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When I saw how many words chapter 7 was I was quite surprised!  But while I was writing it I knew that it was going to be a long one.  This chapter alone is more than a quarter of the whole story in its entirety!

I hope that you enjoy it.

16,000+ Words


His eyes opened and the blanket over his body tented up in front of him. Another glorious morning wood greeting him and demanding his full attention.
My sleep condom doesn’t have any cum in it.  Maybe the pills have finally balanced out? He pondered.  But, while the condom was still on he might as well make use of it right? The doctor would want another sample anyway.  What did she do with all those samples anyway? He mused as he got up and began to get his day started making breakfast and getting dressed after he filled the ‘sleep condom’ as he termed it, full of cum.

Meanwhile, at the lab, the good doctor was sitting with her back against a wall surrounded by dozens of wrung out empty condoms and an overturned barrel sitting in front of a small space heater, semen in various states of dry and crusty, gelatinous, and watery all over her face, lips and dripping down her chin and all over her chest down onto her skirt which caught and preserved quite a bit of it like a small pool in her lap.  She burped. Blinking slowly her eyes went up to the clock and it read 10 AM.

“I can’t believe I laid here all night.  I really am getting carried away with this experiment…” She laughed a little and reached forward with much trouble, pulling the nearly empty long overstretched mega condom from the barrel, turned it upside down dangling over her face and used her other hand to pull all the rest of that precious sauce into her mouth and on her face.  She wiped her mouth rudely and licked her fingers and palms.  She glanced at her phone and had a bunch of missed calls and when she saw the date there was a flash of panic realizing it wasn’t 10 am the following day, but the day after.  She smiled and laughed before letting her face fall forward into her own cleavage and she fell back to sleep.

He was walking down the street in the largest pair of sweatpants that he owned with a large hoodie over top lost in thought. I need something to wear for tonight. Something I can actually wear. He took a long drought from his water bottle and continued on down the street.  There was a clothes shop not far from the supermarket and he was hoping they’d have something he could wear.

After a good 20 or 30 minutes or cruising around the clothing area nothing jumped out to him except a few large pairs of super stretchy boxer briefs, and a few other things.  I think I need to go to an actual tailor at this point.  How would I even bring this up with a tailor?  Can you make me a dick-sling in these pants?  Dick pocket?  He shook his head at the incredulous notions while checking out and pulled out his phone looking for a tailor or specialty clothing shop.  There was one not far at all, actually on the way home, how did he miss it?

He stood before the place, a fairly usually dark red brick building with brown painted wood trim and the gold lettering on the window with what looked like translucent glitter in various colors filling the letters when you looked at it from an angle where the sunlight hit it.

“Sleeves and Slacks. A Fab-er Haberdashery?  What a name.” He glanced inside and a lithe person in a perfectly-tailored purple suit was flitting around the shop moving fabric, accessories, near a sewing machine getting ready to make something.

The bell on the door rang and the well kept blonde-haired person in the suit glanced up smiling with pink lips. “Hello and welcome to the Fab-er Haberdashery! I am Florence, call me Flo, Let’s get you into something a bit nicer than sweats, shall we?” They approached and circled him looking up and down nodding and making facial gestures clearly doing an assessment, assessing that assessment, and commented on every part of that process at an incredible speed.

“Hi there Flo, well met. My name is - “ He began.

“The pleasure is all mine, good sir. You don’t mind sir do you?  I am more interested in your measurements.  Are we looking at a black-tie affair?  Something fancy?  Or is this more of a day to day work thing?  Something else? Let’s get to work, we don’t have all day and this thing I am working on right here is - well - not piquing my interest to say the least.” After giving the sales pitch Flo grabbed one more bundle of stuff and threw it on the work station with hands on hips shaking their head and tutting with a less than pleased expression on their face.  From this angle you can tell Flo’s sideburns were clearly styled into little curly q’s rolling forward just below ear-level.  They blinked their clearly mascaraed lashes twice and looked over at the customer.

“Now where were we?  Having some trouble taking it all in?” Flo spoke quickly but with eloquence and a little bit of sass, but still respectful.  It was an experience. The workstation itself was a massive table with two sewing machines at opposite corners and bolts of cloth and tools all over.  Surrounding that on every side of the shop against all walls were various garments, the occasional manakin sporting a well put-together look, and tons of accessories of all kinds.  The place wasn’t huge and the selection was quite eclectic, but you got the vibe that this person could do anything with enough leather, cloth, lace, and thread.

“I think you might be the perfect person for the Job, Flo.” He said with a bright smile on his face.

“My darling, nobody is perfect, but when the gods made me they weren’t messing around, that's for sure.  Stand over there and please tell me what we are making or altering today, please! The suspense is killing me.” Flo ushered me over to an area with a set of triple body mirrors under a bright light and began to pull the measuring tape from around their neck and instructed me to hold out my arms, take a breath, etc. and write down all the measurements hastily.

“Well I have a bit of a date tonight -”  I started and Flo gave an annoyed wince while ‘mm-hmm’-ing along. “and was hoping to wear something comfortable, but presentable.  She is a co-worker, but I have a good feeling we might hit it off and this place Sympatico isn’t super fancy, but most people are dressed up to a reasonable level.”

“Sympatico?  I know the place, really swanky. “ Flo didn’t think that at all but was a peak professional and batted their eyelashes at me nodding reassuringly. “Their ‘dress code’ isn’t too strict and I am pretty sure we can work something out. You said tonight right?  Give a tailor more than a few hours will you?  I am hoping this isn’t lunch we are talking about?” Flo scolded playfully while picking up the pace taking neck, back, and waist measurements.

“No, it’s for about 7 PM tonight.  I need to be there by 8. And there is one more thing actually.”

Flo knelt down before me and was doing the waist measurement when a tickle came across their nose and they wiggled it back and forth continuing to work. At almost the exact time that I said ‘One more thing’, Flo measured the inseam down my right thigh and accidentally measured something else instead.

“I think I found one more thing, there, my precious customer.  Is this why you are wearing these glorified bed sheets instead of real people's clothes? To hide this thing?” Flo continued with their measurements remaining professional and reassuring me it was normal.  “Sorry, dear, I’ll do the inseam on the opposite leg, I didn’t mean to-”

“No, it’s alright, really don’t worry about it.  Do whatever you need to do.  I am in your hands, Flo.” I said knowing that this person would have a better idea of what I would need than I could figure out.  I felt the poke of Flo’s fingers clasping the measuring tape against my nutsack which was guided down the other pant leg the best I could.

“Oh.  It appears there is another thing, or perhaps a pair of things over here as well that might hamper well-fitting clothing.  Goodness.  Is this your first time clothes shopping with this thing or did it spring up overnight? Hahahah..” Flo laughed obviously thinking they were making a joke, reached up to scratch their nose again, and kept going.

“Funny you should say that since it was kind of a recent thing, a growth spurt kind of.  So yeah, anything you can do to help me would be appreciated.” I said trying to stand still while they measured the circumference of my lower legs and thighs.

“If you want some specially fitted clothing I will need a measurement with and without the bulge.  Please don’t mind me.” Flo said while gently taking measurements.  The pressure of the tape against his shaft and balls combined with the long hours since his wake up release meant his cock was quite sensitive.

“Sorry about that, it is quite sensitive so…” I mumbled a bit.

“Relax, it’s no big, well, It’s actually quite a big deal, but nothing I can’t handle.  Just a little bit longer and I will be finished, you are doing great, buddy.” Flo reassured continuing to take measurements.  After another few minutes of absent-mindedly staring around at all the stuff in the shop I realized there was more attention being paid to my cock and looked down to see Flo taking measurements of something that didn’t seem to be explicitly related to making clothes.  They noticed me staring down at them, smiled, and then stood up dusting off their knees and shoulders.

“That should be that.  And I have a bit of an idea as well.  Alright,  have a look at the colors over there and let’s talk about something that won’t need industrial reinforcement, like a shirt and jacket, shall we?”  Flo was full of sass, but starting to get comfortable while moving over to the area of the shop where they kept most of the pants.  “What I am going to do is put you in a pair of slacks a bit wider than I’d normally allow one of my customers to wear in public, and pull up the hems around the ankles a bit.  Then, I am going to be adding in a kind of pair of tough shorts on the inside of the pants so that even if things start to get hard, well, difficult, well no… Hard, definitely hard. Even if they get hard it shouldn’t be too obnoxious and still fairly comfortable as well.  This way the lady or lad or whoever you have your fancy on tonight won’t have to drop everything and run away at the first sign of that thing trying to break free.  Let me tell you that those sweatpants aren’t doing you any favors in that department because it is obvious and bordering on silly whatever is going on down there.”  

