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Jumbo Juice

Sebastian Series: Part 2

Mainly Penis and Ball expansion, but some ass and thigh expansion and other implicit expansion depending on how you read into things.

 He was flicking through Instagram while sucking down a cool fruity sip of his strawberry smoothie. This was his new routine since he started dating his new girlfriend. And he stared at each image and let each video play again and again so he could study every juicy detail. The owner of the Instagram account he obsessed over was a sexy coed into keeping fit. She was also his girlfriend, Jessica! This chick dedicated herself and was into health foods like protein shakes and smoothies. She also loved documenting her progress at the gym via her gram. Progress that he loved to watch and like. He scrolled to the next clip and looked over his shoulders glancing around to see who was nearby since this next one seemed pretty racy. All clear. Then he leaned back a little bit and took another long draw from the Strawberry Splash giving the plastic cup a shake and checking how much he had left. Not a lot.

Light gray workout leggings were dotted with stylized vent areas in geometric shapes and patterns. These patterns ran down the sides of each of her legs emphasizing how long they were. His eyes roamed along following it from her ankles, up across her thick and toned thighs, to where it intersected with another. That pattern followed some rounded contours where skin touched skin casting a shadow and outlining her curves. He liked these lines the best because they highlighted key areas for discerning viewers like him. This vent fabric traced a perfect line around her big round butt cheeks. Her ass, a work of art, was the real focus of the picture, and she was looking over her shoulder and winking at the camera. Her long straight chestnut brown hair was tied up in a ponytail. It was dark with moisture and sweat from her workout and draped down the center of her glistening sports bra-covered back forming a sharp point. It was an unintentional arrow aimed right at the main subject of the photo. The pic itself had cake emoji and glittery text all over it that said ‘TIME TO GET THICC FOR WINTER’. It had almost 2,000 likes and he felt his cock starting to get hard as he sucked hard. Cool strawberry smoothie flowed in and then sputtered out making a loud sound. This interruption broke his gaze from the phone and he blinked a few times rubbing his eyes.

After sorting out his junk, he stood up surveying the seating area of ‘Jumbo Juice’, the pseudo health food smoothie and snack place in town.  There were a few clusters of people in the shop right now. Some were wearing skimpy gym clothes and chatting it up, flexing muscles, and showing off skin with seductive intent. Pheromones filled the summer air scented with nutty and herbal notes from the drinks being served. Each of the tables with young bodies gathered around it had a variety of plastic cups in different sizes that were filled with colored liquids. Each looked like a scientist’s laboratory that only half-naked social media influencers could gain access to. Sebastian headed from his table, one of the ones set against the wall of a hallway headed to the back of the building, towards the front counter. He leaned on the edge of it right beside a waist-high swinging door that employees used to bring orders to customers. It also afforded the best angle at Jessica’s ass while she was ringing people up. This was the main reason he liked that table, too.

He chucked the empty plastic cup into the trash can and then leaned forward with his arms crossed a little taking a good long look at Jessica’s booty. She was handing a large to-go tray of drinks and a bag of protein bars, sandwiches, and salads to a shorter customer. She stood on her tippy toes to reach over the counter and her leg muscles flexed, catching the light in her tight black yoga pants. The brown apron tied around her fairly thin waist flared out around her big ass framing it picturesquely as she squatted down to get some courtesy sides of wheatgrass extract from the mini fridge under the counter. She glanced over her shoulder at him and winked a little, knowing has was back there staring like a dog. She started digging around in the back of the fridge on purpose and flexed her ass out showing off how big and round it was. She was putting her weight on one foot, then the other, and putting on a show just for him. Her thin skin-tight black tights left little to the imagination as the light from the trendy track lighting above cast a shine across her ass. With his specific voyeur ability he also noticed that light shone through the fabric gave him a tantalizing glimpse of the shape of her panties. He admired the small triangle of fabric right above her butt crack and clocked a little heart or bear adorning it.

He didn’t even register that her interaction with the customer finished until she spun around and his view of her glorious gluteus was replaced with flat apron fabric. The quandary of what shape was on her panties had him scrambled as the afterimage of her butt burned into his brain.

“Have you tried the new supplement?” She asked smiling. His eyes shot up and met hers and he smiled as she walked towards him. She leaned in to give him a little peck on the cheek. A perplexed look, one that had nothing to do with the question and more to do with the fact he was still in a daze. Red colored his cheeks upon realizing how focused on her ass he was that he had become confused when it was taken away from his vision. After a pause waiting for his answer, she leaned forward on her elbows and forearms dropping her cleavage into his eyeline. “The one that helps guys...” she winked, “...down there?” He gave her a funny look like she was being silly and she laughed.

“Seriously?” He replied.

“Well, it’s marketed to help folks with infertility. She craned her neck over the register to look around the dining room and see if anyone needed anything. A small counter sign slid towards him and she then held it before him. He looked in that direction, focused more on her breasts in the tight black t-shirt they had to wear. He did eventually find the sign and grabbed it, giving it a cursory reading.

“I know you don’t have any problems there, but, I am kind of interested to see…” She trailed off as he began to skim the advert. There was a picture of some middle-aged couples looking lovingly at each other in partial embrace. Some blurbs of text detailed statistics about the number of  people who had difficulty conceiving, sperm counts, ovulation... Blah blah blah. Drink this and you will cum a ton or some other false promise is what it seemed like.

“Yeah, I will do it, why not?” He replied without pause since he felt pretty lucky to be going out with her and she was only asking him to drink some smoothies.  He finished his anyway, so what was the big deal? He grew a little concerned at how quickly he agreed to her proposal, though. Was it merely a reason to get more chances to press up against that ass of hers?

Her head jumped up surprising him and set her shiny brown ponytail to flipping around and even brushing the band of her brown visor as she smiled. She took his open hands with both of hers shaking them like a giddy schoolgirl.

“Oh yeah!? Great! Come to the back real quick.” She gushed brimming with enthusiasm and poked her thumb towards the back in a quick motion. She hopped over to her co-worker, another fit-looking young lady wearing similar form-fitting clothing and the signature brown visor and apron. They were chatting and the blonde co-worker took a sly look towards Sebastian and back to her. She had a more balanced shape compared to Jessica, whose ass and thighs wobbled back and forth as she took quick strides heading to the back. Her co-worker looked over his way again then smiled and winked before manning the register. She leaned forward and started scanning the dining room taking a tasteful moment to gawk at one of the muscled college guys flexing. Sebastian saw the girl he was flexing at reach up and squeeze his bulging bicep and squeal. Sebastian heard macho guy mumble something arousing laughter from his peers as he walked down the hallway to the back. He passed the table he was sitting at and arrived at the vestibular zone which was an annex of doors. One was an emergency exit outside, some went to bathrooms, an office, a changing room, and the kitchen. Jess was leaning in the open doorway to the kitchen with her arms crossed over her apron, propping up her pert breasts. A jagged and sharp tang of bleach found its way to his nose and her voice echoed against the walls of the tight area.

