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TL;DR (I am not a graphic designer. I used to morph pictures for fun. Rant. What do you think of this cover for Jumbo Juice?)

Everyone has a deep dark past, don't they? I have something to admit to you and that is 1. I am not a professional graphic designer. In fact, I am a very cheap person who doesn't really need to be pampered and am generally uncomfortable in places that put TOO much care and effort into coming off as overly elegant or what I feel is bordering on 'highfalutin'.  Part of my upbringing I suppose.

Admission number 2. Another of those deep dark secrets is I that have a bit of a history with and am a casual enjoyer of 'morphing'. Not in the sense I battle on behalf of Zordon, but many many moons ago I found out how to use the stretch/skew ability of paint (Ctrl+W if I am not mistaken. Not checking.) to change how pictures looked and found out that it warmed me from my head to my toes, but mostly in the middle.

And after reading those two pictures, does the cover image I made for Jumbo Juice make sense?  Anyway, it is just a friendly admission and wanted to share this picture with you, dear Patron.

 I hope that you like it!  I went way overboard on that booty, but if you have read Jumbo Juice, Jessica is what I believe colloquially is referred to as a PAWG or BBW (From the waist down at least) or what have you.  I try to keep all my characters racially and ethnically neutral so readers can plug in whoever comes to mind in whatever flavor gets them going the most.  In some cases, I will add a few more extra details to inform some of the backgrounds of a character, but generally, I'd rather describe how soft and squishy the booty is instead of saying it was a black, brown, white, or green with polka-dotted booty.

 I want you to enjoy the booty of your dreams and fantasies. (Realizes that sharing a simple jpg just turned into a rant. Proceeds to tag the post with 'rant'. You don't have to read this stuff, but I can't help but write apparently. Being a writer and all. One who isn't good at editing is overly wordy and writes run-on sentences, with, too, many, commas! And hyphens. I don't know but Grammarly and all these robot checkers all have a cyborg hard-on for hyphens and I think I like it.

Anywho...  I hope you like the cover.  Do you see the pattern I am going for? I have found that when scrolling on bookstore sites, my book covers stand out quite a bit. That is the goal. Call me trite if you'd like, but I learned almost everything I have needed thus far from the FAQ on r/EroticaAuthors and it has been quite helpful.  Some of them are cold bits of information, but they are still good, and it is a pleasure to help the starfighters of the wild web launch protein torpedos into their deathstars of choice.

Lol. I'm done. Sorry. I never type lol, by the way, but it was MANDOtory. Can't stop. Forgive me please.




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