I took it all in and nodded and generally understood the plan.  Looking over the various clothing items I picked out some fairly plain, black slacks and a maroon long sleeve shirt to go with.  Flo nodded in approval.

“Great.  I am going to pull this shirt in just a little bit right now, stand over there and take off your hoodie for me alright?” It wasn’t really a question as I was ushered unceremoniously towards a small raised platform surrounded on one and a half sides by three mirrors.  I took off my shirt and handed it into Flo’s waiting hands and they folded it quickly and put it away.  They took the shirt I was looking at and set it down after looking at the tag and grabbed another and put it on me.  It fit, but was slightly loose.

“Good.  Hold your arms out and stand like that for a moment.” Flo was holding a handful of pins and taking small memos and making quick measurements. And then spoke up again. “That ought to do!, Thank you sir.” And they waited for me to unbutton and take the shirt back and lay it on their workstation table while seeking out a maroon thread and bobbin set to get to work.

“So what is the plan?  Should I stay here while you work?” I asked kind of at a loss while Flo got into their…well, flow.

“That’s up to you.  Pulling on this shirt will be painless and only take a few minutes, if I have something in the back I can get the lining for the pants fairly easily, but it could take a little longer if I have to mock something up from scratch. We will see.  I will go check that right now.” Flo was moving around quickly and with purpose coming and going into the back room, over to this shelf for some cloth and to that counter for a tool and to that work table to do some stitches and take a quick measurement.  They worked really fast.  It was impressive to behold.

“Ah hah!  Perfect!” Flo said while emerging from the curtain holding a pair of beige shorts or like, swim trunks or something. “It has to be breathable or else it is going to be a swamp down there and nobody wants that, my dear.  I have had this pair of swim trunks on the shelf for ages and with just a few adjustments it will be perfect I think.  Airy enough and smooth enough to not bunch up when you are sitting down and still thin enough to not be too obvious through the material.  Yes, yes.. Hmmm.”  Flo continued talking under their breath for a bit confirming and double checking everything in their own world.
Mesmerized by the speed and dexterity of the haberdasher, a half an hour passed with some light conversation and few requests for trying things on, and doing final alterations.  Soon enough after that, Flo had a large paper gift bag with each of the garments laid in simple thin boxes wrapped in tissue paper on a counter.

“I am lucky I didn’t have anything urgent on, or else this could have taken a lot longer.” They tallied up the prices on a sleek tablet perched upon a stand, and smiled while turning the tablet so the display faced me. “That’ll be $399.99 including all alterations and custom work.”  It wasn’t a bad price at all considering I had just walked in the door only an hour before.  This person was a miracle worker.

“Do you take credit?” I held up my card and Flo nodded, pulling out a card reader sliding it to me from across the desk.

“Of course.”  They replied. “Slide that right through here, please.”

“You really are a magician when it comes to clothes, Flo.  I can’t thank you enough.” I said authentically relieved I would be ready for the date this evening.  I hadn’t really had much of a plan and this pretty much sorted me out perfectly.

“If you like them, by all means come back here and I would be happy to do any custom work to anything you bring in or we can coordinate more outfits using when I have here as well.”  They slid the bag over to me and walked around the counter. “I’ll walk you to the door.” We walked over, I said my thanks and more words of appreciation and they opened the door for me, seeing me out and standing outside as I began to walk down the street towards my car.

“If you need anything at all, and I mean anything, don’t hesitate to give me a call or drop by.”  I smiled and waved, and they waved goodbye as well smiling while giving a deep satisfied sigh before heading back into the building.  I looked at my watch, and it was only about one ‘o’ clock. So much time before the date tonight.  Without delay he headed home to get ready for the date.

He made a quick lunch and chilled out for a bit watching a show or two. He looked at his phone and saw there were a few work emails, but nothing seemed urgent and decided to take his boss's words to heart and just focus on himself for another day or two.  Still a few hours before they were set to meet up at Sympatico and he headed to the bathroom to do his final prep for the date.  A quick shave, trimming hair here and there, and then a nice hot shower.

No way I am heading into this date with a loaded gun, special pants or not. He thought of reaching down and grabbing the limp shaft of his cock giving it a few shakes and stroking it a few times to coax it to life.  He got all soapy and started sliding and slipping up and down his rod with one hand feeling it grow thicker between his fingers pushing his grip apart slowly. He continued to stroke his soap-lubed up cock , eventually using his second hand and twisting them around feeling the full length of his rod.  He held it with two hands gripping it like the hilt of a weapon and thrusted forward and backward through the slippery tunnel he contrived. The satisfaction of watching the two or three inches of length extend beyond the width of both his hands together was immense.  His large heavy balls began to slap and swing more as he got near to climax.  He imagined Trish and the great night they were going to have and her slowly disrobing and dropping to her knees and then he couldn’t hold on any longer.

A thick spindly cord of cum ricocheted off the back of the shower and began to slowly drip downward like viscous thick jam. He let out a vocal grunt for the duration of each long rope he shot forth.  The intensity was still unlike anything he could imagine despite the fact he was almost a week into this experiment he ended up participating in.  He had to reach with one hand against the back wall, letting the water rush over his hair and body and the other hand grabbed the curtain rail to steady himself as his legs were buckling slightly while the orgasm continued.  The next four or five spurts weren’t as thick or intense as the first blasts, but they still felt amazing and his dick flexed upward with each shot and relaxed, its weight pulling down on his pelvis.  He balls were pulled upwards each time they pumped out another gush of cum through his countless inches of flesh pipe. They went all over as the ropey strands of cum flung back and forth with each spasm and splashed against the walls, his chest and lower half, and the shower curtain.  All he could do was breathe hard through his gritted teeth letting the feeling overtake him until it finally began to calm down after about a minute or two.

He caught his breath and opened his eyes letting out a big sigh and looking at his feet.  The big toe from one of his feet was over the drain hole and there was a pile of pearlescent gelatinous goo accrued there.  His breath slowly returned to normal over the next minute or two as he absent-mindedly shunted the mass over the drain and pressed it down through the grating hoping the hot running water would make sure it doesn’t get stuck in the pipes.  The entire room, especially the shower stall was steamy hot and stank of his fresh cum.  He took a deep breath and grabbed the soap.

“I gotta wash my whole lower half again after that.” He said to himself shaking his head in disbelief at his dick’s ability to still unload so much.  He cleaned up again and stayed in the shower until his dick went soft, although it was still thick and swollen from his recent orgasm.  He dried off and dressed shortly thereafter and checked the clock.  It was about 7 PM.

The new slacks fit pretty well and were surprisingly not tight like he was expecting them to be.  He moved around, bent his knees and twisted his legs this way and that while checking out how things looked.  The fabric just naturally spread out any bulges naturally so things didn’t stand out that much. The matching shirt and light jacket were also looking stylish as well.  He gave a little more attention to his hair and then grabbed his keys and headed out the door.  A short walk down the street to the bodega to grab some mints, an energy drink, and take out some cash from the atm.  They stood out in front of the convenience store while waiting for their rideshare to arrive, finished the can, and tossed it into the recycling bin outside. The shop owner nodded to them with a smile and they headed off.

 He got there around 7:55 after a 15~20 minute car ride saying thanks to the driver and hopped out of the car in front of ‘Sympatico Lounge’.  It was filled mostly with young to middle-aged people, most of which were in business casual or business attire.  There was an outdoor area where people were smoking near an open fire/heater or milling around underneath the standing heating pylons to keep warm.  It was already dark out, ignoring the fact that synthetic light lit up the sidewalks completely, and quite chilly.  Not bringing an overcoat might have been a mistake he thought to himself shoving his hands in his pockets and headed towards the front door where a handful of people were standing around looking around to see who was arriving or at their phones in front of the angular gray and maroon building with backlit polygons of charcoal gray and beige. The sign read ‘Sympatico’ in a stylish and modern font with the word ‘lounge’ understated in a smaller font beneath it.  There was a reasonably tasteful neon light of a martini glass with an olive lying inside of it like it was a hot tub wearing sunglasses. He scanned around the crowd outside and concluded that Trish was nowhere to be found and must either be inside or hadn’t arrived yet.  He was early after all. He checked his phone, no messages, and walked in.

 Immediately the warmth of being indoors, even though he was only outside for a minute or two, embraced his scaring off the cold digging its nails into him and he walked down the entrance hall.  There were doors for bathrooms on either side of the fairly stylish interior which was colored opposite of the outside, primarily beige and light gray with large maroon accents. In general the indoors reminded him of his office at work, but if you threw a maroon velvet blanket on it. Hm…

 “Welcome to the Sympatico Lounge!  Do you have a reservation?” The chipper hostess asked, brushing a long curl from her face and smiling.  She was wearing business attire, but her shirt unbuttoned down one button too far for business casual, but perfectly summed this place up.