“Hey, I saw you scoping out my insta and liking all my pics again.” She smiled as she said it and he put a hand on the back of his head since he got busted. “Nice boner, too, Sebastian.” She reached down and flicked his bulge up and down on the tips of her fingers a few times causing him to step back and try to re-adjust his pants so it wasn’t so obvious.

“I can’t help it, your pics are so hot, Jess.” He was unsuccessful at hiding it effectively, but it wasn’t brutally obvious as before when it was jutting out like a full-blown tent in his smooth basketball shorts.  Had her co-worker spotted it?

“Well, put that big thing to use and cum in this cup.” She held up a juice cup between her thumb and pointer finger wiggling it back and forth. It was the smallest they had for concentrated supplements, something people made jello shots in, and it had graduated markings on the side in milliliters. It looked more like a test tube that had been cut in half more than anything, but people walked around with these things with tiny cocktail straws in them going to town sucking up their supplements and wheatgrass shots like it was a symbol of status.

“You want me to..?” He asked incredulously and was kind of embarrassed about the sudden demand.  Was she being serious?

“Come on Sebastian… Let’s just call this the ‘before’ and we will see how far it goes, hmm?” She grabbed the hand which wasn’t holding his phone and pulled him towards her putting herself in his half-embrace and guiding it along her toned core and sliding down where she pressed it against her ass, forcing his fingers to dive deep into the soft supple flesh of one of her large ass cheeks. It was like pushing into a hot pillow and his hard-on felt renewed vigor and whatever he did previously to hide his erection was undone immediately and then some. Still holding her hand over his and forcing him to squeeze her butt tighter and tighter, she got very close and the flowery smell of her body lotion wafted around him like a doorway to springtime opened right in front of him, and whispered into his ear hotly.

“Whip out your cock and cum into this cup, and bring it back to me. It better still be warm, Sebastian.” Scented notes of mintiness from the gum she chewed tickled along his nose as he grabbed her ass squeezing it like a kid testing out how much air is left in a playground ball. He knew that coming into this little cup wouldn’t be a problem at all, nodded and smiled, and she finally let his hand go and kissed him on the cheek.

“Be right back, baby.” And I went to the bathroom to find a stall and get the job done. She smiled and looked down at his raging erection sticking out from his shorts like a parasol at the beach that wasn’t in use. She loved playing with Sebastian and was glad that he was going to try out this supplement.  She had a thing for cum. Lots of cum. And heard more than a few rumors that he was the guy who came the most. The previous semester, there were these two bombshell Asian chicks who walked around like they owned the place, all tits, and ass with a veritable red carpet of boy’s tongues greeting them and girls’ sneers sending them away no matter where they went. They were co-dating this guy, her boyfriend Sebastian, for a while and apparently the sex they were having was legendary and he was coming buckets across these girls or something. Who knows how crazy rumors get started, but when she finally got Sebastian for herself, she was kind of surprised to learn that he wasn’t some cartoonish jizz monster, but just a regular guy with a pretty big cock. She shrugged as the door to the bathroom slowly closed on the pneumatic hinges and went back to the front counter to relieve her friend from duty. One thing was for sure though, she adored that cock of his and his tenacity quite a bit.

Thumb flicking with precision, forefinger lending aid for the strategic zooming in and out, he was right back at it going through her gram like a hunter in the wilds searching for the healthiest specimen to feast on. Pics of Jessica at the gym had the most powerful effect. Innuendo and emojis were an aphrodisiac-laden spice drawing attention to her obvious charms that were shamelessly on display. Her knowing winks and smiles were almost an afterthought to the thousands of people smashing the like button, but to him, they were the points of the many spears of pleasure piercing into his heart and his loins. He was digging way back to photos and clips more than a year or two old - ancient history in this day and age - and he had multiple windows open including particularly nice pictures opened in other tabs or saved in his gallery to make it easier to compare recent images with these older ones.

Seeing the progression of the older images side by side with the more recent ones let him see the progression of her butt and thighs getting bigger and thicker, almost in real time, and it was truly compelling. The first tentative strikes of orgasmic lightning let him know he would need that cup at the ready soon which meant the phone would need to be put down or he would have to trust in his aim. Taken out of the moment he just enjoyed the feeling of stroking his meat, a good eight or so inches long and thick as a cylindrical metal hand railing. He wasn’t always this big and in fact, he had been twice as big at one point when he and his ex, Mika, and her friend, Ana, enjoyed one of the best summers of their lives. Although the most extreme effects of those bagels from that fateful pool party and the resultant adventures that summer prior had worn off quite a bit, he was still left with some considerable gains. Gains that super hot girls like the one in the instagram he was perusing while biting his lip, wanted all for themselves.

Scrolling further and further into the past only made him appreciate how big and juicy her ass had truly gotten over the last few years. While her newer pics and clips were racy and overtly sexual, clearly enjoying the game of teasing the thousands who were drooling over her, most likely in the very same position he was right now, it didn’t always seem to be that. Plenty of pictures that were tamer overall, even a few where she wasn’t wearing form-fitting yoga pants and tights became more frequent and were intermingled with photos of latte art and the occasional delicious dish. Something about these images excited him as well since he know that this was closer to the real Jessica. But it seemed like she really was into working out and healthy living and getting a rocking ass was a happy coincidence that slowly became a mindset and goal for her.

Swiping back to a more recent clip with a similar pose as one of her in some tight jeans from more than three years ago looking over her shoulder, he could see that her hard work and exercise were paying off in inches and inches of expanded booty-based real estate. Her hips and ass used to be slightly above average in size for her height with each of her round gently curved butt cheeks roughly as big as her head, but compared to now they were easily double the size and jutting out like large round cushions. Where once were a pair of smaller, but juicy runner’s thighs were now wide round pedestals of thickness like delicious sugar cones topped with big mounds of ice cream that bounced up and down as she did an exercise to show off how much it all jiggled. Some of her more recent pics were overtly sexual and a few of them were even flagged for lewd content when she wore particularly thin almost see-through yoga pants which left little to the imagination. The storm of pleasure building was like a soft hand along a wool blanket sending waves of sparks from the base of his rod toward the tip. He set down the phone on top of the tank behind the toilet he was jerking above and fumbled around for the ‘sample’ cup since he was in the red zone.

