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Poolside Snacks

Part 1 of the Sebastian Series

His girlfriend since a few months into the first year of university, Mika, had been kind enough to give him some bagels from her friend Analyn’s Mom’s coffee shop on campus. He had never been there but heard they were good and liked bagels. If only it weren’t on the opposite side of campus from where his classes were. He thought to himself while testing the unusual weight of the brown paper bag while setting his things out on the picnic bench. Nearby were some dudes playing frisbee and a few ladies sunbathing in the lovely summer weather. The bag was heavy and it took him by surprise so there must have been more than a couple in there. Upon opening the bag his eyebrows arched up seeing that there were only two bagels, but they each had a ton of cream cheese on them and a sweet smell wafted up from the sack tickling his nose. Peering in there were streaks of blueish color amidst the creamy whiteness of the cheese that was squished out of the sides of each sliced bagel making for two chunky sandwiches. He ate them while enjoying the light breeze and the smells of the freshly cut grass while taking more than a few casual glances at the bodies getting more and more tan. It was a satisfying meal and he smiled thinking about how much he cared for Mika, excited that only a few classes separated him from seeing her again. It was Friday and they were going to have a pool party at her house.

Things had been going great with her the last few months, he mused while collecting up his things and traipsing across the lawn toward the building where his next class was. He imagined her smiling at him with cute closed eyes like an emoji. She was Japanese and had long black hair which she always wore in a perfectly round bun. She had a nice slim body as many Japanese seem to have, but growing up outside of Japan meant she ate a lot of junky food as many young people are often want to do, but luckily for him, it went mostly to her ass and hips. An image of her dancing around and acting silly when they were together always made him smile. She often wore short skirts with tight leggings that showed off her curves. She knew how to tease him. Although she had kind of a pear-shaped body type, she wasn’t flat-chested by any means and had confidence in her looks. She would usually just wear hoodies, but in the warmer months pretty much wore halter tops and sleeveless shirts showing off some cleavage which drove him crazy. He was a lucky guy for sure.

On top of that, she was pretty much connected at the hip with her bestie, a bubbly Filipina girl named Analyn. He didn’t mind hanging out with her since she was cute too, but she could be more than a handful at times, especially when he was hoping for some ‘alone time’ with his Mika. Analyn was shorter and smaller than Mika in almost every way, which was impressive since Mike herself was about 5 feet tall herself. One thing that always had him wondering why she was there all the time was the jokes Mika would say whenever he looked at Analyn. ‘Oh so is today the day we have that three-way?’ while grabbing his face by the chin and aiming it firmly back at her. She is the best. He thought to himself, but part of him also hoped it was more than just a joke. The offhand thought became clearer and he saw Analyn getting closer to him so Mika began to rub her soft breasts up against him and put a hand on his crotch in competition with a playful sneer at her friend. Before he knew it he had a substantial hard-on bulging in his pants just as he snapped out of his fantasy upon approaching the door to the building where his class was. He felt his penis getting warmer, glanced around nervously, and then slid his bookbag around to the front in an attempt to hide it putting more pressure from his pants rubbing against the sensitive tip of his little friend causing him to walk a little strangely down the hallway as he tried to adjust it when he thought people weren’t looking in his direction.

When he was sitting down during his classes it wasn’t such a big deal, but normally when he calmed down or focused on his study a random erection like this would go away on its own. By the time second period was almost finished and the hard-on in his pants wouldn’t relent he started to get worried. It wasn’t a random boner anymore and was super hard, almost to the point of hurting with how hard it pushed against his cargo shorts. He had it covered with a light jacket because it tented out so obviously. That and the heat of the day was starting to make him sweat. After the bell rang and most of the class had got up and left, he played it cool with his jacket tied around his waist trying to conceal this priapismic rock-hard cock in his pants while heading towards the bathroom to see what the heck was going on. There were a few glances, but nothing stopped him on the way and he ducked into a stall and began to unzip his pants immediately.

He pulled his shorts and underwear straight down and his cock bounced down and up, throbbing visibly. Slowly and gently he reached his hand down to grab it and felt the heat emanating from it before he even touched it. It was hot, hotter than normal, and it was like putting your hand up to a mug of hot chocolate it was so hot. ‘Damn. Is this normal? What the heck is going on?’ He thought as concern began to creep into the back of his mind. Then he took another look and realized his dick was actually a bit bigger maybe. Or perhaps it was just the hardest erection he ever felt and that made it look bigger than usual. Mika always said how much she loved his dick, not too big, not too small, not too thick or too thin. Just right. He began to stroke it once his hand got used to the heat and instead of the semi-painful pressure he had to deal with during the morning, it quickly started to feel good, like, really good. The doors to other stalls opened and closed once and a while and there were people flushing urinals, washing hands, and chatting it up, but Sebastian was focused on this boiling hot dick in his hands. He kept quiet and tried to stroke it in silence getting turned on more by the new sensation and feeling of this thicker shaft and began to try and make each stroke longer and longer up and down the entire seven or eight inches of the shaft he now had room to play with.

It was just long enough to fit both of his hands around its length like he was gripping the handle of a baseball bat and he began to stroke it back and forth incidentally yanking his testicles from the inside of his boxers causing them to bounce back and forth. Were they bigger and heavier too? He wondered to himself and grabbed one of his hot balls while still stroking his thick shaft with the other as pleasure began to well forth from the depths of his crotch. ‘My nutsack and balls are definitely bigger too… Each nut is almost the size of an egg.’ He was thinking as he inspected his expanded assets. As the concerns and worries about his unstoppable erection fell away and the thrilling pleasure of jerking off this bigger thicker cock built up it was a fantasy come true. The weighty feeling of his heavy balls bouncing around and slapping against his thighs like hot stones was the final touch that brought him to orgasm with an involuntary grunt he couldn’t stifle.

The first two ropes of sperm shot with force against the back wall forcing him to clench his ass and thrust forward a little bit during each spasm before he could gain control of the thing and aim it into the toilet bowl. He held his cock in one hand and braced himself against the back wall for support when his hand finally got some purchase after slipping around on some freshly dispersed hot sticky spunk. He needed to brace himself because the orgasm felt so good and so he could angle his rock-hard dick downwards shooting the successive bursts of cum into the bowl which hit the water with heavy splashes. He was stuck in that position for a little while shooting the last few spurts of semen and breathing hard with his eyes closing as the orgasm subsided. When he finally opened his eyes his mouth fell open taking a toll of the mess he made on the back wall following the thick gelatinous drips down the wall and looking at the amount of cum in the toilet bowl swirling around like pearlescent jellies. That was the biggest orgasm in his life to date he reconciled while pulling out a bunch of toilet paper and wiping his hands off.

