrassing. ‘Might as well bite the bullet. It will be the perfect excuse to get my place clean, too.’

“That sounds fun! We can get some pizza and stuff.  How does my place sound? Like seven or eight?” She put a hand on her hip and Antonio looked thrilled. “I just threw out a ton of trash and plan on cleaning the place all day, so it will be worthy for the first time since, I guess the last time you guys came over. Hah.”

“Absolutely!  I will text her now.  We will get in touch a bit later. Yeah!” He said pumping a fist in the air. “Talk to you then!” He ran off down the terrace connecting all the second floor’s apartments.

“Don’t forget that bottle! You know you guys can’t beat me until I’ve- Ah whatever.” She said pushing the cart back to her apartment and kneeling down to collapse it and set it besides her bicycle parked under the window above her kitchen sink. She walked inside confronted by the washing machine, kicked off her flops and stood in the clustered kitchen. She had so much more cleaning to do and it was going to be a long full day. ‘Speaking of long and full.’ She glanced down and her boner was still in her shorts but pushing them away from herself with enough force to nearly tear the fabric. It poked from between the front flaps of her robe obviously and she smacked herself in the forehead. She must have been standing there staring into the sun with this boner that that buff beast Xenia gave her because she complimented her. The clock read 9:13 and she licked her lips. ‘I will save the bathroom for last’ and tore her robe off squeezing a breast in one hand and pumping with the other as she stepped back in front of the mirror covered in glaze. It wasn’t long before she went through the whole routine of hot water, fizzy soap, and panic all over again. But by ten o’clock and after three more big orgasms - the bathroom was now a sacrificial zone and would get a total makeover when she finished the other rooms - she was making good progress with cleaning the kitchen.



I for one would love to see the picture that inspired this. Preferably the original source but not necessary.


Absolutely. I intend on posting it, but it isn't like, my actual picture so don't know if that is alright or not. I will post it with what is the closest I can to the original source. Pretty sure it is an artist on pixiv so I will find that and pop it up for you all. It's fucking hot. Just a little tricky to do that kind of searching while I am at work ^^;;;.


Ah, of course. Whenever you can get around to it is fine by me.