 “Yeah, but not for another half an hour or so.  I am waiting for a friend, I don’t think she’s here yet.  Is it cool if I head over to the bar?” I asked while flitting from eye contact with her to the scene at the bar and back to her again. There was also a bit of a ruckus coming from the restaurant area as well. I glanced in that direction tilting my head a bit to catch the sound.  People were singing happy birthday or something.  I raised an eyebrow at it before looking back at the hostess at her chest, seeing a not-so-subtle hint of cleavage and making a nice shape in the soft maroon fabric of the business attire.  Written on the nametag on the upper part of her left breast was ‘Jules’. I met her eyes again and she looked up from her tablet.

“Sure thing.  I have your reservation here and you should be good to go in 30. Come check in a little closer to your reservation time and I will sort you out.  Thanks for coming in early!  Have fun at the bar, try the crab fries if you are looking for a good appetizer.” Her energetic voice was reassuring in that plastic way.  I smiled, said ‘Thanks, Jules’ and headed to the bar taking off my coat and throwing it over my arm.  The din of the bar and sound of music started to get louder as I approached.

It wasn’t overly crowded at the bar like a club or anything and besides a handful of people posted up near the sides, most of the central area was open for people to come grab drinks and head back to other parts of the bar. A few islands with tables and stools spotted the central area leading to a dance floor with a simple DJ booth. On both sides of this half of the room were a few booths for people to sit and have drinks and eat food.  Through large open archways on either side of the bar led to a room where there were a couple of billiards tables, places to play darts, and other games like shuffleboard and foosball.  There was quite a bit going on.

 I flagged down the bartender, a handsome looking guy wearing a tight black button down shirt who smiled and threw his hands forward on his side of the bar. “Evening. What’ll it be, sir?”

 “I’ll have a lager, thanks.” I slid a ten spot his way, “Keep the change.Thanks.” he smiled and a lager was placed before me and I brought it up for a sip leaning back on the bar watching the entrance for Trish before scanning around the room a bit more. Even though it had been a while, this place always impressed him.  He shook his head taking another sip from the pint glass and heard Trish’s voice and glanced over.

 “Hey there!  Sorry I was late.  My driver hit traffic on 183.” She was explaining while walking over shrugging out her arms, her bag held in one hand.  She wore a long brown wool jacket, now unbuttoned in the front over top of her dark blue cocktail dress which hugged her body from her chest down to about thighs and fluted out a bit with wavy ruffles down to about her knees.

“Nah no problem, I just got here and -” She walked up and gave me a quick hug as I tried to respond. The coat was cold, but she pressed against me and squeezed tightly before stepping back.

“Good to see you.  Glad we are finally doing this.” She said with a sincere look in her eye. Her dark hair was down, the first time I had ever seen it out of the bun she always wore at work, and laid atop her shoulders nicely.

“I am glad we are finally doing this too.  I have had a lot going on recently and I think I need a proper night out.  Who better to enjoy it with than you?  We have known each other for how long now?” I struck up a conversation.

“Are you going to take the lady’s jacket, sir? We have a coat check if you’d like.” The bartender chirped in.  I was annoyed at first, but realized he was doing me a favor and I laughed a bit.

“Where are my manners, Trish. May I?” And I offered to take her jacket and bag.  She placed her bag on the seat beside me on the bar and turned her back to me taking off her jacket which I caught smoothly and she spun around with a kind of fiery look in her eye for a moment and posing a bit showing off her fairly sexy dress.

“Thank you, my dear.” She smiled while waiting for a response.  I was immediately entranced.  Her dress was less of a dark blue and more of a royal blue when the light hit it.  The top of her dress had a queen anne neckline (Google it) and showed off the modest cleavage of her respectable B cup breasts.  She was thinner than I remembered, but I guess often wore sweaters and knit fabric at work since it was so cold there.  She had light curves, but was certainly feminine, especially when put on display like this.

“Say something, dummy!” the bartender urged in a loud whisper. I wasted no time.

“You look amazing, Trish. This dress and your hair and everything. I am glad you at least kept the glasses, you clean up really well!” I felt the bartender wincing at the last remark, but she smiled and walked over giving me another hug and punching me in the arm playfully.

“You clean up pretty good yourself, dork.” She smiled up.  She was looking fairly fabulous but still wore her thick glasses.  It wasn’t what society deemed as beauty, but was a stunning contrast to the overall look and also reminded me that this was Trish, my friendly coworker. “And I kept the glasses because I hate contacts.  Glad you like it though. I haven’t gotten dressed up in…forever it feels like. What are you drinking?  Is that a lager?  I will have one of those, too.” The bartender smiled and pointed me to the coat check over near the hostess at the front of the place. I grabbed her coat and went over to sort that out.

“Absolutely I will take these, hold on to this number tag to get them when you’re ready to go.” She handed me the plastic chip with the number 69 on it. We both remained adults, but shared a little snicker.

“How about my reservation?  Should be in about five or ten minutes, I think.” I asked, breaking the levity a bit and glanced over at Trish.  She just got her lager and I held up my fist doing an air-cheers while talking to the hostess. She returned the gesture and took a sip, sitting on the bar stool swiveling it back and forth a little clearly pumped up for the night.

“I got you right here.  There is currently a -” The commotion from the restaurant room swelled again as something was happening and there was a crash of glass. “There is currently a wedding reception going on and it looks like it is going to run late. If you are amenable, I will have to adjust your reservation to be about half an hour later, but will be able to comp you a few drinks and some appetizers while you wait.”  She held out a few tickets, some for drinks and one or two for apps. I listened glancing in the direction of the party in progress and heard more clashing and the both of us winced scrunching up our faces. Someone on that side of the wall said ‘I’m okay!’ and the crowd cheered.  She looked back at me, slid a few more compensation tickets my way with her mouth in a straight line./  “It might actually be 45 minutes later than scheduled, but I will come get you when we are ready for you. Is that ok?”

I took the tickets and looked back over to Trish and smiled.  “This is great, thanks.  I hope everything goes alright over there.  We will be in the bar area waiting. Thanks again.”  She smiled and I headed back over to my date.

“Cheers, big guy!” I grabbed my glass and clinked it with hers and took a long sip.

“Cheers to you, too gal.” I took a healthy sip as well and put my drink on the table leaning back on the bar beside her.

“So what was that all about?  Is our table alright?  Sounds like a zoo over there.”  She looked at the frosted glass that separated the ‘calmer’ restaurant area from the ‘unruly’ bar area and then looked back at me.

“The reservation had to be pushed back a bit.  There is a wedding party or something going on over there and they are going over time.  We got comped though so we can get some appetizers if you want to grab a bite and chat for a bit?” I held up and fanned out the compensation vouchers like a poker hand and smiled.

“I’m all in! I think there is an open booth over there, let’s grab it! Quick!” She grabbed her purse and her drink and began to click across the floor in her blue pumps towards the booth not too far from the bar a bit closer to the gaming area just near a side door to the outside.  I waved to the bartender who gestured for me to go after her and I did.  Trish was already waving down one of the busboys or girls to clean up the table a bit so we could settle in.  I came over and helped her sort out the plates and stuff sliding them closer to the edge.  We both finished our first beer so the bus girl could take our glasses too.  We sat down and I fanned out the tickets again.

“Let’s see what we have here.” I offered them out. Trish reached forward and our hands touched a little incidentally, I looked up, but she didn’t, and she helped spread the tickets out like we were reading fortunes or something.

“Not too bad.  Looks like 5 drinks and two appetizers.  That is pretty much a full night out for me.” her eyes were kind of wide at the embarrassment of riches on the table.  “You think you will be able to eat a proper dinner after eating and drinking that much?  Maybe we can save a few for the next time we meet up, you know? If this becomes kind of a regular thing…  She smiled and slid out two drink tickets.  “You down for another lager?  They are so good.  I don’t normally drink a lot of beer but for some reason that stuff is just so smooth…” I stared at her a bit and she smiled. “What, expecting me to order wine coolers all night?  When we sit down for our proper dinner I will do my best to pair with the meal, but if we are just chilling out and chatting over some fries or something waiting for our table a beer doesn’t hurt does it?” I couldn’t argue with the logic.

“That is music to my ears, Trish.  You really are something.” I just smiled and grabbed the tickets from her hand, another incidental touch. “How about an app?  The hostess recommended the crab fries, you into that?”

“Am I? Hah. You will need to be fast if you want to have more than one!”  She held up and waved the voucher back and forth between two fingers before sticking her chin up, glancing at me out of the side of her eye and thrust the coupon towards me.  “One should be a good start, I mean.” And smiled sheepishly.  I stood up from the booth grabbing the ticket from her dainty fingers and headed towards the bar.