After a few minutes of cleanup, he finally got the stall looking semi-usable again and realized his boner was finally relaxed enough that it wouldn’t be sticking out obscenely like this morning. He rubbed an arm across his brow wicking away the sweat from that physical exertion he went through, grabbed his stuff, and left the stall. He washed his hands taking a look at himself in the mirror with a look matching the sentiment of ‘Is this for real right now?’ and glanced down at the bulge in his shorts before drying his hands and heading to his final class.

He did his best to concentrate on the final lesson, but that proved to be difficult because his penis and testicles were still very hot and it felt like each time he glanced down at his rapidly changing situation in his shorts, the bulge seemed to be getting more and more prominent. These shorts were kind of older and didn’t fit as well as his newer ones and his shaft and balls formed separate bulges down either pant leg. ‘There is no way that it’s getting…bigger… is it?’ Was a new thought that started to make him concerned again. It was a thrilling thought, but at the same time made him worry. ‘How will I explain this to Mika? She always said my dick was perfect the way it was… I hope this doesn’t ruin things…’ While lost in thought he didn’t see some nearby classmates whispering and giggling quietly and glancing in his direction. When he finally took note of them and thought he was getting another hard-on already when the bell rang and he stood up in a huff doing his best to conceal his thickening bulge and got the heck out of there and headed home.

“I am so excited about the party tonight… do you think… you know, they worked?” Mika said jovially to Analyn as they were walking around the quad giggling and laughing together.

“I don’t know, but if it did, you remember our promise, right? I get a chance with Sebastian too. You always tease me about how good his cock is and that we might do a threesome someday. I snuck into my mom’s shop to get these special fertility bagels with the growth hormone cream cheese filling for you. Have you had any yet?” Analyn said with a pretty serious tone only met by Mika’s smug smile and a few evil, yet playful glances her way. She was proud of herself for having found a nice guy to be with and listening to her friend acting so desperate for his cock aroused her. She loved using this three-way joke to tease Analyn and Sebastion at the same time and it empowered her, but at the same time she really wanted the three-way to happen too, but giving up that ace in the hole was something she was reluctant to do. Until now.

“Don’t worry, Ana. I think Sebastian is into the idea too, so we will both get to play with him tonight. He has no idea how lucky he is. And lucky for us, my folks are out of town.” She laid out the plan again very matter-of-factly.

“Won’t your brother Jiro be there?” Analyn said wondering if she and her friend would truly be able to have the place, and Sebastian, all to themselves. Just as she began to think about Sebastian she saw someone running across the quad with a jacket and backpack draped on them in a strange way. “Hey, isn’t that Sebastian now?” She pointed across the quad drawing Mika’s eyes to the person walking and looking around suspiciously.

The two girls ran over to catch up with him and called his name like fangirls at a mall concert. He swung around surprised to see them and a smile spread across his face immediately. Without thinking he gave his girlfriend Mika a big hug completely forgetting about his dilemma and pressed up against her saying ‘Hey baby’ in a soft voice. She felt the warmth of his thick shaft press against her soft hip when she leaned in for a small kiss.

“Still good to go for tonight, Sebastian?” Analyn asked in a chipper voice while stealing glances at his package. “Don’t forget your bathing suit! I know I won’t” She smiled and quietly gulped as she realized how effective those bagels must have been since it was unmistakable how well that hormone supplement worked.

“Yeah, of course. I am as excited as you are I think. I...uhh…” Sebastian’s eyes darted around inadvertently looking her up and down before quickly looking at her in the eyes, saw her staring down at him, remembered his situation, and felt a wave of nervous warmth emanate from his core and then began to avoid any eye contact expecting Mika to grab his chin, but she chimed in instead.

“How were those bagels this morning? Good? They were made with love by Ana’s mom!” She took a long look at his bulge seeing him avoiding eye contact with everyone and staring in the distance clearly frazzled about everything suddenly. Her eyebrows raised and she looked back to Analyn mouthing ‘Holy fuck!’ silently. Analyn just mouthed back ‘Oh my god.’ before snapping back to a normal face immediately when he refocused on Mika’s question.

“Yeah, they were super good. Thanks a lot. Hey. What are you two joking about?” He asked after noticing those two were silently pantomiming messages back and forth.

“Maybe it’s that huge boner you’re popping in the middle of the quad?” Analyn quipped and pointed at his crotch, stealing a long stare at it and licking her lips now that the subject of it was broached and it was ‘okay’ to stare. He was caught off guard by the new topic of conversation and began to stammer a bit self-consciously going to hide his bulge.

“Well, I would have a boner too if I was going to a pool party with two of the hottest girls in school tonight, right Sebastian?” Mika joked and bumped her hip against his thickening rod and he just nodded and gulped. “Go home and get ready. We are going to meet in a couple of hours. See you soon baby!” She gave him a kiss and he did as she asked blushing hard just watching them bounce and frolic away laughing. They turned around once or twice and he just stood there waving goodbye with his book bag awkwardly over his crotch before finally coming to his senses again and heading home to get ready. The second that he was out of earshot they faced each other and held their hands together pat a cake style, intertwining their fingers together and jumping up and down for joy while cheering and dancing.

“IT WORKED! IT WORKED OMG IT WORKED! DID YOU SEE THAT THING? HOLY SHIT! OMG, IT WAS MASSIVE!” This continued for some time until they both reached the same epiphany simultaneously and each pulled out a brown paper sack with a bagel in it. They both had a look of shame and agreement on their faces as they realized that neither of them had tried theirs, fearing what might happen.

“I was too afraid…” Mika said softly.

“Me too…” Analyn added.

“So… Sebastian ate both of them I am guessing. And all that cream cheese too…” Mika mused.

“And if he had them this morning, that was only a few hours ago. It happened so quickly. I thought that it was more of a healthy living thing and not an actual means to like, grow a big cock or something!” Analyn stood holding the bagel in her hands while going over the timeline out loud for her friend. Actually, without even realizing it they were both holding their bagels in their hands above the paper bags as the conversation kept going.

“You think it’s safe for girls?” Mika asked. “Your mom sells them to women right?”

“I don’t know what it would do. We won’t grow dicks or anything I think. It is a fertility drug. We’d probably get super horny and that’s it.” Ana replied. “And this must be some concentrated version of it or something because I have never heard of something like what happened to Seb.”