With less to focus on now that he put the phone down, he kicked his pace into overdrive, set on filling this cup past the brim, his balls began bouncing back and forth slapping harder as he leaned over the cup directing all of his inches toward the opening carefully while gripping the cup. The first rope gushed out messily mostly going into the cup and swirling around the inside along with the first wave of pleasure. He managed to get his spitting member under control fully by the third spurt and slowly stroked his shaft watching the little plastic shot glass fill up slowly as his remaining spunk dribbled in. Although some of it missed the cup and splattered onto the tank or on the toilet seat, he still managed to fill the cup with a good three or so milliliters. Pathetic to what he used to be capable of last summer.

‘That was a good one’ he thought to himself squeezing out and wiping off the last gooey blob of cum on the side of the cup, and holding the cup up to see his handiwork as the blob met the rest of his hot load and merged into one. His cock was already getting soft, hanging over the waistband of his shorts and he flipped it back into his pants and looked back down to his phone, a video clip of Jessica doing jumping jacks normally and in reverse on repeat as the text ‘STAY FIT BITCH’ flashed on the screen. Goodness her body was so hot. He snapped on the little lid, pulled out a bit of TP and wiped up the more flagrant splatters, and flushed it away. He washed up real quick and went out to meet her.

The place was pretty quiet since it was between lunch and dinner when they got the most customers and he strolled along the counter and leaned on it with an elbow kicking his inner foot outward and resting it on the toe. She looked at him smiling and then glanced at the clock and back to him.

“Well? How was your aim?” She chirped at him as he slid the cup across the side counter to her. She took it and held it like a mug testing for warmth. “Ah, it’s still warm. Good boy.”Her fingers began to play along the outside of the cup and when she realized it was sticky. “Oh, your aim wasn’t that good, was it? But four, no. Three and a half milliliters is pretty good! Perfectly average. This will be very fun I think.” She set the cup down in a paper bag that was beside her and brought her fingers up to her lips and sucked them clean with a devilish look on her face. She pulled out another cup, which looked strikingly similar to the one she put in, and slid it in his direction.

“What’s this?” He asked tilting his neck back and looking at it with suspicion.

“Just drink it. You trust me, don’t you?” She said, opening the lid and holding the cup up for him to take from her hands.  A small tendril of sweetness mixed with almonds tickled his nose a little. It wasn’t as pungent as the smell of his own cum, but was more like almond milk or something else nutty. Also, the cup itself was cold so he was confident his girlfriend wasn’t making him drink old cum or something. She licked her lips and began to get tired of his hesitation. “This is just the supplement I think is the best. You just said that you would do it, remember?” She blurted impatiently.  He figured she was only half kidding.

He took a tiny sip and was surprised when the flavor hit his tongue and winced a little. It was sweet but had a very strong flavor that was difficult for him to describe. Jessica rested her head in a hand leaning on the counter and thinking.

“But really… I wonder if this supplement will even do anything for you. They said it would increase semen production which is why I asked for the sample, stud. How is it?” He pulled out the straw and the lid together and took the rest of it like a shot. It went down quickly and didn’t seem to bother him as much.

“Not terrible. It’s like, creamy and kind of sour like yogurt, but also creamy and nutty like almond butter.” He smacked his lips quietly to himself trying to get a better read on what he just ingested. He took up the cup again getting the last few drops to finish his report. “I guess it’s kind of like limes and almond milk, but more creamy. Yeah. Not too bad actually. Thanks.” He slid the cup towards her tentatively, she nodded her head up with her chin aiming towards the trashcan and he tossed it. She leaned in for a quick kiss and then squished her boobs between her arms seductively swaying back and forth a little bit.

“You gotta come every day to get one so we can see how well it works, OK?” She asked.

“Ok, Jess. Sounds good.” It is actually pretty good. The aftertaste is a lot nicer than the initial hit of sour.

“And by the way, starting tomorrow, you won’t be coming anymore, right big boy? It’s November, right? Aren’t guys not allowed to have sex or jerk off and stuff in November?” She asked somewhat seriously revealing a kind of innocence to her. “There are a lot of commenters on my insta who say I ruin it for them every year. Like on a daily basis. It’s kind of gross, but it comes with the territory when most of your fans are pervs.”

“Well, I mean it’s really up to the person, but no nut November is more of a meme these days. I’m sorry that they comment so openly about that kind of stuff. Maybe they mean it like a compliment that you are so hot.” He was starting to explain, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“Forget it. Let’s see how big a load we can get you to spray at the end of the month, baby. I promise after the Halloween party tonight I will take care of you so you have something to look forward to. My one fan who will survive No Nutting November.” She was smiling brightly and he liked the sound of that.

“Is it cool if I hang around a little while until your shift is done? We are getting into costume together at your place right?” He was drumming his fingers on the counter gently and rocking forward and back on his heels.

“Yeah, that’s cool. Want another smoothie?” Her smile pierced his heart and he got another smoothie and went back to his booth to flick around her gram or scroll some other app for another forty-five minutes or so. After that, they walked to her place, an apartment not far from the Jumbo Juice, and headed upstairs.  He dropped his bag on the floor and pulled out his various gear and props.

When he walked in to ask her a question he caught her just as she was struggling hard to pull up a pair of bright red yoga pants over her giant ass. She turned around and gave him a look like ‘Don’t just stand there, help me out!’. He walked over and immediately began to stuff butt into those pants as best as he could while she shimmied back and forth holding on to the hem with white knuckles. They finally managed to shove her butt inside the pants after much struggle despite how stretchy they were and her look was complete. The pant, pulled back because her ass was so round and large, along with a sexy tight tube top showed off her toned tummy and quite a bit of raw hip as well. The stretchy fabric was form fit to her breasts as much as the pants were to her legs and thighs, showed off a healthy amount of cleavage from her modest breasts, and since she didn’t wear a bra her nipples were poking through clearly and they weren’t even hard. Sebastian clipped on the little red pointy tail and she affixed the red sequined headband with little devil horns on it and the sexiest devil was ready to play.

While not nearly as sexy as her, he was in more of a dapper devil costume himself with some black slacks, a red button-up shirt with a black tie, and a black coat over it all. A penciled-on ‘evil’ goatee and mustache along with a playful black and red plastic trident which he used most often to poke her in inappropriate places and he was ready for dark work.

A sexy cat in a skintight suit with light curves opened the door squealing and gave Jessica a big hug. It was her good friend and the one who invited her and by association, Sebastian, to the party. The cat gave Sebastian a polite hug and they were brought into the apartment. It was largely a living room with people listening to music, dancing, and making out that was connected to a dining and kitchen area where drinks and a reasonably attended game of beer pong were taking place. There were Halloween decorations and plenty of snacks and pretty much everyone was in a costume.