“We can’t get too full on crab fries you know, we are going to have a dinner to eat in another 30 minutes or so, don’t forget.”  I came back from the bar with a pair of lagers and promise that cheesy crab fries would be en route shortly along with a heartfelt apology about the reservation’s delay and an update that it was actually a freak booking of a bachelor party and a bachelorette party from two separate weddings and things were getting crazy.  The bartender told me that the chances of having a proper dinner in that hall were getting slimmer by the minute. I sat back down and shared most of the news, cheers’d again, and we began to chat it up.  

We talked about work, home life, recent shows, gossiped a little, and just shared a bit about ourselves overall over the next twenty or so minutes.  When the fries arrived we enjoyed them and the lagers, getting another round in the process, and kept chatting away.

“So she said you could just take off a bunch of time if you wanted because you were such a hard worker?” Trish said before finishing off her third beer and setting it down with a clank into the table.  She was leaning forward a little bit, picked around for one of the last remaining fries, scooping up some of the melted cheese, and ate it while waiting for my response.  There were a lot of things running through her head from the looks of it and I didn’t want to mess this up.  Even in just the past hour of sitting and chatting with her, I learned more about Trish than I knew in years of working such a short walk from her cubicle.

“The boss is… really intimidating sometimes, Trish.  But she showed me a moment of humanity and congratulated me for my work and decided to give me a reward, you know?  As a means of thanks.”  I tried my best to play it cool.

“So that is why you guys were in there for like, an hour?  Talking about how hard a worker you were and planning out your days off or something?  I’m not stupid, I heard from Val..people around the office that the boss was screaming in there.  You gave her the D, didn’t you?” Trish was getting a little accusatory, but was more interested in the gossip than anything. “You came out of her office wearing different clothes than you wore that morning, dude.”

“I.. ah.. Listen Trish.  The boss can be very persuasive and you know when she wants something. I.. I don’t know what else to say, but yeah she came after me like a ravenous beast and there was little I could do in that situation.  We didn’t have sex or anything, and I am not in love with her or anything like that, but there was a bit of a mess made which ruined my clothes and she has a shower in there and let me use it. That is why I changed. How much more detail do you want to know?” I had to come clean since there was no beating around the bush about it and Trish was too good a friend to just lie to outright. She laughed and nodded while considering my question and feeling vindicated at the same time.

“Val was right.  She said she smelled sex coming from the door when the boss finally came out of there going directly home.  I don’t know what happened after that, but she seems changed recently.” Trish said.  “First off her boobs and ass are huge, like she definitely got implants or something, but over the course of two days?  That doesn’t seem normal to me. Look at this.” Trish pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of our boss, clearly taken from behind a cubicle wall, talking to her secretary Valentina.  Valentina was typically considered the bustiest and most voluptuous girl in the office, but she looked dwarfed compared to the boss in this picture.  The boss's outfit looked silly and the meat of her breasts was practically hanging out of her top from this distance.  And the skirt she had on was so tight you could see the lines of her panties even at this poor resolution. The ass and thighs on her were pure sex and Valentina looked underweight in comparison.

“I took this yesterday afternoon.” Trish said with a deadpan expression. “What happened in there?”  Just looking at the boss in the picture and what my cum had done to her and remembering that time in her office aroused me and looking back to Trish with such a serious look on her face got me thinking. The beers were starting to work as well.

“I told you what happened in there, why are you really asking?  What do you really want to know, Trish?” I didn’t know what else to say.  If she kept pressing me maybe I would tell her about the experiment, I don’t know.  What should I do here? She sighed and went to take another sip, but the glass was empty.  She looked up to me kind of teary-eyed.

“I can’t compete with that woman.  I have tried to be friends with you for a long time, and then hearing from Val that you guys did something, I just assumed I missed my chance and…she shows back up to work the next day with these fucking melons on her chest and an ass out of a music video… and…” Apparently three drinks plus the conversation that we shared was the point where insecurities were put on the table.  I understood where she was coming from and had to do something.

“Listen, Trish.  I… I know what you are feeling and actually, please don’t cry.” I grabbed a tissue and held it up to her and she wiped her eyes and blew her nose then checked her makeup in the mirror of her compact scoffing and shaking her head before looking up to me again. “I, I had no confidence for most of my life, alright.  And I went and saw a doctor about my, uh, personal problem.  She gave me some medicine and it has had some pretty intense side effects all told.”

“Medicine? Doctor? What does this have to do with me confessing to you all this stuff?” She was kind of upset. I got a bit flustered, and controlled myself bringing my voice down to a grumbly whisper-shout so people didn’t hear us, hear me, be so explicit.

“Trish I was self conscious about my dick being so small and went to the doctor about it.  I kept my head down at work and barely interacted with people because of how I felt about myself and the fact you bothered to talk to me at all got me through some pretty dark times, alright?  By the time the medicine started working, and it did work, like too well actually, the boss was already all over me. I have had my eyes on you for a long time, but never had the guts to do anything about it and was hoping tonight would be my chance to kind of tell you my feelings.  I didn’t expect to be laying down everything that has happened to me in the past week on the table so brazenly, but here we are. Geez. You want another?” I huffed the question and held a peace sign towards the bartender to bring over two more in response to her weepy nod.  The bartender was already looking in our direction since we were kind of getting into it, but it calmed down and she was coming around quickly after my explanation.

“Everything alright over here, you two?”  The bartender dropped off the drinks and grabbed the two empty glasses and reached for the fry basket, which still had some crumbs and sharp fry corners in a few pools of melted cheese.  Trish reached over with her hand grabbing the basket and looked up to him and sniffed one more time and smiled.

“We are good now.  Just had to get some stuff out there on the table you know?  But we will need more of these fries and I’m not done with these ones yet.  Thanks for the drink, bud.

“You got it. Glad everything’s alright.”  He gave me a smile as well, and took the vouchers on the table. “Also, by the way, I don’t know if you could tell by the ruckus on the other side of the wall there, but that double party has devolved into something that we are not proud of and there will be no more seatings in that part of the establishment tonight.  Needless to say, you have our deepest apologies and are entitled to a few more vouchers from the hostess.  Head over there to get yourself a few more and have yourselves a great night ok?  I will be here until close so I got ya.” He headed back to the bar after giving us a reassuring smile.

“Please go get those vouchers…  I need to go to the bathroom and freshen up.” She said with kind of a lump in her throat still.

“Absolutely, Trish… are we…?” I stuttered.

“Don’t worry, we’re good, but I just need to clear my head for a moment and process what you told me and then over some more fries and another beer I have a few more questions for you if that’s alright.” She didn’t wait for me to answer and just waved me to go over to the hostess who was dealing with more than a handful of groups who were also waiting to be seated.  Trish went to the restroom and I did the same hoping the crowd would disperse a bit by the time I was done.

I came out after washing my hands and was actually surprised that I went to the bathroom for the first time in days apparently.  Maybe it was the alcohol or something, but I hadn’t actually taken a wizz more than once if at all since the start of the experiment.  Maybe my body was finally becoming normalized to it.  Who knows.  I sidled up to the small crowd of complaining people and saw the hostess and a handful of her associates all dealing with people one after another.  Folks were so upset about this and really being rude.  I mostly had Trish on my mind while waiting my turn to explain my situation, thinking about what she was thinking.  Was telling her about the medicine a mistake?

“Sir?  …Sir?” The hostess from before got my attention and I snapped out of my inner monologue. “Sir I am really sorry about the trouble with the reservations, how can I help you.” She almost winced when I began to open my mouth.

“Understandable.  It sounds like you have quite the zoo going on in there.  Talk about a perfect booking, a bachelorette and a bachelor party at the same time?” I laughed thinking about it.  She looked into the distance a bit and then blushed holding a cheek.

“It’s, unlike anything I’ve ever seen honestly.  A first for me for sure.  Will you be going home then?  You have been over there in the bar right?  Your friend arrived, did you meet her?” She managed to remember me, that was kind of her despite the maelstrom all around.

“Yeah we are having a good time actually, those vouchers have been great, but we just ran out.  It’s a little too late for us to sit down somewhere else so we will just settle in the booth and order some burgers or something, I guess.  Have a few more drinks, you know.”  she smiled and nodded.

“Listen, talking to someone who treated me like a human is all I needed to get me through the next few customers, take these and have a great night alright.  Next time you make a reservation there won’t be a small scale battle to ruin the dining area, alright?” She handed over a book of vouchers, like ten or twenty of them, and smiled at me.

“Thank you so much, I really appreciate it.  Take care now alright.  Take it easy if you can.  They don’t mean it, but not everybody can be as flexible.  Thanks so much and chat later.”  I grabbed the vouchers and walked off.