They took another glance at each other, nodded solemnly, and then tore into the bagels biting and chewing fiercely as if their lives depended on it. They were pretty nervous about them so only put a little bit of cream cheese on them too as opposed to the thick stacks they slathered onto Sebastian’s breakfast bagels. They were scrumptious and when they both finished them, they looked at each other and shrugged.

“I guess it was nothing?” Mika asked.

“Maybe we need to wait a bit longer. Let’s go get ready for tonight!” Analyn smiled.

Analyn and Mika got back to Mika’s huge nice house and were getting everything ready for the party as quickly as they could. They laid out a platter of the special bagels and cream cheese as well, thinking about their encounter with Sebastian at the quad and starting to fantasize about the possibilities. It had been about an hour or so since they left the quad and they were in Analyn’s room and getting their bathing suits on when the effects started to take hold.

“I think it’s working, Mika, I am feeling so horny right now it’s crazy. How about you?” Analyn was squeezing her small pert breasts and ass through her all-black bikini and ruffling her long wavy dark brown hair, breathing a little hard while looking at Mika. Mika was in a similar state and reaching down and unabashedly teasing herself gently biting her lip while looking at Analyn.

“Yeah, I feel it too. This is nuts. I am so hot down there, and look at my nipples! When is Sebastian getting here?” Mika reached up to her full breasts bouncing them, as large as plump oranges, beckoning playfully at Analyn for her to look at her hard nipples poking through the grey and white gradation of the bikini’s fabric like sharp little tents. She flicked them and moaned a little, sliding and getting closer to Analyn and the two of them started to touch each other’s breasts squeezing and massaging.

“Ana, I always thought you had kind of smaller boobs, but they feel so big. You hide them really well.” Mika said as she continued to grope her friend who poked playfully at the sides of Mika’s breasts and ass which were being squeezed out of the sides of the small tight cups and held at bay by the greyish-white bikini strings.

“Speak for yourself, Mika. This bathing suit leaves little to the imagination, when did you buy it? Before you went through puberty?” She laughed a little and saw Mika examine her own body more carefully with a look of surprise on her face at how much her breasts and ass were starting to bulge against the straps.

“Actually I bought it for this party specifically a few days ago and it had fit perfectly then… you think it might be a side effect of…” Suddenly Analyn held up a finger stopping her friend.

“Hold on a minute, I have an idea…” She came back quickly with a plate of bagels loaded with cream cheese and handed one to Mika. “I wonder what happens if we eat some more?” She smiled and the two of them began to eat while getting intimate for the next twenty or so minutes waiting for Sebastian to arrive. The feeling that overtook them as they lay on top of each other rubbing their breasts together and squeezing and hugging and kissing was incredible. As the effects took place it was almost like they were intoxicated and the playful pawing and groping began to escalate as the kissing became more passionate and fingers started to explore with more confidence when they heard the doorbell ring. The both of them woke up as if from a trance letting out one final moan of pleasure each and catching their breath. The look in Mika’s eye went from hazy and dreamlike to militant and controlling and she shouted for her brother to get the door, frustrated their moment had been disturbed. He mumbled something back to the tune of ‘What do I tell him?’ and she sharply responded to send him to the pool and wait while they finished getting ready.

Jiro, Mika’s brother, scoffed at his older sister’s command but got the door anyway. Sebastian was wearing his bathing suit, a Hawaiian shirt, and his sunglasses when Jiro opened up and invited him in. He led him to the patio in the alcove below the main part of the house where the pool was. Jiro offered him a soda while eying up the suspicious bagel and cream cheese platter and grabbed some for later surreptitiously.

“Help yourself I guess. Don’t tell my sister! Later dude.” Jiro said with a smile taking a plateful of snacks and junk with him back upstairs to the room. He was pretty chill overall and only a year younger than Mika.

Sebastian smiled and began to dig in realizing he hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch which was a few hours ago. He wasted no time and ate three bagels and loads of cream cheese remembering how good they were from that morning. He sat around for a while drinking the soda, eating, walking around the peanut-shaped pool, and checking the water occasionally glancing up at the windows upstairs towards Mika’s room. Standing on the edge of the pool where it jutted out from beneath the roof above, Sebastian could see Jiro on his computer looking at something sexy and turned away and quickly headed back to his chair not wanting to cause an awkward scene. It wasn’t long before he felt the heat in his loins again and started sweating.

“What...It’s happening again? This can’t be happening…” Just before he was able to do anything the girls came down giggling and laughing when he swung around to see them both. They were sexy as hell and he had never seen Analyn in a bikini before and she was thicker than he had imagined. Mika looked super sexy in her cute bikini and she was normally kind of particular about sizing and remembered that it fit better before, but her normally tight ass looked bigger and rounder and with each step that she took, the meat on her booty and chest jiggled back and forth a little bit. He just watched them both bounce around as they came over to say hello. Mika came up for a hug and a kiss again, her breasts, larger and softer than before, squished against his chest with hard nipples poking out. She felt his hot thickening member against her juicy thigh again and through the thin fabric of the swim trunks on her bare skin, she felt its warmth and immediately felt horny despite having just come alongside her best friend upstairs.

“What… I don’t get a hug either?” Analyn pouted crossing her arms and hoisting her now more significant boobs up a little to emphasize them which was more than enough for Sebastian who walked over and leaned down slightly and gave her a nice big hug. Analyn squeezed back, her breasts pressing against his chest and she guided her thigh unabashedly between his legs rubbing against his hardening cock. “Ready to go swimming Sebastian?” She said quickly before he could protest and then she ran to the pool jumping in with a splash.

The other two followed Analyn’s lead jumping in and the pool party was underway. Summery music was playing like Weezer’s island in the sun and they swam and laughed for a while. They were splashing and pushing and playing around, but before long Mika swooped in pressing her breasts against Sebastian’s back and whispered in his ear.

“We have a little secret, baby. There was something in those bagels and I think it’s working.” Mika reached down under the water and gave Sebastian’s hardening cock a nice squeeze. He hadn’t gotten a full-on erection, but his rod was thick and hanging low at about half-mast for most of the time he was in the water and was sizeable to the point of giving the swim shorts some trouble. This constant teasing wasn’t helping either.

Sebastian responded in a nervously loud voice “S..something in the bagels? Like a drug? Is that why my dick... grew?” He looked incredulously at the two girls staring at them.

“It’s cool, Sebastian. We had some too. I don’t know if it works on girls the same way, but… it SURE seems to be working on you…” Analyn said as she eyes his bulging crotch visible under the water pursing her lips a little bit.

