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Hey there!  Hope that your week is going alright.  Mine has been busy as can be.  I have been working on the rewrite of Jumbo Juice. Trying to add a lot more to it so it has taken a while with this busy week I have been having until now.

Thankfully I should be heading into a more open part of my workflow next week so I will be able to put out The Jumbo Juice Rewrite and maybe a teaser for Experimental Medicine or something since I have some of that written up as well.

I know that of the more vocal (can click a button to vote) patrons, there is one person who said they wanted to know more about 'mysterious massage parlor' and I haven't touched it in a while, but have quite a bit down on paper already.

I am going to work through this Sebastian Series business, maybe take some time between those to put out another experimental medicine towards the end of this or the beginning of next month. And when all that business is sorted out I have a super big commission that I did recently that I am curious to get your feedback on.  

That is kind of the roadmap in my head.  All of it is patron exclusive with the exception of the new chapter of experimental medicine in the works.  Not bad!

 I am toying with the idea of releasing the original versions of the Sebastian series to the public though, and leaving the rewrites/improved versions for patrons only.  More delectable carrots on sticks about big growing dicks.  My favorite kinds of carrots. Of dicks? Let's not get into that too much.

 So sorry things are a bit quiet this week so far, but there should be a nice rewrite by the end of this week even if there are a few bumps along the way.

Take care and have a nice week!


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