“Well I am glad you are happy about something because MY NIGHT IS RUINED!” The loud voice behind me boomed out after I cleared away and the person behind me began.  Ouch. This wasn’t an easy situation to be in, but what can you do?  I popped by the bar and handed three more drink vouchers to the bartender to cover our first two and one of the two we just ordered and smiled.

“Thanks a lot for tonight, my man.” I slid him a 50, basically the same price as all our drinks and food and tip up until that point. “You have been too kind and thoughtful.  I know it’s not too much in the grand scheme of things, but please take this.”  he smiled, palming the bill.

“Don’t gotta tell me twice, my friend.  I don’t know what that disagreement was about, but she really cares about you.  It seems like you handled it alright too, oh here she comes.  Go get em’ tiger.” He laughed and smiled and I walked back to the booth with Trish.  She looked good as new and spent that time re doing her makeup and gathering herself.  We sat back down, cheers’d, and she began to grill me something fierce.

“So what does the medicine do?  Who is this doctor? Is that even legal?  WHat do you mean it hypnotizes people? Ohhh, like when I dropped the ruler… I don’t really remember that at all. So what else does it do? Does it make people sick or something? So is that why she… and how the bosses boobs got… Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Oh so the doctor ended up almost the same then? Does it only affect women?  Oh…. Maybe men too, but you don’t know.  So this guy Flo made your new suit… Not a guy? Not a gal either? Got ya…  Swim trunks? For what?”  She glanced under the table holding out her phone light to check. “I can’t see a thing, no.  So how does it feel?  How much do you…? A whole box of full condoms… And she just took them without a second glance? Is that even possible? Do you think it would work on… me?”  She rattled off questions and I gave her answers the best I could.  We finished up another basket of fries, a drink or two more each, and had burgers on the way.

“Trish, I mean, I’m pretty sure it would work, but you are basically asking me to.  Are you asking me to…?”  She smiled, avoiding eye contact with me, licked the tip of her finger, and ran it around the rim of the beer glass while biting her lip and playing with her glasses. I felt the blood rush to my dick almost immediately as it began to make space in my pant leg getting thicker and longer. “Well hey, I mean, I am obviously not opposed but I thought we were having a pretty good time?  What about our burgers?”

“I am going into the gender-free restroom. You follow me right after that and I will show you what having a good night feels like.” She said with a sense of authority I had never seen in her before.  We were having a great night and I kind of wanted to keep up the chatting, maybe play a game or two of pool with her, but she was insistent and really wanted it all of the sudden.  Also this boner started to fight against the fabric of the lining which was holding it down quite tightly.  She was already on her way so I just followed her.  The bartender gave me a wink and I made a gesture of biting a burger and the time out sign and he nodded laughing to himself before helping another customer.  The bar was hopping quite a bit since the fallout of the restaurant was over.

I walked into the non-gender restroom and closed the door behind me.  There were one or two people in here looking in the mirror or washing their hands and I went over to the stalls when I saw Trish peeking at me beckoning me with a finger. I hopped in, locked the door, and she jumped my bones right then and there, reaching up with both hands on my face and making out with me with such intensity that I could barely keep up.  She put one foot forward and rubbed her thighs against my crotch softly touching everything and opening her eyes mid kiss (but not breaking the connection between our lips and tongues) looking down in disbelief breathing out hard from her nose.  I held her tightly feeling my cock still swelling and starting to pull hard on the fabric barrier preventing it from breaking free.

She was soft and her dress was smooth and silky. She smelled great and her mouth was minty and sensual. Kissing her felt amazing and she began to let her hands explore downwards until she was taking a toll of what I had in my pants from the outside after giving my ass a few soft squeezes.  I played with her ass and breasts a little bit as well but mostly focused on the kissing and letting her explore my body as well.  We finally took a pause for a breath and she whispered loudly. “Holy shit.  You weren’t kidding.”  She was unabashedly taking both hands and outlining the length of my dick through my pants.  “So you are hard right now right? Can I see it?”

“Sure, go ahead. Take it out if you want.” I said calmly.  She sat down on the lid of the toilet seat and pulled me closer by the belt, undoing it and pulling it down as quickly as she could. My hard dick flung upwards slapping her under the chin leaving a wet splat there before resting on her forehead she was so close to it.  “Sorry about that…you..” She held up a hand for me to be quiet and slowly pulled her head back to see it completely within her vision for the first time. There was a thin cord of precum linked from the tip of it to where it touched her head. She was mouthing the words ‘holy fuck’ slowly looking it up and down completely ignoring the string of cum which snapped of its own accord while she continued to study it.

“This is unreal.  This is beyond porn level…” She looked up at me again. “Are you serious right now?” She shook her head.

“Suck it. You can have one orgasmsworth of my semen and then let’s go back to the bar.  We were having a good time and I want to keep having a good time.  If things go well maybe we can continue it back at one of our places.  What do you say?” My tone changed.  I had seen this before more than a few times this week.  I flexed my dick doing a big kegel and a thick glob of precum began to swell on the plump tip of my cock, right in her face. “Take a deep breath and don’t let it go to waste, Trish.  This is all for you. For now.” She breathed in the smell of my precum like it was a pie fresh out of the oven, licked her lips, and licked up the drop off my cockhead swallowing it with her eyes closed like she was feeling it go down the whole way down her throat. She shuddered a little bit, one hand on my shaft feeling its hardness and stroking it gently coaxing more precum to glisten around the meatus.

Her eyes were drooping a bit now and she was breathing heavier.  She plunged down and began to suck the head of my dick and jerk off the lower half of my shaft with one hand while the other reached up grabbing one of the balls in her gentle hands and squeezing it, just barely touching her middle finger to her thumb in the process.  It felt good.  She kept squeezing my balls one after the other while stroking my cock and sucking it bobbing her head forward and back. She was dedicated and began to use two hands on the shaft while she tongued around the sensitive spongy head of my dick doing her best to get more and more of the shaft into her mouth.  It was big, really big compared to her mouth with its lips stretched wide, but she was doing her best and pressed those soft hot lips down on it as tightly as possible.  It felt incredible. She was muffling ‘mmnff - mnf - mnf’ in time with my dick making more and more progress into her mouth as I started thrusting my hips and taking a bit of control since I felt my orgasm starting to build up beneath the base of the shaft.

 She took her hands off of my shaft as I began to pump harder and she reached down, taking one of my large testicles in either hand and squeezing them.  Each gentle, but firm squeeze forced a glob of cum onto her waiting tongue.  She pulled on my sack in protest of me pulling my dick away from her hot wet lips and restless tongue, but was soon rewarded with another millimeter, another centimeter, and another inch of my length further into her mouth and throat.  She wanted more and had a tear welling up in the corner of each eye.  She blinked hard for a long time and then looked up at me with a dead-serious look that had a lot going on behind it. I smiled and she nodded back to me while still squeezing my balls, swallowing my precum in eager gulps between hot and labored breaths.  I evened up my pace and she started to pull harder and harder at my nutsack and I finally got the message.

 I really liked Trish and didn’t want to be too rough, but something was awakened in her and I don’t know why I thought it would be any different.  I spread my legs apart a little bit more and stepped forward a bit to get a better angle at her throat.  She just followed my lead, not letting go of my balls the whole time, fixated on them or something.

 “Get ready, Trish” I said in a loud whisper.  She nodded while muffling something with her mouth full of my cock and I began to speed up my thrusting pace and intensity making a sprint for the finish.  The feeling which was welling below the base of my shaft had grown and spread like a tingling sensation all around my pelvic area and started to concentrate more intensely around the base and began to creep up as Trish took it to the face.  A small line of eyeliner began to drip from each of her tightly closed eyes as I forced my way further and further into her mouth and throat.  Her stifled moans ranged from extremely pleasurable sounding to occasional winces of surprise or strain as she found a way to let more and more of me inside of her.  Her tongue was sticking out over her teeth and was wiggling back and forth giving the entire underside of the half of my shaft she could fit in her throat a sensual wet massage.  She continued focusing on her breathing, closing her eyes tightly trying to relax enough to let more and more of me inside of her, and most of all had her hands squeezing my nuts like stress balls.  It was harder than before, but I actually liked it and the feeling of relief was instant each time her fingers grasped tightly onto my balls.

“Ahh, fuck.  I’m getting there.  Hang in there, Trish.  You will get what you want in just a minute. Ahh…” I had to let her know it was coming since the intensity was rising more and more.  Like a finger of light reaching out to a source of power, small little electric bolts of pleasure began to tease from that growing feeling and exciting the tip of my penis. She was like a cat playing with my balls in rhythm with my thrusts and massaging and working them with such care. There was a sluice of drool and precum dripping from her lips and falling onto her chest as she braced back and I face fucked her harder and harder.  Her muffles began to grow in intensity as I gave up any pretenses and thrust as hard and as fast as I could manage to get to that orgasm as quickly as possible. “AhhhhgghHHHHH!!!”  Just as my voice rose to the moment of climax and I thrust my dick as far into her throat as she would allow, she squeezed both of my balls like she was juicing a pair of lemons and that first blast of cum was the longest and most intense spasm of pleasure I had felt in my life.