“We were kind of wondering if you’d be interested in… fooling around a bit together? The three of us?” Mika added shyly, hoping that her and her friend’s plot to incite a three-way as a means of diverting attention from the fact that they drugged her boyfriend with fertility bagels didn’t come off the wrong way. The two girls approached him and he just stared waiting for his response.

“M... Mika? Ana? You guys… your bikinis... Are, um…” Sebastian stuttered off as he watched the two girls survey themselves and what was happening. At that moment the girls finally felt their hearts beating super fast and blinked their eyes looking at each other and feeling the heat running through their bodies when a sudden rush of pleasure flooded inside of them. The feeling spread across their bodies like mercury splashing onto a metal cast of the female form and settled into the breasts, ass, thighs, and vaginas sending signals of hotness and sex with increasing frequency. It hit them both like a freight train as their breasts began to expand against their bathing suits. The tit-flesh bulged from beneath the cups holding them in all directions. Analyn’s pert little breasts, now as large as Mika’s had been the day before, started to push and stretch the black triangles of fabric that were slowly failing to accommodate her bosom and revealing a hint of the edges of her areola. Mika’s more rounded bikini cups saw her swelling grapefruit-sized breasts begin spilling over the top of them until the shoulder strap began to reign in the growth from above forcing them to start squeezing out from beneath and over the sides. They were corralled and pushed together forming a deep valley of soft cleavage. The pair of girls were in sheer ecstasy squealing and holding each other’s arms and shoulders for support as their nipples got longer, and thicket, poking obscenely forward sending waves of pleasure through their bodies.

“Ohh god I feel it. They are getting bigger… Sebastian, please… take off our tops!” Mika moaned starting to lose control of herself as she moved in to pin him against the pool ladder.

“Please, I can’t do it myself and I don’t want to destroy my swimsuit… I just got it last week and it was like, 19.99. Ohhh, but the pressure is… so good…” Analyn said in turn effectively flanking Sebastian against the ladder and propping him up on the top rung. He was half sitting in the water as the top of his soaking wet swim trunks clung to his nethers perfectly outlining his long shaft stretching almost halfway down his thigh, and a perfect bulge of both of his balls as well. Both of them shoved their breasts pushing against him and threw them on his lap while treading water. He felt all four of the hot breasts on his legs rubbing against his cock, and his erection began to build to full strength. He reached down and squeezed the breasts of both of them giving into lust and giving them what he thought they wanted.

Analyn’s breasts were bulging as only her nipples were fully covered by the small triangles of her black bikini. They were as big as softballs, and the well-tanned skin was held tight by the straps. The delicate dark circles that were the edges of her areola on each breast were peeking from behind all three sides of the bikini’s triangle-like cups. For Mika as well, the swelling soft breast flesh overflowing the now small and pathetic cups of her bikini and it started to look painful as her heaving bosom continued to grow. Her chest sported breasts larger than cantaloupes now, and the fingers in his right hand seemed to plunge naturally melted into the hot expanding flesh of this girlfriend’s swelling bosom. He could feel them still stretching slowly against and between his fingertips. They both grabbed the handrail of the ladder putting a foot on the bottom rung of the ladder to get them closer and closer to his face. At the same time, his left hand ran along the hard nipples of Analyn’s breasts which were growing almost as fast and as large as her friend’s. Ana’s nipples seemed to be a bit bigger and harder though and poked out tenting the bikini cups significantly. He couldn’t help but flick the tips of her breasts like light switches and tweak them taking their size and shape to heart between loving squeezes. He was lost in the softness of both of their breasts as the stretching of fabric and threads straining and ripping became audible over the sounds of splashing and heavy breathing which echoed off of the overhang above causing a slight echo.

Both the girls gritted their teeth and gripped his legs tightly while letting out slightly painful moans at the same time, the pitch of their voices rising and at once with a series of rips and snaps, both of the girls’ tops went flying over, and passed his head and four of the largest breasts he had ever seen in his life bounced out into his face almost suffocating him as the girls came down on him getting lost in pleasure. He began to lick and suck breasts without thinking of whose or which breasts they were and felt them reach down pawing his thighs and cock which was standing straight up, the wet fabric still clinging tightly continued to show off the outline of his long thick cock and full heavy balls. The girls arched their backs as he sucked, fondled, and ravished their bare breasts. They let out moans and grabbed the back of his head with their other hand to pull him deeper and deeper into their boobs and ended up all falling back into the water with a large splash.

They came up from the water with a start and all retreated for the shallows desperately fearing they would be too overcome by pleasure to swim properly. Mika was the first one in the shallows and leaned back against the large wide underwater set of stairs letting her shoulders get a break as her breasts bobbed in the water slightly, glistening in the sunlight.

“Oh my goodness I already came, like, two times,” Mika said as her bosom rose and fell with each breath she began to calm down and saw that Analyn was nodding in agreement while she float-crawled on hands and knees to sit beside her. After a breath, they looked down at their new breasts and compared them playfully. Mika’s breasts, after all the sucking and squeezing, ended up being the size of large, soft, volleyballs resting proudly against her ribs covering almost the top half of her fit stomach. They were bobbing up and down floating slightly whenever she moved around. Analyn by comparison was a few cup sizes smaller but were still huge on her slight frame since they were almost as plump as honeydew melons. But her nipples, on the other hand, were big and thick like dark-colored acorns, and curiously larger than Mika’s. Mika’s breasts were tipped with light caramel-colored nipples which were still hard and wanting. The girls began to play with their assets as Sebastian slid back in treading water with one hand on the ladder.

“Dude Mika, your boobs are gigantic. You too, Ana.” Sebastian said looking at the two of them almost incredulously seeing them side by side with such big breasts on their slight frames. He said it almost forgetting that his own cock was hard as a rock and clear as day through the rippling liquid. The breathable fabric of his swim trunks flowed around loosely in the water not counting the hard rod pushing out and tenting the fabric and pulling the waistband enough so there was a gap between it and his lower abdomen. The silhouette of his member was visible in the translucent bright yellow swim trunks and there was a perfect shadow of his cock, easily eight inches long and thick as a banana. His testicles, the size of plump eggs, were also visibly floating around in the open space created by the tented fabric, tethered to his body like aquanautic explorers in a near-weightless environment.

“Speak for yourself, Sebastian,” Mika comments as she sat up and the weight of her tits hung down causing her to lean forward a little bit, “You have a gigantic boner and that suit is doing nothing to hide it. I can see it from all the way over here. Right, Ana?” Analyn smiled and let out a little laugh while shifting position and matching Mika’s pose leaning forward at first, as her breasts also gave into the effects of gravity, but she reflexively stretched arching her back causing her chest to stick out and looked almost as big as Mika’s. “Yeah I mean, it’s pretty huge looking I guess, but I can’t really tell too clearly from all the way over here…” Analyn stood up and did a little stretch with her hands on her soft thick hips and twisted her chest from side to side, her breasts bouncing back and forth.