Besides light playful poking, pecks on the cheeks, and the occasional mini makeout session with some generous groping, they enjoyed the night with a few drinks, some dancing, and chatting it up with her friends. When they finally got back to her place, it was like actual demons had been released and their dark work began in earnest! He was kicking things off first and foremost by embracing her and reaching down under her tight yoga pants and burying his hands into the soft smooth flesh of her ass and thighs while she immediately shot her hands down below his waist and began to undo his belt buckle with one hand while groping the expanding bulge down the pantleg of his slacks with the other. His pants fell away soon after and she was stroking him gently having yanked his boxers off along with the pants and cupped his balls jerking him to total hardness. He just kept squeezing that ass and kissing her here and there unable to take his hands off of her.

She turned around and began to shake her ass like a set of bongo drums beating against his hard cock and teasing with twerks until it was pointing straight up, held steady between her ass cheeks. He instinctively started to hump her and she was matching his pace playing along.

“Does that feel good, Sebastian?” she asked.

“Oh yeah… you little devil you…” He started and began to thrust a bit harder. She leaned forward bracing her hands on the bed and stuck out her ass. ‘RriiIIIPPP!’ went those yoga pants as his increasingly urgent thrusting pulled at her pants which were well beyond their limit the second she put them on, but bending over and sticking out her ass was asking for trouble and something had to give. Shreds of stretchy fabric fell in tatters from just above her knees and he was instantly hot-dogging her bare ass.

“Damn, I liked those so much.” She said crestfallen.

“With an ass like yours, there is no way that you were going to wear them next year.” He slapped her ass and dug his hands and fingers deep into both cheeks pressing them together as he kept sliding his dick in between those glorious soft buttocks. “Are you almost ready for the main event?” He went from pressing the cheeks together to reaching his thumbs towards the center and pulling a little bit indicating what he meant. She purred in response and he put his hands on her little red g-string, ready to get this thing going when the clock chimed. Twelve times. And she abruptly crawled forward in escape on all fours rolling away onto her back with a devilish grin on her face. The soft round mounds of each of her sizable buttocks were squishing outward under her modest weight and made her ass look even bigger. The tatters of the tights around her calves looked silly, but with only a scant g-string and her nominal tube top, she was too sexy to bear. What was she playing at?

“Ah ah ah...” She put her wagging finger away and slowly swung her legs to her sides sitting up and shifting her weight forward into a crawling position. “It’s November, my dark lord…” She was close enough that he could feel the last words hotly on the tip of his expectant member and she leaned forward just a bit more and licked the single drop of precum from the tip of his plump head. “No cumming right?” She gave it one last sensual kiss glossed with wetness and hopped off the bed, his eyes following her the whole way as she stared him directly in the eyes. She pulled off her tube top, breasts dropping from the tight fabric with elastic bounces, and pulled down her g string shimmying back and forth. The string of red fabric hit the ground, still hooked around one foot, and she kicked it up at him landing a ringer right around his pole like some kind of professional ring tosser. He looked down at the flimsy cloth hanging from his cock and back to her and she was already halfway in the door to the bathroom. “I am taking a shower. Don’t you dare masturbate, either.” The look on her face was dead serious.

Sebastian sighed heavily staring at his cock, hard as a rock and pulsating slightly as the blood continued to pump through it with desperation. He laid back sprawled out and took off the rest of his clothes dejectedly but filled with excitement at the same time. He reached down and probed his balls feeling how swollen they were, ready to fulfill the implied promise of her teasing, but they were let down and feeling bluer than the deep sea. He was still half hard, flicking through his phone at her gram again when she finally finished her shower and came out smiling seeing him laying there naked and wanting. She could imagine the growing pressure in his groin where there should have been a great release. And this was only the beginning.

The first week wasn’t too bad. He popped by to see her and get the supplement blends every day and there was a little teasing here and there, but it wasn’t too bad. Being ‘blue-balled’ the night of the Halloween party was rough, but they had a chat about it and they agreed he should try his best to succeed at No-Nut November to see the supplement's full capabilities, and because she just wanted to see him cum so much. She said she wouldn’t tease him as much and they didn’t live together, so he was ‘safe’ from her for the most part for time being. He did keep looking at her instagram from time to time but stopped before things got too far and he had a full erection. Also, they did work out together once or twice a week, but only if their schedules lined up or if they happened to be there at the same time. They would plan it on occasion, but he had been secretly trying to avoid her since the thought of her in her workout gear was erotic, and anytime the thought of her full luscious curves hugged by the revealing fabric came into his mind he would start to get hard almost immediately.

He noticed that there was growth late in the week because it was subtle at first and leg day, which he rarely skipped, came towards the end of the week. Pedaling on the stationary bike was a staple of his routine that he used as the cooldown of his workout and that was when it became more apparent. His boxer briefs were getting tighter and the bottom hems of the bike shorts he usually wore were starting to slide upwards revealing more thigh than usual. His balls felt fuller and looked bigger too like he had a baseball in his crotch area, a more than respectable package. He saw his pedaling stance change, too, and his knees aimed more and more outward, or else he would end up juggling his package on his thighs and cause him to get an erection when he was in the middle of his stride.

When he did get erections, he would just have to relax, take a few deep breaths, let them return to softness, and be more careful pedaling. It was affecting his workouts, already. He started avoiding flicking through Jessica’s gram where possible since it was a guaranteed hard-on, but he had to peek sometimes to see how many new gems popped up on there and how many people were slobbering over her.

The second week was a little tougher. His interactions with Jessica at Jumbo Juice were getting shorter and he was making up excuses not to hang around after drinking them and she was starting to notice it. She made sure that sometime that week they were able to meet at the gym. It happened to be during his leg day while he was on a bike pedaling in his slightly clown-like manner, when she came up next to him, gave him a peck on the cheek and then hopped onto the bike beside him. He looked at her smiling saying hey and then glanced down at her ass which made the bike seat look ridiculously small as it wiggled back and forth with each pedal. Her butt and thighs were jiggling with the effort and he doubled down focusing on his workout.

“So how are things going, Sebastian? Notice any changes?” She said eagerly. She wasn’t too focused on her workout and actually had one elbow on the top of the handlebars propping up her head facing him fully.

