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Good day my dear patron.

Having a nice weekend?  I sincerely hope so.  I spent a few nights burning the midnight oil and have showed up to work like a living zombie, but the show must go on.  I have bene pressing forward with Day 8 and it just keeps getting longer and longer.  That's how we all like it though, right? Hah. Vague spoilers for people reading real deep into the lore, but while writing what I thought would be the closing section of the chapter ended up turning into something a bit too hardcore that I expected it to be and will be moving some if not most of that goodness to the final chapter. Things escalated and I was glad I was home and it was late at night while I was writing it. That is all I can elaborate on that matter currently.

For the time being I will drop this tidbit for you and hope that you enjoy it.  Still a bit more Trish and MC goodness before the chapter winds down. Still, even if you combined all three teasers I feel like it is only half of the whole thing.  So I will drop the whole chapter either later this week or next week depending on how much free time I get to write.

 I won't rant too hard this time.  Have a nice week!

~ Michelle


“Damn, that was a lot.  I didn’t see how much it was, but it felt like a lot. Look at your stomach, Trish.  That was insane, are you ok?” She had both hands on her stomach and swallowed a few times and licked her lips clean to clean her mouth enough to form words without spitting my jizz everywhere.

 “I… I got what I wished for, didn’t I?” She said between heavy breaths and then after a moment let out a long satisfying belch and laughed a bit, her eyes still unfocused and spinning slightly. “More… I want… more... Please…” She kept talking like that but her voice was weak and she was in a trance of some kind. I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

 “Trish, I am not going anywhere, but I need to make a phone call alright?  Just rest here, OK?” I looked down at her bare breasts, balanced on her ribs the size of cantaloupes.  Her nipples were hard and sticking straight up. They were thicker and darker than before and her areola had also gotten a bit more pronounced as well. I squeezed one of her breasts and she squealed, taken by complete surprise, and began to convulse from the waist down. I stood up and looked for my phone. I was walking around her apartment with a huge hard-on, balls flopping all around when I found my pants thrown near a chair in the living room.  I grabbed my phone and gave it a quick check.  I had a bunch of missed calls and messages.  Most of them were from the boss or other people at work, but there was a message from the doctor as well.

My boss had called half a dozen times this morning. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was already one in the afternoon. I couldn’t believe it.  The boss also sent a flurry of messages growing in desperation to know where I was and why I wasn’t picking up the phone. There were also a few calls from Valencia, the office secretary, amidst the phone calls from the boss.  There was a single message from the doctor sent just a few minutes ago that said ‘The experiment is almost complete.  I just need to see you one more time and I think I will have everything that I need on my end.  Give me a call or drop by when you can, ok? Thanks in advance.’
Almost complete.  What is there left to do that hasn’t been done already? I shook my head in disbelief and typed out a quick message. ‘Almost complete?  What else is there?  We need to talk for sure about this.  It is getting out of hand.  Do you have an antidote or something?  I might be able to come by, but not until later tonight.’  Send.

She responded curiously quickly: ‘Anytime is fine.  There are options. Talk to you then. Don’t bring any more samples. Thanks in advance.’  I just laughed. Like I even have any samples to give.  Trish is a black hole for my cum and I doubt I could wrest a single drop from her even if you wanted it, lady.  I flipped through my contacts and rang up my boss.  I took a glance back into Trish’s room and she was in there squeezing and rubbing herself in much the same position as I left her before.  The phone didn’t even finish the full length of the first ring when she picked up.

“Fucking finally.  Do you have any idea how worried I was? Where were you? Where are you?  I had someone go by your apartment but nobody answered. Talk to me. Now!” She was all over the place. Concerned, upset, angry, relieved…sending people to my …house?  What was going on here?

“Sorry, boss… I had a bit of a late night and slept in today. I am sorry that I worried you, I didn’t know that you were so concerned for me. I am out right now. I was thinking of coming back to work tomorrow if that was alright. Did you say that someone went to my house? What?”  I tried to answer all her questions in the right order but was significantly thrown off by the fact she sent people to my home.

“Don’t worry about that.  I am just glad you are OK.  I thought someone took you for themselves, I mean, uhm.  I thought someone kidnapped your d...you. So you are coming tomorrow?  In my office right? You will be here? Please? Unless you want me to come to you?” Her breathing had gotten heavier, hotter, and closer to the microphone as the conversation went on. She sounded like an addict needing to get her fix.  Would Trish end up like this? I sat down bare-assed on the couch and my cock flopped over my ballsack and further down the cushion limply hanging down with a small dot of cum still on the tip. I sighed into the speaker.

“I am sorry for all this, yeah I can meet with you tomorrow. I’m fine. I wasn’t kidnapped or anything.  You told me to take a couple of days off and I did, that’s all.  Sorry I haven’t checked in, boss.  I just needed to clear my head is all.” I told her straight and the tone in my voice told her that she was pushing too much into my personal space. Which she was.

