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As it turns out the previous rant prefacing the second EM Ch 8 Teaser wasn't enough and the desire to blab more has struck. At least this time around there are no pretenses like thousands of delicious sex-laden linguisticals on the opposite side of a paragraph of blah blah blah. Raw ranting, my Patron. Pure. From the source. Meandering mindlessness that seems to dribble from my mouth like... Ahem.

So yeah, obviously I am working on EM right now, the chapter is already approaching 10k which seems to be my MO recently. But there is a lot going on in each day in that story so I can't help it I suppose.  What will that story look like when I make another detailed pass through it? I fear the length of time it will take to hone that business down after beefying it up again with even more detail and care. It is a time-intensive labor, believe it or not.

Also, I have begun working on Mysterious Massage Parlor in earnest and it is going to be the slowest of the slow burn stories I have ever written.  Feels more like a romance novel that will have spicy moments here and there before it ramps up to proper sexual encounters and experiences.  I honestly don't know if you will like it.  I mostly write 5~10k short stories with pretty quick pacing (By my ridiculous standards.) and the growth kicks off quite rapidly, but this is something different.

I think it might be the beginnings of my first novel, and I DO intend for it to really get into the growth aspect in a big way, but it is really really slow. (Like 10k words in so far and she is only just starting to do the massages, etc.) It will ramp up considerably towards the end, but I also don't want to make it really focused on getting railed by giant mega cocks and filled to bursting with super balls and buckets of cum. If you catch my drift. Fear not, dear patron, for I know that is my bread and butter and I love it dearly, but I got some inspiration for this particular story and want to explore that thread a bit.

There will be sexiness and passion, but maybe not so much penile penetration. This is going to be more of the girls voyage to personal fulfillment of something she felt she never had. I also want it to kind of blur the lines of fiction as well since the main growth method will be massages and supplements, which some of you may be familiar with, are two of the few actual methods IRL for inducing breast growth. What would I know about that?  Not as much as I'd like, but far more than many i'd wager.

 SO that is moving along slowly.  It will also be a chaptered story so I can release it in chunks like Experimental medicine.  Not sure if it will be completely for Patreon only or if I will post a bit of it for free somewhere.  Feeling like I will post the first chapter and let people decide if they want more of that without having to make any financial commitment.  Also to get a lot more feedback on the style as well. People on their semi-anonymous NSFW accounts on reddit tend to share their opinion more than people with accounts connected to their real lives. A totally understandable scenario that I relate with totally.

So yes, EM Ch 8. and MMP are underway.  I have a little bit more Sebastian goodness to go through so those are also works in progress, but will need to be re-written and dressed up for the digital book store.  If the momentum with experimental Medicine keeps up then I will push through on chapter 9 of that.  Seriously it is reaching critical levels already. That poor doctor.  Wait til you see her.  There have been teasing glimpses and I am pretty sure most readers have an idea of where that is going, but the actual mechanics of it all.  Could you imagine?

I love that. Trying to reconcile what actually living with a dick that hung down below your knees or breasts bigger than beach balls.  What kind of life is Chelsea Charms or BEShine or Himiwako, etc. actually living? If you drop your keys in the driveway or something you have to make a game plan of how you plan on squatting down and picking them up without falling over or rolling down a damn hill or some other tragic outcome when you have such massive heavy melons.  I have seen a few interviews with Chelsea Charms and when she deigns to try and hoist up a single breast it takes considerable effort to do so.  I think the fact that it is an implant more than a more floppy and slippery actual natural breast might make things easier.

What would happen if they were even bigger than that?  Have you seen some of the delicious art drawn of these girls with sofa-sized tits walking around and wearing sailor uniforms and stuff? Yeah right.  They would be bed-ridden if they were lucky.  The fantasy of it is absolutely wonderful and trust me, I don't want to go into body horror or anything since that ruins a lot of this whole thing. But the reason I have a line in my personal preferences is because after a certain point, breast expansion, penis expansion, etc. is body horror.  What if it was your pointer finger growing two feet long or something instead of a cock. That wouldn't be so sexy. Ugh. This rant is getting yucky.

All I am saying is that if tits were rivaling the size of the planet earth, 1. All the lives lost, 2. All destroyed infrastructure, and 3. The potential electrocution and threat of burning from the previous two, not to even mention the vaccuum of space or human flesh being that close to the sun. You see where I am going with this.  I am not trying to be a spoilsport, but for whatever reason my brain goes into logic mode and doesn't want to play ball after a certain point. At least not without consequences. Attack of the 50 foot woman? Potentially, but. I am getting off on a tangent here too far.

 On the other hand I am sharing a bit about myself with you, dear patron.  I hope that one some level you can relate or at the very least understand my position however unfun it may be.

Look forward to more experimental medicine and then hopefully after that a taste of the Mysterious Massage Parlor. I am quite nervous about that one and curious about the feedback. Expect a few polls during that era of patronage.

I hope your week was enjoyable and pleasant, more pleasant than mine at least. And may your weekend be filled with relaxation and fun if you can manage it.

Until next week,



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