“You tell me, babe…” He said shortly and then leaned back to show off the thin shorts over his underarmor leggings. He stopped pedaling so that the leg facing her was on the down pedal revealing that those shorts weren’t doing a good job of hiding his bulge and she stared with her mouth open. Seeing her look like that felt good and he smiled while picking up where he left off, but this time purposefully going back to his normal pedaling stance. A large set of two round lumps with a long pipe between them bumped back and forth, back and forth, on his thighs like rascals fighting over a toy under a blanket. He knew what would happen and had to show her and just pedaled like normal, not even forcing anything, and started to get hard since she was so focused on staring at it, and because it felt great to massage his balls this way. When he glanced in her direction her nipples were hard through her sports bra and the hand she wasn’t using to rest her head on dropped to her thigh, rubbing it back and forth like she was trying to get something off her palm. She finally snapped out of it.

“So when can I see it? You have been avoiding me, Seb.” She got kind of serious while absent-mindedly rubbing the front of her pants a little more, her hand slipping further and further toward where her thighs met.

“This was your idea, babe. You wanted me to do this No-Nut November thing and every time I am near you for more than a few minutes I feel like my balls are about to burst. Not to mention the teasing…” He said while glancing down at the almost full-blown hardon in his shorts. The length of the bulge from his shaft had begun poking out of the bottom of the short shorts and was almost as easy to see as her nipples were, but he wore black and she was wearing a pink workout top. He could see her areola without using his imagination, but his shorts were approaching their limit and so were his balls.

She was sad to hear that but knew it was true in her heart. She was smoking hot and her ass wouldn’t quit no matter what she did. “Alright. I’m sorry Sebastian, I didn’t know how tough this was for you. I thought this was just what all boys did and wanted to play around.” She was actually kind of clueless about some things, but her heart was in the right place.

“It’s cool, but I mean, you know how sexy you are and I feel like I am lugging a pair of oranges down here ready to bust.” He reached down and grabbed his package, squeezing it and showing off more clearly exactly how much more meat was in his pants. She shook her head, mouth agape, eyes blinking. The groping ended up sliding his shaft around enough that it slipped further down his pant leg, around halfway down his thigh. She caught herself before she literally drooled on the bike.

“Well, I still need to see that thing. Follow me.” She said and wiped down her bike before scooting away towards the changing rooms. He followed suit and did the same thing, but held his towel precariously in front of himself to try and hide the apparent hard-on sneaking out of his shorts. She led him to a genderless changing area that everyone could use without question and they went into one of the stall cubicles there. She was on her knees yanking those shorts down almost instantly.

“Look. At. THIS!” She whisper-yelled up to him not wanting this to become a scene, despite the fact it was already one in her mind. Being face to face with his huge bulge, which could have been mistaken as a small selection of plump ripe oranges and a long thick banana shoved into lycra, made her hot and she began to lick her lips and breathe faster. Her hot breath condensated on the stretchy fabric of his workout leggings while she studied the length of his semi-hard cock curled over those over-full nuts and reached up both hands to hold them sweetly like she was face to face with a lover about to give them a deep kiss. His bulge got more and more swollen and exaggerated in his tights in response to seeing her kneeling to worship and had to do something before he blew it.

“Jessica, if you want this No-Nut November thing to end then I am game, but if not, you need to see the situation I am in right now.” He said seriously as she slowly peeled the armor away with a lazy smile on her face letting his penis flip out slapping right against her soft cheek and drawing a thin string of pre cum stretching to the tip of his hardening cock, oozing even more of the stuff running down in a single shiny rivulet.

“Are you cumming right now?” She asked curiously while touching the wet tip and testing its viscosity between her fingers.

“This is precum. Like, uh, when girls get wet before sex I guess. It’s been like this every day, and it has been getting worse.” It was annoying, but kind of hot at the same time. Her teasing and authentic interest in it all was exciting him more and more.

“Ohh my godd… this is so hot. That stuff actually works! She leaned in and began to suck lightly on the tip drinking the precum and licking it up and down fully cleaning it up for him. His cock flexed and got rigid and she was rewarded with another healthy drip of precum which she licked up dutifully. She let out of her mouth a wet kiss and studied it. “It looks… kind of bigger too, like not just the fact that your balls are getting massive, but like, is it thicker?” Her hand touched her jaw and lips to see if her mouth had changed instead.

“It is. This stuff is really working and I am surprised they sell it at Jumbo Juice. I can’t thank you enough, but it's like getting a brand new car but not being able to drive it, you know?” She looked up at him past the meaty rod in her face and could see his frustration masked behind a face pleading for release. And she smiled reaching for his pants.

“I am teasing you a bit too much I think.  It’s not fair.” She had a look of feeling bad for what she was doing as she tried her best to put his tights back on, accidentally jerking him a little bit trying to direct the hard rod down one of the spandex pant legs and shoving his huge meaty balls into his pants as well. She gave the whole thing one final gentle caress and a few loving squeezes satisfied with her work. After she managed to replace his parts as best as she could, she gingerly pulled up his shorts and patted the whole package for a job well done, and stood up embracing and kissing him. “I promise I won’t tease you… that much.” She finished the embrace and held him at arm's length. “I am as eager for this as you are. Look.” She looked downwards and he did the same and saw a large dark-colored wet mark around her crotch and on her inner thighs almost down to her knees.

“Damn!” He whispered and leaned down to get a closer look then looked back up at her. “I am sorry, I-”

“It’s fine. Not nearly as bad as what you have to deal with, I bet. But I have to take a shower and head home. Just being near you ruined these leggings.” She reached down to test the wet spot on her inner thigh and when she pressed it. It was juicy and moist. “Please send me pics OK? I will try not to tempt you too badly, but I need to see and feel this thing. Fuck this is so hot, Sebastian. Your balls are so freaking big.”

“I know, I don’t think they have ever been this big before. But, yeah. You got it, babe. Have a nice shower and I will talk to you later on. I am going to finish my workout and then head home.” He responded kindly. He helped her gather her things and get presentable enough to run to the girls’ locker room where she left her bag, then she gave him a quick kiss and left their cubicle. He sat there for a minute or two readjusting his package the way he liked it, bless her heart for trying, and managed to calm his cock down enough to head back into the gym area and finished his workout. His balls felt bigger and fuller still.

The third week went by fairly quickly and since their saucy encounter at the gym, Jessica and Sebastian kept their Jumbo Juice visits mostly brief and fairly professional but made up for it with ranchy sexting instead. Pictures and video clips were being sent back and forth, requests asked for and answered, and enough personalized pornographic video and photos to enjoy for years to come. By the time it was only a few days before the end of November, his balls had swollen to the size of plump apples, and his shaft was more than 8 inches long when hard. It was difficult to move around normally and he leaked precum anytime he thought about his cock for more than a few seconds, which was often since anytime he wore clothing tighter than loose old sweatpants he got nervous and started fidgeting with his junk and end up calling more attention to it all.