“Alright.  Sorry about that.  I am glad you are ok and I will see you tomorrow morning.  I will bring in donuts for everyone to celebrate the occasion. How’s that sound?” She tried to backpedal a bit realizing how she came off in her desperation. “Sorry about that..”

“You are fine.  I am thankful for the time off.  I will see you tomorrow morning.  Take care and see you then.” I responded professionally.

“Absolutely.  Until then.  Have a lovely evening.” and she hung up.  I sent a text to Valencia over the work chat system app on my phone and asked what was going on and she responded that the boss made her call all those times.  She wouldn’t mind seeing me though and said that the office wasn’t the same without me with some smiley emojis. I told her I’d be there tomorrow and she sent some smiles and hearts saying she was looking forward to it.

That’s odd. I put my phone down and ran my hands through my hair leaning backward staring up at the ceiling with my eyes closed. I heard some footsteps and it got dark behind my eyelids so I opened them and I saw the bottom of Trish’s swelling tits towering over me. She looked down over her cleavage and stepped back a little so I could see her better.

 “She call you too?” She asked, walking around the couch and sat next to me. I nodded, taking a deep breath.

 “I think she is as addicted as you are. And just hasn’t had her fix yet.  She called me like, 10 times Trish.” I gave her a serious look and showed her the bunch of missed calls scrolling down to show her the full extent of the situation.  She laughed and casually reached a hand down to my soft dick grabbing it in her hand and snuggling up beside me pressing her breasts against my side.  She leaned in close and whispered.

“I want you to fuck me.”  She blushed after saying it and looked away, but her hand started to jerk off my soft thick meat, waking it up again for another round regardless of my answer, no doubt.

“I don’t know if that is a good idea.” I began and she jumped right in expecting the response.

“I’m ready for it. And I am on birth control too.” She jerked me a bit faster.

“Who knows what effect the medicine has on my jizz… maybe it can supersede birth control or something.” Why am I fighting this? I haven’t had sex in months. Had it been a year?  None of these people are willing to let a single drop slip away from them.

“Do you have a condom?  There are condoms big enough for this, mega-size, right? Or what about anal? I have never done it before, but you can’t get pregnant from anal, right?” She was talking madness and her vision was slightly out of focus.  My cock was hard again and she wasn’t even thinking clearly.

“I do have condoms, from the doctor actually. Hey, are you hungry at all?  I am starving.” I put a hand to my stomach and she did the same.

“I have been eating all morning.  Look at my stomach.” Her breasts were swollen and engorged with thick dark nipples hanging and resting over her big round belly. In the time I made that phone call and responded to those messages, a span of maybe thirty minutes, they had grown to the size of volleyballs. But she was right, she had been ‘eating’ all morning, but I was drained.

“Can I have that burger of yours from last night?” And she nodded standing up, pulling me up and taking me along with her by my dick and jerking me on the way to the kitchen.  There was a plastic bag with a food container in it and she finally let go of my junk for a minute to fill up two glasses of water from the tap and slid one to me.  And then began to set out the burger and remaining fries on a dish and tossed it in the microwave.

“This won’t take long, drink up.” She smiled and ushered me over to a small dining room table just barely big enough for four seating places in a corner by a window.

 “Thanks. I appreciate it. The burger and, you know.  A place to stay and…”

“All the blow jobs?” ‘DING.’ She smiled as the microwave alarm went off.  She took out the plate, refilled my glass of water, and set the burger on the dining room table before me.  ‘Thanks for the rocking tits and ass, man.  This is a dream come true, although I didn’t think it would be so addicting…” She leaned on the table a little bit waiting for me to get going with the burger. “I actually don’t dislike it though.  The satisfaction, the pleasure, the warmth, and the growth.  God.  It’s indescribable. I could only imagine what it feels like firsthand.  I need that thing inside me.” She filled up a big pitcher of water and set it on the table right in front of me and looked up smiling. “Stay hydrated. Ok?”

 “Will you sit down?” I kept trying to change the subject and focused on my burger.  She began to duck down under the table.

 “Nah, I am going to have my lunch now too, if you don’t mind.” I had to laugh out loud at how casually she said it like that and a second later I felt her prop her breasts in my lap and pop the top of my cock in her mouth and start going to work. While I am eating a fucking burger?  This is something else… I just went with it and she proceeded to work for her lunch while I enjoyed a burger and drank more water.  Before I even took the last bite of my burger she had earned her desired meal and I had to put the burger down and brace my hands on the table while she squeezed the life out of me for the third time since I woke up in her apartment.  It felt as good as before, but I felt like my tank was starting to get lower each time.  As her prowess to get me off became more and more intense I was unable to return what she wanted in large enough amounts it seemed like.  She got out the last drops and appeared across from me coming up from below the table and taking a seat.  She licked her lips and smiled.