“Ready for some fun?” Mika said while smiling at her friend and starting floating and wading forward using her fingers to slowly walk across the bottom of the pool towards Sebastian. Both of her big round butt cheeks kept peeking out of the water which lapped against it like waves upon the shores of twin islands. Mika went one way slowly swimming and Ana came from the other and the two busty girls slowly closed in on Sebastian like sharks heading to the source of chummed waters. Analyn, acting silly, began to sing a famous song when sharks were prowling.

“Dun dun…” She continued to creep towards him, breasts bouncing.

“Dun dun…” Mika picked up on it and follow up the second part, swimming slowly closer to him. The pair of them began to close in quicker and Sebastian started to get a little scared even though he knew they were just playing around. He began to step up the ladder in a weak attempt to escape, but they were too quick. Analyn grabbed one leg and Mika grabbed the other and they yanked the trunks off of him almost in one smooth motion. When his meat sprang free from the pressure of the swimsuit being pulled down it snapped back up to full attention with a few taut bounces and his large balls hung down right before their faces. They didn’t waste any time and both girls stopped singing the theme music from ‘Jaws’ and became meat eaters almost immediately now that their prey was in sight. Analyn grabbed his balls and began to massage and lick and suck on them squeezing them like gentle jizz-filled stress balls while Mika grabbed his hand guiding him to sit down on the edge of the pool with one hand, and grabbing a hold of his shaft with the other, licking up and down the full length of the shaft before sucking on the head of the thing with a reaction of bliss. ‘Finally’ She thought to herself.

Sebastian was in heaven. The girls were worshiping his dick and balls and it felt so good. Analyn used his thighs instead of the ladder to keep afloat and decided she wanted to suck on the shaft as well and began to lick from the balls up the shaft trying to muscle her way in on Mika’s turf. Mika let her get a few licks in and even kiss and suck the shaft for a little bit, just enough to get a taste of his precum which Analyn was thankful for. But Mika wasn’t that generous and began to make out with her friend pulling her attention away from sucking on Sebastian’s penis back onto her. Their tongues were dueling back and forth up and down along his shaft blowing him from both the left and right while also kissing and licking each other, rubbing wet cheeks, and starting to get horny in the water right in his lap. Their breasts were sliding and squishing all around his knees and legs and splashing slightly. Mika got the best of her friend after reaching over and tweaking one of her big dark hard nipples which gave her an opportunity to pull her head up and plunge it down on his hard rod with the intent to swallow it deep. She got almost half of it into her mouth and throat and it felt like his cock was melting as she pressed her hot wet lips around the shaft and began to suck and lick it hungrily.

That was what did it. Mika was managing to get most of his newly huge cock into her mouth and throat then her eyes bulged involuntarily, she fought a strong gag, and she let out a wet gurgly cough as his dick lengthened and thickened inside her slowly. She quickly and carefully backed off blown away at how much bigger it was compared to when she went down on it just a few minutes ago. She nudged Analyn without breaking eye contact from his phallus coaxing her to look at it slowly swelling. Ana was actually busy with her own issue at that moment and reached up with a hand pulling his full ball sack out of her mouth one hot wet nut at a time. She got greedy, succeeded in putting both of his big nuts in her mouth, but then paid the price when his balls as well nearly choked her filling up her cheeks and making her look like a chipmunk. They tread water in silence and he had his hands on their shoulders negotiating the feelings swirling around his body for a good minute or two. The tightness of his cock felt like the hardest erection he had ever had and remembered his hard-on from that morning. But he felt the blood pumping into his shaft up to the reddish pink mushroom tip on the end of it throbbing and swelling just a little bit larger with each beat of his heart. They watched it getting bigger millimeter by millimeter, centimeter by centimeter as it grew more than a full inch in front of their very eyes. At the very same time, his testicles also got plumper and fuller until they were as large as goose eggs hanging down heavy and low. Sebastian was lost in the warm vibration-like feeling of growth until he looked down at the both of them seeing that asking either of these girls to try and swallow this massive rod was the same as making a threat against their lives and had an idea. They just looked up with their tongues partly hanging out trying to keep from drooling in the pool fixated on his throbbing penis and large swollen balls.

“I think we need to put these new big titties of yours to work, girls.” He said with confidence reaching down and grabbing a big sensual handful of breast meat from each of them. They moaned in concert as he played with their nipples and squeezed their sensitive breasts with care. This encounter was having a very pleasurable effect on them and his touch was like a shock of electricity going through their nipples right down to their hot peaches that ached for attention.

“Let’s go over to the shallow end of the pool. Nobody will see anything anyway.” Mika said as she grabbed her boy by his stiff thickening cock and led him over to the shallow end pulling him along like a pool float she intended on fucking. Ana went on ahead with the pair of them following behind, and when her ass was partly out of the water when they both noticed how it wiggled and bounced more than it had before. Previously she had a nice toned butt, but nothing too out of the ordinary for her small frame, but now it was more like an apple bottom with the added thickness on her thighs and hips rounding out her backside fully. Her little bikini bottom was starting to dig into her crack a bit and looked tight for sure.

“Oh snap, Ana, your ass got bigger too!” Mika asked, letting go of Sebastian’s hot rod and letting him float to a stop as she rushed over splashing and kicking up water to get behind her friend and squatting down to get face-to-face with Ana’s big ass before her. “It’s so big, girl,” She said while looking up to Ana who was looking down over her shoulder and moving her arms to get a better vantage on her own booty. “Check this out,” Mika said playfully and pressed her small face between Ana’s round cheeks and squeezed each buttock tightly almost making her whole face disappear. Ana blushed and reached back and pressed her friend’s face even deeper. Sebastian walked up just behind his girlfriend while still fully naked from being accosted earlier, the water barely up to his knees, and stared down at the two of them playing with each other.

This is more than I could have ever hoped for…’ He smiled and took in the view knowing that when he finally had his turn to play with the girls it was going to be fantastic. He scanned down and realized that Mika’s butt also seemed larger than before scoping out her bottom as it wiggled back and forth while she was saying something muffled into her friend's fat booty.

“You know Mika, your butt is pretty big too.” He said and his girlfriend turned her face so that a single eye peeked out intensely staring at him while the other half of her face was still buried in Ana’s butt. She spoke out of the corner of her mouth that wasn’t busy kissing sweet Filapina ass at her boyfriend.

