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Greetings to my precious patrons.  Have a nice weekend?  I sincerely hope so.  I have been busy typing away at E.M. Chapter 7.  It is going to be a big one and is already over ten pages long.  Here is a page or two to hopefully keep you sated for the start of the week.  I will also open up another poll to see which characters you are most interested in seeing have more 'screen time' as well.  Enjoy the blurb and check out the poll if you have time.  

Take care!

--- Story Starts Here ---

3700+ Words

His eyes opened and the blanket over his body tented up in front of him. Another glorious morning wood greeting him and demanding his full attention.
My sleep condom doesn’t have any cum in it.  Maybe the pills have finally balanced out? He pondered.  But, while the condom was still on he might as well make use of it right? The doctor would want another sample anyway.  What did she do with all those samples anyway? He mused as he got up and began to get his day started making breakfast and getting dressed after he filled the ‘sleep condom’ as he termed it, full of cum.

Meanwhile, at the lab, the good doctor was sitting with her back against a wall surrounded by dozens of wrung-out empty condoms and an overturned barrel sitting in front of a small space heater, semen in various states of dry and crusty, gelatinous, and watery all over her face, lips and dripping down her chin and all over her chest down onto her skirt which caught and preserved quite a bit of it like a small pool in her lap.  She burped. Blinking slowly, her eyes went up to the clock which read 10 AM.

“I can’t believe I layed here all night.  I really am getting carried away with this experiment…” She laughed a little and reached forward with much trouble, pulling the nearly empty long overstretched mega condom from the barrel, turned it upside down dangling over her face and used her other hand to pull all the rest of that precious sauce into her mouth and on her face.  She wiped her mouth rudely and licked her fingers and palms.  She glanced at her phone and had a bunch of missed calls and when she saw the date there was a flash of panic realizing it wasn’t 10 am the following day, but the day after.  She smiled and laughed before letting her face fall forward into her own cleavage and she fell back to sleep.

He was walking down the street in the largest pair of sweatpants that he owned with a large hoodie over top lost in thought. I need something to wear for tonight. Something I can actually wear. He took a long drought from his water bottle and continued on down the street.  There was a clothes shop not far from the supermarket and he was hoping they’d have something he could wear.

After a good 20 or 30 minutes or cruising around the clothing area nothing jumped out to him except a few large pairs of super stretchy boxer briefs, and a few other things.  I think I need to go to an actual tailor at this point.  How would I even bring this up with a tailor?  Can you make me a dick-sling in these pants?  Dick pocket?  He shook his head at the incredulous notions while checking out and pulled out his phone looking for a tailor or specialty clothing shop.  There was one not far at all, actually on the way home, how did he miss it?

He stood before the place, a fairly usually dark red brick building with brown painted wood trim and gold lettering on the window with what looked like translucent glitter in various colors filling the letters when you looked at it from an angle where the sunlight hits it.

“Sleeves and Slacks. A Fab-er Haberdashery?  What a name.” He glanced inside and a lithe person in a perfectly-tailored purple suit was flitting around the shop moving fabric, accessories, near a sewing machine getting ready to make something.

The bell on the door rang and thewell-kemptt blonde-haired person in the suit glanced up smiling with pink lips. “Hello and welcome to the Fab-er Haberdashery! I am Florence, call me Flo, Let’s get you into something a bit nicer than sweats, shall we?” They approached and circled him looking up and down nodding and making facial gestures clearly doing an assessment, assessing that assessment, and commented on every part of that process at an incredible speed.


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