 Her timing was too perfect and she didn’t have to worry about swallowing because my dick was depositing the cum directly en route to her stomach.  Her lips felt tight as my throbbing cock expanded in thickness letting the flood of jizz gush into her.  Her breathing calmed now that she finally had my cum inside her, warming her from the inside out, and she kept squeezing my pulsing testicles as they unloaded their supply being forcefully evacuated not only by the intense orgasm, but the outward pressure of her firm grip.

 “Mmmhhh…  Mmmnnnhh… Mmmnnnhh” Like a person getting letting all of their stress go.  Like a person getting a massage and feeling the kink get worked out. Like a person sitting in a hot bath after a long day. Each time she felt another dose of my hot milk mainlining into her belly she let out a moan of pleasurable release.  Her eyes opened and were all over the place like she just got off of a roller coaster, or had been spun around in a barrel going down a long bumpy hill, or had been drinking all night…

 My orgasm finally calmed down. I took a deep breath.  She gave each of my balls one final hard squeeze as I withdrew my cock from her mouth and she sucked on it hard one last time to get every last drop like the end of a thick milkshake.  She finally let it slip out of her mouth with a wet sucking ‘POP’ and licked her lips quickly while taking heaving breaths and staring up at me with messy makeup.  I took a step or two backward on shaky legs with my thick heavy meat bat arching slightly downward, still bobbing up and down occasionally as the final pangs of that huge orgasm intermittently jolted my genitals to life.  She was shaking her head staring from my slowly softening dick back to my face and back to my dick again as the two of us mutually began to catch our breath.

 “Holy shit.” is all she said while she struggled to stand wobbling on her legs.  “I have never done anything like that in my life… I have… No idea what came over me.”  She walked over to the sink and mirror giving my cockhead a playful slap sending it wobbling side to side and licked the palm of her hand where a small splat of cum came out.  She was staring into her own eyes and then at me over her reflection’s shoulder.  “So this is because of that, medicine, then?”  I just nodded as I walked over to the toilet to grab some paper and dry myself and clean myself up a bit.  There was slobber and a few drops of cum here and there that needed attending if we were going to rejoin the crowd out there.

 “I told you.  It changes me too, I mean, besides just the big dick and cumming a lot part.  Makes me more, I don’t know, horny and aggressive I think.” I was just looking at my dick and lifting it up and cleaning around the base and making sure I didn’t stuff a soggy damp log into my pants and ruin them.

 “No, I get it.  Something just snaps in your head and you’re just like. I need to cum.  I need to see that… huge… thing. Just shoot everywhere. I have to drink it all no matter what.”  She said, but her voice changed a bit towards the end and I looked up to see her staring at me, at… it. Through the mirror.  She snapped out of it and put two hands on her stomach.  “Look at this, man.  It’s like I had a full course meal or something….” She pulled her gut in and stuck it out seeing how severe the bulge was.  She was always pretty thin looking, especially in this dress which hugged her body quite tightly, but the dress was stretching a bit around her midsection now and there was a small round bump where, presumably, her most recent feast was beginning to fill her out.  She burped and blushed immediately and then turned around looking at me.  “Excuse me for that, I’m sorry I…”

I finished what I was doing, tossed the paper into the toilet bowl, and was in the process of shoving my semi hard python back down my pant leg as I walked over to her and gave her a tight hug.

“Don’t be.  It’s fine.  I am sorry that you are getting dragged into all this, but it seemed like you really wanted it before things got really hot and heavy in here.”  I said to her and she turned around and smiled back at me putting her hands on my approaching shoulders.  She pulled me in and I leaned down giving her a long deep kiss.  We stayed that way for a little kissing deeply and embracing.

 “That is more like it.” She said with a smile.  I smiled back.

“I hate to say it, but that kiss tasted like my cum.” And I started laughing and she did as well.

 “Were you not there just a minute ago cumming into my mouth? I feel like I drank an extra large shake of your cum, man.” She protested.  “I feel like my whole mouth is filled with sichuan peppercorns and cloves mixed with whipped cream or something.  My head is still dizzy from it all.”  She was bracing the sink with a very firm grip I noticed after our kiss broke off and started to wonder about things from her point of view for a moment.

 “I will be fine, don’t worry.  But you need to go back to our table and I need to redo my makeup.  Is there any cum on me anywhere?” She turned around and showed off her body.  She had a small little shapely booty which flexed a little as she twisted this way and that.  Surprisingly, there wasn’t any wayward spunk on her lovely outfit.

 “Nah, you look good.  Just your makeup, like you said.  And a few drops on your cleavage.” I went to point them out and she noted them.  “See you in a bit, alright.  I am actually really hungry now so I will make sure those burgers come.  Are you too, uh, full for yours?” I asked, looking at her tummy which she patted as I said the word burger.

 “Maybe I can eat some fries or something, but get that burger wrapped up or something and I will eat it back home.”  She said stifling another small burp just thinking about food after that meal and walked over to the door.  “I will lock it behind you.  Go quickly so hopefully nobody sees you come out. It would be weird, you know?”  She smiled with her messy make up and I could only smile at her.

 “Yeah, good point.  Take your time alright.” And I snuck out the door sliding it open quickly and popping through it without opening it much more than the width of my body sideways.  There was a din in the lobby not far from the bathroom door as most of the hostesses had finally fended off the people complaining about the reservations, but the first wave of party goers from the restaurant area was filing out like a procession of college students.  In fact, more than a few of them did seem like they were in college and it was loud and boisterous.  This is perfect. He thought while weaving through the mass giving a smile and a two finger salute to one of the hostesses while heading back into the bar.  The bartender flagged him down and explained that the burgers were in the heater ready anytime.  I got them delivered to the table with a pair of fresh beers and thanked him for looking out.  He raised an eyebrow at me in question to which I replied with a wink.  We both shared a hearty laugh as I walked off and sat back at the table.  He brought the burgers out and set them on the table.

 “Your date?” He said looking over his shoulder in the direction of the procession of wild ones.  

 “I think she needs a moment to freshen up.  And, I think she might be caught behind that wall of people leaving.  Have they finished in there finally?” I was genuinely curious and started to get a bit concerned due to how loud they were.  But they were perfect cover for the two of us grunting and moaning in that bathroom though…

 “Yeah they are starting to file out, but I am pretty sure this first wave is just the ones that are cognizant enough to realize that it’s all going downhill from here.” He laughed a bit, shaking his head watching the group leave.  “You have no idea how many jager shots I have poured in the time while you were away from the table…” He gave the table a pat and stepped back. “You enjoy that burger, big guy.  Plenty of night left and the pool league is clearing out so maybe hit up the game room if you guys are planning on sticking around a bit.”

 “Thanks, guy.  This burger looks primo too. My compliments to the chef.” I said smiling, taking up the burger and biting into it.  He gave me the thumbs up and headed back towards the bar.  I was halfway through the meal and my beer when Trish finally made her way out of the restroom and back over to the table.  She was still walking kind of slowly and had a little bit of a waddle to compensate for her full belly which was sitting lower and heavier than ten or so minutes before, when he left her.

 “Sorry for the wait, how’s your burger?” She asked smiling.  She took up the beer and took a sip, looking around for a bit for any witnesses, and gargled it before drinking it down. “Pwahhh.  Sorry about that.  The taste is driving me crazy, I think that drug in your uhm…” She spoke quietly trying not to make it too obvious “...cum, is super potent and just sticks to the inside of my mouth.” She took another swig and gargled and swished the beer around her mouth then swallowed again.

 “Is it that bad? I mean I am not really into that kind of thing I think, but it didn’t seem so bad when we kissed earlier…” I was kind of self conscious about the taste of my cum having this conversation, but she had her cheeks full of beer and opened her eyes wide shaking her head.  She wheeled her hands around in the air in front of her while swallowing the beer down in gulps.

“The opposite actually.  It is too good and is so potent and sticks to my mouth so much that all I can think about is like, getting more of it into me.  It is seriously addicting and I don’t know how I am managing to fight the urge to crawl under the table and suck you off right now in all honesty…”  She finished her beer and grabbed up a couple fries trying out different foods to try and clear the taste from her pallet. I raised my eyebrows and picked up my burger.

“So that is how it works… Well, uh, don’t feel any pressure or anything.  Let’s just have a nice night together.  Looks like the billiards tables are opening up.  Do you play?” I asked and took a big bite of my burger.  She seemed to have finally solved her dilemma and seemed a bit more composed.