The weight of each testicle and the pressure against his legs as he took steps was amazing on one hand since his balls were almost as large as they had been during the pool party, but he would have damp boxers by noon time every day from the constant leaking. If it got much worse, he resolved to start wearing a condom during the day since putting a few tissues or paper towels in his underwear wasn’t cutting it. Changing clothes partway through the day wasn’t such a big deal, but even when he wrapped the wet, used-up boxer briefs into a plastic bag and tied it shut, he could still smell jizz through his backpack. The amount of cum his balls were producing at a daily rate was concerning, but he loved it all the same. It was a lot of mixed emotions, but he couldn’t stop standing in front of the mirror with his long hard cock straight out over his pair of huge plump balls that hung proudly. He continued to snap pictures, change angles, snap more pictures, and send them to Jessica. She would return the favor with racy photographs of her own in a variety of poses wearing all different clothes. She would be laying on her bed face down looking up over her shoulders,  squishing her ass against things like the glass window of her shower door, or standing in front of the camera and leaning so that her whole top half would be blocked because her ass was so huge. They would sext back and forth most of the time, but she pressed him to get a taste of it and see how much precum he was leaking and the like when he popped by Jumbo juice for his supplement.

That last week she was relentless and every day almost brought him to orgasm since apparently, his cum had started to taste better and better according to her. Almost addicting, she said. When he off-handedly mentioned his idea about wearing a condom every day and complaining about how often his precum soaked his boxer briefs, she loved the idea and they moved his supplement time from the morning to the evening and she asked him to keep the condom on all day and bring it to her so she could ‘study’ it. It sounded reasonable so he did as she asked and she would have stars in her eyes each time he undid his pants and showed her the day’s take. She would reverently hold up the latex bulb on the end of his thick soft cock and squeeze it and admire how much had accumulated in a single day.  The bulb typically ended up being full enough to rival twice or triple the amount of a regular cumshot. She said one time that it was over ten milliliters full with a big smile on her face.

After she removed the condom, she would work his shaft like a big cum-filled ice pop trying to get every last drop of sweet juice from the thing until he needed to physically push her away afraid he would blow his load in the changing room of the Jumbo Juice where she accosted him, seemingly having more trouble than him in the later stages. She didn’t even care about the wet stains she got at work since she had an apron on, but from behind it looked like she had wet herself. And she had, every time she got a taste of his super-supplemented sauce. When he asked her what she did with those condoms when she was done measuring them, she laughed and joked saying she drank them. He didn’t know if he should believe her or not, but a large part of him knew it to be true.

“Get ready, baby. Tomorrow is the day we have both been waiting for” were the words ringing in his ears the whole next day. He had been going to the gym as his main excuse to keep his mind off off sex and masturbation. He had finished all his lunges, squats, glute bridges, and hip thrusts and was on the bike again to finish his routine with cardio. His legs were each forty-five degrees from the bike’s centerline and he looked like an adult trying to ride a child’s tricycle as he negotiated the pair of fat masses in his tight shorts. Making space for them or not, they were rolling back and forth in such a nice rhythm and applying such gentle pressure to his shaft that he was hard within minutes of starting.  He had been through this before. It wasn’t enough stimulation to bring him to orgasm, even though it had been almost a full thirty days since the last time he was able to ejaculate properly. Oftentimes, he would drape a towel over his shoulders or on the handlebars so that it would hang down and kind of obfuscate the bulges he was starting to get self-conscious about.

Jessica, on the other hand, got to the gym at the same time as him but had been skulking around and taking pictures and videos of her boyfriend. She was doing workouts as usual, but when she took her selfies, he was always in the background. She couldn’t keep her mind off of the huge sack he was lugging around and was impatient to finally get it in her hands again. When she was reaching her limit of voyeurism and felt the wetness starting in her panties reaching a point where she was thinking about taking a bath, she casually hopped beside him from behind in a cheerful manner. He had been going on the bike for about ten or fifteen minutes and worked himself into getting a nice hard chubby when she appeared so suddenly. She leaned over to give him a hug and one of her hands laid right on top of his dick and balls and squeezed around, but she played it off like she was using his leg for balance.

“Hey baby, when did you get here? I didn’t see you.” He said with a surprised look. She smiled with a wide grin happy that her espionage was successful. He had no way of reading into her smile that deeply.

“Like ten or so minutes ago. You really managed to not cum the whole time, Sebastian?” She asked casually patting the large fat package that was still rolling under his shorts before getting up on the bike and starting to wriggle and shake in all her special places.

Under his breath as quietly as possible he said “I have had to start swapping the condoms every morning and night, the precum is so much. As if dealing with the bulge of my balls and cock wasn’t enough, now I have this to carry around all day,” He paused his pedaling with one leg up on its toes on the pedal to show off the length of his thick rod poking out of his shorts and the big fat plum head on the end and just a bit further down from that, another plum head almost as big. His look was partially annoyed and he pulled his pant leg down a little bit in a meaningless attempt to cover his bulges up again and kept talking. “Either this, or I have to go back to those pads which end up getting soaked after an hour or two and making it look like I pissed myself. If I don’t come soon I am going to explode, Jess.”

“That is so fucking hot, Sebastian.” She said licking her lips pedaling slowly and reaching a hand with eager desperate fingers down to her crotch slowly. Her vision was cloudy outside of the laser focus she was putting onto his package.

“So where is this going down? I can’t wait for a second longer than I have to and it looks like you can’t either.” He said, his voice a little shaky with anticipation of finally cumming with his brand-new beast.

“Let’s go back to the changing room. There won’t be a lot of people here at this hour on a Sunday.  Nobody goes to the gym at this time unless it’s the middle of the work week. And, I brought another cup so we can measure it, you know, to see how much it changed.” She said sounding a little silly since obviously with balls that big he was going to spray everywhere. They both knew it, but she wanted to keep the pretense up and did have a cup. It was one of the full-size plastic clear ones and said ‘28 oz’ on the size. At first, he balked and laughed a little bit, but when he looked down at the huge bulges in his pants and thought about the amount of cum his cock was leaking every day he started to wonder if that was actually a smart decision on her part. Anxiety and excitement went through him in a nervous wave as he watched her walk off and followed her into the all-gender changing room. He glanced at the clock on the way in and it was past 11:30 at night.

They had started using the all-gender locker room of late since they had a few meetings here for him to drink the supplement and it was convenient. They had found that there was one pretty big changing area that was normally used by people with difficulty moving around and it had a little bench and stuff inside and nobody was using it. There was nobody inside the changing area at all and only one or two other people in the whole gym were using that part of the locker room anyway. They went with nobody watching and the light automatically turned on. The clock was ticking closer to midnight and he walked over to the bench and sat down throwing his arms up on a pair of bars that were there for supporting one’s weight. She fell to her knees in front of him, spread his legs apart more than they already were, and scooched in closer resting her arms on his legs as her hands reached forward.