“You like my big fit booty though, right Seb? I work out, like, three times a week to keep this tight, toned, ass of mine from ending up as sweet a donk as Ana has now.” She went from being pretty serious talking to him and ended on a playful note pulling her face from Ana’s rear-facing pillows to quip at her friend. She punctuated the jest by giving a nice sharp slap across one of Ana’s chunky tanned butt cheeks that she had just gotten done kissing and snuggling up on. Ana yelped playfully and pretended to be knocked over into the water with an ‘Aayyiieee!’

“Don’t get me wrong, baby. It is still the sexy, tight, toned, booty of my dreams, but it is really big is all I am saying. Look for yourself.” This time Ana was ready to get a little bit of revenge on her friend giving one of her big buttcheeks a slap as well. You could see the reverberation of the slap as it jiggled across her skin and wobbled back and forth more than a few times. Mika’s jaw dropped and she reached back grabbing her own butt for the first time since this party got underway.

“Holy sh…” She looked like she would cry a little bit. “It was so tight and firm, now it is so soft and fat. Oh my god, what the heck.” She was clearly upset about it. “Will I even fit in chairs anymore with a butt this big?”

“Come on, Mika, it isn’t that big. And it is still really toned. It looks like the sexy bubble butt that you always had. Just now it’s like, three times bigger.” Sebastian was trying to support his girlfriend but that wasn’t necessarily what she wanted to hear. Ana lept in.

“Mika, it’s all good, girl. Look.” She stood next to her friend and they pressed their butts together comparing them. Mika’s butt was more firm and toned, and it jiggled a lot more when she moved it and shook her hips, but it was clearly much larger than Analyn’s more rounded, kind of hanging phat booty. He watched as the pair of girls lined up before him, asses sticking out, both of them looking over their shoulders at all the booty squeezing and pawing and lifting and dropping and slapping them around. What used to be fairly conservative bikini bottoms now looked like g-strings getting lost in pounds and mounds of fat ass. Sebastian slapped both of their butts, unable to contain himself, and they turned around causing all the bits on their bodies to jiggle abruptly. They had a telepathic moment and proceeded to grab him and push him over to the stairs in the water and cozied up to his dick, now ten inches long and getting almost as thick if not thicker than Analyn’s forearm.

“What about you, Sebastian? And this mutant porno cock of yours. Will you be able to find underwear big enough to shove this fat python into or will you need to be naked forever, or wear a skirt or something?” Mika teased cruelly.

“And what about these freakish balls?” Ana asked grabbing them up, each one larger than the palm of her hand. “You won’t be able to sit down without the fear of busting one of these huge nuts, will you?” Ana pulled them and played with them kind of rough. Sebastian had enough.

“Well, what will you tell all your on campus who accuse you of stuffing your bra’s then? Look at you both! Will you be wearing stretched-out t-shirts showing off your big fat nipples and giving boners to every guy you walk past? He said while reaching down and palming a big soft breast in each hand and pulling hard on Ana’s nipple like a pinball plunger. The girls sneered at him, but in the back of all three of their minds, they all had good points. Oh well, a problem for another day. Mika put on her angry determined face and sat up pulling her big breast out of his hand and looked at her girlfriend.

“You take the top, and I’ll take the bottom, Ana,” Mika instructed her friend and she began to slide her large tits up and down against the base of Sebastian’s throbbing cock. Analyn took the top as the pair of them slowly worked out a means to make a double-decker titty fuck work for all three of them. They pressed their big soft boobs up and down the hot meat bat, which seemed to still be getting bigger and bigger, and found a really nice rhythm. Nipples were rubbing each other and the girls were face to face making out when they found themselves within tongue range. Analyn couldn’t help herself and would steal little licks and sucks from the top of his cock head and lick up the pre cum which collected there every few pumps. Mika set a nice pace and eventually they were in perfect rhythm moving at the same time, with Mika’s large breasts slamming down against his thighs and balls, the shock of each soft impact had a pleasure-mixed-with-pain effect. Sebastian, not wanting to be rude, reached down and slipped a middle finger into the both of them gently stirring up the heat and adding to the depth of the pool judging by how slippery it was.  They kept this routine going for a few minutes, the girls starting to moan a bit louder as Sebastian added another finger to the both of them and began to pinch and twirl their clits like a mouse wheel and they were getting close to climax as their previously rhythmic movements began to fall apart and their bodies become less and less responsive to their actions.

Mika finished her wet kiss with Ana, blinked her eyes a few times, and stood up abruptly letting her titties glistening with precum and girl slobber bounce to a resting position. Ana was lost in the moment since she didn’t have a boyfriend and this was the first time she got fingered by a boy since she broke up with her ex months and months ago.  She began to suck on Sebastian's nipple and jerked him off with a free hand pressing her pelvis down on his fingers whispering into his chest ‘Don’t stop.’ Mika stared down at the two of them and poked an accusatory finger at his junk.

“Your balls are fucking huge, Sebastian. Like, seriously huge. They are bigger than tangerines.” Sebastian was busy flicking Ana’s bean and rubbing her insides finally bringing her to climax while she hugged him clutching his cock tightly as the orgasm rocked her world. He grabbed one of his nuts with his free hand giving it a squeeze and nodded in agreement with Mika’s statement. It was almost like he was squeezing an orange that had been warmed up to the point it was nearly hot to the touch. The sensation of having his nipples licked and sucked by Ana who was still shaking atop him felt amazing. Mika crossed her arms under her big round breasts hoisting them up in protest.

“Give me that dick RIGHT NOW.” She pointed at his still throbbing hard cock with precum swelling atop its tip. She turned her hips around, slapping her ass cheek in the process sending it jiggling, and then pointed right to her ass crack. “Put that huge dick right into his tight little ass and fuck my brains out.” After a pause, she began to twerk unsuccessfully while pulling down the bikini bottom and kicking it off, and backing up against her boyfriend, nudging Analyn to the side with her butt making room for him to let her have it. Ana was still quietly moaning and squealing in pleasure wanting more. Sebastian added a third finger for her and grabbed his meat around the base of the shaft and began to line up his large plum-like cockhead against the delicious-looking chocolate asshole on display in front of him. Its color was identical to her nipples and begging for it. She got down on her hands and knees causing her nipples and breasts to dip into the cool shallows of the pool and impatiently shook her ass giving it another slap.