“I am not really that good, but I have played a bit.” She made an ‘ehh’ face when explaining her experiences and then actually picked up and took a bite of her burger.  She liked it, swallowed, but then put the sandwich down and pushed the plate away.  “Yeah I am too full for that.  I will take it home.  More drinks?” She asked while turning around to get the bartender’s attention and wave him over.  He came by after a little bit.

“Burger a bit too much for you?” He smiled. “We can wrap that up to go if you’d like.”

“Thanks a lot.  I filled up on fries and beer I think.  I will have a lemon fizz though, you?” She looked at me.  She was switching it up and I had had enough lagers so maybe it was a good call.  I wasn’t really tipsy but starting to feel good.  I nodded with her vibe and looked at the bartender.

“Whiskey highball for me.  I had had enough lager for the night I think.” I responded.  The bartender took up Trish’s plate and then pointed to mine with a raised eyebrow.  “I will finish this up and I think we will play some pool a little later on. That sound good?” Trish smiled and nodded when I finished the sentiment in her direction.

“Got it.  I’ll wrap this up and keep it in the warmer for you, alright?  Come on by before you two head out and grab it.  I’ll have your drinks ready in just a sec.” The bartender said with charm.  We just smiled and got back to chatting about our history with billiards, the situation in the restaurant, laughing at the variety of characters in interesting situations as people filed out, and drank our drinks.  It was a genuinely great time.  After a drink or two of sitting and chatting we decided to head over to the game area.

I watched her as she walked ahead of me, a little bit wobbly since we had had a few drinks at this time and I stepped up besides her putting a hand on her back to help guide her along.  My feet were a little wobbly as well now that I thought of it and I ended up causing us to misstep a bit and we both laughed.  She leaned down while laughing and her pert breasts kind of pushed together a bit showing more cleavage.  There were 3 pool tables and one foosball table in the center of the gaming area, some arcade machines dotted around the walls between an area where people could play electronic darts and a long shuffleboard table.  A few tall tables with stools also sat largely open in this part of the bar which was pretty quiet.  I glanced at the clock and it was already past eleven at night.  We set our drinks down on the bar which bit into the game room and hopped on the nearest table. I tossed a few coins into it and the balls fell loose and rolled down to the end of the table.

“You handle the rack and I will get the chalk and some sticks.” I said heading to the wall where there were the pool cues hung dutifully and a small little holder for the white cone chalk and a few cubes of blue cue chalk grabbing a few, and also a pair of sticks bringing them over.  I laid the sticks on the table giving them a roll to see if they had any balance or not.  The life of a loaner pool cue was a hard one so not all of them were as true as they started.  I watched Trish pull the balls up one in each hand and place them onto the table within the triangle rack. I was chalking up my cue absentmindedly while staring at her, her cleavage, which seemed deeper than before. Each time she leaned down to grab the next two balls her dress seemed to be bearing a bit more weight. They wobbled a little more and when she finally put the last one on the table and leaned forward to arrange the balls in the proper order she looked up at me catching me staring.

“See something you like?” She smiled, blinking slowly, and leaned down further spreading her hands and fingers across the soft green felt of the table. Her previously petite breasts precipitously poised above the rack of colorful balls and she gave a playful little side to side shake and her smile showed her teeth.  She had me entranced in that moment and knew it.

“How’s my rack look?” She looked down while saying it. She knew what she was doing and had a great time with it.  I felt my shaft start to thicken and licked my lips.

“They look amazing. I mean, the balls… look great.  Your rack is perfect, Trish.” I stammered, caught off guard by her sudden advances and aggressive tone.

“It’s far from perfect, come take a closer look.” She stood up straight and stepped to the side making space for me at the end of the table besides her overlooking the balls on the table. She was looking down at the table and then looked up at me questioningly. “Does it look right to you?”  I was looking down at the balls, putting my hands on the table confirming if they were in the right order as she leaned in close, pressing her chest against my arm.  Her chest was hot to the touch, almost as if she was feverish, and she was breathing on the back of my ear as I studied the rack. “Did I make a mistake?” I was hard enough that my penis wasn’t resting against my leg anymore and began to press against the fabric barrier which Flo provided for me.  Our hearts were both beating faster.

Solid, stripe, solid, stripe… I stole glances at her hot chest pressing against the sleeve of my arm as she subtly wiggled my arm into her cleavage. I looked back to the rack on the table and found the ‘error’ that she left for me. hmmm.

“Looks like these two are out of place.” I swapped them and looked down into her eyes. She looked back up to me getting closer to my face and whispered.

“Will you break, or shall I?”

“It would be a shame to break up such a nice rack, but we have a game to play, now don’t we?” I smiled and she laughed, tension lessened slightly.  “We should at least play one or two games before…”

“Before we get to the real game?” She slid one of her hands across the edge of the pool table, four fingers playing along the inner rail towards my crotch and the back of her thumb found its way nestled just between the crook where my balls and shaft met. “With the real rack? And the real balls?” She finished the words in my face and walked around the table letting her fingers slide away and sauntered over to the bar to have a sip of her drink.  I stared at her the whole way.  The dress was tighter on her, hugging her hips and chest more. As she turned around to look at me, leaning against the bar slightly I noticed her full belly didn’t look as full as before. It’s happening again… I walked over to join her and she smiled looking down at my pants the whole way. My hardon was punished by the threading of these pants as the fabric strained to keep my dick at bay.  

“Looks like this will be a hard game for the both of us.”  She finished her drink and signaled the bartender with a gesture for one more for each of us. “I am looking forward to it.”

“You are going down, my dear.” I took a decent swig of my highball, mostly finishing it, gave my thanks to the bartender, and then headed off to the table to start the game.  I placed the cue ball where I liked it, off to the side and back a little bit from the default position and looked over to Trish, now sitting and flirting with the bartender a bit while having a laugh. The way she was sitting caused the fluffy hem of her skirt to hike up a little and I could see some of her creamy thigh. I focused back on the rack and plowed the cue stick through the ball blasting it into the rack with a satisfying wooden plonk followed by a resounding crack and clatter of the balls going flying around the table. One of the solids went in. It was a textbook break and I was quite chuffed about it and stood up from my position and started walking around the table while the balls lost momentum and came to a rest.

“You certainly know how to handle that stick…”  She quipped, taking a sip of her new lemon fizz and then hopping down from her chair with a playful bounce in her step grabbing her stick to observe the game.

“I am also half decent at billiards too, you know.” I said while lining up my shot and smiling with the corner of my mouth. A less powerful hit than before going for another solid which was lurking around a side pocket. The cue ball just kissed it and it fell into the plastic-lined pocket.  I was on a mission and focusing on the game was helping me to calm down.  If my cock stays hard for much longer I’ll have to go back to Flo for repairs on the way home.

“When I played pool back in university with my friends they always said if you had solids, you had small balls.” Trish quipped holding the pool stick in both hands directly in front of her, nestling it between her breasts seductively. “I was hoping you were more of a stripes kind of guy.” I stopped what I was doing to assess her playful jest and was locked on to her breasts immediately. Her top was under pressure and her bosoms were pressed against each other and starting to heave upwards.  She just blinked slowly with a rosy blush across her smiling cheeks that glinted with a slight sheen.  She was hot in every sense of the word right now and there was no mistaking what I was seeing.  She breathed in heavily and licked her lips causing her breasts to swell on her inhale and rest when she exhaled.

“Well, I do have solids for this game, but my balls aren’t small, that much I can assure you.” I retorted while lining up my next shot.  The closer balls were blocked so I had to aim for a ball along the side rail on the far end of the table into the corner pocket.  Not a particularly easy shot for me and the amount of distance between the cue ball, object ball, and the pocket was great.  I went for it and missed.  The object ball, the blue four ball, hit the rail early and bounced into a clutter of other balls.

“Oops. So what will you do with those big balls of yours then, Trish?” I walked by her on my way to the bar.  The two of us locked eyes for a moment or two as I passed and she surveyed the table.

“Well, I am going to take care of them and make sure that they are dealt with properly.” She said while walking around the table looking for a good angle.  I finished my highball and ordered another, and also a pitcher of water as well since the two of us were starting to speed up our pace and I was getting thirsty.  She was on the far end of the table facing towards the bar and leaned down lining up her shot. When she took a breath before going for her shot the side of her breast pushed against the stick slightly, but it didn’t seem to affect the shot very much.  She sank the ten ball and gave a little jump for joy.

“See? I told you I would deal with those big balls of yours.” She just smiled contentedly and moved towards the cue ball seemingly oblivious to her slip of the tongue.  I let out a little laugh and sipped my drink before taking up the glass of water the bartender brought and gulping it down. I let out a refreshing breath, the water tasting almost sweet after drinking nothing but beer and whisky all night.