Her hands were massaging and petting and squeezing his cock and balls like she was somewhere between trying to knead bread and spread out pizza dough combined with the thrill of touching an animal in the wild. He sat there leaning back with his pelvis forward so that the full weight of his heavy balls hung low pulling down his leggings despite how stretchy and tightly they held his cock, balls, and the filled-up condom altogether. He was proud that he lasted this long and smiled taking a deep breath as she started getting to work. He fulfilled his part of the bargain even though she was interfering with him, and now it was time for her to fulfill her end.

Her fingers were gentle and brushed against his stomach, fingers probing and finally clutching against the hem of his well-worn, silken shorts, and pulled them down slowly. Her attention was completely on her task and she didn’t even spare a glance in his direction as he looked down watching her every move. When the shorts fell, he pulled one foot through the leg and let the other hang off of one foot. His leggings did not fit anymore and that was apparent because the waistband was stretched out and pulled down by the sheer bulk of his package so much that the top inch or two of his thick shaft where it connected to the base of his groin and the rounded tops of each huge overfilled testicle peeked out over the fabric. She became so aroused just by seeing how deformed and stressed his pants were that the wet warmth spreading through her leggings didn’t even bother her, rather it told her that this was the right thing to do and that she needed to keep going.

“Gosh, Seb… I am so sor- I mean, look at these things!” She was still trying to be quiet, but it was a little louder than a whisper as she looked up at his face nodding with understanding. Who knew his plight better than him after all? The reverence with which she was approaching disrobing him was something else in his eyes and his cock was almost completely hard now that she was finally going to give him what he wanted for weeks. Her lips were dripping wet with anticipation and her mouth was watering too as she watched his hard shaft flexing hard and putting up a fight against the stretching fabric. She let it loose finally with one quick snap back of her hands and his shaft and the condom affixed almost halfway down its length flicked out with force enough that the bulbous end of the condom slapped her in the face like a medieval morning star flail on the attack. She jumped back in alarm letting out a squealing cry which she stifled at first and then giggled. He reached down to check if she was OK, his fully erect cock standing tall and straight enough that it was cutting into their line of sight to each other. The condom’s bulb, larger than a golf ball and full of precum warmed by his inner legs all day dangled and twirled around his pole like a tetherball as the potential energy put into motion when his cock was released slowly waned.

She was giggling a little bit after the sudden attack and went back to work and slowly peeled the leggings down further finally revealing his balls in their full majesty. They were the biggest balls she had ever seen in her life, obviously, but that was an understatement since each of them was almost the size of a softball and hung down swinging softly below the bench. A look of pure relief crossed Sebastian’s face as he was finally able to feel the pressure of being between his legs walking, covered by pants, and shoved into tights finally disappeared. That relief transferred subconsciously to his cock which seemed to get thicker and longer as well since it, too, had been out of its prison long enough to bulk up to full size. It was so hard that he couldn’t help but flex it and each time he did the constant rivulet of precum had a small surge of volume filling the dangling bulb more and more.

“Here we go baby, let me have it all.” She said while reaching up one hand to his shaft and another to hold up one of his obscenely large testicles. She began to stroke it slowly and worked the condom towards the tip while squeezing a bit more precum from it in the process. She pulled the stretched-out rubber off of his schlong and held it up like she won a fish at a carnival next to her face. She raised her eyebrows a few times in succession and brought the condom to her lips and inverted it like she was taking a shot and sucked it down gulping two or three times before running the thing between her fingers squeezing out all the goodness into her mouth and running her tongue in a circle around her lips completely cleaning it. She let out a quiet burp and excused herself, “A free appetizer, how kind of you, Sebastian.”

His precum surged again running down to the base of his shaft pooling in the area where his stretched-out sack formed a little hollow between the tops of each of his nuts and she sucked that up and licked the sticky stream of liquid all the way to the tip. She ran her tongue sloppily around the tip in quick rings while palming his other nut that didn’t get squeezes and rubs before. She even shook it a little bit like it was a coconut and she was expecting to hear all the cum inside of it sloshing around. He had waited for a long time and was already on the brink of cumming just from her pulling off the condom and drinking it. His arms casually resting on those support bars were soon tense as he grabbed them physically holding back the urge to blast as she easily coaxed him closer and closer.

“I’m… I’m gonna…” Was all he could muster and she didn’t need any more hints than that and grabbed the cup holding it up and wiggled it signaling that she was ready and went back to sucking the tip trying to get more and more of the thick shaft into her mouth. After only one or two particularly nice smooth strokes with good tongue work the pressure and feeling of pleasure built up to the point he couldn’t take it anymore. She wasn’t ready by any stretch of the imagination and the first thick goopy bursts shot down her throat with such pressure and volume that she reflexively had to cough forcing her to pull the thing out of her mouth as it continued to fire three or four long heavy ropes of pearlescent cum on her face splashing on her hair and the walls around her. His whole body felt like a well-oiled machine on red alert and everything had been waiting for this climactic moment and it finally came. He held on for dear life as the frantic spasms of pleasure rolled through his cock, his breath quickened and he was sucking in air and exhaling it at such a pace that you’d think he was hyperventilating. The breaths began to give way to grunts and moans as the first main bursts of the orgasm began to plunge into the depths of pure pleasure and his eyes rolled in his head, tongue hanging out of his mouth in pure ecstasy.

She was barely able to wrestle the spewing menace that was his ejaculating penis below her jizz-glazed face towards her neck and finally at her tits, using her cleavage like a funnel to try and catch some of this semen in the empty cup she was holding. The plan was good and she was able to start collecting the rapidly spilling seed which his cock continued to pump out in long hard spurts. The warm wetness splashed off her sternum, pooling in the little pockets near her collar bones and sliding down in hot sticky streams mostly going into the cup she shunted between her breasts.

“Oh goddd” He groaned strongly as the intensity of the orgasm continued to build and he kept coming. When another penis-bearing person’s orgasm would be long gone, he was still in the heat of his orgasm, intensity mounting to an almost unbearable level causing his abs and asshole to clench and loosen reflexively and his legs and hips to shake with convulsions. She felt the heat and intensity of his penis pulsing getting thicker and spreading her fingers apart a little bit each time it pumped out another hot rope onto her chest. Curtains of cum were sliding down between her cleavage towards the cup, already more than half full judging by how warm the soft plastic felt in her hand gripping it tightly causing it to deform slightly.