“I can’t wait anymore, Seb. Please.” She finally let enough of the facade down to show her desperation. He wiped the precum around her asshole lubing it up a little bit and when it was firmly placed on its target, she sat down on it slowly feeling the tip fully go in and press against her in all directions. It was so much, she thought to herself, maybe too much. She moaned quite loudly in pleasure and whipped her wet hair forward letting it splash down into the water and gritting her teeth determined to not give up so easily. She put her legs into it and gave herself a better angle and let a few more inches penetrate her insides as she moaned loudly again.

“Oh fuck, baby. Ohh fuckk…Unnff” was all he could say as her big round ass slowly swallowed up inch after inch of his long hard cock.  Mika was squealing in delight as what she assumed was the worst of it had passed. His hot meat began to warm her up from the inside and filled her almost completely, but she continued to push down harder and harder until she could sit down in his lap with that thing completely inside of her. Her moans and little screams kept coming and it was pretty loud.  Ana also was in the midst of another building climax and added to the sounds.

Mika’s brother Jiro pulled his headphones off thinking he heard something and glanced out his window catching a glimpse of the back of Sebastian’s head, hugging Analyn who was pressed against his right side… topless? ‘Oh shit, she’s naked, yo!’ he thought to himself and he let the blinds down slowly while peeking down from above. ‘Oh no, that can’t be Mika, can it? Is her ass that fat?’ He was whispering to himself while slowly pulling down his pants and focused on watching Ana and this orgy taking place with his dumb bossy sister and her boyfriend Sebastian. He took hold of his dick and began to jerk off quietly with one hand while the other held down one of the blinds so he could keep watching from above in secret. He always did have a crush on Ana.

“Oh fuck I don’t think I can take it all!” Mika said loudly as she started to try and bob up and down to plunge herself further down his meaty length.

 “Sorry, Ana, I need to take care of Mika for a minute. You take a break over there.” He kind of unlatched her and guided her with one hand between pauses of intense pleasure from the hot tightness that was her ass. Ana sprawled out, tits in the air beside him and was breathing hard and fast from the previous orgasms he gave her.  Now that he had his hands free, Sebastian got into a better position on his knees and reached forward pulling her thick thighs back using them as leverage, and thrust into her a few times getting a bit more of his cock into her until nearly all eleven plus inches of his monstrous penis filled her.  He could feel how deep he was inside of her and the tightness of her insides gripping him trying to force him out unsuccessfully felt amazing. Mika reached up a hand and bit her knuckle as her legs began to shake involuntarily orgasming from having something so big, hot, and hard, inside of her. Filling her.

“Oh dear lor… I can’t. Seb, it’s too much. I don’t think I can handle any more of this…” She began to protest and he slowly pulled out inch after inch of hard throbbing cock from her asshole sliding between those big soft cheeks. The feeling of relief was nearly instant and so gratifying but left her wanting just as quickly.  “Nevermind, just mess me up back there baby. Just fucking do me, PLEASE.” And he wasted no time starting slowly at first letting his precum coat the inside of her until it started slipping in and out more smoothly. He increased his pace more and more until she could do nothing but groan and squeak each time his cock slammed home and his fat heavy balls skidded across the water and crashed into the back of her big soft thighs. She just held on for dear life as she came once, twice, thrice, and then lost count as her eyes rolled up into her head and she was overcome by the feeling of fullness, relief, fullness, relief, orgasm, repeat. Ana just watched drooling and held up her arm with the elbow nearish Mika’s ass seeing that her fingers went almost to her friend’s belly button. Ana began to speak under her breath, ‘I want some too, Mika.’

“Oh my… it's… I think I am going to…” Sebastian started to warn Mika. His hands were pressed into her butt cheeks desperately gripping her ass from both sides and plunging in and out of her tight hole with all his energy, his balls swinging back and forth getting ready to blow.  But hearing her friend’s plea through the haze of pleasure she reached forward with her hands and swam a stroke while pushing off the ground with her feet floating forward finally escaping his constant anal assault. Sebastian’s huge meat bat pulled free from Mika and slid out with a loud wet pop splashing up and down in the water after being let free.

“Don’t come yet… Don’t you dare!” She said. “Not until Analyn gets her fill too!”
Mika was falling over herself trying to stand up and seem imposing while she said it, but her legs were too weak and still shaking from the pounding she took and turned around standing on her hands in the water while kicking her legs slightly to try and regain reliable control of them. She slowly made her way to the stairs switching places with him while Ana stood up and began to rip off her bikini bottom throwing it at Sebastian. Ana then sat down on the edge of the pool and spread her legs apart showing off her plump little pussy. The water went up to her calves and she leaned back slightly on both hands, ready, willing, and waiting. Mika was laying on the submerged stairs with an elbow on the top step propping herself up as she sat recovering for a bit while she looked at Sebastian expectantly.

“Looks like it’s time for this three-way to really kick off, Sebastian. Get to work big boy.” Mika said with a fiery tone and made an effort to put up the facade again.  He saw through it but understood his mission all the same.

“Oh my god, dude, just fuck me already with your big cock. I need it so badly, please!” Analyn cried and Mika nodded. He stood up and grabbed his dick tightly from the base of the shaft and wrung it tightly all the way to the tip as he took some awkward steps forward trying not to crush his own balls with his thighs.  Besides the blood filling his shaft making it look bigger, a long gooey stand of precum oozed into the pool with a wet splash and trailed between his legs. The girls just stared at him as he took steps closer and Ana’s pussy was dripping with anticipation despite having been out of the water for a minute or two. The second he got within range of her Ana grabbed that cock and began to pull it towards her vagina like there was no time to lose.

“You asked for the big cock and now you are going to get it,” Sebastian said triumphantly as he took back control of his member from her and began to draw stars with its top across the slick surface of her privates making sure to give a few extra wet swipes across her clitoris in the process. Her natural lubrication was far more slippery than the pool water and she reached a hand down to spread her lips apart and looked up to him with a pleading expression on her face mouthing the words ‘Fuck me. Now.’ She was hoping Mika didn’t see how desperate she was for her boyfriend’s cock, but who wouldn’t be. It was enormous. Sebastian smiled, pleased with how in control of the situation he was, but he also wanted to get a crack at Ana’s sweet pussy almost as much as she wanted it cracked into and he slowly pressed the bulbous head of his penis between her spread lips with increasing pressure.

She was groaning in anticipation and whimpered slightly as he pressed harder and harder. It sounded like a mix of pleasure and pain until the big head finally squeezed inside an inch or two and she immediately let go of her lips and gripped the edge of the pool with white knuckles on both hands closing her eyes tightly.

 “Oh fuck, Seb. Oh fuck. Oh shit oh oh OHhhnnn.” She was losing her composure and could do nothing but brace for it as he penetrated her slowly and surely with more pressure, and then pulling it back a little to let her natural lubricant spread further along his shaft, and then thrusting it deeper and deeper starting to make some nice progress.