“Well, come over here and drink some water after you are done running the table, over there.” She lined up another shot this time standing at the side of the table giving me a nice view of her entire body from where I was sitting.

“She certainly is a looker, my friend. And half decent at pool too. Make sure to treat this young lady well.” The bartender said slyly from behind while cleaning a glass.  A quick glance saw that there were only a few people left at the bar and the restaurant had cleared out the majority of the riff raff.  The music was turned down a bit and the din of people talking was more of a relaxing background ambience than anything else.  The guy at the table caddy corner to ours was also stealing glances at the woman in the tight blue dress I noticed, but who could blame him.  Her tits were starting to hang out of her dress and you could see the outline of her panties and bra through the fabric starting to be put to the test in a serious way as she leaned forward.  The bulge within the fabric of the built-in cups of her dress and that of her more ample cleavage bulging over them was especially pronounced from this angle.  She had one thigh positioned against the table and the other was bent at the knee, a single pump hanging off of her big toe revealing her stocking-covered bare foot. I traced the line of her silhouette with my eyes from the heel of her foot, along her lower legs, to her thighs, going around her bottom and up the curve of her back and all the way up to her neck. I became conscious of how hard my cock was and glanced down. Although it wasn’t obscene from the outside, there was definitely a bulge that couldn’t be hidden. She went for her shot causing her boobs to jiggle significantly and I just drank water and felt my cock throbbing, pumping blood ceaselessly and causing me to sweat a little bit. The bartender whistled quietly between the two of us.  “Lucky man, you are.”

 “You have no idea, pal.” I shook my head and he tapped my shoulder with his fist gently pulling in his lips taking a final look at her then back to me before heading off in the other direction.

 “Did you see that?” She was standing holding the tick out besides her and had her other hand on her hips. “That was a great shot. Please tell me you saw that.”

“I am seeing quite a bit, Trish, don’t worry. Nice shot. You want a glass of water?” I held up the pitcher.

 “Yeah, I’m parched.  Let me take one more shot.”  She began pacing the table and looking for her next object to attack.  She kept going back and forth between two or three options and from my angle she didn’t have any easy options to work with.  After a bit she looked over her shoulder and indicated for me to come over with her head.  I walked up near her. “What do you think I should do?”  She looked up at me with these eyes that pleaded even though it was just a silly game. “Can you give me some advice?” She said in a cute weak voice on purpose.

 “I’ll give you a big tip. Here let me show you.”  She smiled and then breathed in quickly when I reached my arm around her shoulder bringing us into a position where we were both holding the cue stick and leaning over the table, spooning at the same time.  I made sure my throbbing cock was right up against her soft ass and her playful tone changed quickly when she felt the thick meat searing up against her ass and upper thigh. “I will show you how to do it.” Her breath quickened and I lined up the shot. She smelled sweet as we breathed shared air between us.

 “This is a tough one.  The ball is a little too big to fit through this gap right here, but if you aim for that spot right there, you should be able to kiss up against it just enough to drop it into the hole.  You know what I mean?” I was right behind her ear and she was sliding herself closer to me trying to get my dick closer and closer between her legs.

“Y…Yeah I, uh.  Yeah let’s finish the game and uhm. You know, play billiards at my house or something.” Was the best she could do.

“We are almost finished, Trish.  If you make this shot you pretty much just have the 8 ball left and you win.” I said quietly.

“I already feel like a winner…” She was staring out of the corner of her eye as far back as she could to try and glimpse the bulge pressing against her soft squishy ass.

“Focus on the game, Trish.”  She blinked rapidly a few times, licking the saliva from her lips and looked back at the ball.

“I see the shot now, yeah.” She nodded and I leaned forward a bit more, pressing into her soft buttcheeks a little more.

“Take the shot, then.”

She did.  And it was pretty good actually.  For a minute it looked like the ball didn’t have enough momentum to go in but I playfully gave her a little hump from behind bumping the table and the ball fell into the pocket.  I stepped back putting my hand on the part of her back that was bare skin and smiled.

“Nice shot.  I don’t think I will get another chance to touch my stick again if you keep this up. Come drink some water.” I said while taking a step over to the bar.

We sat for a good five or ten minutes letting the game take a breath and chatted having a few more drinks and talked her through the next few shots to finish the game since we both wanted this thing to be done and over with as soon as possible.

We went through a pitcher of water and another drink or two each and stepped back up to the table.  She leaned down to line up her shot and her breasts had swelled so much I could see a hint of her areola, a pinkish orange color against her skin.  Her chest was protruding so much that the pool cue was partially throttled between her cleavage.  She made the shot sinking another ball, on a big roll here.  She walked around the table the long way, giving me a little bit of a show, staring me down before setting up her next shot.  She set the stick down, glanced around her at the guy in the corner who couldn’t stop staring at her, but he looked away quickly when either of us turned in his direction.  She grabbed the front of her dress and pulled it up as much as she could, shaking her boobs around trying to jostle them back into place realizing that they were in danger of straight up falling out onto the pool table at any moment. She gave me a playful  look from the far side of the table like ‘Oops, hope you didn’t notice that…’ and set up her next shot.

“I was getting worried for you for a second there.  You waited until the last possible second to fix that.” I finished another whisky Highball and grabbed my glass of water.

“I didn’t realize how quickly things were getting until I felt the pool stick between them.”  She leaned down, respectable cleavage on display, and set up her final shot. It looks like the dress was under extreme pressure with how deep it was biting into her bosom. The visible breast and clothed breast both equally the size of her breasts before she drank down gulp after gulp of his affected semen. “8 ball. Corner pocket. Time to put you out of your misery, my friend.”  She smiled, focused on the shot and then took one final breath as she prepared to thrust the stick forward through the cue ball.

At the exact moment she struck the ball and her breath came to its zenith there was a rip and one of the shoulder straps of her dress came loose at the seam and ripped open letting one of her big breasts almost fall out of her dress completely.  She was too focused on the shot and didn’t notice at first and her now nearly free breast bulged out of the side of the garment, almost touching the felt. She waited until the ball dropped into the pocket before jumping up in excited ment.

 “I did it! I beat you!” She was too in the moment and her breast shook free, but was still being held, barely, by her bra. The very modest bra, a pair of black cloth triangles connected by a few sparse thin straps, was under quite a bit of pressure as well, but the dress was doing all the work until then.  I grabbed her coat and casually walked over to her just as she landed her enthusiastic jump causing the front corner of her dress to flip forward letting her breast fall out completely. The bra she wore was essentially a string bikini at this point and breast meat was visible from the bottom and both sides of the ‘cup’.

 “Congratulations, Trish. Looks like you deserve a prize, now throw your coat on.”  I took a fairly panicked glance at the guy in the corner whose eyes were wide open and he didn’t give a shit about anything and just stared in amazement at the show before him.  I was embarrassed for her and she realized her tit was out and quickly grabbed up the strap taking the jacket and doing one of the front hooks giving me a look before laughing crassly.  It was contagious and I laughed too and we headed to the bar again.

 “Holy shit dude. I can’t believe that. How did my boob pop out like that?” She said, clearly tipsy at this stage.  I was in the same boat honestly.

 “How did you not notice? Your boobs have been gro-, I mean, you have been having wardrobe malfunctions for almost all game long.” I chugged my water and filled it up again.

 “Oh trust me, I have felt it all night long.  It’s like I have had a hot tingle in my chest for the last hour.  It feels amazing.  This could get addicting…” She looked into the distance, taking another sip of water as she contemplated.

 “I see… Well I will call the cab, what’s your address?  We can drop you off and then I can head home from there.” Not wanting to be presumptuous.

 “Oh no, big boy.  You are coming with me. And then, you are coming with me.” She said, grabbing the front of my shirt. “If you want to, that is.” There was a dark undertone in her voice and I was cool with it, but that was a little scary.

“No, yeah, I figured, but didn’t want to assume, you know?”  She smiled, hiccuped once, and told me her address, starting to laugh a little bit.  She handed me some money.

“For my part of the dinner and drinks.  I think this should be enough.”  She was insistent even though I tried to turn her money away. “It is such a small price to pay…” She was all smiles.  I took the cash, paid the bartender, grabbed her burger to go and we headed outside when the rideshare arrived.

It was about a fifteen to twenty minute ride to her place and it wasn’t particularly far from where I lived.  She fell asleep and was snoring loudly on the way home.  I paid the driver and managed to get her out of the car and carried her up the stairs to her apartment shoulder to shoulder.  We got inside, the trip in the car giving both of our bodies enough time to let the alcohol kick in and I started to get the spins.  We both stumbled towards her bedroom and that was the last thing I remembered before darkness overtook me and I fell into a deep deep sleep.


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