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Greetings my dear Patron,

 Did you enjoy the Nutrex system?  Gotta love a happy ending. Work has been a roller coaster for me this week, but I will say I have been able to get some serious writing in as previously hoped.

I follow a handful of subreddits discussing writing, primarily erotica because, obviously! And like all subreddits it is plagued by people who have never used the search function, are seemingly unable to lurk, and basically as the same questions every week. Mini complaint aside, people were bringing up the 'appropriate length' for this or that (Story length, not that you dirty reader, you) and comments about how long it takes someone to get off, etc.

One comment kind of resonated with me when someone said something along the lines of 'if you are attaching the phrase world building to your writing, it is too long'.

*glances at a previous rant where I am fairly certain I use that exact phrasing while hyping up my next story*

Oops! Hah.  I won't take it back and the world building has been quite interesting and it feels good to get the ideas out there. This, at least to me and my preferences, is almost a direct link to my desire to bring out the 'realism' in the fantastic scenarios.  If there isn't any reasoning behind why or how growth or situations have come about, it lacks the impact. It means the action is playing out in a sterile and plain white space instead of a living breathing environment.

You will be the judge as ever. I have been going hard on experimental medicine and  lots of purely hetero and guy gal pairings. I have teased potential stuff here and there in other stories, but didn't really push it. This next one will have a main character who is futanari, and ultimately do a lot of gender play and jumbling a lot of expected tropes with what I am hoping are a few interesting combinations. More than an image we will have images going against stereotype in some cases and pushing them hard in others.

There will be growth, but it is going to be slow burn on one hand, but also plenty of fast growth too. How does it all work. I think while I am exploring my (obtuse, too long, overwrought, etc) worldbuilding, I am going to make an effort to include plenty of hot sexy stuff with a lot of implied future fun as well.  Do you have an image in your head?

If you do that is amazing because it is a big ol' mish mash of concepts that I am just teasing, but for the first time in a while this story has had me hot under the collar while writing. Many early writers of smut can't get more than a few hundred words before they need to take a 'break' and I was certainly the same way. Frankly I was kind of scared and nervous about my personal prowess when I wasn't needing to take such breaks. But then again taking those breaks can be disastrous for the creative juices. It is as if those juices leaking from me could be used to further the writing.

There is some kind of comparison there between abstaining monks in the mountains and being able to travel in the astral realms and interact with celestial forces while we are down here getting off. What can you do? Anyway.

But yeah, this new story has had me personally hot under the collar quite a bit and I wonder if that will also translate into an enjoyable read for you as well.  The first chapter is quite short so I think I will toss that out for you to mull over going into the weekend.

Otherwise, stay cool in the northern hem, stay warm in the southern hem, and look forward to some sexy herm coming up.



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