She was on the brink of orgasm herself just from watching this climax unfold before her eyes and into her eyes. Whether it was cum or her own natural wetness she felt juices dripping down her inner thighs and her pants were drenched. She carefully let go of his cock still spitting cum out in smaller bursts and reached a hand under her waistband and begin to bring herself to orgasm. Her fingers slid in with almost no resistance it was so lubricated and wet and her fingers did a few nimble flourishes around her clitoris and then her middle and ring fingers plunged into her wet yearning warmth and began to pluck invisible strings that made the sweet music of orgasm begin to ring through her body.

She was too lost in the feeling of her mounting orgasm, head tilted back and eyes closed with her mouth slightly agape as her fingers continued playing her sexual solo to its crescendo, to notice the unleashed snake in front of her spitting warm more blurts of cum onto her forehead, cheeks, eyes, and across her lips and tongue which she swallows reflexively. A hot wet gush of pleasure radiates from inside of her all over her fingers and seeps through her already soaking yoga pants forming a puddle on the ground and intermingling with the wayward cum splats that were already cooling there.

It was quiet except for the far-away background noise of weights and lifting bars clinking against racks, the hum of one or two treadmills and stationary bikes, and the buzz of a fluorescent tube approaching its final hours. Their hard breathing was calming down and we pulled her hand out of herself feeling the memory of her orgasm as her knuckles slowly came back into the light accompanied by a squirty and sticky squelching sound. She wiped her fingers on the top of her yoga pants thinking to dry them off, but they were soaked through and her fingers touched a cooling gel-like material instead. Her eyes were still closed, she felt the sticky cum on them and licked her dry lips and any incidental semen still around and in her mouth then reached up to her face scraping away enough of the stuff to open her eyes

Her other arm was locked against her body under her breast propping it up and gripping the cup which was overflowing with semen that was all over her hand and fingers. It looked like she had held a translucent candle for hours letting all the wax drip down over her. She peeled the hand away and the jizz that pooled above the cup in her cleavage slowly slid down her stomach as she held the cup up, finally seeing Sebastian’s inert form in front of her. He was keeled over against one of the support bars gripping it weakly and breathing softly. His soft penis was draping limply over his balls and dangling inches below the bench. He had come a literal bucket, well a soda bucket, and despite it, his testicles were still the size of large eggs.

She was still kneeling when she blinked her eyes wiping a bit more of the hardening spunk from her vision and took a clear look around her at the sheer volume of semen he had sprayed around the little cubicle. Although she had caught a majority of it on her front-facing half, there were many splatters on the walls above and beside her as well as all the semen that dripped and was still dripping onto the floor, mostly surrounding her. She shuffled her knees a little bit and could see that the puddles had actual depth in some places. He finally came to and looked down at her reaching forward and grabbing a glob of white gunk from her hair inspecting it and pulling it back. A small white cable stretched from her head to his fingers until it snapped halfway dropping a sticky line over his hands and dropping onto her forehead and nose.

“Holy shit… That felt so good. I have never come so hard in my life. Look at this mess!” He said genuinely impressed at the wax statue he turned his girlfriend into. From his point of view, it was like she was hiding behind a translucent waxy shell peeking out from a hole where her eyes were. She was still holding the cup.

“Well… I suppose Jumbo juice isn’t a bad name after all?” She said wiping the rest of the spunk from her face licking her fingers on one hand and looking for a place to put the cup down. He took it from her and almost dropped it, not expecting it to be so heavy.

“This is only the start, babe,” Sebastian said smiling while holding the thick masculine milkshake up to the light and admiring the pearlescent twirls shining through it. “Turn that ass around and get ready for round two.” He set down the plastic cup on the bench beside him and then she reached over pulling the lid free from a pool of jizz it was concealed beneath and snapped it on. There was still a measurement that needed to be taken after all. She let out a big breath in a long sigh and then looked up at him. He was already stroking the full length of his cock milking it back to life and pushing out the last few bits which clung on for dear life before falling into one of the puddles below.

“Are you serious right now?” She was almost in disbelief, but the cock hardening before her eyes told no lies. She shook her head with a resigned look and then as she saw it get harder and harder she started to smile and stood up in front of him. Any cum that hadn’t slithered through her legs onto the floor began to ooze down now over her feet getting between her toes which she wiggled when she felt the sensation. She leaned in causing the cum in her bra to shift around squishily and whispered into his ear, “Congratulations on No-Nut November. Looks like it's time for Deep-Dick December for me.”

She unceremoniously pulled down her yoga pants with a wet gooey sliding motion licked three of her fingers lewdly and then wiped her asshole with it, used both hands to spread her cheeks and lowered her ass down right on his hard cock and he guided the plump head to its target and she sat down squealing and wincing through gritted teeth as she felt all of his thick plentiful inches reach further and further inside of her until the full softness of her big wide butt cheeks was resting completely on his lap covering him like a blanket. She grabbed the support bars pushing up on them at first to really grind down hard onto his meat working it as deeply into her as possible and a gush of hot wet liquid permeated through her already cold wet yoga pants and soaked his legs.

She was shuddering and dipped her head down turning it as she navigated the intense orgasm of being penetrated deeper than she ever had in her entire life and the fullness of his thick hot meat spreading her apart from the inside out as it seemed to get harder inside of her. Her grip weakened visibility and she leaned back against him, the wetness of her hair draping down on his neck and shoulders. He took this opportunity and put his lips up near her ear.

“And it’s going to be a LOONNG month, baby.” He whispered back while smiling and grabbed both of her big ass cheeks and began to work her up and down an inch at a time getting into the motion. It was like an emergency technician bringing a patient back to life when she finally snapped out of the haze and grabbed the support bars clumsily at first and then used them to bounce along with the rhythm of his thrusting. She was finally able to start getting air thanks to having the support bars to hold onto and that gave more leeway for him to put power behind his thrusts into the air. Her fat ass came down with loud slaps that echoed throughout the cubicle and at this point, there was no hiding what they were doing if anyone else had been out in the changing room even if they tried and all they cared about was pounding into one another until they passed out.

She was so wet that each downstroke sounded with a wet splash that sprayed cum and vaginal lube in all directions and dripped down over his fat nuts. She felt like she was in a constant state of orgasm after the first dozen or so long hard thrusts slamming deeper and deeper when his cock surged and spasmed getting thicker inside of her and then gushed hard. She stopped bouncing up and down and just let his rod plunge deep inside of her while it desperately pumped more and more cum into her ass filling her up to the point of overflowing causing it to gush out around his dick and all over his legs and lap.

They lay there for a long time like that until he went soft still deep inside of her and her body went completely limp on top of his. This was going to be a Holiday season to remember for sure.

The End


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