 “Thanks for the meal.  Sorry I finished before you did…” She was sheepish with heavy lids and took a deep breath sitting back. I just stared and watched her breasts grow before my eyes at a seemingly accelerated rate.  Her stomach was fuller than usual and she looked like she was a couple of months pregnant at this point, but as she let out muffled quiet burps her stomach shrank a bit more each time and her breasts ballooned up in measure. Her nipples got bigger and longer and thicker and the weight and size of her breasts, the size of basketballs or more, caused them to hang a bit lower just about covering her belly button. My cock stayed hard, head pressed against the bottom of the table drawing graffiti in precum. I just watched dumbfounded while eating the last bite of the burger as the miracle of science took place in front of my eyes.  She reached up with each hand grasping her bosoms barely able to lift them up without a concentrated effort of will to do so because they were so big and heavy.

 “I think I might have gone overboard…” She looked down at herself and had a lot of emotions crossing her face as she approached if not completely eclipsed the boundaries of living a normal life that wasn’t almost completely centered around the fact that she had big, wide, impossible-to-hide, heavy, fat breasts. What cup size could they even be at this point let alone an hour from now. She licked her lips, swallowed again, and looked back up to me.  “I went overboard I think. It’s too much.” There was a hint of panic in her voice as she started to come to her senses in this rare moment of clarity. The constant low hum of pleasure accompanying her growth had one more spike forcing her to moan and close her eyes and just feel through it. She bit her lip and opened her eyes again and found his eyes after looking around like she just woke up.

 “No, no… you are fine. Your boobs are, fucking huge to be sure, but this is still livable.  And, if it’s anything like my cock, they will shrink back down a bit after things wear off a bit more.  I actually don’t know how much of this is permanent if at all.” I explained.

 “You mean your dick was…bigger? Then it is right now?” She sounded like she was bummed out for not being able to see it.

 “Yeah.  I haven’t taken any medicine in a couple of days and the effects have kind of balanced out I think.  I have been this size for about a day or two now.  My balls kind of get bigger and expand and deflate depending on how much I save up or how much water I drink, but I think you figured that much out. She refilled my glass again. I thanked her and got to drinking. Must have been the burger, but I was thirsty and my mouth felt almost as dry as waking up after sleeping with your mouth open all night.

“Was the burger enough? Do you have those condoms?” She was like an obedient servant refilling my glass and running to refill the pitcher and sit back down. Seeing her from behind leaning forward to fill it up showed me that her ass and thighs had also thickened up considerably. She never really had much of an ass, although her legs were nice and long, she had a proper booty now. Her panties were a faint suggestion, a taut dark blue line of cloth around her thickening waist, digging into the soft flesh. She didn’t seem to mind it. She turned around, and each step she took caused her to jiggle a little bit, but she stopped on the short walk to the table and the pitcher in her hand wobbled as she shivered, knees bending.

The expression on her face was concentrated with closed eyes, biting her lip as the fabric covering her crotch pulled tighter and tighter. She took another step, placed the pitcher, and then put both palms down onto the surface of the table fingers curling slowly almost becoming fists as she exhaled hard. Her heavy bare breasts hung down between her arms past her elbows and through a window of arms and breasts and table there was a framed picture of her vagina. It looked almost painful and the wet fabric pulled tighter and tighter until the soft plump lips of her labia finally gave way and the strip of cloth split between them rubbing hard against her clitoris and digging deep between. She threw her head back and moaned as moisture gave way to wetness trickling down her inner legs. I felt like I could have flipped the table with my expectant dick flexing it as saliva filled my dry mouth. I grabbed the pitcher and began to chug.

I needed it. She needed it desperately, but I could relate enough and planned on filling her to the brim and then some. I slid back in my chair and stood up. My balls had grown so large that they hung below the chair and snagged on the edge of it flipping the seat back when I stood up. I took wide-gaited steps to where I piled my things and pulled a labelless foil square, a bit larger than a tea bag, from the pocket of my pants and held it up to her.

“Are you sure about this?” The thick round coiled-up rubber was between my middle and pointer finger and held up before me. She looked around for a minute unsure of where I was and finally followed the sound of my voice and looked at my dick and huge heavy balls, then the item in my hands, and finally my eyes. She nodded and smiled walking over while trying to hook her thumbs between her panties and waist, but was having trouble. She eventually got them in there, but failed to pull them down more than an inch or two and struggled like someone refusing to cut the cord around a stubborn package thinking the rope would stretch. She began to pull her thumbs out and panicked when she could only free one of them and began to goose step towards the kitchen grabbing the shears and carefully snaking one end under the panties.

“My ass, too?” She was hopping a little bit and even her belly shook back and forth, bloated and full of my cum. She finally sheared through the sodden seemingly uncuttable cloth after hacking away at it for a few seconds and a look of relief crossed her face, pressure released. There was a pinkish-red mark across her hip where the garment had dug in. Cutting the other side was easier to do and she pulled from the front dislodging the cloth between her thick thighs and wanting lips with a wet squelch. Some liquid wrung free from the garment and ran down her legs as she held it up, dripping.


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