 “He’s almost halfway in, Ana, how’s it feel?” Mika said and she slid behind her resting her breasts on Ana’s shoulders while reaching under her arms to grab her breasts. She had recovered from the assfucking for the most part and was curious if her little friend would survive being impaled upon this mighty man-spear.

 “Only HALF? For real!?” Ana protested and opened her eyes and saw Sebastian struggling to get it in deeper since she was so incredibly tight. He was moving his hips side to side as if trying to find a way to get in deeper and it was working slowly.

 “She’s so tight, I don’t know if it will fit.” He said through gritted teeth refusing to give up.

 “Aghhh, Seb you are pretty much hitting the back already. I don’t know if I can take any more of it!” Ana said.  Mika reached one hand down and began to finger her clitoris in an attempt to produce more natural wetness to make things slide around more easily.  It helped and gave enough smoothness so that Sebastian could get a nice rhythm going. He gave up trying to go balls deep and began to pull out and thrust back in slowly while building up speed.  Her tight wet vagina felt way better than Mika’s asshole and he increased his pace almost involuntarily, desperate to get close to climax again after being denied earlier when Mika stopped him and commanded him to fuck her best friend.

Ana’s moans and squeals grew in intensity along with his increase in speed and she reached out and Mika took her hand and squeezed tightly. He was speeding up a little too fast for her liking and more and more of his dick was slipping deeper inside of her. Her breasts bounced up and down as she began to get railed proper by Sebastian, every hard thrust hitting the back of her vagina sending a bolt of pleasure and pain through her causing her to recoil slightly because it was so much.

“Oh god… Sebastian! Your dick is so big! It’s like a foot long ohHH. I’m already going to… I’m… OohhnnNNN!” She said it between powerful thrusts as she was roughly forced to climax. He felt her super tight pussy begin to clench down around his dick and his rhythm was shot to pieces as he held on tightly trying not to blow the biggest load of his life into his girlfriend’s best friend.

“Your massive cock is stretching out her tiny little vag so wide!” Mika said with an air of power about her. Ana’s hands let go of Mika’s and her arms slowly fell to her side, eyes white, completely lost in ecstasy. Mika held her gently as she slid down a little bit, keeping Ana in her lap, and reached down with both hands to play with her breasts.

“It’s so tight!” Sebastian cries. “I don’t know how much longer I can….”

“Cum Sebastian. Come all over us.” Mika commanded while assuming a pose ready for what was to come. Analyn, between each hard thrust, managed to make one final plea.

“Please spray your hot jizz all over my body. Don’t leave a single spot uncovered! Give it to us!”

Sebastian was already doing everything he could to not bust inside of her and pulled out the massive rod, the final pullout being enough provocation to set off his orgasm.  His big heavy hanging balls flexed hard and raised a good inch or two up like a piston putting pressure into the chamber for the first of many explosions. The first wave of strong heavy gushes of semen went straight up, almost as high as Jiro’s window, shooting partially into the lawn clearing the patio surrounding the poolside and partially coming down in loud splashes across Mika’s massive chest or hitting Ana’s head from above. He slowly reigned in the cum cannon blasting at full force and began to aim it downwards towards the girls. His balls were bouncing up and down they were pumping so hard as the orgasm ramped into overdrive and each spasm of cum jetting from his dick felt like its own miniature orgasm. Mika closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and took a deep breath just as the thick twisting ropes of his cum fired off like shotgun blasts blowing her hair back, getting on her face, and splatting onto her tongue which she licked up and swallowed with glee. More hot jets of cum coated her breasts, still resting on Ana’s shoulders forming a kind of neck pillow for her, completely glazing both her breasts and pooling in her cleavage soaking into Analyn’s hair.

 “More! More for me! I want to taste it!” Analyn said with her tongue rudely hanging out waiting as thick globs of cum dripped down her bangs onto her own breasts and stomach and he acquiesced gladly in order to make her wish come true. He started to jerk his own cock hard to try and get cum out of it quicker like a kid in summer pumping up a water gun while shooting it at the same time. It worked like a charm and the next few ropes sprayed mostly across Analyn’s face getting all over her eyebrows, hair, nose, and of course filling her expectant mouth which she gulped down greedily. Mika also caught some of the ricochets on her cheeks and in her eyes and just closed the eye that got painted and hoped for the best squinting for safety purposes. The both of them were in heaven, completely hosed down, and looked like wax statues as his ejaculations finally slowed down eventually stopping and the three of them just stood there breathing hard and taking in the situation as they slowly came to their senses after the life-changing orgasm that they all shared together.

“Holy, fucking shit.” Ana broke the silence saying what they were all thinking.

“Yeah, that was… that was…” Mika was still lost for words as she and Ana began to claw the coating of cum off of their eyes so they could see again and licked the cum right from their hands like sweet cake batter without a second thought. Sebastian groaned and fell backward into the pool, his foot-long cock still hard and quivering slightly with a long strand of cum still swinging from its tip. It only now started to show signs of softening as he floated there surrounded by floating globules of semen that fell into the pool. The sound of someone stomping down the stairs and rushing through the house roused them slightly, but they were all still too deep into the haze of orgasm to care.  Sebastian just floated there struggling to stay afloat and the girls began to join together harvesting the cum all over them and eating as much of it as possible as if it was a panacea that could grant eternal life. They were wringing the gloopy spunk from their hair into each other’s mouths they were so desperate for it.

 The source of the stomping and sound was known when Jiro came running out wearing only a T-shirt and sporting a gigantic cock. Much bigger than Sebastian’s. They all looked at it and their eyes went wide for a minute completely taken aback by how big it was, wobbling all over the place as he waved his hands around excitedly.

“Holy shit guys look at this cock! It’s huge and it just started growing out of nowhere! What gives right?” They looked at him completely exhausted, the girls barely able to see him through their bangs that were hardening from the drying cum.

 “It’s the bagels, man.” Said Sebastian giving a thumbs-up as he floated by.

“What? Bagels?” Jiro says looking over the three of them. “I ate the rest of them, sorry!”

The End.

Note from the Author:

This was originally a 4,000 or 5,000 word commission (
Available to read here) that has been rewritten to more than double that original length. The extension included more in-depth editing, expansion of the original, and adding far more detail and sexiness that couldn’t fit in beforehand.  Going back and adding in a few more bits here and there and making a few minor changes here and there has been enjoyable and I look forward to giving this kind of treatment to other things that I have written and hope you enjoy them.


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